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.. ' << .. . ' . _ .. . . . . . . - . ' _ ' ' ._ ; . � . . ` _ _ ` , q'%k�y; <br /> ; f".` < , .� ` . ' �. t .. ; , , a . .•� < .. � .. , � _ . ,� _ . . � . <br /> ._.� . ._ :..___.__...�.__.,�.i.`_..--"— ---�f'_ . .-�_..-_. �. . .. , f� ,._.. . . ..-... ..._ z _ . � ....�. . �- '�- --. ._•.... _ .- - - �--...r� �j.' , -i:p4,- . ._.. <br /> PW — <br /> . < ( � E... ��1.�. <br /> ' i/�i ��O/'6/i/� < � ' `�.:Lr_- <br /> �. y ' _— <br /> � t 6.�3onower's Cog Y.Borrower shall be given one confqrmr:d oopy of the Note aad of tlris Security Instrvment � . • �'�;.;' :T�- <br /> , 17.Traasies ot the Progart or a Heneficial Iaterest iti Borrower.IP all ar aay part of the Property or any '-�-j���-.____ <br /> � interest ia it is sold or tsansfernd�or if a bee�eCcial interest in Bosrower is sold or u�ansferred sud Borrower is not a ; •; <br /> �_ natural person)witl�out Lender's prior written ooasent,Lertder may,at its option.require immediate paymeat in full of � ,� :.;�: _ <br /> - ali su�s secure�l by this Security Ynstrument.However. thia option shalt not b�z esercised hp Leader if escrcise is ' ��:";`;s�-`==-= <br /> ' prohibited by federai law as of thedate of this Security Insuumen� . '�-� - <br /> ' If I.ender eaercises this optioa.I.ender ehall give Borrower aotice of acceleratioa The notice shuli provide a�riod " � ��'��`�-k <br /> i of not le.s than 30 days from the date the notice is deliv�ered or mailed�vithin which Borrower m��st paq all suans secured � - - ---- <br /> - by thie Security Instrument If BorroNer fails to pay these sums prior to the eapiration of this period, Leader may invoke � - "�-:.�_-- <br />' � aay remedies parmitted by this Secusity Ipstrument withnut further aotice or demand on Bonower. f ' -`_ - <br /> r� 18.Horrower's Right to Reinstate.If Horrower meets certain conditions,Borrow�er shall have t�e righ:to have ' . •,.t��,�, ���' <br /> � enforcement of this Secunt�Instrument discontinued at any 2ime prior to the earlier of:(a)5 daps(or such other periad �`s:�;�:�`.._ <br /> as applicabla larn maq sp�fq for reinstatemeaty before sale of the Pro �ursuant to anypower of sale contained in <br /> � this Secwity Instrumea�or (b)entry of a judgment enforcing this �unty Instrumen�Those conditions are that . 'y��� <br /> � HOTl041Ci: (a) pays Lender all soma which then would be du$under ttuF Security Instrument�ad the Note as if no � - - °t:>:-- .. <br />.. ;�{ acceleration had occuned;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or a�ements;(c}pays a11 espenses inauned in : • �f�`�? <br /> ( enforcing tWs Security Instrument.iacluding,but not limited to,reasonabte attorneys'fees;and(d) takes suc�action as � ��.;�:«__=-..,t`�_:: <br /> Lender may reasonablp require to assure that the fi�n of this Seerority Instirument,Lender's rights in the Property and � - - <br /> � BorrovPer's obli�ation to paq the sums secured bq this Securitq Iastrumentshall continue unchaage�Upon reinstatement , �.-�'�-�—.~J . <br /> ha <br /> by Borrower.tlus Security Instcvment and the obLgations secured hereby shall remain fuUy effective as if no acceleration <br /> -_=�i��""- <br /> had occurred.However,this right to reinstate s h a l l not apply in the case o f acs:eleration under paragra p h 1 7. � "�� <br /> ' 19.Sale oi Note;Chaage o!�.oan Servicer.The Note or a partial iaterest in the Note(wgethrr with this Securitq : : �_�? � `'_���_ <br /> L-:m�me..')may t�sc id one r more times without p r ior notice to Borrower.A sale may result�a a chan g e im theentitp T�" �'°''� � <br /> :. �.� <br /> (kaown as the"Loan Servicer"�th.aE collects monthly payments due undsr the Note and this Security Instrumen�There � � <br /> also may be one as more ahanges of the Loan S�rvicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.l�f there is a chaage of the Laan ,' =���._.�_ .-`°;;;,n`',: <br /> . Servicer,Borrower will be given written notice oY the change in accordauce with garagra��14 above aad applicable ia�r. :.,�,,-�`• _`°�-�• <br /> The notice will state the name and address o4 the new L,oan 3ervicer and tAe addr�s to�seuch paqments should be made. -_ - ,'�°'.�-r: <br /> 'F� "i'De notice will also contain any other information required by applicable law. I;- -- ". ; ,�:--'�.'' <br /> Z0.giozardons Substances.Bormwer shall not cause or pzrmit the�sence,uss.dispo�l,storage,or release of _ , <br /> any Hazardotrs Substances on or ia the Property.Borrower s�all not do.nor allow anpa3e else to do,eaythtng affecting �''� a� � <br /> �� the Property t6at is in violation of anq Env�ronmental Law.The precediag two seatences shall nat apply to the presence, ` �' ; '�,. <br /> use. or storage on the Property of srnall quantities o4 Hazatdous Substauces that aze generally recogaized to be ...• ;;';•�:[.T <br /> ,- appro�priate to narmal residential us�nad to maintenance of the Propertp. ` . ,_ <br /> Bornower shall promptiq give I.ender written aotice of any investiganon,claim,demand,lavrs�it or other action by :,s:� �� � } . .'•�. i }.;,:;_�..,. <br /> any governmental orregulatory agencq or private patty involviag the Property and any Ha7ardnes Suhsts►nce or , , ';�"• Y'°ri?`, <br /> Environmental Law of wLich Botrower has actual knawledge.If Borrower learns.or is notified by aay gavemmeatal or � ... ., �, f}'�`'::.� .s.': <br /> �;.�.• •.�. . - <br /> regulatory authoriry. that any re�eval or other remediaUOn of any Hazardous Sub��ce affecting the Propc�t�' is -�,� 1., .. _;;��;- ��.._ <br /> necessarg,B�rrower shall rompfl �e all n . . ,�`_ <br /> P �arY remedial actioas in accordance aitr.�.�nviroumental Law. � n' , <br /> As u,ed in this paragrepb 20��Fiazardous Substances`are those substanvea definee€�toaic or hazardous su�� f. • ;���. �° � <br /> by Environmeatal Lav�aad the following sutsstance�gasoline,kerosene.other flammable or toaic pettoleum prcr^��..�..^fis, �• :� .,.��•._- <br /> toxic pesticid� aad hrrbicid�s, volatile solven�, materi a ls coniaiainng as b e s t os or for�s a l de hy de, an d ra d i�ive � ,�.' <br /> est <br /> matenals.As used in tius paragaph 20,"Environmental Law"meaas federal laws and lnwa of tha j�risdiction wk�the �'����'.:`�°_ <br /> _ Propesty:s located that relate to he� or environmeat�l protection. _ ��;�'� '�•�'�", :�T -- <br /> ' NON-IJNIFORM COVENANH'S.Borro�ver and Lender futther covenaat aad agree as follow� ' <br />.. 21. Aceeientioa; Remedies. Lendar shall �ivo aotace to Borrowes prior to accelentian fas�!owinE ' �:�i:: ��� <br /> Honower's brezch of sa covenant or a eemeat in this Secarity Instrument(but aot rior Eo�cceleration - �� ;; ���.�';�;,•�_;' <br /> � nnder pangrapL 17 nnless applicable 1�provIdes otherwise).The notIce shall apecify:(a)4��d_fwlt;(b)tho ' ��'�:.==__ <br /> actioa reqoired to care the defanit; (c) a d�te, not less than 30 daya from the dste the =io�ice is given to �,._�--�--- °�=_ <br /> . whtcm tho d�faolt most be core�;and(d)tha4 Yailure ta cure the�etanit on or bsYore tiae date �� �-'-�:=7:;;��.. ...,,_�„_ <br /> � s�ied in the notice msy resuit�n acc�leration of the sama secured bp this Secority Iastrument and sa4e oi *- •`•`:.�:,;�__�_�-�. <br /> � t�e Pioperty.The notice shsll further iniorm Boaower of the riEht to reinstato aiter acceleratian and the � '"' � ., <br /> � ri�ht to bria�a court actioa to assert the noa-e:istence oi a defaalt or aay other defense ot Borrower to � <br /> acc�laration aad sale. I�the defsuit is not cored oa or before the dste apecified in the uotice� �ender�ut its - <br /> opiifln, �sy reqvire immedi�te psyment ia full of sU sums secured by t�is Sccuritq Instrument without �—��z"i1�°"�� ---..- <br /> ' . farthrr d;caaad aud may invatc�e the Qower oi ssle aad any other remedies pormit4ed by applicsble 3sw. ;,',:.: �� <br /> „ Leader ti�all ba eatitted to collect all expensea incurred in pvrsuing the remedies provided in tLis para�aph =-�.1�.__���- <br /> 21,incloding,but not limited to,reasoaable attorneys'fees and costs oi titte evideace. . �.�.:;,i�,r.,,.�,,:�.f�_ <br /> Ii the power ot sate is invotced.Trnstee ahall record s notice oi detault in ach county ia whicb anq jl��O� �;T; �'•��.1/!•` <br /> the Property is laeated and shall m.►ail copiea of s�ch notica in the m�nner prescribed by ¢p�licablo Isw to >� ��,;-;��:,r�: <br /> � Barro�ver and to the other ons prescribed b a ]�cable law. After the ti�ne re aired t� a plicable lsw. � ~�� '�,�"''' --'i' <br /> P� Y PP 9 Y P � .�.,�,...�.,., • <br /> Trastee ehall give public nottce ot oale to thep�rsons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trnctee. • �`, r�,. `. - <br /> � without�amsnd on Borrower,shal�sell the Propesty at pnblic suctioa to the Wghest bidder at the ti�a and �.?:�.�^� ' �``'�'��Y�'-�`_ '� <br /> plaoe a�� uader tho terms desiga�ted in the notico ot sale in oae or more p�rcels aad in aay order Trvatee a';; ��`� �'" <br /> determinea.Trnstee may postpoae sale of all or any parcel ot the FYoperty by pablic�aaouncement at the , ��;_ <br /> time and place ot anq previoosly scheduled salo.Lender az its d�n�nee may purehase the Property et sny , ,.l;v;:;;;:;;.;;z:,.,.,,;_. <br /> sa1e. '�` ::�:^���z.�-=�— <br /> ���� <br /> ,1�� ...:.-_.•-..Tl,•.-:.. <br /> . . ,r_�i�ti' <br /> (t;i� "'E';�:.. <br /> Fama SOTC 9/90 �'. � � . <br />� �—QRWEIros�aio� v.s.e o�e �� � (1�jf . ��;'. ;. �'` .: <br /> Initlatx �.�.=t,: <br /> .:1t1.4�'. '-.:a,«� '� <br /> . _ '7i,Y� <br /> . ->f�w!NF�r�n —___. <br />-. �-, .. . _ . . ' .. . .. . •' �t�'^�' . <br /> : . �. . .. �� ' ' . . . . �. . � � .. . � . � ' � ' ., . - ' _ . ' . . � <br /> . , <br /> • . . . . . � . - . . - . <br /> . . . _ - - . .. .. . <br /> �. .� . . _ . . �. . � . - . • . ... . <br /> . . . , . . :.�.;.._ <br /> .. <br /> • . . . - ' . ' .' ' . - ' �;. <br /> . • . . � . . � .. . �. . - . . .. . . .. . � . _ .• �_. <br /> ' .. . . ' . .' � • . � � . � ' . . -.. � . � . . . . 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