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. . . . .. . • � - ' . � . � � _ �` 1.� . � . ' . `^ �� <br /> .. 1 . . . <br /> 1 ."_.._.,.____". . . <br /> . i" __._—'_"_'�_—"-.a....�r.�..�.....�__,"_.�'__—_'—". .�." ._��`_�__"'_"' . � `, t ,�' .. .��. <br /> � � � �_." <br /> L � <br /> � . . . , _ <br /> ��� 9�— ��4��2 DEED O�TRl1ST �sge e � � � ; tl-� <br /> (Co�inued9 , <br />, .,� Cqnpiianee wtth E7dsftnp EtcdebieQness. Ourtrsg the P���n wRrch any E�tisting Ir�Cahtedreess Q�r�Dsd below fs tn efta�,i.camDtianee with the , " - , <br /> dslt <br /> ir6urartCe OtOVI510n5 Cont8frv8d In the ir�strum9rd 6v108nCing SuCh F�dstiny IndBbtedn�5 ShBU COnS4tIR9 COmDlidr�w!th tt�0�r�Stt�r100 OtOVISfGIS <br />• +�nd�tftis Qeed o!Trust,to Me extent comql"�arrob w�tn the tmms of tNS DeeO of Trust wo�9d constitule a dupfication ot tnsurarws rsqu5art�ant M , . , _ <br />.- arry procee�s horn the insurance beCOme RaY��e on ioss,the provisions m this Deed of Trust ta Q�vlSion of proc2sds sh3ll e9DN oNy to that , , <br /> pORion Of thB ptOC98d5 not pay8bte to the hottle►6f ih@ E�dStinp MBObiBdnBSS• -- ----- - . -_ <br /> � t1, p�ENDlTt,IRES BY L.E?ID�ii. �i Grantor fa�to eompty witA any prov�on o1 this Deed of Trusf,induding any oGF086on to milntan Emstiny _ <br /> tndep�in q0od standny es�equ��d belaw.or H 8ny BcGOn or procesdirtg is eomm0txod that wotdd metecta0y ofteet len�fs iolBtests i�Ms , <br /> Property,Lender on Grardo�s behe�t maY,upan notiee to Grantor.Dut sheil not be raq�arsd to.Iatce any actian that lsnder d9ems apCropr(ste- MY . <br /> amo�mt ttut Lendar e�en�m so dcing an11 baar mteresl8t the rate charged under the Credd ApreemeM from the data inCSrted or patd by Londer to __ <br /> t�ls dab�rsppym2rd by Grantor. a1 such e� lend2�s op6on.wi0 (a)tre psfrabia on dsrttand.a (D)be addsd to tt�s Wlanoe d Me aed�t • . . - <br /> orw. Thts Oatb af Trust aLSO wiil secure paymerd of tt�ese 8mou�. �A9 nphts provided for in this P�aQrBDh shall ha in add�tfOn to at►y attsor ripR15 or � _ ., � <br /> ury r+nb6es to wtdeA LenQer may be entitted on account ot the detault My suet�adicn by Lender sh8ii not De cor�sb'�ed as aafnp tM Qehult so es .�.,'.�� <br /> to Ru LendYr trom anll rBmedY that it atteerwise waule havB t�ad. :.::: ,'.,ar:�::p. �. �. <br /> tZ. WAFiRAHTY:O�EliSE OF 91TLE. TAe fottouing provisior�s refating to oMnership ot the Property ats e part o1 WS Deed a1 TrusL ;�,,�f:�.. , - " - <br /> r`.-f '.�,�� •ax. . <br /> • Tltie. GraR'.Qr u�ts tliati (a)Grantar holds gc�.^4,and markeffiL�e titie cf reCOCd to ths PrapertY Cr�dudnD e Ieas8A0td interesl.B anYb tree atitd •c�.�• :.�--- ._- <br /> -�---_=��� <br /> drr o!ali 6�rs��enwm�r¢noes excePt ttrasa ai-ecoN.end (b)Grantar h8s fh9 fu9 rtght.Powca�and Bu�r to exeatt0 attd d�r thG . <br /> OMOOf?rits'tCLGB'�9f. �.`, ( ��'�"�-''•�'`, <br /> �i¢i 4^.s:. SubjeCt t0 the exoeption in L5a.-a78greph ebovB.Grantot wertards and rw�taevier defend ths tltle to tRe PrIIP�Y a��� I"r�:?E"f�;;�;��}`��" - <br /> .;,;�!���;,,i, �?�;. ..;e;tq�%.:�_ <br /> t[mc".�ekins�¢�Dersons- In the event any aCren o�ProceeC�np is commerto3d that qu�r�Grrmtofs 6ue a tAs inlerest ot Trust�or LenDer ; •, : <br />� ' u:a�r tt�Q�ect U`"rust.Grantor shan deten0 trte�tion at Grantors expense. Gra�rtar may be the nominal party in sueh Procee�np.Cut Lender .��-:.%,��`:-�'� ''tar` � <br /> ,�..., ':. s1,_=' <br /> St�eA be enUUZ1 tt r,�idPate�n tha proceeding 2r�t�0e represented in Me P��n9 Dy eounsel at i�own ct�aCe,and Grarda w�deliver.a� .. . � �� ` � ••ff�•,� <br /> '�L; iiw,cr,.: <br /> � eause to be Aet.1� Lender such im�rumentS a;LenQer may request from tima to tima to petmit such partittipation. _ �•�;yt�, <br /> artit, <br /> Compilanee Nffth Lerwa Grantor warranis Ihat the PropeAy and Grantar's us� of the Property compGes with al1 exlstinp apDl�cabte taws. ----- `� <br /> . or�nt�ces,and regutatior�s of govemmental authotiGes. •'° � <br /> t�•,.5:,'}_ , r���.. <br /> ' 13. O(IST(NO IIt��TEDNESS. The toliowing prm�is;ons Coneerning existing indebtedtie55 Me'Existin9 EnQeDt9dnes5'ati a p�A d tNs Qe6d Ot ' - :,"!.�E <br /> T� , :: <br /> �y Litn. TAe Lan of this OeeO of Tnist se�np the Indebtedness may be secondarY end inTerior to an�ds6np thera ts such a Uen. �. ,,.. • `d:?:�.... <br /> " Qrurto►expt�stY covenanb and eyrees to p��� a see to the paymeM a9,itya Ex+stinp Indebtedne�and to prevent arry Q�fautl on suth �'�`�: , � •.•t; � <br /> IndeDtsdn�ss. anY daffiuR undar ths i�trumord�s evlQendng such indebte��s. or 9rry deta�dt ursder arry seCUrttY Qoctuner� for SuCh ,h . x,,;�.; <br /> inQebteQ[�e59. _``� :° i <br /> Np 1to�t�an. (irantor shetl not ertter tnto ar•y a�eemem witn tt�notder of arry mortsaya.dwd o1 trus1.a'ather seciufti s�Mment wroc� A ? <br /> t�prta�"ty ow►Ihis Oeed 01 Trust by whictf tt�8gr68ment 6 mOdified.amea0ed.Bxtonded,Or tenewad withOYl th�pd0►wAttBO CWlsa�t Of , -. . ,. � �,. <br /> � I.�ndu. Grantor sTUill neliher reQuast nar ao�¢t:a.ry tuture aCvpnoes unQer arry suCh secu�iry agream�nt rrliP�out the pd�r vrtitiEm consertt at . �: st;;�,;.. <br /> LfnQer. ,�i '' <br /> � t�. ppi�M!lATtCill.The tottowing provlsions relaC-�»proceeCing;fn eondemr�"�n are e p3r1 of thts DeeO of T� „�'''. � <br /> Pr condsmned lender ma �t Ns eleeEOn ro4uko that tA a erry PoNoo of tne net " '�;�•..; <br /> �ppaeawn a rie��oceaa�. it en o►am�aeR of ine o�rhr+s . r <br /> � prowsds of thr aaard be aDAked to tt►e IndeDtedness under ma LOAI�INERB Home EqWty Ptan.sublad to ttw terms af any ma�eps a QesO of , �:� '. _ <br /> trust w41n a Yan whtch tus ptlority over 1NS Deed ol Trust. Tne nei Drooeeds of the award stia9 meon the award atOSr payrtr�a!n9 raasonsba it� ;�-. <br /> ca'sta.a�anses.and attomeYg'fees necesseriN Gald a Incurred by tiranta.Tnistee a Lender in connecHon w'fR tf�e cond�mrttUOn. : ,� <br /> pirpCe�Oin�t If nny proeeedlnp in cond8mne'�r.r�8 fited.Grantor st�promplN nctityr Lendor in writlnp.and CYantor Sh�II prampSlY 1�lce such ,#� ,`� ' : - <br /> alrpd as rtry b�neosswy to defBn4 tM acticn s�tl obtaln tha award. firantar may be the nominal puty in EucA Oroa�lnp.btR I.�nder stWl bs ',�-.;;�' <br /> �n6N�d to p�Aidp�te in Ihe pr�np and to De reDresented!n the prooeedinp bY Counsel ot tts ovrn ChaCU.ind t3ranta w0 d�vsr a eause to -�, <br /> be ae6uBred to LenGer Such instrumentg as mey be requeste0 by tl from time to tlmo to permit such putldpa�an. <br /> ��i t5. I�OSR[ON OF TA�8,FF�S AND CNAR(iES 8Y GOYEANMEP�TAL AllTMOAITIES. Tha totfawlnp Provlslons rptFlttnp to pav�rnrnentat taues. :` �,q ;±� �'�.�- <br /> E T 11} q.Y <br /> � ` fee�and Charq9s ere��ar1 ot thls Deed ot Tnist: 's <br /> ;��-�`. <br /> . �s�ent Taxes.�ansi CArdyes. Upan�user bY tenQU.Onntor stwN oxecute sueh Eocum�nD in ad��rc tta thb Oab q Tt�t ariG t�i�. ��''�,���=`.' . <br /> .i wh�ln�r ott�r aC5an Is rsquasfad by L�noe va�rhet an0 contlnus Lendars G�n on th�Retl Property. Qra�i'w4 stu11 nUnLUrs�L�nQar tcr� , ` � <br /> ' tax�s,�s d�scAbed bWow.topetAer wttn atl expenses Incurred in r�cordnp.perteetlnp a oontlnWrg tAb�wa ot Trt�t,inG(ud.h�wYhoul Bmltttion - `�� _ <br /> : ; c,9 taus,tees,Caumentary stemp�,end other cAarqes for recorGirp oi rop►stertrg�hls Oab ol Trust r�..M - _ . <br /> ' '�; r�[es. The tGlowlnp sha11 constitute taxes to whscA Ihts secGOn applies: (a)a speaAc tex upon this type af OeoO at Tnat or�.;,�aA a snY par! �'•'�''�-�'^�►- • _ <br /> 01 tt�In9abl�C.xss aecured by thls Deed of T�sk(b)a specilte fax on 6nnta whkA Cinrtta is authaizad a required to deduG fr�m payrn�nb , �.. <br /> � on th�Indabfe�ness secured EY m►s tYAs o100��t Tnest; (C)a tax On ihls type o1 Deatl o9 Tn�t Ctuu�s.FSSb:�aptllnst tt�Londw w tna RatQa of <br /> tt»iko6t A�oertwr�ane (C)a s0ecifla tu ca aII ur�n!►Dartlon of ihe Imdebtedness or on peY��a Odndp�l and inMsst mtd�bY�ranta. � _s�.ew.e��__-_ <br /> . ku�- -- <br /> .. 18.IT�i7FER ASSURANCES. The t�:tcwir,p prav�Cn9 relatinp to tuRt�er assurances are�PeA ol thb Deed a1 Tnat �;�''-+�%�-"- <br />. , a��r Asw�rs�ess. UPon reqw�af lendor.GrnMa wi[I m�1ce.ezocuta en0 G�tiver.a wsll aus�to bs mad�.�ucu�d a d�nd�to LenQw ' - ••• ..- • -- <br /> or fo land�Is dssiQr�ae,and wh0:�:a0uastad CY Lender,causs to be f,ted.r�eorde0�refib0�a rerscordsd�as ths cas�may 4�.at autt�Err»s and .+ , <br /> � M weh c�IRCw a�r��t�s as Lender may Qear. �ppropriate.any and�e such mort�qas,dMQs M fia1.s��rfh r�rt�.Ls. � <br /> • Rnoridrp stdr.+san�,.conU�ua�on statemer.s,�r�rumenb d tuthM assurana.artiflaaf�.ind dtrr dacurt�nt3�s rtry.M th�taM optNan c4 ,�5 <br /> .��sK�.' <br /> • La��dat.b�n�a�.Y a dostrabie In orQer�s dit�xivate.comptet��D�rNcb contlnu�,a PnswN (U ttw aC�sitrs�s M CiraMOr undr ttw Cr�CA ' •� ;,;:„� <br /> U�P��bY ItwTa i�'OSd b�w�ary by I.enOer in wrldnp,Gtanta alwfl���L�nO�r ton costa anOTa�nsA Inc�uro�A In . . �'.'��"�;{� - <br /> �rnt+–- ,�E�;• <br />. ' Ca111�CBWf IAIjUI t�filtl�8(A�Bf.��d�O�01�ilS�Y�7Dh• ::.'�� .�,f}.�•^�'�i•:.,,• . <br /> 17. FLLL PE�iFOiiMANCE I}OnMa pay�aD tl`s IndaDleQr�ss wtien due. terrt►inites ths o'�0'it YrN aocouid.and ottww[s�p�rforms eB ttr . ;;�"�.,".,-;••+ •„ <br /> r Sa� <br /> obYp�lbrts imPOS�W:on(irantor under thts OeeII at Yr,�st,Lender shall�xecuts and�e►to Truste��nqu�st tar R��sconv�yana. • �� <br /> :i i� ',:;: ' <br /> � aeow,�.a u,s ovs�ue u��eo�s�s.�r+o��m o+aer��n t��a o.�c,:►�uoau�us a.o a T� rot : �;''.,., <br /> 1�. OEFAILT. F.�Jr of tt»t • .=�`,��; <br /> � firanlor commib fcau�c�m�kas�matut�l mtsroCr�s�4tlon af anY Urtw In conr�euen wHA tAa cra�t Yn��oeourA. TAb ean InduQ�.tor aart�.s • ,�o�.. <br /> hh�Si1�rtMrd�bON Cx�nto/s in�^�.�SSSl9.Y�biG�. or �rry OthN aspaCts of GrantotY flnttY�l COn�!{On. (b)QtaMOr QOM n01 nfMt UI� _ <br /> t�3tyR10�d�i(RIS C1 YAO C�6Qi)QTA�G]I1fIL (C)CafQI110Y9 4L�10�t 0�it1CC}100 E1QYidSG�Y 8n`'c�CG lM GCY��fi110f tf N C[�61 WI��'OUflt Cf LMfd�S tfOM3 ID � —T- —. <br /> t11B COlStBt81. ThIS C8n inCtudO,h,f ern.:7ipie,te;ture to nWntem►eqmred+ruurance.wiSt9 Or deStuGtivs�A Of tt19 dwllinp,t�ftt��t0 P�y hu95.dMtt� ' <br /> _ of QII persorr�iabb on the eCCOUnt,nanster of title o�59Ie M 1he dwelhng,c�eahon oi e I�en on the dwelling v�nthoul our permiss�on.forECtosure by the • • � — <br /> � . . . . ,. '', — `:,— . " • . ' . , �� . . � �.. <br /> . . � • � � � . � . � � . .. � �:. <br /> . ' ' � � ,. . <br /> � . ' . • � ( ' :_ . • . . _ • ; :, <br /> , . . .. � . <br /> _.. .... . . . ----:—�—.___.__�: <br /> ..-------- -� - . . - ._ - -- - - - , . _ . . _. ,. . ... _.:,..—..__...;.� __... �- -- - --- <br /> _ - ._ --•-- -------•--------,_--_= <br /> . . . . <br /> � . � , - - 1 r_..��". —_s___..y_...--qyr��" ,� . _ -'— . ' _ .. ' • -. �. . <br />. t� hr� i '. •• ' .. ...� , � . • .. - 1 � - ' . - <br /> , .- . . � . � �. .. . •- _ .` • - . . ..._ . . ' .,� , , , . ,�. . ... �y . • . .. �� ,. <br />