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<br /> 92— so���
<br /> � comieemnu[Ion orwhcr talcing of any pun of the l�vperty.ur for convcyun�.�c in lieu of cw�dcrn�wtiun.urc hcreby asaiXncJ oad
<br /> eiwU be paid to I..cixler.
<br /> In ��c cvent af a twat takiog of thc Property. thc praccJ� �h•rll be upplicd to thc sums �ccurccl by 1hi+ S�tiurity
<br /> lnstn�mcnt, whcther or n�N thcu duc, with uny excc�r paid tu Bom�wcr. In the cvcm uf•r partiu) laking uf thc Pn�crty in
<br /> _. .
<br /> . ,.
<br /> �: which thc iuir m�'ket value of thc PropeRy immediatcly bcfcxe thc�:rking i�cyual tu ur greatrr than thc amount uf tha;rums
<br /> �.._,� M�curcd by chi�Security Instrument immcdiuicly bcfore Ihc�aking,unlcx�Borrowcr und I.cndcr c�thcrwise ugree in writing,
<br /> ` - thc sums sccur�d by this Sccurity In�uun�ent .hrll br ndurcd by thc amnu��t of the�rcree�k multiplieJ hy�he t'al lowing
<br /> � fraction: (a)thc tcxal omount of the sumw secured immediutely bcfore�he taking,Jividre!by(b)thc fair m•rrket valuc uf the
<br /> Propeny immcdiacely befarc the taking. Any bal:u►cr xhall bc paid to Burruwer. In the rvcnt of u p:utiul tsking of the
<br /> - Property in which the fair market value af the Property immcdiutely beforc the taking is Ic.s�hun thc umaunt of thc rum.
<br /> securcd imrnediately befare the tukin$, unlcs� Borruwcr und Lendcr otherwiu �grec in writing ur unlc•� •rpplwuhlc I•rw
<br /> ,��{�,:_>_tr�� otherwise prov3de�,the ptoceeds xiwll be applicd to tNe sums s�:cured by this Security lnstrument whether or nw the xums arc
<br /> � � then duc.
<br /> ��-� !f thc Pruperty is ubandoncd by Bo�TOwer,or if,aftcr nutira by 4cixicr to Bvrruwcr that the cundrmnor uffen to m:dcr
<br /> ---— s nn 3ward ar sc�tt�a�laim for dumage.,Borrowcr fails to responJ ta LcnJer within 30 days s�fter thc datc�hc n�nice i.givcn,
<br /> ��,;;�,F _n�! Lender is uulhurized to rollect und apply the pruceeds, at it�aption.eithe�to restarWion ur repair of the Property or to thc
<br /> - ��a➢P�3i� aums s,e�wrd by thi�Security Inxtrumcnt,whcther or not then due.
<br /> -s"�-r;,•�"`; Unlc�w Lender und Burcowcr othcnvise ugrc�:�n wriunR• �Y �PP���+���on of proceeds to principal sh:�ll nut rxtcnd or
<br />� pos�pone thc due date�f the nionthly payments referred to in parugruph� 1 und 2 or chungr ihc iunount ot such payment,.
<br /> I ll. Borrower NW Released: Fa'bea�'ance BY Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of thc umc for payimnt or
<br /> }?�`°:�-- �='��= modification of amnniruion of the sum�secured by this Securiry Inetrument gran[eJ by Lrnder to uny succet+or in interest
<br /> � �; `6 d � �r�..: • of Bonowcr shall nat operute to mlca�c the liability uf the original Borrowcr or BoRC�wers sucrc..ur.iu interest. Lcndcr
<br /> ` ;«R.:r.r.,r..tiL_�1• i shall not br reyu'ued ta cammc:nce proce��ding.aguinst any succetiwr in intcre+t or rrfuse tu extend timc for payrnent or
<br /> a . otherwise modity amortization of the sum.secwed by thiti Sccurity In+uumcnt by reation of:u►y demand made by the origin•rl
<br /> ;....,.... .
<br /> °:'� , . � s�rrower ar Bcxrc►wer ti wccexwrs in interest. Any furbe:uancr by 4cndrr in cxrrcising ar►y right or remedy+h�ll not bc a
<br /> ' � �;,�• waiver of or preclude thc cxerci.e of�ny right or rnmedy.
<br /> ��"�K ,^ 12. Successors and Assi��s Bound;Jotat and Several LG�biltty; ('o-signer�. Thc cuvcnant.unJ agr��ement�uf thix
<br /> __� '
<br /> __,:.}i:�:;C""';.,�, y Security Inawment shall bind und benet"it the sucre�san wxl atisign�of LenJ�r c+nd Borrower,subject to[he provi�iun�of
<br /> � �-;� ,. , �, °� parugruph 17. Borruwer's cuven:mtx und agreements +1�11 be juin� ;uid uuvrruL Any Borruwer whv casigm this Security
<br /> _�{��';' � Instrwnent bat dacx nut exa:utc thc Note: (a)i.co-xigning Ihis Sccuriry Instrument unly to mortgage,gnuri and convcy that
<br /> Borrowcr's interest�n the Proprrty under the terms of thi.Securiry In+uumcnt; (b)ir not perwnally obligut�J to pay ttx sums
<br /> =;�4,,,.,°�".:... secuml by this Security(nstrument;:uid(r)ugnr+that Lrnder und:uiy other Borruwer may agm�to cxtend,mociify, forbear
<br /> --- �4� T or make uny ucwmmod•rticros with reg:�ni to the temi. of thi�Security Inxuumcnt or�he Note without Uwt Borruwer's
<br /> — � —- �vila�tii.
<br />- -_: . ----- :-- - l3. Loan Charges. If Ihr lo:u�sccured by thi+ Scrurity In,trument i�subject to a law which uts maxirnum ioan
<br /> .��f. � chargex,nnd th�t law i.finally interprctrd w thut the intere.t ur Wh�r lo:u�chargey collectcJ or to be cullerted in cuni�ectiuu
<br /> °_ . with�he lu:u�excc�:d the permitted limit+.then: la):u�y su�h lo:ui rh�ugc�hal I br rrduceJ by the:u�wunt neccrsury to reduce
<br /> ,�:� , jc. :'�'. K`�. "'�'�' the ch;uge to the permitted limit:und lb):u►y�ums alre:uly collecte�l froin Borruwer which rxceeded permiu��d limitti will be
<br /> �4� .,.
<br /> .c�,;� ,.,;�..;"-''t' rrfundeJ to Borrower. LenJer may cha�.r to makr thi.rrfuncl by rcducing thr principal owed under the Nute or by m:ilemg a
<br /> - "r'a°; • dirert payment to Borruwer. If a rcfund reducex prinripal,thc reduction will br trrated uc a p.u'tial prepayment without uny
<br /> __ �„" �R_ �' �� prep:�yment rhargr undrr the Notc.
<br /> • 14. Notiees. Any nuticc w Burrow�rr pruvided ti�r in thi+Securi:y lnstrument tihall be givrn by drlivering it ur by
<br /> _� � � ,o � x mail ing it by fir.t cla.s mail unlrs,applirablr law reyuinr.u.e uf anuihrr methal.The mxicc shall lx Jirrcted w the Proprrty
<br /> __ �, ' — AJdre+ti or any oti�rr addre.�Borrower dr.ignates by nutice to LenJer. Any notice tu LenJer ah:�l Ix given by fint�la...
<br /> mail tv Lerxlrr+aJdre,�xtatrJ hcrcin ur:u�y uther uJdre��Len�rr dc+ignate,by nuti�r tu Burrowcr. Any nutirc provid��i for
<br /> _�� , � ; in thiti Security ln.trument.h:+ll br �kem��l to havc bcen giv�n tu Borrow¢r��r Len�kr wlxn given uti providrd in thi,
<br /> ..o ' , p:uugraph.
<br /> ��:.' � o � l5. Coverning Law; tieverabililv. Thi. Serurity In.trumcnt+hall t►r govcmcd by fcdrrvl law and thc law uf the
<br /> h.. ' juri�diclion in which th�Pru�:rty i�I�xatrJ. In thc rv�nt th�t:my pruvi.ion ur rlau.c uf thi.S�curity histrumcnt or thc Nut�
<br /> ^ �;� '"� �"''• �` cuntlict+with applir•rblc law.�uch rontlirt.hall nut attcrt uthrr pruvi+iunti of thi.S�wurity Instrument or the Note w hich csn
<br /> �� , � . be kiven effrct without thr cuntlirting prori�iun. 7i� �hi.end�hr provitiionti uf thi. S�r•ur�ty Instrument •rnd the NWe nre
<br /> - . � d�tltuzd tu t+e.rvrrablc.
<br />- � . � 16. Borruwer's Cupy. Burcuwrr,hall Ix�iven unr ronti�m��J co��y ot'�he Note:mJ uf thi.Security In.trument.
<br /> = ° ,,� l7. '11�n�Per uf the Pruperlv ur a lieneiicial Inter�+t in Burruwer. If all ur any part uf thr Prup�rty or:uiq inter�tit in
<br /> it ix xold ur tramfrtreJ lur if a txneticial interc�t in &urow�r i+ �old ur trantif'rrn�l and Burn►wcr iti nut ;►n;twrul pcnunl
<br /> �•""�.�, t:�t� " • withuut Lrn�kr.prior wrincn ron.rnt,LrnJrr may. at ih uptiiai. r�t�uirr immcJiate puymrn[in full uf ull.ums srrurcd by
<br /> this Sc�uriry In.trumcnt. Howcver.Ihis uptiun shall nut lx eKCrciccd by �cnJer if rxerri+e is pn�hibitrJ by feJ�r�l I�w u�ot
<br /> = :.^. the clate uf thi�S�tiurity ln.trumcnt.
<br /> �"� If Lrndcrrxcnisc.thi�optiun.Lrnder shall�iv�fiurtuw�r n�xi�e of accclrruriun. The nutire.hall proaide a prrioci uF
<br /> . ` ���"�` not less th:m 3D day+fn�m thr dat�thr nuti�c i.delivenJ ur mailc�i within whirh Burruwer mu+t pa� all.um.�ccured by thiti
<br /> • , . S�turity In.trumrnt. lf kiurrvwcr Fail. t��puy thc.c .wn.prior to th�����iratiun of' thi. �xri�xl. Lrnder may invokc ;uiy
<br /> cS rem�Jic�{xrncttrd hy thiti Scrurity ln,trwncnt w ithuut lurtlx r noticc ur drmanJ un k3urruw�rr.
<br /> ` ,* . ' IlI. ibrrower's RiKht tu Rein�late. If BurroNrr nt��h r�nain runJitiun.. Burruw�r �hall have th� right W havr
<br /> � enfurcrment uF thi.Serurin•In,trumcnt JiKUniinue� at :ui� tim� ��nor tu th��:�rlirr ut: �a► �da},(ur wch utlx r p�n�xl a.
<br /> ` Sm�ck Fanuh• Fuanlc�lae%treddle�tx t\IF'IIR�f 1\1'1'Rf\Ib:\T Vurt:�rn�('�nenrm. 9�4Y �p.rxr J.�fn�wxru
<br /> _ • • -`--- - -- - � � , •;•�..:---.-.i :. ,_ . ,_
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