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20110�19� <br />B. Payment of all sums advanced by Beneficimy to prate�t the T�wst Estate. <br />The indeb�datess descn'�1 in p�s,gr�pha A end B above is refe�red to � tUe "�ebt�d�ss." <br />This $erand Deed of Trust, the Promissory Note of Tnuwr in favor of Benefici�ry ead any a� � given to <br />ovide� ar fluthcr � tha paymert and perFora� of any obligetion secaued haieby ara referred to collectively as t� <br />`�.oen Instrinrrent4". <br />Tn�sbar covensnts that (� Tr�sOar hoids dtle W t�e Trast �state mott has �awful sutbority ta encmnber the Trast E�te. <br />(i� 1he Tn�st Estate is t�e and cl� of all lie� aad encntn� e�ccept for eesements, reserictions end cov�nentg of r�cond a�d <br />the Deed of Tn�st 6nnn Tr�or encumberEng the Pm�rty dated an or �out the dste he�f (the "F'� Deed of Tn�, aod <br />i�? Tn►stur will defend the 7tust Esfate against tha lawful clai� of aaY Per�roo- <br />To Protest the Secarity ottl� Seeaoid Deed of7'rnst: <br />1. Par�� +�jltrdebtedness. Tnistor shall pay when due the principal of, and tbe m� on. the Indeb� <br />a�l all other sums as provided in the I.o� Instruments. <br />2. Tax�.c Tr�tor s3�ll p&y each mslallment of a11 ta�t� ar+d 5pecia) assessm�ts of every lt�nd. �w or he�after <br />levied egaiast the Tnst F.s�te or an�' P�rt ttierec� before delinque�y, w3thout notice or demgnd. <br />3. Insur�ce ran�! Repair� Trusbr sLall maintein fize and extended wve�age insurance i�in$ 1he <br />Improvemema cr+nstitu�g Part af the Tn� � for sact� ama�mts and on auch terms reason�bly �tisfactori' to Seaeficiery. So <br />toag as the.Progerty iq secur�d by a fir� deed of trnst ar mortgage, complianoe wlth �he insarance requiremants of the Fiist l�ad <br />of Tn�st or mortgage shaU l� su�cieat ta satisfy the requiteme�s of this paregraph 3�latinB to iasurance. <br />TtnsYOr shall promptly re�a'v �ci �place the Trust Estata or any �rt thereof so tbat, �acoept for ordinary �u' aa� t�*, <br />the Trust Esmt$ �mtl not deterlorate. In � event shall the Tnutor commit wa�te on or m the Trnst Esmt�e, or commlt, sutt'� or <br />pannit anp act w be do� in or upon the Trus� Esmta in viol�tioa of any law, ordinance ar iegul�ion Tr�tor shall pay and <br />Pro�1�Y d��S� $t Truslnr's o� and expanse all liens. anc�br�ces and cha�ges tevied, �posed or a�d aga� 9fie <br />T�ust Estabe or mry part therevf, <br />4. Aottons �j''erllirg Trast Estat� Tn�sbor shall appear ia end conmsi eny actioa or proceeding purport� to <br />sffect the security heraof ar the rights or powets of Beneficiary or Trustea, and shall pay all costs �nd expenses.'Including cost of <br />evidence of titic e�d sltoraeys' f�es, in any such astion or pro�di�►8 in which Seneficiary or Tn�tee may agpear. If Tru�tor <br />fails ta make anY PaY� or to do eay ect as end in ihe manner provided in any of tha Loan Insfiunents� Benefic3s�y end/or <br />Trustee, each ia theu own discretion. withaut obligaaon so to do snd wiif�opt uotice w or �mand upon Tn�stor and without <br />releasing Tnutor from any obligation. maY make or do th� s�me in s�h manne.r and io such extie� es aither may daem n�rp <br />to probect the s�ecurity her�f. Tnistor shall, immediately upon demand tl�efdr by Sa�eficemy. PaY al) �sts and e�ens� <br />inc�rred by Beneficiery in crnmedion with the a�cer�e by Bane6ciary of the foregoiaB rights. �ncludit►g without limimtion c�sts <br />of evide�e of title. ouurt cosfs, aPF�i� �'eYs �d attorteys' fe�s. <br />3. E�semt l3osuda�. [f the Tcust Estate. or enY Part thaxeOf or mte�sst the�ein, be tagen or dam�ed by raasPA <br />of any pnbiic improveanant or aondemnation proceedin�, ur in an?' othe�' m�er including deed in llea theteof <br />{"�ondemnation"}, ar if Tn�stor receives atiy �tice or othar inforn�tion s�garding such Pn+oeedin8. TrusEm sl�ll give gmnsPt <br />writt�n notice thereof to Beneflc5ary. Trustor shall be entitl� � all comper►saiian, awe�tis •and other payme�ts or reiiaf thweof <br />ffid shall be endtiad at its cs�tion tu commence. aPP�' �� P�� in its own neme anp �ction or proceedings. T�tustor shall <br />also be entittod to maks any cvmpromise or sefdemerrt in c�onnecdon with such tsking or damage. <br />6. Ap�+tra�t of Suece�cor Tru�e� Benefciary may, fmm time io time, by a written iastrnment eacecuted <br />and �cknowledged by Benoficiary, mailed roo Tn�stor and Rcorc�d in the CouatY in which the Trust Estate �s ]ocated and by <br />otherwis�e comply ing wifiEi tbe pravlsions of the apglic�able i�w of tha Stata of Nebraska subs$firte a s�c+�ssor or suc�essors W the <br />Truat�e nemed heiein or acting hereunder. <br />?. Sacc�ssors �ud Asstgre,�. This Seoond Uxed of Tn�st applies ta, inures ta the benefit of �d bms� all parties <br />heretQ their heirs. legatees, devls�s. Perso�a! �re�ntatir'es, sucs�ssois and assi�s. 'FhE term "Beneficiaz�'° s�ll �nean We <br />owner and holder of any promissory �#a grven to beneficiary. ' <br />8. Merg�, Com, oBdatPae Sales or Leas�w Trus�r wve�nts that Trustor will �t sell. le� or aiherwise <br />disposa of eay af the Tr�t Estate. In the.event that Tnrstor sel�. leases vr atherwise disposes of any yart of t6e Trust E�, <br />NI�'A HBA L�nlFarm H <br />{QS/IQ) <br />