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<br /> - - - 17.Transter ot the Pr+opaty or a Benefkisd laterest in Borrower. If all or any part of�he Property or eny interest ln it
<br /> �" io sold or transferrod(or if a benefislal interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a naturul person)wfthout
<br /> — - — L,ender's prior wrinen consent, i.ender muy, at Its option, reyuire immediate payment in full of all suma securod by this
<br /> _= Security Instrument However,this option�hall nat be cxercised by Lendcr if exercise is prohibited by fedcral law as of the date
<br /> -�=;� -- of this Security Instniment.
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,l.ender shall�ve Borrower notice oP acceleratian.The notice shall provide a perlad of not
<br /> Iess than 30 days from Ihe datc the notice is delirered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all suma secured by this
<br /> � Security Instrumcnt. If Borrawer falls to pay these sums prfor ta the expiration of thia pe�iod.L.ender may invoke any remedies
<br /> -- permitted by thia Security Instrument without fuRher notice or demanJ on Borrower. °
<br /> 18. 8oerower's Rlght to Relnstnte. [f Borrower meets certain conditions, Borrower shall huve the rlght to have
<br /> enfarcement of this Security instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such other periad as
<br /> - applicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sele of the Property pursuant ta any power oF saie contained In this
<br /> .�''�� Securlty Instn�ment:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing[his Security Instn►ment.Those cond�tions are that BoROwer:(a)pays
<br /> _,�,y�yt.��,y:�z� Lender all suma.which then would be due under �his Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleratian had occurred: (b)
<br /> =�=rM�=..:�..��-� cures any default of any other covenants or agreem�nts; (c)pays all expe►ues incurred in enfarcing this Security InslrumerN,
<br /> - �_��;,�X_�� i�KluJing.but not limitcd to, rc�sonable uttorneys'fees;and(d)takes such actiun w Lender may reasonably requirc to�.ssurc
<br /> — �-.�_�Y��.� that the lien of thia Secudty Instn�ment, l.ender's rights in the Property and Borrowcr's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> _ _—•�.� thia Securlty Instrument shali cantinue unchange�. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Securiry Instrument and the
<br /> L � : obligations secured hereby ahall remain fully effecdve as if no acceleratlon had occurred. However. this dght to rcinatete shell
<br /> �;;;,;.�i not apPly fn the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> ,� �,�.-��: l9. Sale oP Nate; Clu�n�e of Loan Servicer. 11►e Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> ��s.�e�,.. Instniment)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the eMity(known
<br /> -'�'�'t`'—��-' as the"Laan Servicer'')thet wllects mon�hly payments due under the Note and this Security Instn►ment. There also may be one
<br /> __��.i_^• •.:�'E;�C.,r��
<br /> r �' a�:� or more changes of the Loan Servicer unmlated to a sale of the Note.If lhere ls a change of the l.oan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> ��. "" h iven written natice of the chan e in accardance wi�h arn ra h 14 ubove and a licabla law.The notice will state the name aud
<br /> .r�^'.=��''� g B P � P PP�
<br /> =�` �� address of the new I.oan Servicer und tl�e address to which payments should be made.Tt►e notice will also wntain any other
<br /> �,,� . .
<br /> ;;-�t° • '- ° ��' inforniation required by applicablc law.
<br /> _� ��vs.;•��kt: ;��' 20. Hpzardous Substences. Borrower shull not cuuse or pern►it�he presence, use, disposal. stornge, or release of any
<br /> `���u � �. ": � Hazardous Substt►nces on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone elsc to do, anything affeqing the -
<br /> ,�,-`�,.,�- Property thal is in vialatian oP any Environmental l.aw. The preceding two sentences shall not aPply to the presence,use, or
<br /> --`# �..u�i��..,�;r. storage on the Pro rty of smull quantitirs of Haurdous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriute to nornial
<br /> ?� ,�.,:. •....-;3t,�
<br /> - � ��� r+esidential uses an tu maintenance of the Property.
<br /> �.�i;,•�' ,. Borrower ghall promptly give I.ender written notke of any invesdgation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> _ �: ,.. < '•
<br /> F���i,.;�. ; , H ,:;� governmentnl or regulatory agency or private purty invdving the Property and any Haxardaus Substance or Envfranmental Law -
<br /> _n:. �;.. � ., of which Bonower ha.g actuni knowledge.If Horrower learns,or is nontied by uny governmentul or regulutory aWharity. tha►
<br /> -_--_---+�-:��` any rem�vul or other remediation of anv Hua�rdous Substance uffecting the Praperty is necessary,Borrower shall promptly take
<br />_--- "" ��"' all necessury remedial actions in accordance with Enviranmental Law.
<br />°_ � �. . , •.:.���� As used in this parugrnph 20, "Hazardous Substunces" ure those subctunces defined us toxic or ha�ardous substnnc�s by
<br /> ,... Environmental Law nnd the following substunces: gasoline, kcrasenc, othcr flsunmable or toxic petroleum 4�raducts, toaic
<br /> ""�� ,� ' pesticides and herbicides,volatile solven�s, rnaterials containing usbestos cx formaldehyde,und rndioactive materials.As used in
<br /> - '�;��.M,. " this parAgraph 20, "Environmental Law"means federal luwx und laws of the jurisdiction where the Property ia lacated that
<br /> . o�
<br /> ' L`��r; relate ro heulth,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> • � . �• NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and I.cnder funher rovenunt und ugrec us foll��wti:
<br /> =a. � 21. Accelerallon; Remedies. I.ender shall glve notice to Borrower prior to acceleratlon Pollowing Borrower's breac6
<br /> -��+ � ,�:a:iiea of any covenpnt or a�reement in this Security Instrument (bul not prlor to acceleration under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> '� ° �:- applicable low provides otherwise).Tl�e notice shall specify: (s�)thc deiuulh, (b) the action required to wre the default;
<br /> j� �'• ���� (c)A date,not less than 30 deyx i'rom the date Ihe notice iR given to Borruwer,by which the default must be cured; and
<br /> �:s,«. . '��� . (d) that fallure to cure the default on or bePore the datc tipcclfied In the nntice may result in accelerallon oP t6e sums
<br /> . secured by this Security Instrument and sale uf the Prupehy. Th�n�►Ncr ghall Purther inPurm Borrower of the rlght to -
<br /> �±s` ;. �51--,. =� relnstete after acceleration end the right to bdng o court actiun to u�ert the non-existence oP a default or any other
<br /> ;��,. �� . � defense ot Borrower to uccelerallon raad sule. If tbe default is not cured on ur betore the date specified In the notice.
<br />�,�� a=nx. I.ender. at Its optian, mwy require immediate puyment in full of all sums xrured by this Security Instrument without
<br />; r.^ � �:+� .:-" f'urttrcr demand nnd may invoke the power ui'sule And any othcr rcmcdics permittcd by applicable law.Lendcr shall be
<br />'� �~ entitled to callect all expenses Incurred(n pursulnq the remedies provided in this paru};reph 21.Including,but not Ilmlted
<br /> * ' ' ;`r:� to,reasonable attorneys'Pees and costa nP titic eridence.
<br />�- � s•• ' If thepo wer oP salc is invoked, Trustee slwll record u notice of default in earl�county in which any pAM of the
<br /> .,,_ ' - Property(s I�catcd and shall mail coples of such nutice in the munncr prescribed by nppltcable law to Borrower ond to
<br />�`-•-�. �•:w��.; "",;�_;, the other persona prescrlbed by app8cable law.APter Ihc tfmc requircd by applicable luw•.Trustec slwll give publtc noNce
<br /> � w;. . �;�_.� of sale to the pers�ns and fn the manner pr��xrlbed by applic�+ble Inw•.Trustc�, withuut demand on Borrower, slwll sell
<br /> . � , the Property s►t publle auction W the hlghest bidder ut the dme und pls�ce und under the terms desiRnuted in the notice uf
<br /> ��=••' ' „ sule in une or more parcels and in any order Tru+tee determincc. Trusl��e mxy postpnne sale of ull or anv parccl of the
<br /> ���,;i.:�R_�„�, Propertv by publtc announcement at thc time und plurc of um� prc�•ioush• khedulcd sulc. Lender or its deslgnee mpy
<br /> purchase the Properly at any sale.
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