..,. ,.. . .
<br /> ' ,. ' , c, � x�r z_.�.,-.;L � . `._ ° ..__%'.. ,___• � '.°. �. ��. ..._�.�...�._`-�- , ` . " " __-.'
<br /> ..._._.. �. . . ���,�_.. ._ —_ _:,r:.... -- ' t � ;�;;
<br /> a� j�.
<br /> . 97-�,�� - . ,-" '`. �:
<br /> "ProcasQs'j tn conrtet�lon with condemnaUon or other tak3ng of the Property or part thereof,or tor conveyarta m eu o!oondsmrta�on. --=',``'--` --
<br /> � Lender shall tra entiitad at its option to comme�ce,apQenr in a�d grosECUte In ita own nama any action or procaedIngs,�rtd shal!aiso �•��
<br /> 5 be entitIsd to make any compromisa or setttement In oonnaction vrtGh such taking or damage.ln ih�evertt any portion of t�e PmFaRy is , , �,. , ' �',�as
<br />�� sfl tfficen or damag�d.Lender shall have the aptian in iis sole ertd absclute discretion,to appiy ell saM pro�eds, aft�r deducting t�� • - • �
<br /> therehom aff ccs4s and axpanses Incurred by it in oonnecciion r�ith such Proceeds,upon any indehtecLte�secured hereby and in suct� ", . � '=�_�
<br /> ,,`:- ardsr e��entbr ma;c��tennina�or to apFty al!such Froceeds,after such deducttons.to tha restoraUon of the Pro�pariY upon such con- _ . . -.. .�`'__--
<br /> . drtions as Lender may determine.Any► appl'ccaUon of Promeeds to inda�teds�sss shali nct extend or posipone the due date of any pay- � .� __
<br /> , ments under tTie Nots,or cur�any defauit U�steurtder or hereundes.My ures��lied funds shafl be pafd to Trustor. , , ;,�;-.°
<br /> 8. Far[om�nca by tender.Upon ths occurtenoe of an Event ot DefauR hereunder,o�if any act is taken or legal p�ocee�ing .�� � • ��.
<br /> commenced whtch materiaUy afieCts Lenders Interest in the Property.Lendar anay in its own d'ucretian,but viithouT mbligation to do so. . ' ;.:
<br /> • ; and withaut notice to or demand upon Tnistor and wiihout releasing Tni,tor irom any abfig�tion,do ar�y act which Trustor tras agreed s-• •' � •�
<br /> - - but fai!ed to do and may also do any oUter act it deams neoessary to protect ths security hereot Tn�s�or sha11. immeffiately upon � �:`�
<br />�` demand theceTor by Lender.pay to Lender s0 cbsts and expenses incurred and sums expende4 by Lencfar in oonnecii�n��iUl C►s exer- -- _— _
<br /> a�e by Lender of the i�regofng dghis,togeihar with intsrest tltereon at ihe dsfautt rate pravtded in tlre Rlota,wiltCh shall be added to � --
<br /> • _ the indabteMess secured hsreby.Lendar s�iali noi incur any liabitifyl bacause N anyfhing it may do or omit to do hsroundar. � . _.. ' �`
<br /> 9. 1tar�r�Eous 1aa�rlats.Trustor shall keep�e Property in oomplisnce with all applicablo laws,ord'martces arxf ragutatt�rbs . . .
<br /> ' reiating to�ndnstrial hyg?sne or enviranmema!proioctlon(ooQecUvery reterred to herein as'Er►vironn�antal La�.T�rstar shalf keap �.;�,�.;�g�-�� _
<br /> ' the Property fres irom sA su0stanoes deemad to be haAardous or tox[c undes eny Environmerrtal iaws(ca!lecGv�r ret�rred to herein -..... ..•- •. �-: --o.;
<br /> � as`Hazardous Mateslsis`).Tmsior hereby warranis and represents to Lende�ihat there are no Harardcus Ma�eriais an or undar Eha ` �: :•_�._: .,�••..
<br />- , Praperty.Tnistor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmtess Lender,its drectors,offtcers,emptoyeas and agents,artd any s.�casr ��•-�
<br /> sors tn L8nd�3�s intesest,from and a inst an and all daims,dama es.lasses and IiabTilies edsin in connecdon with the ruu�. ' ,',�.`.:'"�"'�`� "���=
<br /> r
<br /> � we,dis�asai or Uansport of any Hazardous Materials an,under,from or about tha PropeRy.THE FOAEQOINti WARRANTI SE ANd ��'���
<br /> RECQNVEifAlYCE O�THiS DEEO OF TRUST. - �` r r��'`""'��
<br /> - 10.A�sisnmeni�o!RaMs.Tnistor heraby assigne W Lendsr.and grants Lender a securilyr Irrtsrest 1�.all Rresen�future and � '"�:�`�T�� '.:.
<br /> � after arising aes�ts,issues and profds ot the Properfy:prov}dad that Tn�sior shafl,u�ff►s occurrence of an Event of OefaulL hereunder, �`�` � �T{•f_
<br /> $��_� =.:,
<br /> t�ve the rf�t to coi2ect and retain such renls.issues a�pcofits ea they became @�and payable.Upon th0 OoCUrtenCe oi an Evsnt of �"}4� �_=e•✓ .
<br /> Delsut�,6.ender may.ei�er in person or by agen�wiLh or wii�aut h�:�ng anyr�n or pe�ing,or by a receiver appairtLed by a � •�����'',�"' °
<br /> �_"�" - -
<br /> _�: cour!and without regard to the adequacy ot its ser,�ci:y,emer upon aad take pa�ion of tte C�c�+,or erry part ihereof,�� wm -��---:---
<br /> � name or in tls�name of the Tnistee,aM do any a�s vrhich it deems ne�cr desirabie:r a:�senre 6re��a1ue,maAcetab�ity or '��„g`�::.
<br /> rantabifity of the Properiy.or any part tfiereaf or in'arast tharein,or to increase the::ucame fherefrcm or prote�L*.e securiiy hereot and. ��``'""'-"``.
<br /> , . F-;�.�.--- -
<br /> witn or withart taking possessian oi ihs Properiy,sua br or othenvise wllect the rents,issues r�ra3 Arofits thereof,Indu�'ing those past �._� �-�� "
<br /> ;,...•.----
<br /> due snd unpaid.by notifying tenants b�enalce payments to Lender.Lendar may appty rents,issue�s and profits,tess costs and expens- �,y __„ -�. �
<br />. , es of operation and ooUecifion incfud'a�,�auamey's taes,to any indabtedness secured hereby,alt:s�such order as Lendar may deter- w.,,.;. ` —
<br /> r
<br /> mine.The entedng upan and tatdng�ssession ai the Praperty,the oottecdon of such rents,issues an�profits,and th3 applicBUon � ��"" � �� F� ��
<br /> , .. thereof as atoresaid shall not cure or waive any dafauft or notfce ot detautt hereunder or irnalidate ar►yr act done in re&por�e to such � -
<br />" default or pursuant to su�h noUce of defautt and,norivtthstanding the continuas�oe�n possesston of the property or the oollecdon, * • ;` ,
<br /> I t ti c a 6 on o4 ren i s s u a a or rofits Trustee and Lender shatf 6e entlUed to exe�ave d t mvided for in an of tiie , ,`�`�. °:-
<br />. . �e P �ePD �. P . 8/ 9h P Y
<br />, . Lnan irsstruments or by law upon axumence of any Event of Defauli,inctuding without lim3tatlon�ia dgbt to exerGse the power of sate. ..� �� � �:�.:�;��
<br />. Further.Lenders dghts and remedies under this paragraph shall be cumulativa with,and in no way a limitation on,Lenders dgfits and ,� ;.�•:'.�.;-
<br /> riem2dies undar any asstgnment o!leases and rents recoNed against the Property.Lender,Tnu4ee and the receiver shall be liabfa to ,.- �?':�:,:''`.
<br /> account on(y tor ttwse renm acwal�y reoehred. � ' .;r"�����;:
<br /> . 11.Everns of O�afautl.The foltowing shaJ!cansritute an Event of Oafauit under this Daed of Trus� J %rF, ",�`' ;,';`•;��.��'':�
<br /> (a)Faftuce to PaY ar►Y ir�staAment of prir�ctpa!or tnterest ot arry other sum seaired hero�/when dua �,`�;;r. :�; �r r=�:�•�,•._<'..
<br /> , {b)A breach of ordsfautt under ar►y provisbn contained in the Note,thls Daed of Tius�any of the Loan instrumerRs,o►atry '��'�`�`�`�•• ��
<br /> '_ other Itan orencumbrance upan the Property: ''t' �}' 'y+�;;�
<br /> {c)A wr(t of execut3on or attachment or any simitar prooess shall be es�tored E�-t Tnistor whlrfi shal!beoome a lien on -+�:---__
<br /> ecu •. r,,�"�'__"__.
<br /> , the Properry orarry portfon thsreot or intecest thsrein: . . - .
<br /> (�There shall be filed by or against Trustor or Borrower an acUon und�r any gs. - •or future tederal.state or other statute, '��„' ,:;..
<br />. law or regutatIon retaUng to bankrupicy,insotvency or other reilet tor debtor�nr G.te:a 5s,�11 be eppointed arry trustee.receetver or {.; -�-�-�a� ,,,,.
<br /> ra
<br /> � . liquldator o1 Trustor or Bomawer or of all or any paR of the PropeRy,or the aents,iss�sr��r profits tAereot.or Trusiar ar�mawer :�:���.;
<br /> sha0 make arry gene�al assignmeni for fhe beneftt oi creditors; ��i�`?�:,:,
<br /> (e)The safe,trenster, lease.asslgnment,conveyance or further enca.�.nbrance ot all or any pan of or arry interast fn the ,�'L�;�i?;'�y;�
<br /> ' ; Property.eithervoiuntarfy or IrrvoiunffinTy.without the e�ress wrttten consent of Lender,provlded that Tniswr shall be permit- --��•---�•-
<br />'" ted to execute a lease of the Properry that does not wnhaln an optton to purchase and the tertn of whkh does na!F.x�ed one I �'�:
<br /> year;
<br /> �• (�Abendonmerrt of ths Properiy;or — -_- --
<br /> . (g)It Trustor ia not an individual,the issuance,sale,transUar,assignrnent,conveyance or encumb►ance of m�re than(if a ^° t� �
<br /> � cocponatl�n)e total 01 percent of its Iscued and outstandir.a��sck,or(ii a partnerst�i,p)a total of per- ��Y.�� •"''
<br /> . cent o? parb�ership interesis.or(H a Iimited Iiabiliry company)a toffiI of per�cent ot the Ilmited liability oompa- ..:,���.•:!"�!�ti#i�.�''":
<br /> � rt}i interesb or voUng dghts during the pedod thts Osed o?Trust remalns a lien on the p�epeRy. !?'7!�?.�"°""'`�
<br /> f 12.R�tn�Qtos:Acc�NraUon Upon D�fault In the even!ai any Event of Defaait Lender rray.wlthout RoflCe exoept FJS requtred x%��.�� � �;3��`
<br /> • " •l by Iaw,dec�re all indebtedness secured hareby to be due and payabta and the same shall thereupon beoome due and payaDte with- �"�'�`�
<br /> out any presentrnen�demand.protest or notice of arry kind.Thereafter Lender may: ,�,.�`;�.;. ` ��:
<br /> , (a)Demand that Trustee exerGse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee sha11 thereafter causa Trustota Urtor- ��-`���•-�• •.i�}�,'�. �
<br /> - . est in the Property to be sotd and the proceeda tu be dlsbibuted.aU in the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deed91� �� . . - . _,�:.--
<br /> (b) Exercise any arM a11 dghts provided tor in any of the Loan tnsVuments or by lavi upon oocurtence o1 any Event of � "�'���""'`"''���
<br /> c �Dfftuit;end �� ....��-
<br /> : ����
<br /> � (c)Commenoa en actlon to forectose this Deed o1 Trust ae a mortgage,appolnt a receiver.or specifk;ally eMora���ry o11he a?,s�
<br /> .:s` ooven�nt�hereof. . ;�";�•���`^:
<br />. ..y ..4 '-T:�-..:,-�;
<br /> No remedy herein oontorrod upon or ressrved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein,in the I.ean ;�r�rr���
<br /> , 'f InsWmonis or by law provided or permttted,but each shall be cumulaUve,shs�l be in addition to every othcjr rpmedy given hereunder. ;��:,�s,���:ti�� �
<br /> .. . � in the Loan Instrumairte or now or hereafter ex�,Ung at law or In equity or by statute,and may bo exeroised oorx�menUyl,independentty ' '��:'.;'":;' ';; ,
<br /> .•'.t orsu�ooErively. .�� t : ..z4,��;;�k�:•Aa�-�,. .
<br /> 13.Trustee.The Trustee may resign at eny Ume without cause.and Lender may at any Ume and wi2ho�i caUse�pa;i.�f a suo- .:;�;;,�;.�, ,:::- , :.�
<br /> cessor m substitute Tru�ee.Trustee shall nat be Iiable to any pa.�ty,inctuding without IlmitaUon Lender,Bortower.Trustor or any pur- ' ;:P���•' �'-�'��:
<br /> ct�aser o!the Property,br any los�or damage unloss due to redQess or wi8tul miscflnduct,and shatl not bo rt�uired to take ac�on - •. - -
<br /> . in oannectlon with the entorcement of thls Oaed ot Tiust untess indemni8ed,in.vrriUng,tor ail costs,compsns�an or e�ens�es which :,�.,�;+;,Y .,;;�>:�
<br /> � may bo essoclated therewith.in additlon,Trustee msy beoome a pvrd�asAr at erey sate of the Property(judi�af or under the power of
<br /> sale gran'ted herein);postpone tJr�sai�of all or!any pordon�the PropeRy,as'psovlded by law;or sell the Property ss a�ote,or in , '^�:�'±' -r'- '�' --_
<br /> saparate parcefs or Mte at Truste�'s dt�creUon. • � • ` `'
<br /> •. 14.Fe�and Exp�nsaa.(n tT�event Tnrs:se se11s Ure Propertyr by exeicise ot potver o1 sale,Trustee shall be enti�ed to appty �
<br /> . arry sale proceeds tirsf to paymerst of al costs as►�exponses of exerciSing power af sale.including all Trustes's fess.and Lenders and , ' � ,.�
<br /> Trustee's aitomay�s fees, actua;y incurred to e�1r1 pormittad by appticaffte ta�v.In ihe event Borrovrer or Trustor exercisas any n�ht � �•
<br />, provided by law to cure an Evenf of Qsttault,Lender Shal)be entitled to reoaver from Trustor all costa and expenses actualfy irtcurrsd as • .
<br /> a resuit ot Trustor's defauit,lnctud:rrg vw�9hout limitaf3n8 atl Trustee's and attorteey's feos,to the extent pemtitied by appl�b'.o¢aw. . }�T`.-
<br /> ., 15.Futuro Advanees.Upon request o!Borrower,I.snder may,at its OpUon,make addiUonal and future advances and road- ��.._,�:,� •", �
<br /> —_- --- - ----
<br /> vanoas to Borrower.Such edvances and readvanoes,with interest thereon,shall bs secured by this Daed of Trust At no tlme shatl the •
<br /> ' . . �_
<br /> • 3'i
<br /> ....�._._._� ,._�. .
<br /> ,. . _ ., . .
<br /> _ -_...... _--:-�--.-:•_ : . .. : . : �. . ... . , . .. . . . . . . .
<br /> . :. : • ,
<br /> , . ,. . . .. , � .
<br /> . . . .... , , . , . _ . ,
<br /> , . . , . , � . . '. •
<br /> ,.�t� � : - • .. . , - • .
<br /> F,...,�;�� '_ _ �' ��f� "� .,i � � ' � _ � _ ..�j __ '_ �n" . . ' �',.
<br /> ,. ! ... . • . r'_afn«.•.. . _ " . . .. . _ + .�. .. ... �.- . . . , . .. . . ._ ,. . ... . • • . . . , . ... .. . .. . .
<br />