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<br /> . , � _ --
<br /> . ' � . .
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<br /> � . .�.._... . .____ . .
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<br /> �d� ��p�h��j ht an s u y nted to execute and perfortn its Dbli$ations under btiie daed of Trust and theso a:tinns do rtot End v`
<br /> shall not canflict vsith the provisians of any statute.regulaUOn,ordirtartce.IUIB CQ IAW, contraet or other a�reemont whieh rr.aY be binding on ;�
<br /> Grantor et any time: � . • ` r
<br /> ' (e) No action or proceeding is or sha11 be p�nding or threatenes!whlch might mate¢+alty afteat the Props�ty:and �r_=
<br /> (t) Qrantor has not viotated end shall not vioisto any statute,re8ulation,ordinanCe.�u�e o��8tiu..mn�or other agreemerrt(ncluding.Qe+t not
<br /> � limited!o,those goveming Harardoua Materials)�vhich mi9M materially aftect the Property br Le{+der's rights or interest in the Praperty pursuant `t�
<br /> . ' f tothia Oeetl of Trust � °.-�
<br /> , 3. PRIOR OEEDS OF TRU37. Qrantor repwsonts a�sd urarrartta tbat there Ate nq priar deeds o!trust aHectin9 anY Part ot tho Rroperty excapt Ess set ,,,.
<br /> •. 1 yia�n Grgrttor�grees to�payeall amounts odwed,d Rerlorm�blfgaUet�ns requlrttl urtdesueh deads c1 trust a�d tha indeb�dness seC++ted U►em Y ' � , �'
<br /> I and turther egrees that a default undcr any priar deed of Uust sttal� a defauft under Uds QCed af Tn�st e�d shall entitle Lertder to all rights end
<br /> remediea cornained herein or in the Obiigations to wh�ch Le^dEr u'AU�d s entit►ed in the event af any other default. , ,
<br /> � 4, TRANSFEflS OF THE PROPERYY OA BEIVEFQC�14�iTEiifESTSr�p��T�d�bad n Sch�ed e A or any I terest there'��n�or ot all or anY . . _
<br /> cor�traot tor dead or transfer to arty Parso o Y P • ,:.�a.
<br /> rty a�+v
<br /> :y benaflciat interost in Bortower or Gfantor(rf BartOwer or tirantor is not a n8turel par�n ot Rs�sfl�"s but�s a eo:poration.IimitEd liabil' Cem - - - - --- �
<br /> partnership,trusR or othar lega!ernity).Lsnder may,at fta opt�on deetare the outatEtr►d�ng principa�bataneo of the Ablipations p�us axrued irtte� ,
<br /> thereon immediately due and payable. At Lender's request,Grantor or Horrawar,aa the case may Ce,shall turnish a eomp�ete scatement settirt�fortQ�
<br /> all of its�ckholders.membars,or parfiera.as aPP�opnate,a�d the exteM of their respective rnmersh�p interests. .
<br /> ! 5, ASS{titlMEtlf OF tiENTS• �n eonsideration of the Obtigations,whioh aro sa�ured by this Oead of Trust.Gtantor abso�utely assig�ns�le�din'
<br /> � Qrantor's esta _jt trt(6.iR�B�.��m and demand now ovmed or hereafter acquired in all ex3sting end tuture teases of U►e Pro e ( 9 � .. . . _-
<br /> ., extensiona ren�vra�nd§utSt�ses),ail�qraements tor use and accuPanoY of the Property ieil such leases and agreements whether w►itten or orat. �-- ^ - __ _ -
<br /> are hsr�ter referted to as tho'Leases'l.and a�l guarantias ollessees'pertormance under the I.pases,together with the immedtate an0 e�n�ing `: _ --
<br /> , • nar�iy inwm�eeot arry naturo co'rni g duo du ng arry redemption penod)under�the Leases or18from arr aris+ng out of the Property i�n c tudirtg�min�imum . , .�r�tr�^��4
<br /> , •f�-.: _
<br /> rer�ts.ad�itlonai�errts.pereentage rer�ts.Parhmg or comPmon area mairrtenana eoritrihp�of�ni sutrancaucflvering lo�of re�r�.s resuitlng frm - -- -
<br /> . � Uquidated d9magas follarring detaul4 in any Lease,all raceeda Paysb �` ;' = ..•.-_�=�
<br /> � untenantab`.lity caused by destruction cr ctE..�nage to the Proparty.ali procaads payaEle es a r or�ather insolvency Proc�eed 9,d�a1 PPu'oceedg fr°m -.����
<br /> ' Prpperty,sll psocaeds d�^Yed Nom tRa�ttninatlon or rej2ctlon of any I�ase in a bankruptcY � ._:%.=-•:,.
<br /> any dghts and cta(ms of a°;y kind whiei�Granmr may hava aga3ns!arry lessae under the Leases or s+ay ocapar�ts of the PropeRy(all of the ahova are ,:,:���`�
<br /> t
<br /> � hereafter coltectively re`e'�^J to as the'Rents°).This assignmertt is sublea to the right,powar and sutharityr g'rven to the Lendor to eollect end apPty • -•
<br /> the F�ents. This assignrr,2rst is recorded in accordance with aPPlleaDie s�to law;the lien aeabed by this ass�gnmertt is intended to be specifiR :' �.:" ���:
<br /> '• I peAectesf,and choate uAon the recording of this Deed of Trust,atl as�S�dad by applicabte state la�r as amended from time w Uma. As tong as , * . '�::�,-.�
<br /> .. there is r�a defauit under ttre Obiigations or this Oaed of Trust.Lander g��t'.rantor a revoeabie Iicense te collect alt Fbents from the Laases when --, � _
<br /> . due and to uss such preeeeds in G:antoPs busineRS operallona Hma�x�s.Lender may at��4o n Us�e�perfort�nar�ee of,eaPny th Ofti igati?� ��,;
<br /> bl
<br /> � account mzintained by Cantor or Lender at lander's institu6on. Upon�2tau►t in the payme � ._r.,_- ^� � ^T.-_'�
<br /> Lender may at its op�a:�Sce possesston of tha Properry and have,hold,marrege,lease and operate the PrcF$rtY on tertng e^d tor a pedod oftme ��y` ;.:_�_�__
<br /> ' that Lender deems pro��. L.ender may proceed to oa"°ct end receive all Rents from the property,and Le��l��In LendelPs sale discret�� �:-- � ,.�-�i�_� -
<br /> alterations,renovations.::�aus or replaeements tn tfte Proparly as lsnder may deem pmper. Lender may appiy , �?`��,4;';
<br /> to payment of the Wiigstions or to the payment of the eost of such atterations,re�avahons,repairs and repiacements and any expenses incidertt to :N � ' ��
<br /> � tafc(ng and rotaining possession of the PropeAy pedodtcalty and the managemeM and operation of tha PropeRy. Lender may keep the Property � f,,..:
<br /> . � properiy insure d en d may d i s c h a r g e a rt l r t e x e s.c h a r S e s.c l a i m s,a s s e s s martts and othar Itens which may accru9. The expemse and cost of these :;,i;;�,: ;�' .�� � . •--
<br /> ,� actlons may ba paid irom the Rerns receiv e d.en d anY un p a i d a m ourtts shall be added W the prindpal ot the O b i ig a t ions. Th e s e a m o u n t e,t o g e t h e r :.�;,.�s��K
<br /> . �, ,�,,
<br /> • � with other costs,shall�ecome part ot�e Obiigations secared by this Deed of Trust �` �,. .'�.
<br /> �:'a'rt ',� <f`• .
<br /> 6. L E A S E S A i�i fl O T C�r�3 i A<i R E E M E N T S. G r a n t c r s r c a:l not mke or faii tn teke any aetion wh ic h may cause or Pe n e d d i t i on�,Q i t a t rt a rn w l t h o u t �...�� .,� t
<br /> withhalding of any pay:m+rt in connectlon with any L�.sz er other agreemant('Agreement�pe R a 3n(r.g to t h e P ro p e rt y . . :�� ..
<br /> L en der'.�N i o r w r i tt e n ar n s e r rt,s h a l l�ot(a) collect a.^y^�onies pa��..�fa under any Agreement more than one mortth In advancd: (b)modNY 8nY ;;,.;,tr'� �
<br /> . /�yree rn�i;�a)a s s t gn or allow a Iien.security iMerest or other ons.r:nbrance to be plaeed upon C�r a�u:''s r i g h t e,t f U e a n d i r n e ro s t i n end to an Y .�,;�{�`; � :"
<br /> � . pgrea;,,r�t�r th�amounts payable thereunder,or(d)ter.ninata c'�1 any Agreemertt except t u:t Aa�anp a y m o n t ot a�y sum or other matarial :,�?y �,��,%,°•.:1.'.: �•
<br /> . - broach b Yme ott�ar party th�retoeet an�r rrecelv M�G a�Yit�om��u to�'�Pth► fonva.•d a�capy of s.i�� comrr on r.ation (andr�rn�ubseq ent +�`.��'�, �'y • :�;5;;:•
<br /> purporting to tsrmtnat� o: can Y AS ,�,.�..-�
<br />� wmmuniwtions relating thereto)to Lender. All such���T��a'��n's amounts du2 to(3rardor tf�ereunQer are hareDy as>78neQ�o L.ender as , +.•.:._ ;�;�;:.;,:
<br /> - addiUonal securfty tor tha Obligattans. , '����,_
<br /> � 7, COLI.ECTIOH OF IHDEBTEDHESS FHOMTFi1RD F?s�iTY. LenSe-s�ali be entittad to notity or requfre Grantor to nat�ty anY third lra."ry(frtcludin8. ;� : _
<br /> " but not Iimited to,lessees.tlansees,govemmental authorities arfd i:rs:,ranCa eomPaNes)to PaY Le��ar ar►y indebtedness or obligrtdan owing to f :
<br /> -�: ,
<br /> ' Grantor with respect to the Property(cumulaUvaty'Indebtednesa')whether or not a default exlsts un�a�r ihis Deed of Trust (3rantor shnil dillgenUy .�: � �:
<br /> coliect the Indebtednoss o�ving m Grantor irom these third partlas unUl the giving of such nottflcation. In the everrt that(irantor possessea or receives '�. _
<br /> � .t� possession of any insbumenta or other remitmnees w(th resPect to the InQebtedness tollowing the piving of such natfficaUon or N tha insvuments or �
<br /> . - . ., othet rem'Atances constiwte the propaymert of enyr Indebtedness or tho payment of any insurance or oondemnatlan proceedA(��or��I hold w _ ;
<br /> ' such insVumer�and other remittances in trust tnr Lander apnR trom its othar property.endorso the inslrumerns and othu remittartee�to landet, .�'�,:,.,�,
<br /> an0 immediate(y provide Lender with possess�on of tee insttumern9 and other remtttances. Lendet shail ba eMltled,but not requited.w coil�ct(bY ,s� • _ -_
<br /> Iegal proceedings or otharwise),axtend tho Uma tor payment,compromtse,exchange or rotease eny obligor or collaterai,or otherwise settte any/of ,�}..�
<br /> ��r, ����,��' '
<br /> � the[rtG�+btzdness whether or not en event of default oxlsts under this Agr�edamages resu Ung the�etraom. Notwithstnndin�g Uie to eg in�.no� � ��i;;:;,,.
<br /> ` om�ssi�or delay pertaiNna to the sctions�tescrf0ed in thia paragrap �br . °�' ""
<br /> . . S heroin�.hall causa Lsnder to be d�emed a mortyuBeNn-possession. . _��"-�'�R�.,
<br /> 8. USE A4iD MAIN'TENANCE OF PROPERTY. Orer►tor sha11 take ali acdons and make any ropalre naeded to matrrtatn the Pra�erty tn Hocd v,;;.-....
<br /> � .{'j, condftion. Grantor shall not commk or permtt any w�ra to be commttied'witt►ce�ct to the Propertyr. t3rru+wr saat►use the P�operty setely in f _.,,�,;.
<br /> ��:
<br /> �omp�tanoo wlth appllcabte law and Insurance policl� Grentor shalt not make any 81tc��redons,addiUons or improvamarfts to the Properry withoui ;,.r"f,�?.
<br /> 1?
<br /> Lendor's prlor writton consen4 Withoat Ilmiting the to[Bqotng,alt aiteraUons,additlons and ImprovemeMS mada w tne PropeAy shall be subJect to � -�w�, •.;� ••
<br /> the beneficlal interest belonging to Le-r�m.,shall not be removad wlthout Lendet's prlor written consent,and sha11 be mada at Qrantor's sole e�ertae. h�_,: --
<br /> ��-:•:.�'._
<br /> g, �p$$pp pAMAQE Grantot sha:!b':�'the enUre dsk of any loss,theft,desVUCUon or damage(�cmulativefy'Loss or Damage�to the Property or �'�;_ � �_
<br /> arry porUon theroof trom any cause wn�saever. In tne event of any I.oss or Oamage,Grantor�iuY�,at the opUon of Lender,repair the sHected �� ;{F,;rA,'••r,
<br /> ,�y,'. ;; .. .l.,�_.�-,':
<br /> � . Propertyto its previous condiUon or pay or cause to ba��3d to Lender the decrease in tha falr maf'�cC v�lue of the aflectsd PropeRy. ��•,� .• .J,:,';�;s
<br /> 10. INSURANCE. The Property wlll ba kept in�:.rrvs 4or fts tull Insurebto vrilue (reF:acement ccs!)agalnst all hamrds Ineluding loss o►damaC;e ,r,.x�y,:..,+•.�;,.•,,
<br /> � caused by flaod,eartliquake,tamada a��f firo,the":a�o�her cnsualty to the extent required by Lend_r. Grar►tor may olriafn insurance on the PropeRy .. ,-.: .�.,s�;:,,,r Tr.•
<br /> �• 4 • trom�:ch companias as are acce�btl to written oticesbetore�s:rr+�Olicle8'are el ered arliCafiC�:�In aQt►y�rmanner�Tha insursnaE olicfes shall =•:t`3�'�'`."K ;i`T.; �
<br /> Le^�txt w(th 8t 188st '+r�'::��`.
<br /> rta..r�tendar as a loss payee and provl e that no aat or omissi�s�'iaraMOr or an othor perscn shall affect tha rlght of Lenatsr.7a Ce pald the . ;,��„'" • �••
<br /> }� y �.�...,, .•s.
<br /> 0
<br /> " ;-�,,;3nce prpceeds pertalning to the Ioss or demaye of the Prope:ly. In the event CitMter ta11s to acqutrs or maln�Jn i �d��insuranes oo�� �� �'�'�`�s
<br /> � �:ovlding no8ce as may be roqulrod by law�may in its dlscreUon procure appropria�insurance coveraSo upon the PropertY � •,_,
<br /> • • y�y�be an advanpe payabfe and bearing interest as descdbod in Paragraph 23 an�s�red hereby. Qrat►tor shall fumtsh Lender witfi eviflencm o7 • .�._�_,
<br /> insya^ce Indipting the reqWred ooverage. Lertder may act as attomeydn-fo.ct tor�-stor In making and settling clalms under insurano�po�Icles.
<br /> � � . car:�c�utr.g any polley or endoraing Grantor's name on any drate or negotiaDte instrument tlrawn by any insuror. All such insurancs poticles shatl de '
<br /> ;rer.cvB.�Iy asslgnod,pledged and doliveretl to Lender as tuRher s�r.,urlty for the Obltgations. In o1e ovont of�oss,(irarrtor shsll immediately give ;��, �-:'�.'__
<br /> �,.e-w�-written notice and Lender�s authori:ed to make pcoof of toss. Eseh insurence company fs diroc2ed to mako paymonto directly to lsnder .:,t,:�;M1�: .
<br /> lnstead of to Lendor and aranwr. La,nder shall have the dght,at its sole option,to appty such moaias toward the ObligaUons or toward the cost o1 � ,r,,., .
<br /> ,•,.
<br />• � � rebuitdfng and resLOrr.g tho Prop9rty. My amoursts may at Londer's opUon be applied in the Inverse order of the due dates thereof. .'" �`� `; . _
<br /> � 11. ZONI!!ti AND Ptt�dATB COVENANTS- (iranmr 1-.a?I not inittete or consentio a�y�ange in tho zoning provislons or prlvato covonants aHecting
<br /> '� tRO use of the Pirop�:Zyr wkhout Lender's pdor wv:�.^canserrt. H G�raMUr's use a!the Property bocomeu a noncontormtng use undor nny zoniag __
<br /> . � provlsion,(irantor sha11 not cauue or permk such use to be disconUnued or abandoned without tha prior wrltten cansent of Lender. Grentor w,:1
<br /> Immediatety prwlda lender with written notice of any propased changes to the zoning provislons or private cavenards aftecting the Proporty.
<br /> 12. COHDEMHATIOH. (irantor shall immadtatefy prwtde lendsr with vrtlttan noUce of any actual or threatened condemnaUon or omtnent domaln ,
<br /> prporieding portalning to the Property. All montes payabte to Grantor irom auth condemnaUon or taktng are hereby asslgned to Lander and eha11 bo ___.
<br /> � applied flrst to the payment of Lender's attomeys' feea legal axpenses and other eosts (inctuding appralsal tees) �� cunnectlon with tho •
<br /> condemnaUan or emtnent domatn proceedings and then.at tfia opHon ot Lender,to the paymont of the Obtlgatlons or ti�e restoraUon or rapalr of the .
<br /> 13.�ENOER'S RI�HT TO C069PliENCE OB�JEFEND LE(iAL ACTIOHS. Grantor shaU Immediately prwlde Lendet wlth written noUoe of any actua►
<br /> �R
<br /> or ttrceatertod actfon.suit,or ot�3r proceeding aftecting the Property. Grantor heroby eppolnts Lendor as its attorneyan•fact to commence,intervene �•�
<br /> , j in,and detend such actions,suib,or otheo tegat proceedings and to camprom�se or settte eny ctalm or conVaveray partalning thareto. Lender shs:J �
<br /> not be nabte to(3►antor tor any ae2lon,error,mistaka, omisslon or dalay pertalntng to the acUorts described In thts paragraph or eny damages �:,
<br />� I resulting thorehom. �tothing coMalned heroln wltl prevent Lender lrom taktng the acUons describad in thls paregraph in its ovm name. , �-�°-
<br /> 14. ItiDEIIANIFICATION. Lander shell not assume or be responsible for tho performance ot any of Grant�r'a oDliaaUone wlth respect to 1Re Praperly
<br /> unCer any circumstancos. C�rantor shalt immediatoly provldo Lender v�Rh v�ri4ten notice of tind in�amnity and hotd Lender and lts shateholders, �.__
<br /> n
<br /> dlrectora,officers.emptoyees ar.d agent5 harmloss from eIt claims,damages,liabifitiss pncluding attorneys'tees and legal axpenses), causes of _
<br /> acL'on,acHons,suits end otner legal proceedings(cumuiaUvely'Claims�pertalnln�to tho P�openy pnctuding,but not limitsd to,tho^,s Invotving
<br /> taaffirdous Matoifats). Grantor,upon tho requost of Londer,eshall hlre tegal counsol to dstend Londer Nom such Clalms,and pay the ettameys'fees.
<br /> ; � � Iegal expensas and other costs incurreo in connecnon merewiU+. 1n tiia e+tarr�ativa,�s�.."s:,�.:1�=gn'-"��'d��°m��oy rta ovm togal eounsol M dofend 4. _ __ __`
<br /> such patms et Grantor's cost. Grantor's obllgat�on to indemnify Londer under thie pategtePh shall survlve tAe torminiltion,retease or toraclosuro ot
<br /> • � this Dsed of TruSt.
<br /> . • LPNE51t8 e FonnADOnTqCnno�Og;Cf.�r.Cle/2Bi851 1800193737E9 Pago2of9 . - I_ , . —
<br /> i .
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