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<br /> °�`"=� Reaocdln�Neque�t�eA by/Retucn to� �
<br /> P�elle Man�ement Corporatian
<br /> P. O. Hox 1710
<br /> _— c.mp�.u,cuito�t. �BOa�-i�io 92— �073?0
<br /> —_—� - , �u1t�. �c�-o7q
<br /> -l The undeeal�ned� as Vies Pee�ldent of Maxim MoctQage Corpocatlon, a Texns
<br /> _ _. ___.� Qorporatfon (the "Coepor4tion'�, doe� hereby m4ke, aonatitute and appolnt Bteven
<br /> Pefterle. 1Narlene Conley� In�e Keoeapel� Renee Moore and Jeanette Margo, or eny one
<br /> of them, aotine alone oc in any combinetion together aad wlth or without an oificer ot
<br /> the Corpoeation� es the Cocporation's true and lawtul attorney-In-fsot� to aot for the
<br /> _ _ ,.,._T_� Corpor�tion and in the Cocporatlon'�nome� place and etead, and tor the Cocporstion'� we
<br /> -__-_:=---�_ �nd beneflt�foc the foUowin�Purposeo:
<br /> _
<br /> _ - -- -�
<br /> To exeeute, in the Cocporation'e name� plaee and stead� and, on behelt of the
<br />_�� _ � Corpor�tion� any doaume�b neoesfary to aeaign and tranafer mortgages, deeda ot tcust,
<br /> --- and any other aeourity doeuments presented by Maxim Moet�ege Corporatio� for
<br /> -- sssianment ard tcanofer to B�ncOklehoma Mortgage Corp. the intent being that by sueh -
<br />- - - -:z<: - trnnefer snd seaignment Mex1m Mort¢a�e Corpuratlon�haU tratuter and easign all o[ its
<br /> '�:� riRht, title and interest in and to the real pc�ope�ty or the lfen deeeribed theretn to
<br /> HanaOklahoma MortQaQe Corp. Buch tranofers are to be deemed efleotive between
<br />�' :��'—�� Alaxim Atort�a�e Corporation and HenoOklahoma Mart�a�e Corp.ea of June 10, 1991.
<br />=-����.,�..._.''�
<br />�����
<br /> The Corporation Itareby �rants to aaid attorney-in-taet fuU power and authocity to
<br /> ..-- :..,,,,.
<br /> ����=:..�5``r.#° do and perlaem eaeh and every aet and deed whleh may be neoeaaory� proper or
<br />�"�� oonvenlent in aonneetion with the fore�oin� or the exerei�e of the tQre�oin� powere,
<br /> � tncludfn�, w[thout limltation, the !ul! power of�ubstitutlon and revoa�tion, sa fully, for
<br /> _�,,,,,,�,,,s all fntents and purpose�� u the Corporation aould do if present, hereby ra�tifying and
<br /> �---- _-_ - eonfirmin�aaeh and evecy aet that �id attorney-in-taet may or�hall lawfully perform,
<br />-- - do or o�we to b�p�rtormed or done by wthority heroot or fn exereidn� the powees set
<br /> _���=��--�:� : forth h�r�in.
<br /> °`��"� •_�
<br /> s�:.�
<br /> x•�° � The Speolal Pawer of Attorney Qrented hereby ahaU te,rminato a ot 11:88 P.M. on
<br /> ��,�. . Deeemeer 31, 1892.
<br /> ..i-..:s' .�
<br /> :,� .,,;�.,;,` MAXIM MORT(iAQE CORPOIiATION�
<br /> 't;�;.•,.'����'' a Tezat oration
<br /> .�;,,�.:.,.� �
<br /> `�,t-,� �-.�• `,
<br /> .:�'r. ��
<br /> �_Y-=----� By�
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<br /> �` "`-'d���� ���=���'� STATE OF OKLAHOMA
<br /> �i�.��^,�_>_���_:�r�a� ) ss:
<br /> `�-a_ -" -,; COUNTY OF TULSA ) •
<br /> �.�u:�'�- ,' �
<br /> �����°: ON THIS DAY eame before me.a Notery Publtc. duly commissioned� quaiiffed and
<br /> ��__-:_ eoting, wlthln ancl for the County and State afoceaaid� the withtn namad DANE
<br /> �:� -�� ERICHBEN, to me peraonally known� wh� stated that he wes the Viee President of
<br /> �` �'` "�' �J�f� MAXIM MORTCiACiE CORPORATION, a Texes Qorporation, and that he wes duly
<br /> ����.�� ' auQhorized� in Ms otife3al eapacity� to exeQUte the foregoing instrument 4or and in the
<br /> ,:: ,'`'�� � � name end on behalP oi said eorporation, and Purther stated and acknowledged that he had =
<br /> .�r.-;�.r,:�.;::�....,r:: so signed, exeeuted and delivered said foregoing instrument for the conaideration� uses
<br /> � end purpoaes therein aet forth.
<br /> � IN TESTlMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand end oPficiel seal this 22nd '
<br /> � � . day of June, 1992.
<br /> "}�'� ' , My CAmrnission expires: _
<br /> �__ ,�.,..:...,s.�� , • ', / . �/_ /_ �. G/i
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