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' - . . .. ., . . . . . . , _ � '" . . .. f ` .. . `._ ._.aa . . ... .. �? <br /> � . .. .. � . . � � . _ - � � . . . '- . ..y_.. . . y�—. <br /> - � . � . � . i � � ��r� <br /> . _ �. . ;. . . ' , � . .� . � ` � � ` . • .. � ` - . . �` � . ` s � � .,-,`� ' <br /> � , , . . ` . ` . . _ . . . . - �. .. `� - � . � �� <br /> . . , . . ' . . . , . . . . ,. • . . ' �. ' . � _ _' � ��.. <br /> ' _ . _ ' . _ ` . ' . i . . � ` . � . ' .. . ' . . . `. � } ' ` � c � ' °�� <br /> . . . � ` � . �M1 . ... ........_. _. ._. . , ` - ' . rt <br /> . . . . •' _ � ' ._"�"��_....._..._ _ ,. .. ... .' " _ <br /> . . <br /> . , i. <br /> . .. . ....... _. .. -_—_�._ _.. .,_. ..._. . .'_ . ....._. .. - '_ . . . ., __ <br /> t.' . . . {vs . <br /> . � � • �,. <br /> . � <br /> . . . . . -•ifia- <br /> .��l�oOi32 DEEO OF�'RUSY Paga 6 . " ' '_= <br /> � �� (�nUnued) . . . . . =f- <br /> . , Y'�' <br /> � tiY�rr.Far�[�rKh►tling f�losurt►ropods�,stt�Y��AoAs.eAFrei�!tees.tit�0 insurenca.and fees far tt�Tn�.to ttes e�de+d permitte0 by -- --- --- - - : <br /> app4ic�te 4w. aranta atso wiU pay any CouA eosts.m addition to aD ott�er Sums provided Ey�aw. :- ' , . " <br /> Rf�O?T�uffiee. TnlStee S�tED havft 8:1 of the Rghis and duL�ol LenQar as set foAh in this sectio�- •• <br /> IIt. �RAKfOfl`S RtGMT 40 RE►NSTATE If 6rantor meets cert�n conditions,Giantor shail havo the ripht to have enioreemeM ot this Q&ed of Tnist •� . . <br /> ! d�sccrdinwd tl ury hme PAOr to tne eart:er ot ()ftve(5)daYs(or such othar period as appGCablo Ittw maY speah fa rei�tatemenq Bifote sa19 01 tt� .,,j -= <br /> � Proptrty p�sauznt to any power of sa�s confairted In th��eed C Tn,st or (ii)entry ot a ju0pmant entordnp tnis Deed of Trust TROS�oantll�ons are .< < "r�"�•� - <br /> •,` ttyt Qraata: (�)ppys LertQer flt!sums w�ieh woutd than Da Que un�ar Ihr Des�nl Tnist end tt►e Cred1 Agreement had n0�ceMMa1lon occltne0: (b) ' . � <br /> � ? ctrns�atl�ar d6faults under tfiis Deed of Tnist end tRe Gedil Aqreemenk (cj pAys atf r�asona6fe e�er�ses inCUrted in enford�thb DeoO of Tnist, <br /> tl�ar .:� .. � .� <br /> �� inpitdnp,Eut not Gmited to,reesonab�e atiomeys'fees;and (d)t8kes such aetlon es Lender mey rdasonaDty teqtriro to assuta that Uf�YM�W th�llNd ,_'� ' <br /> .i of Tna1.Let�s tiqhls in the Pr ;kiY y.•~•�,.� <br /> opedy and GrantD$oDf:gatian ta p8y the sums seat[ed by Mts Deed of Tnrst 9heA COn5nye umchanq�d. UpOn ' � ;.;;..,•,.�•• <br /> A <br /> ' nt�l�rnN�1 by Grantor�this OeeO of Trust and the ob atians secured hereEY sAaD remain t eBecUve as 6 no aa:e'sration had Cotured but Lendu � ".:;�,•f�je`, .��:.;�;: <br /> (i9 ttiY • : ,s<..• <br /> • ; sty9 not De ob' SN to make arry mare credt advanoas.TRis ryM to re+nstate shaU eAA�Y�Grenta has not proviot�sly exerdsaaf�'w�At to reir�sfa28 ., r ,, . f,,,{��,<. <br /> under fhb sams Deetl o!TntSL " f-�.�wF•�;,� L <br />,. ; • . ":�:«. <br /> �.;��z� :F :� _ ,,,5_` ,'_.'' <br /> . � 22. POYlERS ADID 09LIGATIOlIS Of 1'RUSi�. TRe toltovnrg provisions r�a4ng ta 1hB pawers and oEir�atlons of TntsteB are part o1 th�Qaad ot . ..;�,,.:.� ,: :_ � . <br /> Trust ''�;F`` •�'��,';... • <br /> .. . L:G���. . . . :�:..�:.. <br /> P�ts GtTrUStee. In�dditlon to s11 powers oi 1'rustee adsinp es e m,�ot t8�/.Tnutea shaa haw 4tw Dow�r to tako tha ia^�wrtnp�a�witt► , �:'�`�""._-,�'r._;;�'- <br /> na�,1 tn tM Prapa�ly upoi tJte reQu�t ot Lentfer and Gtaetor: (a)loin in prep9rinp and}�rg�rtu►P a Dtet of tha Rpt!Prc�eRY.Iacl�eir►D ths s ', � f,� . <br /> � d�e�tlon of s4ti�b a ot3s�r rIQMS ta the publi� ibl loin in p►anVnp acry wsomertl a aaeUnp ury�on on ths R�3�Fct�atY.trtd (c)join!n �y:• . .. �`:� ,`t�;a�.J:�;_ <br /> Y�s � ,� : c�` <br /> -t�.�.-:' K�_ <br /> , �nyr a�ar�6na111on a att�er agreertwm aYectlnp thfs Oaed M Tnul or trte intarest ot Lender undsr thb Ooed at Yn�s1. _ .: .�'`- '"�:-�.-_ <br /> n <br /> t: ".. � =y= „ <br /> Tn�ftM. Trustee Shell mse!alt RualiflcaUons required tor Trustee un�s 4pplitAhie Iaw. in addidon to tNe rtphls and�emeL�ies SYt t�Y9 above. ` s•" °"'"' <br /> '� wft�respeet to W1 a any part of ine Property,tt�e Trustee shall Aave�e�ht b bredose by notice antl sale,and LenQer ohat!ha+9 tTas�M to .��' ` �'" <br /> h . , �'�„`�.:. <br />- q2 foreetoss by juQ'idal forodosure.�n either ease in 8eeorQSnoe with anQ Rs tlna tul►exterrt pro�IdeG bY�PDticBbie 18w. •�; ' •° <br /> ,} Sueeesaw Trustee. Lender,at Lenders ophon,may from tlme to time t�point e wooessor Tn�sta�to arry Tntstea appolnted h�muncter by�n .;i�: ,,� <br /> '�� irstrurtNnl r,ucuted anQ acknowtedged Dy Lender and recor�ed as requir¢d bY apAGcahte faw. Ths Ir�sWrtwrd stWl co� tddfCOn to atl <br /> ol�r rtralLlrs reqidtsd Dy ste6a faw,the nem�of ihe ortginai Le�der,Tnistee,Md Qrenta,ttt3 b0ok artd p8se(a e0mpttUr System retereneo) '� � <br /> whera tt�b Dead of Tnst is reCOrtled. and the name and address ct the suocessor Uustee, artd iha inshument sfti9 b�exsCss96d and :+;Ey;�; •. . �Y!.'��,— <br /> ecicnowipd�.4 by aA tt�benef�rfes under ttw Ceed o1 Trus!or thes s�¢ssors In int�ro51. The 8uco�or h�taa.wHhaul Conv� ef t�e "���.c;�:3r.,�`;" :�•t`,: � �7' <br /> Praprty.5t��sucoa�0 ro aU lhe bGe.Power.and dutles conferred uper.L".e Trustee in thls Dead af Tnat and bY�APGCaDie kw. Tt�is��.1iae ,:�*;�`'�: .��,'• �.• <br /> ''�f�:'{T.•� <br /> for gud�stTtan oi trus�0�all govem to th9 exdusior�of 811 other provisior�tpr sudstitution. � ��1,..,.ri��:,: ..:���- . _- <br /> y . - <br /> 23 MO7ICES TID QRAMTQ,i�+ A.ti"D OTFIEA PARTIES. Any natice un0er trtis Deed of Twi s'�aD be in wr(Urp and shaD bi efhcnw when actutiN l. � � +r�y;� '� <br /> � ��` �� ��i - <br /> ,s.. ' t�rtvrtW maWd.shaU D3�am@0 eftZCUva wAan QeP�ited In lha United States maii fas't dass.replsietBC m8il.Dostage preP�id.dreCied to ttb .w„we�+, ;�:,- <br /> aQdnss�shown nw tt�a be�lnNn�ot thls Deed os Tnrst. AnY Darty may cl+Anps its address for notlees under thls Dosd a?Trust bY 9��0� : �r - <br /> writ�n natle�to th�othe►Dutles.sP�MnD ttud ths ptuDose ot the notice!a 4a c�anpe tM paMs address. A'a oop�s W nntlo�s M tandaaur�irom � ` ' � �i�4 , �� <br /> ttf�hatda of anyr Y�n whkh has priority over 1NS Osed ot Trust shall be sent ta Lendefs ahoxm�the ba�nicp ot tRia OMd af Trtal. - .,a <br /> ' For n(ifo�pup�s.Qrantor agreog to kaep LanQQr artd Tnatea intormad nt a0 timss oi Qranta�s cttROrtt aCQnss. - • <br /> 21. ASSOCIATION OF UNIT OWNFA8. Ths foQOwlrty provisions apPry H the Roa)Propar4y t�s beon submtB9s to uNt avrt�s5fi�f 4w or sim(tat law � <br /> for tnr�ybisMwnt of condominiums a eoopantive awnershtp of the Real PropeAy: <br /> P�fdr at AttomOy. firantor ptanls an irtevocab'a powe►of attomey to Lender to vote in its QisCraflon on arry matte►tttat rtwy eortN bator�ih� .._ <br /> astoclati�sn a!un(t owners. lenCer shatl ha�g the ApAt to euerdss this power of attomey oNyr aftar d6fautt by Qrantor;howsvv,Lender may r,,::- <br /> 01cYtr L��Y thb pow6t as fl seas fi1. �' ,. _ <br /> ' Intur�,eo. TM insurano�as requtred above may ba eartled by ths a.�xinrion ot unH owners on Qrantor'S batuif,tnd ltN procw�of suef� ti` <br /> Insuana rr�y 0�PaQ trs tAS assodation of unit owners ia tt►e PurOose of repairirg u reconstructlny the Ptoperty. tf nol so la�d by fh� �- -- -- -_ <br /> ,�� od . - . . - <br /> �aadatlon.such ptoo�*�„s shaA be pald to Len�er. ' .�n-- .� <br />�. . Con�Mt71�yltta�ons Oby�AS�Oe����nto�tion N wrNncxraas,a Dy�rry rW�rep�i�u t 6Mreun�r. If Oranfots ini�calttU ', • ,. __...__�,� '- <br /> t!�Real Pr�ls�leasehotd(ntsssl and such properry has bee:*ss:E•:med to unit ownershtp.Cvu�fr,x a1W ptrfam�11 o11M oEYp�llans �` '�¢' <br /> IrtpasW on Qranta by Ihe teas�ot tM Rwl Propary from ifs owner. ; x�:��;� : <br /> ?3. WSCEL.AIJEOl1S PROVISIONS.Th�fpflowlnp miscal�rse0c9 provtsior,s 8re a paA of Mb Qecd Of Tnuk s � �=` <br /> , AnMtldnNnta Thls QeQd of Trust.topether with nrry R�Doeumenb,coreUtutez the anttre unde�stQndrng and agreement of lh�p�r1Ns as to ������----- <br /> th�rtfa�Nrp S�t forth In th�D8@d o}Trust No aitaraUan�1�r�ndrtwnt to 1hi9 OeeO of Trust shell b9 eif�Uv�un(sss qtvsn In wrftlrp and SipnMf '� — <br /> by fh�par'y a paries 6oupnt to be cnarged a bound Dy Cse�.9erarion or amenOment. — <br /> _ Appd�Mw.Thb Oeed of Trust s�cD�qovemed Dy and constr,•�i:+aCCOrdenoe with tha tsws of M�Stet9 of 1'1.�btas4a � �� <br /> ��:..+�,�a..: ... <br /> C�pdat�O�dinp�. C��on heaNrtQs tn this Qead of T.:,si are fw aor.ven9ence purposes onry and are not 4o bo usad to intapr�t or C�*•�fhe •�.gy�:;a,....:.- <br /> proWwr�s a u�b aac ot'�n,st- ,,�����;._- <br /> '�!'�'--P,..�,.., <br /> Grador'��Oyy of Doa.-:s�ents. Lend�r�ees to pr:,s�e Gqnta wltn�contormed copy o1 both tA� LOANUNERm c�onN EqWty Plu�CpdN : � .. • <br /> � Apr�r�r.t and lhis DNO olTnrat a!tha tlma th�y ero a�utpa or witNn a r�sonabta tlrtq aftv t�IS Oe2d o1 Tnrt b rocorGOQ ' ' <br /> .. ?�+t..�.,`�j:�.�:. <br /> Mf�a1e. 7Mre 4Nt1 b�n0 marper of tt�Inter�t W estita�ttid by tn1S Caad W Tri�t wilA arry What Inqr�st or Y�fY ln tt�RtopMty al Atry <br /> • fm�t�M oY a ta tAO benefil of Londer rn anY capacttY.wHhout tfle wr�2ffin consant af LenQer. '"`•�;'='��:+E"rha�: — <br /> , �„ ,�,. <br /> . Ilt�t�M P�rtlsa. J67 aDi,,na9ons of Grarrta und�r t�b Os�d ol Trust�ht8 Os laM and 6wua1.and at nAnros�to Grir��mr shi9 mMn�eA�nd � ;,-.;�..,-- <br /> e►wy Granta. TAb m�.zs vit�ch of th�p�oro alpni�p botow B cespamlbts far�1 oblly�Uaro In Uds OMd o1 Tnat. •. ��v . <br /> 5�roa6oNy. I1 i ca�t rA compet�nt jurls6lcUOn fln6s Q,�ry provisbn of fhts O�d ot Tnrst to W InvaYO w unantoroeaDM a to ur/patoe a • ' <br /> Cireumat�t�oe.sucA flc�Cinp aAa11 r�t r9nQer tA�t provblort imr�Nd a unontoropfbp a3 to�rry ollfw paeoen ar drtwrtrstancP3. If tsCtbAs,My suCh . • � . �:_: <br /> a�hr�rg�svislon snN de oeemao to be modiflsC to bs wiwn tt»emns ot entoroe�bitiry�r vaYdy,naw�w.M tfN othn�inp provk�+ocr=+ot W � <br /> . so sh�i be atricken and aN otM►pravlslo�of thb O�M of Tnst in W olher�esp�shU nm�in vaYd u�d�ntorowCa. . � .. • ., �� <br /> A�ri1QpINnL Fr.or to ina axacWon hwwf Qraatx racNW an ashnowlWpmerrt sfetiny Ihaf(irantaRr un0ust�n0s tA�t p)tt�s OMd of . � . . "�: <br /> Ytu�l b�trutf dM0�D a►ol�nwrlp�and (b)fiM Po�d SUa P�ovld�d fa ln 1Ns OMd o}Trusl provlQe9 svbstttft+s}H dfR�mtd Aphts end • . <br /> . aDYy�ttbns to Qnntcr 5.'�a�e morty�p�M ths�rrt ot CdJ�ult�Dreacn of abupttton. ff . • — <br /> b'ucCe3lOrs and asel�n�. Sub)ecM to 1M Ilmitatlons stated in tnis Deed of Tnist on bnnster ot t3rantars interesL this QeeO ol Trus1 snall pe_-� � ,. ~�+ <br /> _ . � ---: � . -_ . --,�+�—�....�_.._.,_.--c�._---- .. . � <br /> � . . . . _ . �, . . . . ,. � _ . <br /> . . � " - . � . . . � �mec:- <br /> • � . ' - . . � � . . �. � � ' � � � � . � . . �' .��,_ <br /> . ` � _ ' . . . . - � .� • .���� --.-'_ ...,- „-,-...._.--... � '.'_. n'. <br /> . . _ .-....-+...�.---,^----+"-�-'-....�._..... � - . - � ... '- �, <br /> � " ; . � ',.r ' , - _ .. , •�t . . .. ' ���- � .�. i �,` � - .. ' - .. . <br /> . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . < ... .. . . � . . .. . . _ . . _ : . . . . . <br />