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<br /> 92— s�a2z
<br /> NON-UNiFORM COVENAPITS. Barower md L.endor furtFKr covenAnt�nd og�as followa:
<br /> 17. Foreclaaire ProadurR. If L�enda uirea immr.diato payem en�t in full undetpa�ograph 9.I.ende�may invok�e the
<br /> power oP eale au�d ury dher remediespermi!ted�y AP,�licable I�w, l.e�der shell be enliqed to c�llect all expenses incurned
<br /> _ in pursuing tho remcdic9 provided in thia p�gr�Ph�..including.bnt not limited to. rewionAblo�ttorneys'fees and casw of
<br /> tiUc evidence.
<br /> Q tYepower of eak b iovdced,7�ustee sbAll record a aotke ot defAUlt in es�cb county 1n whkh poy pan ot!he
<br /> - p�aperty bl�cated Aad sh�U maU copks ot eucb notice la the manner prescrib�d by applicab�e law to Ban'uwer aad
<br /> -=g—=�`=T==�' to Ilte uther pe�t�.Pr�crWed by pppIkabb law A(rer the dme nqulred by eppl�cabk Isw,7lrustee siwll give �-
<br /> — puWk nodce o��le to tl�e perso�w nad in tbe mAnoer prescribed�by applkable I�w 7lrustce,without dempnd on
<br /> = Borrower.�ball�ell We Property pt public aucUoa to the hi hest bidder at Ihe time nnd place aad under tbe tcrms
<br /> d�ted in the notk�of sAle fn onQ or nwre pucels and�any oMer 7Fustee dek�mines. 7Fustee�Y�ne
<br /> --_ �Ale ot�11 or anY porcei oi the Property bypnblk aanouncemeai at tde pme�wd place o�aay previously ukd
<br /> de. I,ender or its decignee mpy purchase!Ge Property at pny sale.
<br /> Upon receipt o[prymeot of tde Prlce bid,7Fustee shall deUver to the purcha.ger 7tustee's deed conveying t6e
<br /> Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee a deed sludl be prima(ack evidence ot truW of the stntsmente made lherein.
<br /> ° ` "` `� 'iirw�tee shrll�rppiy tix proceeds of Ihe as�le In the tollowiaQ order: (a) to all cpsis and expenses of exerebin� Ide
<br /> power oTsde,aad the sak,induding the paymeat otthe'llvstee's teea nclluwlly Incurred�not to exceed � �'o
<br /> - -- ot the pr�iocipai amount ot lhe eote�t the time ot the declaratton ot defanit,�nd reasonwble attorneys fees as
<br /> tpitted 6y I�Aw=(b)to all wmw cecured by th�Security lartrument;and(c) any excess to the persou or perpons
<br /> �illy epUlied to(f.
<br /> 18. Reconveyanca Upon paymant of all sums secured by this Securiry Ins�rument,Lcnder shali requesc'Ih�stee to
<br /> � reconvey ths Property ar►d shall sumender thls Secudty Instrument and ull notes Bvidencing debt secured by this Secudty
<br /> Insuument to 7tuetee. 7lrustee shall neconvey the Property without warranry and without chuge to the persan or persons
<br /> -- �-- - -- leyal!y entitled to il. Such person or persons Ahell pay any recordation cnsts.
<br /> :�,�,��.. 19. Substitute 7Y�ustee. L.ender,nt its opdan,may from time to time remove 7tustee and appoint u successor trustee �
<br /> .="u" to eny 7tustee�ppointed hereunder by an inshument reconled in the county in which lhis SWeiri�ty'd dui es confcrred u n
<br /> = � Without conveyonce of the Ptnperty.the succeseor trustee ahall succeed to all the title,po P�
<br /> - �r' =�'�= �• '[tustee herein and by applicable law.
<br /> Z0. Request for NoNees. Borrower requeats thet copies of the natices of defpult and sale be sent w Bomuwer s
<br /> �� addness which ie the Property Address.
<br />_^�.�
<br />- Ridere to this Security Insirumenf. If ane or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> ' Security lnstrument, the covenAnta oi each such dder shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement the
<br /> covenants and agreements of thia Secudty Inst�ument us if the rider(s)were in a part oi lhis Security Insuumenl.
<br /> . {
<br /> � '. [Chcck applicable box(es)�.
<br /> _ _ rt�+Y�� �Condominium ltider �oraduated Puymenc Rider �Crawiag Eguiiy Rider
<br /> . " �ri�r�r�d+'!`.. '-
<br />.� �„ '��t;
<br /> "''��`` '��� Planned Unit Develo ment Rider Olher�S cif
<br /> ,,�' ;�1. .•. ❑ p X❑ Pe YI ACKNOUILEDGhIENT,
<br /> o � �:��. + �:..
<br /> , � ` " BY SIdNING BELOW.Borrower accepts and agrees to the ternis conlnined in pages I lhrough 4 of this Security
<br /> :J.f..•r�
<br /> '�` •" Insuument and in any rider(s)execuled by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> _� „T,m..........,,:... _
<br /> • �+�.-+�•�4- Witnesses:
<br /> :� ,.,�w•.�-�-..�,: .
<br /> , . � (Seal)
<br /> sw'� ' .� R L. KLEINE BO°Ow`�
<br /> �- •, .;...� . ' ��`� '
<br /> ,. �,� ,",> ,�d�/�c� �1� ��_.t.l.,, (ScAI)
<br /> ro-' � L•. •.. T �OIIOWCf
<br /> �`° ••�h � �,,...- SANDRA K. KLE INE
<br /> S :r �
<br /> r _ ,� t, (Sen4
<br /> � .i:..�._...._ . . Bormwer
<br /> . y.....,. •
<br /> io,� ' • L_��' _.
<br /> . ��__, (Scul)
<br /> . . ._ r- , Bortower
<br /> ' ' � �r � STATE OF NEBRASKA, HRLL County ss:
<br /> ��
<br /> • ; '`��--••� 21ST AUGU5T. 1992 —
<br /> � On Ihiw duy of hcforc ntc.thc undcrsig�ned,a Nat:uy ^
<br /> + '?a • Publir J I commitisioned nnd uuliticd for wid county,pcnonaliy cumc JERRY L. KLE INE AND SNNDRA K.
<br /> . � `. . ,,,, . to me known Io bc thr _
<br /> . •�.,, d� iiknlicul rxonlxl wlx�K namcl+)�rc rub.crilkd to�hc li�regoing in.trumcnt anJ acknowlcdged tlx ezecution thenmf to be —
<br /> -- - =—o ---_------ I IE TR v�iluntury uc�und dcc�i. _
<br /> '" Wilnc�.my hanJ und notfll'IiII til`JI:Il GR{IND ISLAND� NE8RA5KA in said counry, thc -
<br /> � � '� tJA1C L1U11`sUl(I.
<br /> • `
<br /> '_ \
<br /> � _ �_L�;. A��•_ v,��, �� .;�. -
<br /> .. - �--.---� . iviy i�mmis�i�m capirex: ���Njd�a►�,�1�J=�---- N�aury Punlic E
<br /> -� . � —
<br /> " "� . RFsQU�STFORRECUNV�YAN(:E
<br /> ' ` TO TRUSTk:Ii: r
<br /> ,. " �• " ,• 1�hr undrr.igncd i,�hr holdcr uf Ilt�notr ur notc.+rruRd Ny Ihi.[krJ ot"I}u+�. 5�id nutc��r nutes.tctgcth�r wilh:111 `.
<br /> . iNhrr ualcbteJnc�+�ccurcJ by Ihi.r LkrJ uf"I}u�t,huv�tx�cn paid in 1'ull. You arr hercby dirrctrJ tu run«I �aid note or �!
<br /> , ,� nuk�und Ibiti Ikrd ol 7Yu.i.wlu�h:UC d�livencl hCl'Cby.imJ tu rccunvey.wilhuul uarrunty.all Ihe rti[:nr nuu•held by}�uu i
<br /> � under Ihir IkYJ of ltu�t W the penun ur Fx nun,legully rntidrd�hrrrto. '
<br /> ,
<br /> i� r ��� + U•rlc: -- (
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