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<br /> , •17.Trat�cfer ot tbe P�+up�riy a'a Ber�ficid Inter�t in Borrnwa'. If all or any part of Iha Property or any intercst in it
<br /> is sold or transPcrrod(or if a beneficisl intcrest in Borrower Ir sold or transferred and 8orrower is not n natural person)without
<br /> ,.,�, �,.;.;.::��.. Le��der's pdor wdttcn consent. Lcndcr may, at its option, rcyuirc imrnediate payment in full of�II sums socured by thia
<br /> :;:� ^ .�L: _ Security lnstrument. Howevcr, this option ah�ll nat be exercisod by l.cnder if exereise is prohibitod by federal law �s of the data
<br /> '� of ihla Security Instrument.
<br /> ' �,.��4�.- �:,j . If l.endcr cxercises�his optian,I.endcr shall give Borrowcr notice of xceler�tion.The notice shall provide a period of not
<br /> "�" } lesa than 30 days Gom lhc datc the notice is delivered or mailed wilfiin which BoROwer must pay all sums securod by this �
<br /> �. � � Security Instn�ment. if Barrawer falis topay these sums prior w the expiration of thia period, Lender may invc+l�e any�ernodies
<br /> u' = '� permitted by this 3ecurity lnstrument without further nutice or demand on Borcower.
<br /> �' 18, Borrower's Right to Relnstnte. If Bomower meets certain wndiUons, Borrower shall havc the dght ro have
<br /> ••- •.<v`��K : �+ enforcement of this Securlty Instrument discontinued at any time prlor to the earlier of: ia) 5 days (ar such o�her period es -
<br /> �.:..
<br /> �;' opplicable law mAy specify for r�einstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to Any power of sale contalned in this
<br /> _-- Security Instrumenr.or(b)cntry of a judgment enforcing this Secu�ity Instrument.Those conditions ane that Borcower:(a)pays
<br /> - ' '" "'° �' '" "��"' Lender all sums which thcn would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acccleration lud occumed:(b) _
<br /> -- �:�,:�r'=��•� " � cw+es any default of any otber covenants or agreements; (c)pays ell expenses Incumed in enforcing this Secudty Instniment,
<br /> '��-°:x°�.�-: includMg,but not limitcd to,rcasonable anorneys' fecs;and(d)takes such actian as Lender may rcasonably require to aasure
<br /> °B�"���k� �A- � lhat ihe lien of this Security Instn�ment. l.ender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secu�+a1 by
<br /> �.�-� � �• � lhis Secu�ity Instrument shall cantinuc unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Horrower, this Security Lnstn��nent end the
<br /> - --'"•-"�'�^"��'"�"� obUgetions secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acxeler�tion had occurre.d.However,this right to Rinsl�te chall
<br /> ��_ , r;:�,�jY
<br /> �,,R..��,,,�.�V.,��.,r� not apply in the c�re�f ucel�ration under paragraph 17.
<br /> • 19. Sale o(Note; C�e o[I.oan Servlcer. The Note or a partial irnerest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> ;,�..i�....=°�.��- �'��' InatNmenq may be sold onc or more times wi�haut prior notice to Borrawcr.A salc nwy result in a change in the entity(known --
<br /> e- . , - os the"L�aan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Nate and this Secunty Instrument.There al so may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelatod to u sale of the Note. IP�here is a change of the l.oan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> ._��. � ° ° "Y. givcn w�itten natice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law. The notice will state the nume and
<br /> '�- ��' �-�-•�• address of the new Loao Servicer and the addrass to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other
<br /> `-�!� � ' '�� �,'`•: infarmation requimd bY apPUcable lew.
<br /> "'����` 20. Hazandous Substanees. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> `_: �,o,,:�t_Wr��� .',� Hazerdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nar allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> =`� � a ��� � Property Ih.at i� in vialation of any Envlronmentel Law. The pr�ding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or
<br /> `.�+�� ,;,,;,�.,. ,;�'y-,-•K,; storage on the Propeny of small quantities of Ha7ardous Substances that erc generally �xognized ta be appropriate to nortnal
<br /> - .;�� a • •� residential usges and to maintenancc of thc Property.
<br /> Borrowcr shall promptly give Lendcr w�itten noticc of any investigation.claim, demand,lawsuit or other actian by any
<br /> -'��r. �.Y;;,;;�„_.;,,,�:,,� govemmenlal or regulatory agency or private parly involving the Property and any Hazardaus Substance or Environmental Law -
<br />--- - - - -- ot which Borrower has ac[ual knowlaigc. if&n iower I�rns.or is notttird tsy any govcmment�! ar s�egulatory 3uttsority,thai .-.
<br /> -a:' • ony removal or ather remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary, Bomower shall prompdy take
<br /> „ �II nocessary remedial actions in accordstnce with Environmental Law.
<br /> - • ti� As used in this paragwph 20, 'Ha7ardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hezardous substances by
<br /> ,_;�.. a ,,;, Environmental Law and the following substunces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> '" '•� ' pestkides and herbicides,volatilc solvcnts, materials containing asbestos or forrr�aldehyde,and radioactive matedals. As used in _
<br /> .=�-�� �•�...". " .. this paragreph 20, "Environmentul Law' me�+ns foderal laws and laws af the jurisdictian where the Property is laceted that
<br /> = re1Wo to hculth. safety or environmental protection.
<br />_=� � NON-UNIFORM(:OVENANTS. Bonowcr and Lcnder further covenant and agrce as follows:
<br />�° .. 21.Acceleration;Remedies. I.ender shell give notice to Borrowcr prior to acceleratlon Pollowing Borrowcr's brt�cb -
<br />'p�:, " . �� oP any rnvenant or agrcement in this Security Instrument lbut not prlor to acceleration underpa ragraph 17 unkss �
<br /> - . •- .. � ��-�- appllqblc luw provides otherwise). The noUce s6n11 cp�rifys (a)the defaulh,(b)the ection required to cure thc deiault; _
<br /> == (e)a date�not Iess t h an 3 0 d ays from t he d a te t he n o ti c e Ls given to Borrower,b y wMch the deiault musl be cured;and
<br /> i�: , ,�..�.-, �' � :' ' (d)that tailure to cure the default on or before the date specitied in the notice may result in occelerntlor�of Ihe swns �
<br />,;�. . . pecured by this Securlty lnstrument and ssnle af the Property. '1'he notice sball Purt6er inform Borrower of the�Ight to _
<br /> . ' „ relasl�te after acceleratlon and the righ[ to bring a rnurt aMion to assert the non-existence ot a dets�Wt or any other
<br />' � ° detense of Bomower to acceleratlon And sale. IP tlie deiAUlt is nat cured on or befare the dale speci8ed in the notke,
<br /> I.ende�, at its opllon, may require immedi�te payment fn full oP all sums secured by this Security Instrument without �
<br /> furlher dem�nd and may invoke the power of s�le and Any other remedtes permitted by applicable law.Lender shall be
<br />�� • ' endded to rnllect WI ex �ses incurred in pursuin�the remedies provlded in lhis paragrs�ph 21�including,but not limited
<br />�•'� , to,rcasonable attorneysp'c fees and costa oi'title evldence. -
<br />�"� � . IP t6e power ot sale Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part of the _
<br />;�4 • ;`, Property is IocAted and sliall mail coptes oP such notice In the manner prescribed by appltcabie law to Borrower and to �
<br /> ihe other persons pt�escribcd by applicable low.After the time required by applicable law.Tnistee shall give publk notice _
<br />�``�� � '� e' of sole to the persons and In the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trudee.without demand on Borrower,slwll sell --
<br /> � the Property at public audlon to the hlghest bidder at the time and place wnd under the terms destgnated in fhe outice ut �
<br /> • .,�y� . estle in one or more parcels and in any order Tru.4tee detcrmines.Trustee may postpone sale oP all o�any parcel ef t6e �,
<br /> . Property by public nnnouocement at the Ume vnd place of any previously srheduled wle. I.ender or Its designee may
<br /> ,� purchwse the Properly at any sale. =
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