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<br /> . appliceble lew mny spxify f�r reinetatemenq before sale ot the Property pursuant ta any power of eale contalned in tt�i�
<br /> _As - � Security Inetrumen�;or(b)enqy of a Judgnunt enforcing this Securlry lnstrument. Those conditiona aro that Barrower. (a)
<br /> - � peya Lender all sums which Ihen would be due under thia Security Insttumcnt and the Note as if no accelerAdon had
<br /> „ occurred;(b)cures any default of any other covenants or agreemenis;(c)pays ail expensca incumed in enforcing this Security
<br /> � - lncaument,including.but not limited to, reasonable attomeys'fees; and(d) takes such wction as Lender may aason�bly
<br /> ° ��� require to assure that the Iten of this Security Insqument.Lenderk rights in the Pmpedy and Sorrower's obligation to pay tbe
<br /> _ ---_ __ _ -- -
<br /> - � sums secured by this Security Inatrutnent shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatenrent by Borrowcr, this Sec ty
<br /> Instrument atM the obligations aecured hereby shall remain fully effecdve as if no eccelemdon had accuned. However,thi�
<br /> i dght to roinatate ahall not apply in tFia case of acceleradon under paragtaph 17.
<br /> 19. SAIe ot Note;Chan�e ot Laa�n Servker. The Note or a partial intcrest in the Note(together wlth this Security
<br /> ����°$-�! Inatrument)may be sold one or more times wlthout prior notice to Borrower. A sale ma�result in a chenge in the entity
<br /> ���•���--, (known as the"Loan Servicer")that collecta monthly payments due under tF►e Note and thie Security lnstrument. Therealso
<br /> ___ _ ����� may be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If th�re is a change of the I.oan Serv�er,
<br /> ---.�,- Bomnwer will be given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The nolice
<br /> �=�_ � � will atate the name and addresa of the new Loan Servicer and the addresc to which payments should be made. The notice will
<br /> -_��I also contain any other infortnation required by epplicable law.
<br /> �-�.�, �i 20. Hazardous 9ubstancea Borrower ahall not cause or peRnit the presence.use.disposel.storage,or release of any
<br /> ---� �I Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shell not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecdng tiie
<br /> ��iNroperty Ihat is in vlolation of any Environmental L,aw. The preceding two seMencea ah�ll not apply to the presence,use, or
<br /> ,�:, starage on the Propeny of small quuntities of Hazardous Substar►cca that are generelly recagnized to be appropriate to nartnal
<br /> "�`"�-" `�'"`S`"`' residenNal uscs atid to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> — ���ti���� -
<br /> BoROwer shall promptly give Lender w�itten notice of any investigution,claim,demand.lawsuit or ather action by any
<br /> -""r�'°� g B *Y 8 Y P P Y B Pe Y Y
<br /> -.:=�w�-n;:,•• �•��� � ovemmentul or re ulato a enc or dvate art invalvin the Pro rt and un Hazardoua Subslance or Environmental
<br /> �'���-�'i.'��ca:.::�:�' I Lnw of which Borrower hus uctual knawledgc. If Bortowcr Icurng, or iw notificd by any govemmcntal or regulatory
<br /> —�.. a n-..�,.
<br /> - '�-r�, �;�" �� I uu�ha�ity,�hat uny removal ar ather rernediution af aoy Hazardnus Substunce uffecting the Propeny is necess�ry,Borrower
<br /> ��' �V�' ehall prampdy take All necessury remedial actionK in uccordance whh Environmcntal Law.
<br /> ..... _ I Ax ur�ed in this piuAgraph 2U."Huxardous Subsluncex'arc�hnxe substunces de�ined us toxic or hwaMau�xubslances by
<br /> ��n,-;�;,:::-_y— Envirnnmcntul Luw und Ihe following xuhslunccK: gusolinc,kero�+ene,ather flAmmuble or taxic pcirolcum productK. �oxic
<br /> :�,�,,�,:.,. '�.�. I pexticidex und hcrbfcideK. vnlolile solventr�,materialK c�mlofning uxbestox or farmuldehyde, und rodioacdve muter�ula. A4
<br /> � .�+ �• "' uxed in ihie parugroph 2U,"Environmentul Luw"mcuna federol luws and luws of the juriKdictfon where the Property is located
<br /> ��"'� � thul rclulc lo heullh,sufe�y or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-I;NIFORM COVENANTS. Barcower und L.emler funher covenant nnd agrce ar folbws:
<br /> 'f�� �� . � 21. AccelernUoni Remedies. I.ender siwll give aotice to Borrower prior to acceleration�ollowing Borrower's
<br /> r � -
<br /> — �•��ti�:-�-� �w� breACh of aey covenpnt ar agreemeni in ihi�S�:uriiy insisaineni tbu!aut prlar!a ssteeltratloss uslda��egre�th
<br /> j„� ,N�,� x ualess Applicable Ipw provides otherwise). The notice sho l l spec i f y: (a)t he de fau t h,(b)t be A c t ion r e q u i r e d t o c u r e t h e
<br /> - . deiAUlt;(c)A dAte,not less thpn 39 dpys irom the date the notice is given to Borrower,by w6ich lhe dePs�ult must be
<br /> ` cured;and(d)thM PpNure to cure the default on or before the date specified in t6e notice may result in wcceleration of
<br /> —' '•�� �� • the sumv secured by this Security Inatrument and sale af the Property. 'fhe notice shall i'uriher inPorm Borrower of
<br /> '"�"'� '� ' '`�' the right to reinstate aPter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert Ihe non-esistence oP a default or
<br /> � `�'r.° � • pny other detense oP Borrower to accelerAtton and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the dote specified in
<br />-•-� � :: � � the noNce,I.ender et ita optian may require immediAte payment in full oP all sums secured by thts Securlty Instrument
<br /> -_= ... without further demand nnd may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by applicable law
<br /> ' �� . � Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parpgrapb 21,
<br /> ° ' • ,� including,but not limited to,reasonAble altorneys'Pees and cos�4 of title evidence.
<br />'�__� ...:...'. ��: IP the power of sale is invoked,7lrustee shall record a notice of default in each wuntq iu which any part af the
<br /> �` �"-=--""=• - ~ - Prope r ty is loca te d an d s ha l i ma i l cop l e s o f s u c B n o t i c e i n t h e m a n n er prescribed b y a p plicable low to Borrower and to
<br /> '! -' " � :- , the other persons prescrfbed by applicable law. Af�ter the time required by applicable law.7tuatee shall give publk
<br />-- �,�-.�,�:�; •• notfce of sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by Applicable taw. 'IYustee,wilhout demend on Borrower.
<br /> ,M• " _ .. shall sell the Property at public auction to the hlghest bidder at the time and place and under lhe terms designated in
<br /> `� •:.,����G !he notke of sale in one ar more parcels and in any order 1lrustee determines. 'll�ustee may poslpone sale of all or apy
<br /> — . . .� � fi= � parcel aP the Property by public announcement nt the time and place of any p�eviously scheduled sale. Lender er its
<br /> _ �� � s. ... designee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ��:. „ , ' ' Upon receipt oY payment of the price bid.'Irustee shall deliver to the purchaser 7Yustee's deed conveying the
<br /> -�"'� Property. The�ecitals in the 71�ustee's deed shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of the slatements made therein.
<br /> - - � �" � 'IYustee s6a11 apply the proceeds oF the sale In the followlpg order: (a)to All costs and expenses oP exercising the power
<br />;ar�� ��
<br /> -— ...ati. . �.
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