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<br /> _ tlpou'rxeipt ot p�,rm�.1 ot thQ pdce bw, 'rnwt« �u /w�ver to tne purcLa�a� 'lYv�tee'.amea coeve'u� tw �
<br /> Prope�ty. The recital� t�the TrWQee'�deed W�II be prtma�tacle evidem�e of the hut6 ot t6e wwtewsnn mwk tda�ela.
<br /> Tnd�c�JI�pply the proctnl�ot the icale in the tulFawing order:(n)to all co6ts�d exp.�ut wcercirto�t�w Puw�of
<br /> ule,�d tbt�le�luclwiio�tbe payu�eot of tbe TnWee'�fe�w acttwlly incurred,rwt to exceed 2.0 x'
<br /> uf tYe prl��lpol aa�o�ut ot t4e nok�t tM tiwe ot t6e declor�tba uP detaull,aad re�ruoobW atWraeys' tee�a�psrmlttd
<br /> _ _ � yy bwi(b)tu�dl��c�rod�y th4i S��rity �uct�n�ut;aw1(c1 aW' eu�ss to tbe per�an or prn9eM le�rlly Mtltl�d a �-
<br /> k.
<br /> 22. Reoonveyanoe. Upon payment of alt aums securecl by thls Security Insirumcnt, lxnder shall requc�t Tcuatee to
<br /> reconvey the Prope�ty and sl�rll eurrender this Security Instrument and all rates evidencing debt socured by this Sccuriry
<br /> Instni ment W'itustce.Tcuatee shall rxumey the Prope►ty without w�rranty and witho�t cl�r�e to the pereon or persot�le�ally
<br /> eotiUed to it.Such person or persons shall pay aay rcxordation cosc�.
<br /> 23.Su6etitute Tnu�tee.Lender, at ita opttan, may from timv to time remove Tcustee and appoint a succeRSOr trustee to
<br /> v—_- - any Teustee nppoi�ed hereundcc by an i�true�nt recorded in the county in whir,h 1h9a Security Inswment is recordod.Without _
<br /> conveyance of the Property, the sucoe�sor trustet�hall wccoodl to�11 the title, power and dudes coaferrod upon Tmstoe hercin
<br /> aqdbyapplicable law.
<br /> ?A. R�queet for Notkee. Borrower rcquests ihat oopies of tt►e notices of default and sale be sent w Borrower's addrwc
<br /> wt�ch is the Property Address.
<br /> ZS,Rlders to this Socudty Iostrument.lf one or more ridecs ere executed by Borrower end recvrd�d together with this
<br /> Security Instnunaat.ttie oovenants and agrcements of each such rider ahall be incorporated into and•shall�nd anl supplement
<br /> _ _ the oovenanis and agreements of this Socurity insavmeat�if tbe rider(s)wero s�parc of this Security Iosttumeat. i
<br /> - [Check�pplkablc box(es)1
<br /> Adjustubie Rate Rider Condominium Rider 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> (3tnduated Payment Rider Plannod Unit Devolopment Rider Biweekly Payment Rider
<br /> Balloon Rider Rate Improvement Rider Second Home Ridu _
<br /> V.A. Rider �KS)I�iFi'l
<br /> BY SI(iNiN(3 BELOW.Borrower accepts and agrees to ti►e terms and covenan�a ca►talrod�n this Socuriry Instnunent wid _.
<br /> in�ny ri3er(s}exccuiai by�ut3ower�rd r�cocded w'sih ii.
<br /> ..-—:------ Wiu�ecces:
<br /> -�,:,�•.��.:�, ���
<br /> ;� Kelly . KavB -��
<br /> ----- --�y....=.a (Seal)
<br /> ��«a:.�,...�
<br /> - -Bormwer
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<br /> ._2+�zr:,.,a�-:,,a
<br />---.,..�- ��=---
<br />- --- —= (Seal) (Seall
<br /> ___---------°� �yon�arer -
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<br /> — :,.�
<br /> --•-'��::. �
<br /> �'- --='.1.�.-��- STATE OF NEBRASKA, Ha 11 Coun a�:
<br /> �-� � --=`i: 11ie foregoin�instcument wcts acknowledged before me this 20th day of August . 1992 .
<br />--__- ,;� by Re l ly J. Kava, an unm3rried person •
<br /> - -_-=•_.�--:°y-� Witness my hand and�wtarial seal ac Grand Is land Nebraska �n sa'sd Coun thc date sifo said.
<br /> — _�.
<br /> :r=�i� ���M�
<br /> --p.T� My Corwnis4ion Bxpires: IMa101At.1.WID�
<br /> _u�=_ -_ . .�'� ����1�.1� N�Nrry Publie ✓
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