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201106845 <br />.:��, <br />Lot One (�f}, Jeanette Subdivision, in the City af Grand Island, Hat! County, Nebraska and parf of the <br />Southeast QuarEer of the Northeast Quarter (SE�/4 NE1I4) of Sec#ion Twenty-three (23), Township Efeven <br />{19 ) Nacth, Range Ten (10}, West of the 6th P.M., Hal) Caunty, iVebraska, more particularly described as <br />fo(lows: Beglnning at the Southeast comer of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE9/4 <br />NE1l4} of Sectian Twenfy-three (Z3}, Tawnship Eleven (91) North, Range Ten {10} West of the 6th P.M.; <br />thence running Northerlyon the Easterly line of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 <br />NE1l4} a distance of Flve Fiundreci Twanty-eight (528} feet; thence running Westerly and parallel to the <br />Southerly line of said Sautheast G2uarter of the Norkheast Quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4) a distance of One <br />Thausand Three Hundred Seventeen and �ive Hundredths {7,317.0�) feet to a point on the Weste�ly line <br />of said So�theast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter {SE1/4 NE1l4); thence runntng Southerly along and <br />upon the Wasterfy line of saicf Southeast Quarter of the iVottheast Quarter (SE114 fVE114) a distance ofi <br />Five Hundred Twenty-eight (528) feet; thence running Easterijr along and upon the Sou#herly line of said <br />Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4) a distance of One Thausand Three Hundred <br />Seventeen and Two Tenths (9,317.20) feet to the point of beginning; EXCEPT those portions ln Deed <br />recarded as Instrument No. 96105264 described as fiallows: A tract of land comprising a pa�t of the <br />Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1l4 NE1/4) of Section Twenty-three {23), Tawnship Eleven <br />(11) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., and a part of Lot �ne ('I), Jeanette Subdlvlsion,. all be3ng <br />in the City of Grand Island, Hal1 County, Nebraska, and rnore particularly described as follows< Beginning <br />at the Southeast corner of said Sautheast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter {SE914 NE9l4}; thence North <br />89°32'92" West, along and upon the South line of said Southeast Quarter of the I�a�theast Quarter (SE1/4 <br />NE1l4}, a disfance of C}ne Thousand Three Hundred Seventeen and Twa 7enths {1,317.20) feet to ti�e <br />Southwest comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE'l/4 NE1/4); thence North <br />QO°02'06" East, along and upon the West line of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter {SE1/4 <br />NE1/4), a distance of Five Huncfred Twenty-elght (528) feet to the Southwest corner of Gosda Subdivisian; <br />#hence South 89°34'49" East, along and upon the South line of said Gosda Subdivision, and also being <br />along and upon the pro[ongatiott of the North 19ne of L.o# One (1), Jeanette Subdivision, a d9stance of Eight <br />Nundred Ninety-twa and Seventy-one Hundredths �892.71) feet to a point which is Eighty five {85.0} feet <br />West of the Northwest comer af said Lot Ons (1), Jeanette Subdivision; thence South 00°00'00" West, <br />parallel with the West line of said Lot Une (1 }, Jeanette Subdivision, a dist�nce of One Hundred Sevenfy- <br />four {174.0) feet; thence Sauth 89°34'49" East, parallel wifh and Fifty (50.0} feet North of the South line of <br />said Lot �ne (1 }, Jeanette Subdivision and its pralongatEon, a distance of Three Hundred Eight four <br />(384.a� feet to a point on the East line of said Lot One {1), Jeanet�e Subdlvlslon; thence 5outh 00°00°00" <br />West, along and upon the East line of said Lot One (9 ), Jeanette Subdivision, a distance of �Ifty (50.0) <br />feet to the Saufheast comer of said Lot One (1), Jeanette Subdivisian; thence South 89°34'49" East, along <br />and upon the South line of Jeanette Subdivision, a distance of Forty {40.0� feet to the Southeast comer of <br />said Jeanefte Subdivtslon and also being a po9nt on the East line of said Southeast Quarker of the <br />Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4); thence South 00°00'00" West, along and upon the East line of said <br />Souti�east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4}, a distance af Three Fiundred Four and Sixty- <br />seven Hundredths {304.67) feet fo the polnt af beginning. <br />File No. GI086$4 <br />