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<br /> 17.Trat�cfer otthe Property or a Beneticinl lnterest In Borrower.lf all or uny Fart of thc Property or eny fnterest in it
<br /> = is sold or transfcrted(or if u beneficlal interest in Borrawer Is sold or�ransferrod end Harrowoe iR not u naturul persan)wlthaut
<br /> i.ender's pr�or written consen�, Lencler may. at its optian, require immediate pnyment in full of all sums Fecured by this
<br /> _ Security Instrumcnt. However.this option shall nnt be exercised by L.ender if exercise is pruhibited by federal law as of the date
<br /> -� of this Socurity Instrument.
<br /> ��� if LRmder exercisea this option, i.ender shull give Bonower natice of acceleratian.The notice shall provide a period ot not
<br /> Y` 3-- -' =
<br /> —�____ Itss than 30 duys from �he dsue the notice is delivered or mpiled within which Borrowrr must pay all sums secured by thix .
<br /> � 3ecurity lnstrument. lf Barrower fails to pay these sumg prlor to the expirntion of Ihis period,L.ender may invoke 9ny remediex
<br /> ;'; permitted by thia Security b�strument without further notice or demnnd on Borrower.
<br /> 18. BorroN�er's Rlght to Relastafe. If Barrower meets cerlein conditions. Borrower shall havc the right to heve
<br /> r enforcement of this Secudty Instn�ment discontinue� at any tirne prior to the earlier of: (a) S days(ar such other per�ad as
<br /> -- opplicable law may specify for reinstatement) before sule of the Property pursuant to any power of sule containad in this
<br /> ����,;d� Scxurity Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enfurcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are thut Borrdwer: (a)pays
<br /> -- ------ ° l,ender all sums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had accuRed; (b)
<br /> �-��" --- -f cures a�y default of any c►ther cavenants or agrcements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br /> ��� including, but not limited to, reasonuble attorneys' fees;und(d)lakes such action as L.ender may reasonably require to assure
<br /> :_,;,�1z4�:�, that the lien of this Securfry Inatrument. I.ender's rights in the Property and Borcower's obligation to pay the sums secured by
<br /> _�.."A':F..
<br /> __-�y,,,,_-� this Securlty Instrument shall rnntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatemant by Bonowcr. thiw Security I�stniment and the
<br /> � , obligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acceleratio�had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shalt
<br /> _ nat apply ln the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> �� 19. Sale oi Nate; Ctwn�e oP l.oan Scrvicer. The Note or a partial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> __ � Instrument)may he gnld�na nr mnre times withnut prior notice co Borrower.A sale may result ln a changc in the entity(known
<br /> �y.•� -�- ;���� as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly puyments due under tbe Note and this Security Instrument. There also muy be one
<br /> - � �� or more changes of the l.oan Servicer unrelated to n sale of the Note. If there fs a change of the Laan Setvicer, Borrower wfll be
<br /> � ' -''�`a ` � . given written natice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the name and
<br /> ���,��;•�:°.'� �a`:�•;t address of the�ew Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also cuntain uny other _
<br /> ���.�-4:=�r� �- �•��"�'� informat:on required by applicable law.
<br /> .• - 20. Hpzardous Substances. Borrower shall not cnuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or rclease of any -
<br /> r��':�r?��:� :.>�' Humrdous Substunces on or in the Property. liorrowPr shull not do, nor allow anyane else to da, anything aPfecting the
<br /> . ��•.a Property that is in vinlation of any Fnvironmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use, or -
<br />,_ ' ,d,t��.:;i;cx��'.; stornge on the Propedy �f smull quuntities af Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be apprapriute to normal -
<br /> ":� �:':2 '�'' residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. -
<br /> " .���;.. �a "'- �,.,-;, Borrower shull prompdy give l.ender wntten notice of any investigation.claim, demand, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> ��~''�� '��� � `'� •:' governmentnl ar regulatury agency or privale party Involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Env;r.�nmenwl Luw
<br /> --=-__ __ . � '`j��" of whioh ii�,rmwer has actuni knowle�i�;e. If Aorrowcr leamc. or ic notified My any govcrnmentel or reeulntory authoritv. thut
<br /> ' „ ° • nny removal or other rcmedintion of any Huwrdous Substance affccting the Propeny is necessary,Borrower shull prampt�y take
<br /> • • �.;�,,.,.,.,._.. . all nec�ssary remedial actiunti in accorduncc with Environmenlul Law.
<br /> ° • , A�used in ihis paragraph 20, "H�rdous Substunces" ure those su6�tances defined as toxic or huwrJous substunces by
<br /> Environmental Law and �he following substunces: gusoline, kerosene. other Ilwnmable or toxic pctroleum prcxiucts, toxic _
<br /> � .� r�"" pesticides and herbicldes.volutile wlvents,muteriuls containing asbrsros or formuldehyde,und radioactive mnterials.As used in
<br /> �' �-""�`�"���f•� this pnragraph ?0, "�nvironnxntul L.�w' meuns fedcral luws und laws of thc judxdiclion where the Propc;rty is located that _
<br /> � ,,, � • relate to health,safety or cnvironmental protection.
<br /> ��, • � ••:. � NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower s�nd l.ender further covcnunt unci ugree us follows:
<br /> -_ - ' -�'t�= _=.=-_- =_-- 21.Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall�lve nodce to Borrower prior to�cceleraNnn following Rorrower'�s breach �
<br /> �- , • of Any covenant or aRreement in this Security Instrument (but nat prlwr to acceleratlon under pamgrwph 17 unless �
<br /> �` •. • applicable law provides otherwise). The notice shall specii'y: (a) !he dePuult; (b) the action requlred to cure tbe defAUlt; -
<br /> �, : �� •, ' (c)a date. not I�.�sx than 30 dayr from the dute the�otice Is�ivrn tu Borrower,by which the default must be cured; and -
<br /> ,,,�, '�,;,,;;,c..��...='- - (d) that fallure to cure the default on ar before the date specit7ed in the nnticc muy result in ucccleruNon of!he sums -
<br /> ti • •• � �� secured by thia Security Instrument and sale of the Pruperty.The notice shaU fbrther Mform Borrower of the rlght to -
<br /> �. � ° ' reinstate �fter acceleratlon end the riRht to brinR a court action ta asscrt thc non-existencc of a default ur any other `
<br /> � '� •�� •,: • detense of Borrower to acceleratiun and sale. It'the default is not cured on or t�Pore the date specificd in the notice, -
<br /> ';; , � Lender, at its optian, mAy rcquirc immediatc paynicnt in full of all wms u�cured by this Security Instrument without =
<br /> ��� ibrther demand and may invoke the powcr of sulc and any othrr remedics permitted by applicublc law. l.ender shall bc �
<br />� ' l" � entttled to co0lect all expens�Incurred in punuln�tlx remedi� provided in this paragrnph 21.including�but not limited
<br /> ' � to,reasonable atturneys'fees and cosl�oP title evidence. °
<br /> If thepo wer of sule is Invoked. Trustee si�all record a nntice oi'defaWt in esch county in whlch any part of the =
<br /> Properly ts located and shall mail copics uf such notice in thc munncr pnwcrlbed by applicablc law tu Borrower�nd to =
<br /> - } �� the other persons prescribed by upplicable law. After the Nmc required by upplicablc la�s,Trustee shall Rive publlr notice
<br /> � �, ��+�����` '� of sale m the persons and In the manner prescribed by applicaMc luK•.Trustec, «•ithnut dcmund on Borrnwer, tihull scll _
<br /> the Property at publlc auction to the hi{�Ix�t bidder at the time and pluce and under the terms desiQnuted In the notice of
<br /> � '�°'"� " sale in one or more parcclx and in any order Trustec detennintw.Trustcc may p��slponc wle of ull or any parcel oP the
<br /> : ���� � ,r� ' Property hy public anuuunremcnt ut thc time und plucc uf un�• prc�iou.rh ticl�eduled ,ulc. Lcnder or its diwi�n�ti may �"
<br /> purchs�se the Property at any rwle. "
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