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� � <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />20�.i06�7� <br />�at One (i� �oc.l��rman SubdYr�iBti, �Il Caunt�, l'�tb�r�s�s �,����`��T� � <br />tr�ct of I�nd loca�d in �e SQUthesst Q�ar�er �SE114} a� Section TLir�y ��te <br />��1), rownsh�p ��nE �9} �Yaz�th, �nge �I,��e� t1�)'�'V'esf of t�e 6t� �.�1., �all <br />Conaty, �Tebraska, ���� t�r�t be�ag n�orc pa��ic�azly de�c�'bed � fallvws; <br />�.e��r�� t� �e S�u�th�ccs� �curn�r o� the �E1/4 of �aid �ec�on 31, r�nn�.g <br />�Ite�c� 5�trth S9° 5�' 15" �a�t �n� a�on� the �ont� �9° ��' 1� E�t (a�s�ed <br />�ea�i�ag�� �ad �i+opg t�e �a�a� line of the s�id �E1l4 � c�%�t�ce of �0.04 fe+�; <br />r�a�i�g the�sc� Nortlt �9° i8' 4�" Eas� aud paral�l ��he West I�ne af the <br />; sa�d S��14 a distane+� o� 4U.p4 feet #o t�e p0�''T �1� ��C�1�+�, saf d pof nt <br />beibg �e 5� c�►rner p� Back�rm�n Subd�vi�i+nn, x� H�l Co�ouuty, N'ebr��, <br />t�e��e �fln�u�g �'ort�t Ofl° 1S' 44" ���t a�� aZang the '��'��t lin� of said <br />�o�b�rman �bd��ia�, a, �ist�ace �f 5�5.23 fe�t; ru��.g thenc� Sort�hw <br />South��st�rly �� �Iang t�e arc o� a i3S�,00 fo�t ra�ius c�arve to t�e left, aa <br />arc d�#��C� of 19.�Z feet �o a point, said po�et be�,g i�c�ted 9.2X fee� East of <br />t�e '�e�t line vf. said �vc�er�t� S�a�►d���o�u; rum�..�ag tb:eace Sautb� 00° 0�' <br />2x" '4'V � dig�w�e Q� 156.19 fe��t t� a pn�ant locsted 1�.00 feet Ea�t �f �h� tbe <br />s�id We�t lia� of s�id Buekerman Subd�vfsiau; t�ence cantiuning Sou� Q�° <br />01' �1" W�t � dist��cs o�` 1�7b��7 ��t to a po�ut lo�at�d � 0.89 f�ef �a�t of the <br />$�ir�'9V�t �ne af sa�d Bflck�rm�n �ubdiv�s�on� �unnf�g theuce �or�th OQ° �1' <br />�9�` East a distance of 205.94 f�et #o a point l�ca#�d 13.37 feet Eart Qf the <br />'4�'�s� li�� a� �a�d �oc��ra�n S�b��sxon; the�ce contin��a,g �ou�h 40° 21' d�" <br />�'est a dis��wc� Q� 135,Oa feet #o ���o�int lo�t�d 14.87 �fe�t �ast af the �'e�t <br />lf�a,e of �aici B�cker�ma�t Sabd�visit�n, th�r�c� caatuiuing 5outb 00° Z�.� �9t� <br />�as# a c�i�nc+c a� ��4 ,?6 �e�t t� � pQ�nC lo+e�te�d ag �he ��nth �.�e 4� �atd <br />Soet��man Sub�Ii�on r'11�i1iD,g th�� I'��t�h �9° �5' i5" �V'est and along <br />#b�� s�id S��th Zine at said Boc�ermab Subdi�isf�n, a dist�nc� c�� 16.38 fe�� tn <br />t�e Po�nt of Be��ing� <br />