,. . • , . •. . . . . . ,-. r S.. .. _ . . _ . . ._.
<br /> �,, E `°t`:t .. �, - �'�. ' . . , :4(qf>; ir.�;� - . � a, �t~ . � . � � ._-" - - � ,+ .' ? n�_�.
<br /> ... . ._. _"' _._—_=..ar. . .s�. . ......_.,o _ .. . . , .. ....., .. .. . . . . _ __ �.. . • � ��"-.--
<br /> 9�-�,���'�� � � i�; � . ``��;��$-
<br /> � t�lb to t1N aownant� a�d �t� `� ` . . . �°:---,
<br /> T. ProteaUcn ot Landsr's Rt�hSe tn ths Rtoparty. �r eorrawu v+��+++ �. : � _:
<br /> contalned In tt�l5&ocurtty tn�UUment,or thus t�a�J pr�d�Q Wat iswy�WW��►canUy n.Saet lsnd�s rigo►ts h tha ProC�Y isuch ns , • � . > �•"� ,-
<br /> ae .,�:
<br />_ n proccadnp tn psnlwOUY.Orobato,far ccndsmnatto� ar forfa3ure ot to antor�lawa cr�ufWons?.�� ���y do sn�GiY tar ��_'. , . • = b=-
<br /> w�ntcv^d b n�oz¢oN ta C�tsat ths vahro of Ma Praparty �d Lafdere�+4e h tha ProflutY. tx►d�fs acticns rtuy InsNd�O�Y�O �.. ' ' • =
<br />' any eam9�aaured by a I�en whtah Ass prEOrRy over thfe 8eeur�y tnaWm�n4�WD�9� �o�P�Y�R�anab�ettomoy/a tc�s end ` °, `� ' __' -`
<br />�. I ent�Bnp on tri9 Property to m�tce�fa7e. MAOUgh IAnC�r m�y tak�tEtfon unQir th►�pus�aph 7,L4nder Qa1s rtot h¢v�to�o fo. � � .�--
<br /> � My emo�cntt d�bura�d Ey I.�n�r unQ�r tBS� @srE�apA 7 etul DecarrN nddqiand d�bi ot Barrowar exurad bY thla Sxur�y < -, �` �- -- - --
<br /> .. tn�uurr�n� Unk�s Borrow�r �nQ LmBw � ta oulr■* Y.•-ma o! R�Ysr.�t, tt:�� emo!�� sha�be�1 Int�si trcm t� 6ui ef .._ . -- - . -- -
<br /> .. dEtOurt�nt 4i N�Nots nb an0 thsB E�Day��•�h h2erast,uA�noUC�from Lsnd�r to Bo�rowar nqu�3tbt0 P�1��1� ` .
<br />• . 8. Ms�tgag� tn�ran�e►. If I.oa�dat requUed moKp3se haurancm ee n aondlt�n ot maecN� tho Wsn axr�r�d Psy t1t� • �,� -
<br /> ' Secur@y tniWm�n4, Bcrrow�r sha9 pay th� pnm�ass tsqul� ro mahtaYf th� mortQty� htur�nc� h aft�eL tl. tor any raasmb tAo .`"*•..~�
<br /> ,e�
<br />- mort��o tnsurEmCO cov;,rcg�raqukaG by Landor Y�ps�a ar caeaas to be h sftact, Bortawsr aha0 pay tho pr�mtums Rqulrod 40 obtah • , �
<br /> : , i . ��'.R:F-
<br /> :, eova�y� subst�tWty �qutvai�nt to ftw m�or�a�a tr+suranc� pravlaua",+ b ct�t. at a cost cubst:u+ibM e4u�iatenl to iha cost to - - ,,, ;+�=-__�.-
<br /> Borrawar ot tho mortyx�o Huursnco prsvi�ua.y h �icL trom �n auemata mo�ap� Inaunr �pproved by t.�nder. tf aub�Unt6at►y � ,°r •:;��:
<br /> e�utvaient mortQayO haur�nea oovua�s b not ati�by.BorrowaT slwi RaY to Lgndar r�ch manth a sum equel to on�two�th o�ttte , `_., `�"'�¢
<br /> ; ' ¢.1.�.-:;�
<br /> , YeaRy rrtart�age hsuranco premlum baSnp p�Dy Borrowar when tha hsurar�cov�raQe I�Pssst or ceassd to D9 in effoct l�ndor wID . . --u
<br /> accep� use and retain thoso PaY+nnnts cs a bsa reserve � Qeu a! maRpopa hsuranca. Loss rtaerv�PaY�ts mary �o tonpu Oa . ._ - R':°-i--:�;•---
<br />. requirad.at the optton of L.endsr.B mortgape hsutance caverags(in tho amount and tor tfle porbd that Lendar requtres)provtded by _ -_..., ,_ - _.;-�'_
<br /> � an hsurer approw8 Cy L�der c�tgarn becomes ava0ebte end is obtahed BoROwer SAatl pay th� prem�ms re�tred to mehtain • � ;,;. •-- - • ,�^
<br /> �� mortpapo Insurnnc� !n e�sc��r t�prautda a b�a rasave. unL7 ttie roqukament ta mortpape hsurancs ends{n accordancc w9h any , �r'_---
<br /> �.Y,^.�d . ��.f� `�A
<br /> vm'tten aQrs�ment��go�Barrovler end 4sndsr or appOcablB Icw. • ',... <: 4�" ...���`�s..�'
<br /> ' 8. II18�EC��¢Oo Lettdet or Rs ayent may make roasona�SS en'trbs upon end hspsetbns of th0 Property. Lendst sha8 gtv0 .' ' �„�_s'_:•^--" --
<br /> " Borrower noUce at�e Uma ot or rtor to an Ins ecUon spec�yyi�g raasanable cauaB for the Inspection. ,-�f`�-=-��'`.Y``:f'`°:-
<br /> P A B .
<br /> t0.Condemna�lon. Tha pracaeQs ot eny award or cl�lm tor , . '�`���-:°:—
<br /> :� dama�es dtect or consequential, in connection wAh any �«rc 4y-:� ,,
<br /> condemnatlon or other mkinp ot any part ot tho Praperty.or for c�usyanc�h Yau nf eonda�nnatbn,ere hsreb asa ed end SheO be `r`}'"''` - r:�•~�• . ,<
<br /> Y � .#'f,�� ''� " `�
<br /> � j^f�.r' e � - -f'�`� -.� '.�.
<br />.';� ��0�.WIdB1. s i6•<:.:a.
<br /> ,'�:T,!>��ft lu,..�,.i.;•.;,i;^�'�`}:�,_,
<br /> tn tha ova�ni��tottl takfnp of ths Pcapertyr.the proceeds aAaY bo appQed to th� eums sseured by this Securay Ns7anent, ,'+�^ ��, �-T-
<br /> whether or no2 ttava �wRh any exeess paW ta Bortowar. tn Uw a�nt�t a partiol tek6ip o!ttie Properiy in whbfi the tab mazket `;ia�• � '�i�s� Y `
<br />`_,;�. val�a o! tne Prrpmtg �rmrtsdtetery before tAo tab�+D Ts aqual to or yraater thor� 41w amoun! of tho wms secumd by thls Securdy "�., r.U; ,�-�`•,
<br /> '.��. �i�M1�S"+fr�?:f. S i`l '{�`
<br /> ' Ins3rt:raant incned'�Tq�sfore the taWnp. unleas Borrower and Lcnder otherwtsa aprae In wr@tnp. Ma suma aecured by tAis 3acur�y s��•. � .
<br /> .,;?l�' �:, • �. ,•
<br />''•.;s � Insbumant shaA ba reduced by tAe amount of itie proceeds muQipC2d by tho toCOV�(ng tracLion: (a)tAO tatal amount of tAo sums �'�' . �" .�.,.�.;<-.�--•
<br /> secured irr�rtwdlaWry betore the�4.dTulQad bY @)the fatr markat vaiie of the PmPeRy tmasdiatoly b_fow tne takbp.Any baler►ca ' ^ `� •
<br />,'i;:�' Shell b�e pIIld i0 BOTTOwP.L in ths event of a p�'�1ai takinp oi the ProAaAY h which tha faM m�rke!valuo of tha ProDaRy Yrtirwdfatary •,•�;�j�;�:...,F"•-:
<br />=;?�. bofora tha tpishp fs less than tho amount o!fho sums secured I�nrtwQtatmly boforo ttu takNp. unkt�Borrowar end L.enaer otherwtso �' -�,;-:-
<br /> �, tQree tn wn'tinp or untess appQcabia taw o2�.,e�wi� provtdes� tha proco6ds shaR be aPPlied to the eums aecursd by thts Securityy , . ,. : ,fr.`:..;I.
<br />;:..��� insbvment whether or nat the sums�s thsn du¢. � �����`�:°•
<br /> �':� • 4 ' r....y...:;-.
<br />-;� ; It fhe PcopeRy E�ebandonQd by£so:rower.or�aftx notico by Lendar to Borrow�r that tha cor+damor aBas to make an avrerd or •y,��,r�. ��;.��,. . ,
<br />:;�ri. � setW a cirim tor .8orrowar�S to�Pand to Lender e�PtAN 30 dsys afWr Uw daW bha notko Es gNan. t.ender L�eut�ortxad ,� ,,•.�: '.j`�`;/j"�� • : .
<br /> •' �V i
<br />:'� - to eoReCt and�typfy proCOeds,at N'd optbn,eRhar t0 rosWration ar ropair of the Properry ar to the suima secuted tiy thLs Secu►�1y �' �'��'.iG� ,
<br />" ��' Instrum�n�MrhetAp�w not then dua �� ��:=.�n
<br /> Unloss lAndw and Borrow�otherufso e�eo h wr�fnp. u►y�ppti�atbn of proce�ds to prtncipal ahaY aot e�4end or postyone the �. .
<br /> ,�;,
<br /> � duo Oato a!itu monthty paymants�tarrad ta In parQ�apha 1 and 2 a chanpa ttw airwunt ot suob payrtwRia - ��-
<br /> 14. Borrower Not Released:Forbearance�yl Lender Not e Wetver. 6aenafcn o� u�. u�n. ror paymni or ��`�,
<br /> c modYtcatlon ot amartkatlon of the sums sacurad by thb Sccurity fns7ument prentsd by Lender to any suxessor tn ht�st ot B�rower �r�•� • . �':-'.
<br /> • � ahaD not opxaW to r�tease the QabIl�y of tns oripinal8o�rawer or Bo�rowara succtssora tn hterest Landor thaY not G raqutrea to ' '''+�
<br /> s-,-,�s� :� _ , �'v:-�::-.
<br /> cam:r�a�co Dro�din8a apahst acry au�cesaor b inWrast or roluao t�o m4+nd UrrN For paymmt or aihwwis�mod�y�rnortimttan of tha �' . �,
<br /> sums a�curad by this SecuAry Instrument b nason of on da+nand mad� fh� oripinal Bocrowcr os Borrcr�cto succ�saors (n �� ;�� �""�"�
<br /> Y Y bY .�ses�e��.wim.•• �'+�-'::=
<br /> InW�s�Mr tocb�atance bY LAndor In aa�tatnp anY�(pht or rotn�dy OMI not b��wii�rYr of or pr�cUd� UN wrC4so of�tfy ti�t or ��4��;+,�,;%,�iF
<br />. rart�dY• ��. -
<br /> 1�.Sucees�ara and As�lsns Bound;Jotnt and Several Llebt114y;Co-slsnera. m� cownanu and � '' � _
<br /> a�aamants of thk �+rxyr Instrum�nt stW 6hd and banWR th�s�sars and aasl�a ot tsndar eci�Borrowx. subject to tha `-"--
<br /> provkions of par�;.t� �r Borrorr�s covca3r,'ts and aQraa�rwnta sha7 trs Joht and sweraL My Barrowe�who cosi�na Ntg SacurRy L. `---- •`� -�=
<br /> � � fnstrum�nt but daes r.at �e the Rofr. (a) b co-stanir►� thf� S�cuGtY b�strumant onb to �+cr� Qa�� and co*�wY that , .��•_.-,'__
<br /> ��s�' -
<br /> � Barow�a InWrost 6n Lta Proynt3►�dar tR�trms of thb SecuAtl►inshutcw��(b)ts nut D�Q•.z7y obipapd tfl WY ths aums a�curod --__-
<br /> �.•,,._
<br /> by Mi� SecurBY In�w:-�er,� and (c) a�eos shcP G�n�ter end eny ather Barrawer may ayroe¢��rt�. c�deg. forbear or make erry � r.-- �,...
<br /> �ccommedatlona w3ir.a�svd W tertns a1 thfc�crlc�ty�fnsbum�nt a th�Noti w�.�ut that 6a Ww�$ccc� ;'� .:.., ��,f,'. -`-`
<br />��':i�� '� ` � thb 8acu InsUumant b sub' ta m h�x+r��J.'� �^�animum ban cherpes. . .����}':��.r�:^•��
<br /> 13.Loan C4t�r�aa. m e.e tan aocu.�,s y raY ,ece -• , . .
<br /> ,," " srta that la+er ts flrWy ntarPr�bd so thts tM hts�est a otAer tou� charpes coYectad or����xue �eortnacUon wltt� th�ban ..,,q�: ' _
<br />- ' � �xYid thv pY«tiRl�d im$9�thY�ii (a)any aucb loan ct�ryos shaq ba nSucad by th�amau.��iCOSSary Co caCuCa th0 ChCiQ�3 t0 tho s=�.. �r�"`�';-
<br /> p�rm➢t�d li�and C})any tumf at�aQy ca�c'�tram Borrow�►whbA ao�eoa�cb uarm�d lints wIIl N re�cv9ed to Borrowor. lend�r , ., ;�•.' -._
<br />`+: . ,' may choosa to mo'r.r Nti nNnO by nduciap Itm��rhotpat owed undr tM Katts or by rtwkinp p olnct G�r.nant to Borrawer. It a �-°'�+?f�'ti�°�
<br /> �� :.,;r�J�;G;,•
<br /> raNnd nduas p�'r�r.��al,the raducL'on wt9 ba L�c�:,�d es a P�P�D Y+� Y C�D Y� a�'•' � t' I�"";;'i�+i`�,�
<br />.... e t w�houl8n a 4 C h ��.er t h s No t Y.
<br /> �: ��''. .
<br />� 11. NOtICE�. AnY�cttea a Oarowr provid�d for tn thM S�eurR�r�naaumr�!ahai C�fl�bY d�uwh0 �a bY��D� bY ,, �:'�.�. �
<br /> n f��a ke9 usa o!�nother method. 7�e noUce sNafl Cv�L.}acted to tha Propwty Add�or eny ..•.:�L+',;:' ';f:` �•; .
<br /> ftst Cfosa m4D u ios9 4DP� �+ •. �y�-
<br /> � othir addhs� BarroWir d�s� by noUc�to Lind�r.Any noUa to Land�r shad be pMrc+ �by fUSt cla3.s m�B to Len6eP� odd�ss _ .�.•�-• 1cs:�'.�'—`'
<br /> statod hNah or any oth�r add�ss L�ndu d�s�+eie$by notic�to BGrroww A.�l notice provid�d tor b thb S�cufay InaWrtwnf aha9 :;:,).-, . -��-"
<br /> e.awrwa co nav�a«i qk�n w eorrow�r or laraaw wtwn yl�n as vrovtd�i�cni�par�apn. �• �•�f�f 4'�
<br /> 1b. Governio�� I.aw;Severebitity. rnts sscurfeyy Inshument ahiY be pa�rn�d by fedwal fnw ar�a eno �w o� �ne � .`•:�, �„y�'.,,�,; `�
<br /> ::� �.
<br /> juti�diatjDn In wAbh tha Proparty 19 lo�tad. fn tho eva�t that eny pravlsbn or at4usa ot thb Security instrumw�t or tha NotA contIIcts . ., . '•.:::':.,"
<br /> w�A app➢cab� �w. tuoh contYci thaY not afhct otha provlcions of thb S�cunly tnsbummt a ths Not�whicA cu� b�pluen�Hact �'�'��
<br />' wRhout th�conf(ict�p provision. To tht�and tha prwtstons ot thb Socufity tnatrumant�rsa the Nois�n dacYred to ba aewerabb. ,�
<br /> 16. Borrower'o Co�y. Bortowar BhnY be plua�ona conlwmed copy of tM NOt��nd of thb SACUrdy tnstrurtwnt - 'k�'�° —
<br /> �r..a,�:,.
<br />, 17.Tansler of the Prope�y or a Beneficial Interest I�o BaROwef. u a or any part or cne Propercy or any �'"�' ,.
<br /> .,,.
<br /> ht�rKt b t Is aotd a htnsfar�d(or fl� bamaticiof htwast b Bortowar b sotd or Uatrafared �nd Borrotiver[s not a nawral persan) � r_;-.
<br />• w�hout I.andda prtor vrr�tcn conscnt,Len6:J may.at @s optlan.re�iro tmms63ato Payrts�t In fu�af n0 sums secured by thts Sxufity , '
<br /> • tnstrument However.thi�oA�n sAap noi ba ezerclseA by Lendar 1 mmrc�o b proh�iUd Cy tederal Iaw as of the dete o}thts Securdyr � . . �•
<br /> tnsburtNnt . . -
<br /> I!lertde►s�ror�tses thb oA�.��a�8�Borrower noUca of accef�ration.fio noUce shaD provt�e a p�utod of not iese than • .a�"
<br /> 30 daya irom tha dato tha nottce b ds8��d or ma�7ed wdhh wh�h the Barrower must pay a8 sums secured by thts Secun'ty •
<br /> tnstrument II Bortowv fatt�to pay thasa sums prWr 40 the asplraUon of tht�p�tod.Lcmder rtwy trwoke any rem�dl�s p0rtnated Dy thi� ( .. . ��'��.
<br /> Saeur�yr Instrumcnt ti+�hout tuRhcr notico cr 6.�mand an Borrowcr. Fo�m sose o�o ft ��"
<br />—. _ �l43°_!..!�3(Pf4?2 Pag�9 of 5 !�._. . --_-- ---_----- -
<br /> •. , . . r
<br /> a� • .
<br /> .. " .. . ._ . . ,. . r � , . . � .. . • . �-. • .
<br /> •c . •`ey,. ".. . . . • � . .. ' .� .� '. . � � .. . , ._ . . . .. ' . .�_ ' . .. . . , �-
<br />