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�' <br />2 0110 6�9.6,p <br />0067196816 016 (1449x665x2 tiff) <br />EXHIB7�T. ' <br />A tract of land comp�shta a pat�t of the Nartheast Quarter {NE1/4) of Section Twenty 8tx (26), Town�hlp Ten <br />(10} No�th, Ranee Nine (9}, West ot the Sth P.M., Hall Gounty, Nebraska, satd tract being more particulaHy <br />descrlbed as follows: <br />WJth refarenee to the Northwast comer oi sald NE7l4; thenca runnin� on an assumed boaring of N 90° QO' <br />00" E on the North Itne of sald NE7I4 for a distance of 42.00 feet !o the actual POINT OF BEGINNING; thence <br />continutng N 90° 00' 00" E on the NoRh Une of said NE114 for 301.00 feet; thence S 00° 00' 00" E for 455.00 <br />feet; ihence N 80° 00' 00" E for 28Q.00 feet; thence N 00° 00' 00" E for 4Z2.00 feet; thenee N 80° 00' Od° E for <br />151.90 feat; thence S 00 10' 00" W for 74Z.00 teet; thence N 80° 00' 00° W for T38.53 feet to a polnt 42.00 feet <br />Easterly irom the West line of sald NE1/4; thenee N DO° 09' 50" W, parallal with the West [Ine ofi sa(d NE114 for <br />775.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGlNNING <br />_�— <br />