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<br /> th�Prop�rty I��o f�k�n or d�map�d,L�nd�r�hdl h�w th�opdon,In Iq w1�and ab�olut�dl�andon,to appl�►aW�uah PraaNde�, -
<br /> _..-__ _ _ -_ [�IW. d�d��MnQ N+awhom eu nn�.wnd syp�u+w�Inowr�l bv it in conn�dlon with wah ProcNds.uDOn anfl Ind�bt�dn�waur�d
<br /> •• h��by and in suah ordsr w L�nd�r m�y dstsrmin�,or to�ppiy all�uah Froae�d�,aMr�uah dsduatlons,to�he re�tondon of the
<br /> ,,,,,. , Properry upon�uoh conditlom as Lende�may d�termine.Any applioadon o1 Procaed�W Indsbtodn�ss�h�ll not ext�nd ar postpona
<br /> � tM duo dat�of�ny p�ym�nia und�r tlw Nota,or aura ony dofault thoroundor or hereunder.My unoppll�d Iund1�hsll ba pald to
<br /> rnMto►.
<br /> � t`�'w"'�"`'"`�` 8. PNOo+manoo by L�nd�r.Upan the occurrance ot en Event of Defaulthoreunder,or If any act la tQken or leyel proceedin�
<br /> ' commma�d whloh m�t�rl�Ny�Hects Lend�r's intere�t In th�P�opsrty,Landor m�y I�Ib own dl�andon,but wHhout obllpoUon W do
<br /> w,�nd without notic�to or d�m�nd upon Tru�Wr and without releaunp Truuor irom eny obllp�tlon.do any act which Tru�tor haa
<br /> d� � ' '`' a�rwd but fails to do md mey al�o do any other aCt It deam�nece�eary to proteot the eecuril�r hereof.Tru�r ehall,immodirt�iy -
<br /> — ,w,,,�,.,,.,...,,,.,,_,,,,,, upon demend theretar by Lander,pay to�ender dl co�b and expen�es inau�red and�ume expend�d by Lond�r In connoadon wlth
<br /> -��;,;r:;�:�' Iheexeraisa by Lender of tho forepofnp Nphb,topether with leterest the�wn et th�dalault�ate provl�ed In the Notp,which�hall b�
<br /> added to tho ind�bt�dnsw wcwed her�by. Lender�hall not incur eny Ilabiliry b�cau�e ol anythlnp it m�y do or omlt to do
<br /> `���=� hsrsunder.
<br /> �4.:��.��" 8. Mas�nloW M�riab.Truator ahell keep the Properly in oompUance wNh all applice6le lewa,ordinanae�end�epuladons
<br /> _ °�*��-�� rwtAtl�p tn Indwulal hygl�n�or unvironm�nfal proteation(collectively roferred to hereln as"Environmental Laws'�.Truetor ahell
<br /> -- = -
<br /> --- -------
<br /> _ -�>� �t�:a:. keep the Property(reefrom all substances deemed to be hezerdou4 or toxla under any Environmental Laws(collectively refened W
<br /> ��`�-��--t" hereln a�"Hezerdoue MAter�ale").Trwtor horeby warrents end represente to Lender that there are no Hazardaus Mutsdals on or
<br /> .; � ,,
<br /> � � • ti��,?�': under the PropeAy Tru�tor hereby apreas to Indemniry and hold harmlesr Lender,its direators,oHicero,employees end apente,and
<br /> - -� --�-r'- -°' �ny sucCOaror�to Lender's Interest,lrom and apainst any end all cleims,domeqe�,loases and IlaWlitles arlakp in connectlon with
<br /> --- ;���.�_-;:�;
<br />