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.. _ S . ' . ' � � � , �, - ��\'yr,l . - . , . :, . . .. . f. .,; . ` _ , . i'C. 4._R <br /> . - r��� . . . n . . ' . . , " 4 A�...•'. .. • . .._.�:.3t��:.. _.. ... _._ -` � C" ... <br /> c _Y:�}::�_.-_�—�a ...�_._-...____ —"' . ,..__. _.,,. _._"_'_"_ ___'_'<__.. ._._..__�_.—.�...._.__-•.— ..c'. .. . ' ' ` •i -. . _--f <br />� ��� ���V�� 1,, , . . � �`�'�� <br /> � <br /> confiicts wiih app��csD�e law. such conftict shall not aftect other provis�ons ot this Security �nstrument �r the Note which can be . � � . - <br /> irestrument ana the Note are dedared to E c- � <br />" grven etted without the aonilicUrtg provision. To this ead the provisions of this SecuritY . , . a:_ <br /> �.- <br /> ' be severable. ; • .� ` '" _. <br /> 15. �srrower�S CO�y BoROti�er shaU be gMen one confortned copy o!the Note and of this Securily instn+ment. � � � _ _ _ <br /> �'" . -_ . <br /> 16. Hazardous Substancea. BoROwer shall nat cause or pertnR tha presenca. use, dsposal. storage. or release ot { ; . �_ <br /> { any Hazardous SuDstances on or in the Properly. Bortower shall not do. nor altow anyo�e etse to da. a�Ythmg attecting the E • .. — <br /> � 1 PropeRy that is in vialaUon o1 any Eavironmerstal Law. The precetlirtg two sentences sha11 not appry ta the presence. use. or � .��r.,-�" <br /> i storage on the Prope:ry of smaU quantitles o} Hasardous Substances that are generally reco9��zed to be appropriate to normal � <br /> ' � residential uses and to maintenance of the P►operty. � � <br />_..-� ---= .. ,��- __ <br /> Bortower shall promptly give Lender wntten noUce of any investigatian. da�m• demand, fawsud or other actio� by any � <br />` °. � govemmental or reguiatory agency or private party invoNing the Properry and anY Hazard°us Substance or Env�ronmental laK of �° <br /> �. � � which Borrower has actuat knowiedge. It Bortawer �eams. or �s nolfied by eny 9ovemmentai or regulatory aulhority. that ar.y :� <br /> removat or othet remediatio� ot any Hazardous Substances aifecUng the Ptcperty is necessary. Bortower shall promptty take a;l _ ,:; -�;_ <br /> � ...,�f�_� <br /> � •.i necessary remediai adiorts in accordarice with Environmental law• • r `'�: <br /> .• ! As used in this paragraph 16. 'Harardous Substances' are those substances defi�ed as towc or hazardous substances by _ ;=�,.,,�--_�' <br /> � Environmental Law and the following substances: gssoGne. kerosene. nther flammab►e or towc petroleum praducts. t�xia <br /> .. pesticides and herbic�des.votat�7e soNents. muterials cantein�n9 asbestos or tormaldehyde,and radioac6ve matedals. As used in �. 7:,T •'-� ~ <br /> �� the paragraPh 1S. 'Env'vonmental Law' means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Ptoperiy is located that reiate y-��±�Tx�. ._� <br /> --�'"�p -_. <br /> to heatth.safery or environmentat protection. ' `"��-°" <br />' � - <br /> • NON-UNI�ORM COVENAtJTS. Borrower and Lertder fuRher covenant and agree as tollows: • .� :,•:x�=�.�:.�_;=.- <br /> 17,AsSlgniftellt 09 Re11tS. Bortower unconditionally assigns snd Vansters to Lender ail the rents and revenues of the � ��_ <br /> � Property. Borrower authorizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rc�ts and revenues and hereby directs each tenartt ot the ,.;7�-,. .,, , �� „" <br /> Properly to pay the rents to Le�der or lender's agents• However. poor to Lender's notice to Bortower of Bortower's 6reach ot •, a, ._,..�_,�f= <br />� any covenant or agreemeM in the Securiry Instrument. Bortower shall collect and re�eive all rer�ts and revenues of the Froperry ____ _ <br /> � T. ,3i---- <br /> as trustee tor the beneffi of Lender and Bortower. This assignment of rents constitutes an absolute assignment and not an r � <br /> , N.r� ;�.-._., <br /> assignment for addNOnal secur'sty onry• "• __ <br /> _;�_; _ ff Lender gives noUce ot breach to Borrower. (a) a0 rents received by Borrovrer shall be held by Bortower as trustee for ti,;�, �:�, ` <br /> bertefit ot Lender ony. to be applied to the sums secured by the Security �nstrumenl. (6) Lender shall be entiUed to coilect and ; <br /> reeenre alt ot the rents of the Froperry: and (c) each tenant of the Properry shali pay all rents due and unpaid to Lender or i . , . <br /> • Lender s agent on lender's viritten demand to the tenant. " ,. ;� . . <br /> Borrower has not execut,ed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and vri9 not perform any act that would prevent •;�,�i. . <br /> '� Lender irom�cercising its rights under this ParagraPh 17. ��- <br /> '� Lender sha0 not be required to enter upon,take control of or mz'srrrain the Property before or after giving noUce ot breach ta , .�j^S,;:z�.-.� , <br /> Bonower. However, Lender or a judiaalty appointed receiver may do so ai any timo there is a breach. My aPP�icaUon of rents - ��y�f�;:�"',•�.-, <br /> � ;,:p shall not cure or waive any default or invalidate any ot'ner right or remedy of Lender. This assignment of rents ot the Property �,,;;�..'._ <br /> sha0 termEnate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is{�:d T`•uli. 't�j�;•�. � <br /> t,���.�1.:. -� <br /> 18. �areclosure Procedure. li Lender requires immadia2e paymeM io tull under Paragraph 9. � ,t,�!� <br /> �� Lender ma}� invoke the power of sate and any other remedies permitted by appitcable law. <br /> .'� ; =. <br /> ' ' Lender shatl be eniif�ed to coltoct all expenses incuned i� pursuirtg the remedies provided in f�,.. t.�,�.�= <br /> thlg paragraph 18, inctuding, but not limited to, reasonable attomeys' faes and costs of title , ��t. '?��-,r. <br /> . 5 r; .�+!!�•,.. <br /> � evidence. ��'�• .-:-.--- <br /> � H the power of safe 1s invoked, Trustee shall recard a notice oE defautt in �ach county in ,�.,._� ___ <br /> which any paR of the Property is located and shall mail copies at such notice in the manner �,9,;,�..�--�°:�� <br /> licabte law to Borrower and to the other persons prescribed by applirable law. _ '�-°__-• <br /> . prescri6ed by app ° �'_�__ <br /> After the time required �y applicable la�v, Trustee shail give public notice of sate to tP�e persons <br /> ;;;.:�, f�ca�:a law. Tr�stee, without demas�d on Borrowar, shatl sefl <br /> ,�;t:;z and in the manner prescribed l�y app' _ <br /> �'``•`��`�°' the Prc�Carty at pubfic aucticu�tv the hlg4�est bl6dae at the time and placo and unde� the terms <br />' �.r�'';;,� ===_ �- - ' ��- <br /> designated in the natice o't sate i� ona or more parcets and in u»y order Trustee determines. — <br /> Trustee may post�Qne sale of all or any parcel of the Property by public announcement at the � p� � <br />' ttme and place r� �r�y prevlousiy scheduled sale. Lender or fts designee may purchase the , <br /> �� � Prope�j at any ss:a. �,��.,�. <br /> , ;<;;.: td��+n receipt of payme�m of the prlce b1d. Trustee ahail deliver to 1t�e purchasor Trustee's _ T.�. <br /> :�':�,.� deed comeying 4he Prope�+,�.'6'he recitats in the Trustee's deed sha91 be Qee�a facie evidence af •,,,��„�;;_ <br /> L'�e Wth of the statements made thoreln. Trustee shall appty the procecCS of tho �ato in the �� ' -='y,�_„�. <br /> , 4�8lmwing order. (a) to atl costs ansl oxponses of exerclsing the power af sa[o. and the sale, Y.��._..:" ..=: <br /> ��� ''�� includ�r�x��3�8 paymenl of the Truslee'�fee� actuaity Inau►red, not to exce�tD thro0 g'a ��.`-. <br /> . :;r;�t% - " <br /> �... ��,�`. <br /> •,;,��..; mf tt-,o prlr,alpal amoant a f !fia no te a t t he t i m 0 a P t h o d e a l a r a t i o n o f d e f a u R, a n d r e a II O n a e <br /> ��;�s�.� a°torRrvys' 4ees aa ��rmt4ted by law; (b) 4o all sums seaured by this Sae���y tnstrumen� a�d (c) ,�.,;, <br /> ���.�: any excess to t3�n �ar�r,n or persons Ie�O� onti�tsd to it. y i, � —, <br /> ��;.. . <br /> ;� If the L.en�"�r's inierest in this Security Instuumarrt is held �ay the §ocretary and the Secra3ary ,.�,,, r � _ <br /> s <br /> - �*�� __:, <br /> .i;�,� ':-�'J+IrC!.'.';'T.i, <br /> �.,�` �_�,. �equires imme�:.� payment In fuH under Paragraph 9, the �o�votary may inwke the nonjudic a <br /> s�::T <br /> �,:�,r�fl;;�:; powar of sala prwlded in tha Singte Famity M��to��o Forectc�ure Act c'J 1994 ("AcY') (12 U.S.C. . ,,,,_ <br /> ' �`!`��"�� 3751 et se�e.) �y requesting a ioreclosure commis^•,ioner desig�ated �are�cv YHe Act to commence ��• *�.�•�-'��^;.��r.� <br /> '�•:.:`,:±4i,.: <br /> � 4oreclosure ar.:� io s�ll the Property as provlded in tho Ac4. LL:�Yhiog irrt ffic� preceding sentence ,. .,ti_�,.• _ <br />. , ' shall e3e�axvoe� �oeretary of any riq�'to oihonuise availablo r:e, a Lendev a�rsJar thls Pa�agraph 18 �;, � - <br /> • or a��7�?��Qa7e law. • . �`- <br /> 'trt�er shall request Trustee to ' :. �:���' '� <br /> 19. �eCOnv0y8ltCe. Upon payment ot all sums securea by this Secunty Instrur.:e�t _ <br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and all noted ewidenar; :.�bt secured by Ihis Security <br /> � Instrument to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property wRhout wartanty and without charge to the person or persons legatly . ., ��_�_ <br /> entitled to it. Such person or persons shall pay any recordat�on costs. , �, . <br /> • '.. �'- <br /> _ P�p��1�,1 j ' <br />. . --°—:-- r�tl+��Nu.iry+� — _---�--'_._— -- <br /> . , � � . �-:_. <br /> � . 96t96 - • -- <br /> ' ._ .�.. .�`±y1 . . . 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