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201�07195 <br />is evidenoecf by Borr4we�r's note dade�i the sam� date as this S�writy Instrumeni {"Note"), which provide,s #or <br />ma�h1Y paymeats, with the full debt, if not.paid earliar, due and papabte on OCTOHSR 41. 2 G41 . This <br />5ecurity Insmun�nt socur�s c+a Lender: {a) the r�paymem of the debt evidenced by the Note, �vith interest, and �ll <br />renewals, extensions and mQdifications of the Nate; (b} the payrs�ctut of all othex s�.a, wittt i�nterest, advanced <br />under paragrap2� 7 to protect the security of this Secatitsr Instrument; a� {c) the performauce of Bozro�ver's <br />covenants ansi agr.e�s iaider this Seourity �St �d the Nota. For this pttupose, Borno�ver inevocably <br />grants aad ca�veys tv tha Trustea, in #rust, with power of �le, the follo�+ing descn'bed pnoperty loc�ced in <br />�L Coimty. l�iebraska: <br />LOT 16 sr.oc� a, xo�s ann���aa �o �c cxrx og c�tar�na xar�n, <br />BALL COII$'1'Y r N�BRABRA <br />T8I$ IS A BIIR�8888 MON�Y $8G0'RITY �'STRW�T'1'. <br />T�8 STATffi�1T8 B80IILD 8S 88�'P TOa iQ8LL8 i�AR00 80� 1�ORTt3�(38, p.0. BCZ 11707., <br />biBf�TgRR. �J QT1014701 <br />Parc�l ID Num6er:400863816 <br />which �tas t�e address of 1Ba1 x w$s$�t IStreea] <br />� _�� f�1 Nebraska 688o i ,�Z1p ,c'o�del <br />(°Property Address°); <br />'I'�C3� �VI.TH all the imgrovements now ar hereafber erected on the.groperty, and ali ease�nts, <br />aPPurteaances awd fixtiu�es now or hereaftex a part of the property. AII r�placements and additions shall al� be <br />covered. by this Se�urity Iastrwnent. All vf the fozagoing is raferred to in this 5ecmity �nstrument as the <br />p A <br />�' <br />�ORROWIIt CC?VFNANTS t�at Borrowez is lawfull� seizsd of the estate heraby c�nveyed ar� has the ri�ht to <br />grant and r+onvey the Prapeaty and that the Pmperly is une�, except for enaumbra� of re�ord. <br />Bonower warra�nts and w�ill def�nd generally the title to the Property against all claims and demands, subject tv <br />amy e�mnbranc� of reCarcl. <br />THIS SECURITY INSTR.UINENT combiues nnifo� cove�sarits for na�ionat use ansi non uniform covepants with <br />limited variations by jurisdiction to �askitute a anifcxm se�uity instrument oovering real pmperty. <br />Uniform Covanantso Borraarer and Lender covenazrt and.agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Prinaipal, Irrterest anci Lste Charga. Bonower shall pay whea due the princxpal of. and <br />intere�t on, th$ debt evidenced by the N�te an,a.. tate cherges due t�er ttte ATate, <br />2. Mo�rthly Payment of Taxes, lnsuranc� and Other Charges. Bortower sball �luda in each monthty <br />g�yment, tagether wfth t�e gri�ipal aad intea�st as sat forth in the Note and any late charges, a sum for <br />(a) taxes and special ass�is levied ar to be lev�d against the Proparty, (b} leasehold payments or <br />graimd r�nts on the Properiy, and {c) Pren�iwms for insurance required u�ler paragraph 4. In any year ia <br />which the Leader must pay a m�ortgage insurance pre�ium to the Secret�y of Housing and Urbaa <br />Develapment ("Se�retarY"), �ar in azry year in wtiich such premium wouid have beea req�rir�. if Lendex still <br />held the Seeurity Instru�, each manthly payment shall also iuclude eith�z: {i) a sum for the anmual <br />FHA � of Ttusi-NE <br />Wolters Kluwer Flrtenoiel Serolaes VNFP4RIN�1d5YA0 <br />2 of 10 <br />