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. ''. <br />��������� <br />Exhibit "A" <br />. I _ .- . . _ �.. �- � � . . _ . : � ' . _ :. . . . ` • • <br />� <br />v <br />.� . <br />. 1 "4 <br />.. Part of the Soath Hulf of the 5o�theast Quarter (Sl/2SE1/4j of 5edion TLirteen (13�. Townsh�p � <br />. Elevea (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P1VI., Hall Coanty, Nebraska moce parGtcalarly � <br /> follows: Commencing at the Soathwest corner of satd Soath Hsif'-of the Soa�east Qaarter <br />(Sl/2SEl/� of said Sec�on Tliirteen (13�, Township. Fdeven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th <br />P.M., rarming thence NortL, parsllel wlth the West boandatq line thereof, for x distaace of 330 fee� <br />ranning thence East, parallel with the Sonth bonndary line of satd Sl/ZSEI/4 for A distance. of 159 fcet, . <br />rann�ng theace Soath, paraliei with the West bowndary line of said 5I/ZSEI/4 for � distauce of 330 fee�. <br />And rnnniiug thence WesE"npon and �Iong the soatherly boandary liae of said Sl/2SEU4, for a distance of <br />259 feet to the place of begiuntag,eacepting, however, therefrom a certain tract conveyed to Johanns . <br />Cramer bp Deed recorded in B�k 3, Page 448 of the Deed Records of HaII Coanty, Nebraska. <br />t, <br />� � � <br />