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. . . . . . . _ . . . L <br /> . � � ��4� � . . . �� . . .. ` - . _ ' . . . ,- - . � - -! ��Y.. � . . .:. <br /> , � . .` � . . r .' - t—: �- . ' . . ` . . • . �. � . . ' ' . . J . .. __ <br /> ' . ' i' . . . ' ` . . ' . ' - - ' . <br />. _,...`..3...._.�......'._'��_. . ._.. ... .... .. ... . . _ ._,.� . .. ' .... .. .� � .. ,`, , •< R'l � .. � . � .. 4.._ ._..�_" . J. e ' /♦ ` _— <br /> 9?�i����4 . � . : � � �, � <br /> t , . � . . . -- <br /> 5. Eiawrd or Property Yasuranoe. Bortower sha11 keep the improvements anw existing or hereafter eiect�d on the ' :. � _ - <br /> Property in.sured against loss by fire, ha7ards inctnded within the teim 'excended coverage° and any other harands.iuzlnding . R` <br /> IIaods or floading.for which I.ender r�qnires insurannce. 19tis insara�ce shaU be mainr�;nert in the amounu aud for the gzria6s , . . . , 't=':° <br /> that Lender requires. The iacurance canier providing the iasurance shall be chosea bp Borrower subject to Lender's approval , - -- <br /> which shall not be unreasnnably withheld. If Bormwer faiLs to mainrain coverage described above. Ixnder may, at Leud�r's � • ` � <br />� _ option.obtain covera�e to protect Le�*'�rghts in the Property in accurdance with garapaph 7. ` . � � <br /> AII ins�rauze�licies and renewats shall be acceprable oo Leader and shall include a standard mortgage clanse. I.endea � , _- <br /> " shall have the ri t to hold the l�cies and renewals.If I.ender Bonower shall mm ve to Lensler all tecei u of '�^ ' � . -°- <br /> � P�� �4�• P P�Y� P •i <br /> paid p:emi�s aud renrvral nouces. Ia the event of toss. Borrower shaU give ptvmpt untice to the in�„a�catrier and Y.ender. . rs.d� <br /> Lender may make proof of!os§if not made pmmp�ly bp Borrower. , . '_ '. •,..;`.- <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower othetwise agree in writing,ir,surance prac�s sltaaU be applied ta�estoratioa or repair of the :,,.,,:,:.: , . � - <br /> Propertq damagecl,if the restoration or repair is economically feastble and L.ender's se�ur►ty is not lessened.If the cestoration or c_:�'`�. .-,=L ,;•'" .�� <br />' - tepair is ttot economic�lly feas��le or Lendet's seCtuitq woutd he le�ened,the incnmmeE•ploCeed4 sball h2 spplied to the sums �'�;.<,�s„�': .•��- . .:.. ��-- <br /> ��.— <br /> secared by dris Secnrity 1n�,,.,�.n?, whether or not tben d¢e. with any excess paid to Brnmwer. If Botrawer ahandons th� � ''. �; �---a-.m�-- <br /> : ,�=.: -�v� <br /> • � Praperty,or does not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender tl�at d�insvrance carrier has offeied to setde a claim. then _ :--_,.�sr .�.. - <br /> , ,� I.ender may collect the insaranze proc�is. Lender may ase the pioceeds w repair or restore th: Prop.°rty or io pay smns : -=�rL-• <br /> '; secared by tlus Secarity Insunment,whether or not then dae.'[i'he 30-dap periad will begin whefl th�notice is given. ' °� , ; ..�W.� <br /> - ; Unless Leuder and Borrower otheiwise agree in v�ripng, anJ+�PP�cadon of proceeds w princ,�ipal shall not extend or •; '' :•��`�'' <br /> ` postpone the d�e date of the monthly payments nf�rred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amnnni of the gaymenrs.If nnder . .����-- <br /> � <br /> � -�, pazagraph 21 tlu Proge� is acqnired by Leadsr, Boaower's right to any ��,�•�policies at�proceeds �esnldng frnm , �,-, -�.3__-- <br /> �-�!�'— <br /> damage to the t�i�peny piior to the acqnisitioa shall pass to Leader w the extent of d�e s[m�s s�by this Seauity Instr�.ani � _=- -- <br /> _`� immediaceiy P�ar co che acquisiaon. °'"'"� ��--"'-_ <br /> 6.QccaPanc9,Pres�eatfon,Ma�ntenance and Pro�iectfon of the Pro µ�T <br /> .•�;.� Isertys BorrOw�'s LOaII Appllt�tdQlli Lea3�hO1dS. �'�' <br /> • `"• Bomower st�all ocaqsy,est�tish.and nse tHe Property as Horrower's grinapal ms-idence widun sixty days after the e�cation of � ', ;���- - <br /> . -. tbis Se�urity tm�_ez�a¢d s�all cantimse w ptincipal�sidence for at least oaz pear aRe�t • '�':�- ' ; � <br /> . .:i oavpq the Progerty as Boirower's ���.- �+-'r"' -� <br /> the date of a�-.�c.y,anlcss Legder otlr�ise ag�ees in writing,which cansent shall not be anteasonably withhetd,or unless - �� �.�,---�-�' <br /> ' eate�atin� drrr�Yauces �ist which are beyond Borrower's con�ol. Bosower s6all not destroq. damage or impair the � <br /> . ► Ft�terty,all�y� r��;�r.�deteriorate, ar commit wasre on the Property. Borrower sl�all be in default if aity forfeidue ''`= � <br /> as�;:m��gc+:u�.r.g, c�..��_*�ivil or criminal,is began t}�at in Lender's good faith judgment could resalt in forfeimte of ihe "°4� �`: - <br /> • �m. <br /> �r��y cr •u�^.�ise materiallq impair txie 1��n creaoed by this Securitp Insnvment or Lender's seauitq inteRSt.BoYmwer may - .` —_ <br /> cc.-s sach a es-�:�It and reinsrate,as provic�ci in PaiagraPh 18,by can..�the action or proceeditrg c:c'be dismi.�,sed with a m13a� ;`f1''' ---. <br /> . 's{ � <br /> rnas, in Len��r s good faith det �n tion,pFectades forfeidnre of t3�Borrower's inieiest in��operty or othet material <br /> � �?� . <br /> u�,y;aument of the lien cieatetl by t4is Setarity Inspra�t or Lender's setwity intemsG Baraa��all also h� nn defa�lt if yt;j;�;� . :v,�,` ��'. --- <br /> ��ower,dnring the loan app�cadon process.8an+e mate�ixl}y faLse or inaccarate infvnon�tion�r�-�„ei,+�to�ies(or fa�7ed i.�•,�..�{��.,, �{��,;- — <br /> w pravide Lxeder wit3►airy material infomiation)in connecdon with the loan evidence�by the rd�.inclnding,bnt not limited `�.`�, •` � � ` <br /> � w,rePresen�zyns c�ucemiag Boirower's ocrupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If tius Secarity Iast�tnment is on� ,".`` ' <br /> teasehoId, �aceW^�rer sball ccmiply with aU the provisions of the lease. If Burrower acq�ires fee titte to the Property tiuu: <br /> m p , � ,,,.... <br /> ieasehold antl the fee title sball nflt merge untess I.ender agmes to the merger ia writing. y: ...'r�- _:v u;- <br /> 7.Ye�ai�n of Leadar's Rigt�ts in the Propetty.if Bosower fails to perfomi the covenaats and ag:eements contained in `�'tii{ a-- <br /> �,;.. :. <br /> this Seauity Insuvment,or�:re is a Iegal proceeding a�at may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(sach as a ���, �— <br /> ,�"�"�:' <br /> pmc�ing in ban�ptep,Pmbate. for ca�..�°.a�nadon or forfeit�e or to enforce laws or regula�io:U).thea Lender may do a� -'•�=--�=:q`�_ <br /> pay for wLatever is aeoessary w protect r�:valne of the Property and Lender's rights in the F��sy. I.ender's acdon�� - �`, - s� <br /> iaclnde paying any sams secaned by a lien wluch has prIority over this Sec�ity Insu�ent, �rIng in caurt, paYing - `, — <br /> • reasona6le attomsys'fees and entering on the Property e��nake repairs.Althov�h Leader may take actian ua�e�t5is patag�aph �"��' --- �,_ <br /> • 7,Lender daes not have W do so. _ <br />_ . Anp am�nts disbarsed by Lender nnder this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt ef Bomower secared by this -. . <br /> Secariry Instiv�ent. Unless�orrower and Leader agree to other terttiv of payment,these amonnts sball bear iaterest frow t'�. . . . - -- <br /> � : date of disbaisemeat at the Note rate and shall he gayuble, with interest. upon notice from I.ender to Borrower reqnes'�.,r •. ,••. - <br /> . pa�� ,�. r:�,. .-�.; :. <br /> S.Mortgage Insurauce.If Lenddes required mortgage i�surance as a condidon of malring the Wan seca:ed L*�r�:.:s S�catit; �'�;" �.� � <br />, Instr�ent, Bomnwer shall pay the pre�i�s teqnired to maintain�mottgage i�surance in eE�i�. If, fa��-.� r:.aso�. �e � • _ <br /> mortgage insarance coverage�eynired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borroaer shall la�.�rhe pre�ir.�,s iequired to �:,='-�" <br /> : obtain cov�rage substaniiaally eqnivalent to the mortgage insarance previously in effect,at a oost��,��y�;.:valent to the �• • . .. . , <br /> cest ta Bonower of the martgage insmrance previoasly in effect, from an altenoate mortgage insurer appmccd!t�y Lender. If ''�d.�' <br />