.. ` . .. ( . i. , (.. 1 .. . ' . ` . . .. . . . . ." �y . . . —��.:- ' �.f a lt'a�'.
<br />' . ' `� � t� • • • � •�__��.� ,.` —_�.�.�i..��.t.._...t---S .. I � ' —
<br />�. 9?r� �o�l�� _�:�;�:��_--
<br /> . �. .
<br /> T�
<br /> �` `proceeds�tn connecUan viitt►ccndemnatiun or othar taking o!the Praparty or paR thereoi,or tor oom�eyance in tieu ot car�am�� . _ _ . --
<br /> Lendsr shaU be entitte�at iis optian La commer�.aFFear in and prc�c�ln its orxn natne arry action or p�oceed�n�.�P��is M1 ` ,. ,. . -
<br /> be ertiitled to maks ez►y cam9romtse or setriement in wnnaction witb sud►taFdng or damage.ln the�el en�i anp� ��� ., ' _ " ,' .-
<br /> rt
<br /> so tz4cen cr damagsd.Lender shali have the optton in iis sats and aDsd�ate discretia��dstitedness seaired her�Dy and in such =- - - ---_-_.
<br /> tnerefmm all costs artd expenses incurced by ii[n cennsctton rritt�sus�Prcteeds.uAc Y . . -
<br /> order as Lendar may detemdne.or to aAPiy s!1 such Proceeds.efter�ach dadut�ans.ta Me restoration ot tha Prope�tll►��o0o- . :�' �-
<br /> di�ons as lectde�maY detemiUie.Arry aPAUcation ot Procaeds to indsbtednsss shai!nct exteru�or post�ar►e the due date a1 enY P$Y- � • : '�� �_ �_
<br /> . . ments under the Note�or aire any d�efautt thereunder or hereuntier.Arry unaDDliss!tunds shafl be paid to Trustor.
<br /> 8.paRam�r��a�y Ler�der.Upon the oxurrenoe of an EverYt a1 Qetauft hereunder,or it arry act is taicen or tegal proceed�9 . ` �:�
<br /> commartced wt�id�materialty affecis Lertder's intsresi in the Property.Lender may in its own discretion,butwitteauto��'�ateon to do so. �. '� .
<br />• and without notice to or dem�nd upae T�r and wilhnut relaasing Trustor trom any obllgatia�n,e�ofe Tn st�or slr�sll.I�media�teht�� -
<br />— bai fai13�to do an0 may also do any athar act i4 deems necessary to protect the secu� �l.er�t in co�ner�an w�th the e�cer- ---,--,--- _�_ �
<br /> ., drmand theretor by Lender.pay to Lencfar aD costs and expenses incuned and surns expe
<br /> ase by Lecxfar of the toregoing rights.togsther with ir�+.erest theteon at ths default rdte providsd in the Note.v�hIch sha7 de added to ' ,�'.; , ' -
<br /> .. 4he indebiadnass secur�d hereby.Lendar shall not incur any Gah+lity because of anything it maY do or amit m do hersur�fer. �� ,�' ;
<br /> us
<br /> 9.K�sardous�rtala Tnistor shall keeA the Praperty in oompttancs with all apDlicabte laws.ordinar�s and regu _ .
<br /> � refating to iRdusViaf hygiene or envi�onrtterttat protacdon(cafle�tiveiy refarredtoe nsrein as`Emironmental laws'!.T�ustnr shaU heep -_�:•��� .�;-.__
<br /> • tho Property free hom sif s�bs�ces deemed to be Fiazarttous or toxic under any Environmenlal Laws(cot►ec�ivehi
<br /> reterred to heretn ` �-,�,
<br /> as`Hazardous Materisfs�.Tnistnr hereby wartarets and represents to Lender that thsre are no Hazardous Materials on or under the �J,Y I;y����::•
<br /> PmpeRy.Tn�sWr he�elty agrees to irttf8mni�y an0 hold harmtess Lender.its directors.otficers.emptflyees and agants,and any s�s- .,�.,. �4.::
<br /> sors to Len�ts interes�.trom end agair�st any and ail daims.datnages.I�sses and tiab�'it3es ar(s�g(n canrtec4ion witt►ths�resenoe> �„ .F'..L=#.:�,r.:__-,=3
<br /> st THE FOREGOINt3 WARRAi�tT1ES 1WD . . _ -
<br />' use,d'�posai or transport of any Hazardaus Materials on.under,from or ahaut the Property �•- -
<br /> �' RECOMlEYA{UCE OF TNlS DE�OF TRUST. ''�•.',_ '
<br /> ��:�
<br /> " 10./!sslgnmen�CS ot Rents.Tnistor heraby assigns to Lendar�ana!grants Lender a security irterest in,all presenE.future anA ,':_Y�:�„�.�--- �-ry-
<br /> after arising rerds.fssues and profits of the Pmpe►H:Provided that Trusror shalt,until the oxurrence of an Event oi Detault,hereunder. �,!,.,^-�- _-
<br /> hava U►e rigM to colled and retain such rettts.issues and profits as they become due a►td paysbte.Upon the occurrentt:e of an Everd nt _
<br /> � �.
<br /> Detaui�Lender may.etYn9r in person or by agerrt.with or arithout bringing any action ar proceed'mg�or by a receiver a�go(�rted by a [�,:; .-,'";, ,: :•:--_,-
<br /> ot its security,errter u on and take possession of the PcapeRy.or an part thereol.in its own r'�°'°;'°•+�•�•�---..-
<br /> - oouR and without reg�rd ta ths adequacy► y Q or desirahte W presenre the vatu�,martce�t or •-�"�'
<br /> � name or in the name of th2 Trustee.and do an acts�vtiich it deems necessaq► - �� G,� �_
<br /> a .'l-,
<br /> , rentability of the PropeRY.ar ar►Y PaR th8re°f or interest therein,or to increase the income thereTcom or protect thff s3c-curiq/hereof end•
<br /> � with or witheut raicing possession of ths Property.sue for or oihenvise collect ihe renis.issues and Proflts lhereof.iaclud�ng ihose D� '� •��.''f-i_`. ,
<br /> .. due and u n p a i d.b l l�U►Y i�9 t e n a n t s t o m�i;�p a Y►n e nts to Lender.Lsrtder maY 8PPh►rents,issues and profits.[ess costs and expens- ' ���. •-_
<br />- - es at operai3on artd coltechon indudmg��.trrmey's fees,to any indebtedrt9ss sscured►�eceby.all in such order as La n d�r may d e t e r-
<br /> � mine.The eritering upon artd talung possession oi the Properly,the cotte�.'tion of such�ents,issues an d pro T i t s,endlhe appt'�at+an . :
<br /> a, tal'n �
<br /> � theneaf as aforesaid shall rtaf aire or waiva eny deiauit or notice of dsfauft hereundsr or(m�aiidate any act dflne in response to s�h .x .
<br /> default or pu�suant to such not:ce of detauit and. notwfthstanding the cor�inuance in possession oi the property or 1Re coltecdon. i-?�' .
<br /> ` .��, recetpt and appIIc�tian of rerts,issues cc�-ofits.Tnutee ar►d Lendsa g'c3tl be entWed to exerctse auery d9ht provldad for in any of the
<br /> � {„�,.
<br /> t
<br />• Loan InsUtcm�ts or by law upon occurrcr.�ot any Evartt of Detauit.i-a�uding wiUiout lirti�tton tis�s43t►t to exerciso ihe Power¢f sa1e. ; " A �'��,�,,r,, _; `
<br /> • Further,L�ndefs dghts ansf cemedies .u-.:`°r this para9raPh shaii be cx.�ulaUve wfth,and in na w��a t+mitation on,l.�ender's dg�s.t>ar►d
<br /> nt oi leases and rents r�xNed a9a+nst the P�operty.Lender,Tnrstee and the recehrer shali be Cs�s to ...t��
<br /> • remedies under any assigcuns y�, ,.,�
<br /> ' account onSy tor those cen;�r-.c2uatiy received. .; � ,
<br />' ' �f:•y 11.Events of Oatsu12 The foltaw'�3 shail oor�irr.�en Event ot Defauit under this Deed ot Trust �;j�,': .
<br /> �(f �
<br /> �` (a)Faiture w Pay any instal3m.�s of pdndpa�or interest of atry other sum secured he�aby wrien due: r.' ��'i : ;
<br /> ,'•' (b)A breach of cr deTautt un�r arry praviston contalned in the Note.thfs Deed of T�ust.�,'ry of the Loan irisWments.or any �1 ' , ��.�:-.
<br /> � other lien or encu��-��n the Property: �A-,,
<br /> (c)A writ o!ex�n or attac��ment or any simflar Dro�ass shall be en�ed aqainst T�r wh;d�'sr�a!1 beoome a Iien on _-
<br /> �e p��rty of any partian thareof or interest therein; _ - _
<br /> . °- (�Tha�e shall be filed by or a3ainst Trustor or Borrower an action under any present c�:�re tederal,state or other stetuts. „��:�-- :_ _
<br /> iaw ac Pegutat3on relating to ban.�.vAicy,insolvency or other�liet for debtors;or there shati b�$ppointed any trustee�receNer or ,t L��s,:,�Ya����_:
<br /> • (i�td�r o!Trustor or Borrower or of ail or arry parl ot the P�eRy,or the renis,issues os�fiLS thereof,or Trustor or Borrawer ,;;�,�
<br /> � �t;-�atce any 9eneral asst8nment tor the bene�3 et creditons: ; � _�___�'
<br /> � (e)The sate.transter, tease.ass�9nmenL xr��eyance or further encumbrance of ail or any part ef ar arry intersst in tho �,�,-:,;._-;,�-
<br /> �
<br /> Frc�erty,etther votuntan"ly or irnofunta�t does na2 can�tai�e an opUon to p�nrchase and the term�of rM�ich doea n°'e��°� --"-- -.;
<br /> tcdtr execute a lease of tt�e Propert�►
<br /> �+�...e°....�4.
<br /> ° Y�. �"•.'...,,:r.�,:�_, , .,
<br /> . . (�qbar�donmert of the PropecCg:or --
<br /> (g)Ii Tnistor is not an irtd.'�cirlru�i,the issuanve,sa�a,transfer.essignmen�oonveyar...e or encumbrence of mo�e�n(N a �r;���-�--_�::---.
<br /> corporatlon)a w�al of �peroent c�i"s issued and outstanding�sck.or(if a paRnarship)a tota!d Pe� �.�-, -.
<br /> �n=o} partr�e�ship intsrests.ar(�f a limited liabillty oompany)a total ot _ percerrt ot the Ilmiied 1'�ability comp� ' .-
<br /> P PBnY• �.'�.� �
<br /> '::i; ? ny tRteresm or vattng dgMs durt�3�e Deriod th l s D e e d o t T r�a r e m a i n s e I t e n o n t he ro �-��� �-
<br /> •'�` �� �2,R�msdks;Accs{sratlon�i Detauif.in the event of��y Event of Detault lend�.�:nay,without nolk�e exoeDt a�r�u��ed .• :�. ::'� � '
<br /> n,�.
<br /> ' � tace all indebtedness secured hereby to be due and Dayable and the same shatl the:-�uDan beoume due and Pa'Lai�t�wltta �����:;'
<br /> by latv,dec {:
<br /> out any presenunent.demand.Protest or notice o!zr.y kind.Thereatter Lender may: -- -
<br /> (a)pe�nand that Trustee exercise the FQ,V'1�R OF SALE granted hecar.and T�usteo shafl theroafter cause Tn�sta�s irtYer- °__..__
<br /> . est in the Property to bs sold and the proce�'�be dishi�uted.�I in tfie�nner provided in the Nebraska Tnist Oee�s As� �"-�^-'�
<br /> � (b)Exerclse any r�nd all dghts provided far in any o!the�oan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of anyr G-uer.t o4 _,����V•.
<br /> 081autY,efld flt c'!fB1`.91Y@P.Of SpBCAk��jl 8(1�0(C8 OPL�01 t318 , _
<br /> � (p�Ci01i1tY19t1C9 8I18C�Oi11010CG"O1dS9 S�i:3 DBBd 0�TNS188 a IiWRgB$B.9� ` •s y ;��.
<br /> � ' COYBt18(It9 h@[EO}.
<br /> Na remedy herein con}erred upon or reserved to Tn:stee or Lender is intendod to be exclusive ot any other remerJy hereln,in the Losn R '-;
<br /> � tnstrumenb or Dy law provlded or pertnitied,but each shall be cumulative,shaif be in addi4ton to overy other remetty t+�re�DhQreunder, �-
<br /> n .., :.: x->...;'�..
<br /> in the Loan InsVuments or now or hereafter exisUng at law or in equity or by�e,and may be exerclsBd corlcur�ll�►.MifbpEM�de UY _
<br /> . ,
<br /> ' or succesivety. oint a suo- -
<br /> � 13.Truat�s.'The Tnrstee may tesign at any tlmo wit4�out cause.and Lender may at any time and vilthout caus�aDD :-:.:,�„•�,.,
<br /> � oessor or substitute Tcustee.Trustee shall not ba Ilahte to eny party�inciuding without IimitaUon Lander,Borrowor.Trustor or any pur-
<br /> chase�oi the property,for arry loss or damage unless due to recktess or willhU misconduct.and shatl not be required to take anll acuon _ .
<br /> � � in connectlon wlth the enforoemen4 of thla Oesd o1 Tnist un!ess frtdemnifcod,in wriUng,tor all costs,compensatlon or e�enses ufiich '�"ti• -
<br /> may he assoclat�d therawith.in addiUon,Tntstee may�be�ame�pP�p���pf ovided by Iaw,orAseu t�h�P ope es e wtiol�e,or In � .� �
<br /> sale granted hewin):Pa�ne the sale of a!I or any Po = - ..
<br /> separnte paroal�or Icts at Tnistee's discreUon. _ .
<br /> exe�ise ot or o4 sate,Trustee shatf Ce enliUed to ap�ry ,;.,;?,._...::
<br /> � � t4.Fais and Expsnsa�•In the event Trust�e setls 1l�e RroDenll bY er of sae,i�ncluding all Trustee's fees,and Lenders and
<br /> ' � � any sale prooeeds firs!ta payment of all costs Snd Axpenses af�cardsing pmK •:;r• '
<br /> • • Trustee's attoraeys tees, actuallY incurred to extsnt pertni�ted�y eppficab►e taw.In the event Borrawer or Tru�r��i��t
<br /> provided by law to cure an Event of Oelault,Lendor shalt be entiried to�aoover irom Trustor ell costs and expe� �
<br /> a rssult of TrustoYs detault,inctuding without Umi�tian all Trusted's and aEoms}!s teas,to the extent pertnitted by appl�a6�s law.
<br /> _,-'._-_ 1�_�,�,�nr Advanms. Upon requ9st af Bo��er.Lendor may.at its option.make additlonal and fuNre aQvarxes and read- •. , _
<br /> ._:--.. __.--,'---
<br /> vances to Bonower.Such advanoes and readvance�.vrlth interesl tnareon,sfiaii be seuvrt�i,�ih1�i1aa�a�Tr�=At'•������ • -
<br /> _____J�. � �
<br /> ��� _ . ��, . . , . . . . J _ , ..�J�� „� .. ' , . --, � : � . , .,�
<br /> . : . . . . . .. . . , . . .
<br /> '1 .. ._ ... • ' i� ._ _. . � •- . -• . ._ - ' .. ' . . � - '• ' , • -• . .� _ . .. .. ... _ _ . .. .
<br />