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..�:: . . <br /> r,. . < . . - <br /> . � , < � '�",.:.�.._-_.5.� �:.. '_'.:..�. _.L.'__— `S .i.c <br /> _ .. ...a. .. _ <br /> \� <br /> 4 C- j �__,._...___. __. �. _ ._...'-..��.._r__—�..���—.�_. ...�� : '_"..�_.. _ ?i{-. <br /> ' � ' ' `_ <br /> ` �..-..., r.� .... .. . —_ . `_. <br /> . . �.. . . ♦ ' � . �4......:..:..... V-..., " <br /> F ,'. ._ .. ` � . �:3. .�,,,� i� �. . <br /> . � . @otrower may cure such a defauft end reinsffite. as pro�ided in paragraph 18, by causing the acdon or proceeding to be ' <br /> . �: , .... <br /> � msmissed with a ru�n9 thai,in Lenders good taith detertninatton,preciudes torfe(ture of the Borrower's brterest In the Prope�ty or ', ' _ , <br /> . ` , . . other matetial fmpahmment of the Uen ueated bll�ts Securiry tnsdumenl or Lender's security interest- Barrovr�shaU aiso be in - • <br /> a u� <br /> . . deisu�H Borrower.dudng the loan eppG�.lon proeess.9a�re madertalN tatse or inacarate tntommUon or state�nerts to Lender(or � `•' ` � ` " <br /> _ . - -� - - fa�ed to provide Lender with arry materfai IntOm�°�) � ��6 � ����� by tde Note, inc[udng. but not � _ . - - <br /> '' � • � fmuted to. represer�ttons eonceming Bortowets acwpancy af the Properiy as e p�tn�pal residenae. H this Security .. .:. : _ <br /> tnstrument is on e tPasehotd. Bartativer sha0 co�'iPiy wN�e1��e provfsions ot tho lease. If Bortawer acquirea tea tiUe to the >. <br /> �`jM`,. <br /> , .� . " RroaeAy.the leasehold artd the tee L'tte sha0 no!rtaerge untess Le�d�a�ees to the merger In writln9. � .. <br />- ,. . .' �� 7. Pratectton of Lende�'s Rtglrts[n 4he Property.It Borrowe s�taos��v���Qa��� ���� � . ` � F� <br /> • cantatned In this Sea�ity InstrumeM. or there Is a tegal proeeeding that maY 9� Sa � <br /> . (���a p��e�g in hanf�upt�y.prahate.for eondenaiaHan or todefwre ar to entoree taws ar re�taUons).then Lende►maY v <br /> . ' do end pay tw whatever is neoes�y m Protect the value of the P►operly end lenders dghts in the Praperty. Lender's ecdons � °�, <br /> • , -�- may inetad�payin9 anY sums secured by a lien whic� has pdo�ity aver thts Security tnstrument. aPP�9 � �urt. P��9 <br /> .'.�.-�.._.,. . <br /> ' • reasonable attameys tees er►d arterMg on the Properiy 4o make repalrs.A�thougb Lender may take aWon under this paragraph . ; � •' , <br /> � 7, lender does not have to do so. � • , ,` ", <br /> - . ` - pny amaurrts disbursed by Lender un der para�a P fi� s h e U b a� a d d�i fl�d e b t o f B o r r awer seeured b y this Security - ,--- <br /> � instrumeit. Untess BortoweJ and lender agree to other terms of paymeM.these emounts shaU bear tnterest hom the date o1 l< <br />- - . � , �' dishurseme�rt at the Note rate and shaU be payable,with interest.upon aottce trom Lender to Borrower requesting P�ent ' �F. -- <br /> r'.i . . - , 8. MoRgage Insurance. It Lender required mortgage Insuranee as a conditian oi ma{dng the laan seeured by this .. <br /> Seeudty tnstrume�t.Bartower sAsO pay the premfums requUed to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect If.fnr arry reason.the _ _ <br /> ' mortgage insurance ccvere8e re�N��d by Lender fapses or ceases to be in etfecl. Bortower sheD pay the Pr�n1����t�� • _ ,_ <br /> � obteln coverege substanitaltY e4�ivale.nt to the mortgage insutance pre+riausty in eftect, sl a cost substanttaltY etN .., - _ <br /> cost to Bortower of the mortgage ins�uanee previously in eftecl.finm en aftemtate mort�ge (nsurer eRPra�ed by Lender. U `_�- <br /> ° e <br /> a,�' s u b s t an tl a l N e g u H a t e n t m o rt ga ge tnsuranee coverage is not a v a II a E ls.B o R O w a s h a p p a y ta Lender eseh mardh e sum equal to - — <br /> . � one�twetftt�ot tha yearty mortgage tnsurance premium being patd by Borrower w hen t h e i n s u r a n c e c a v e r a g e t a p s e d o r c e a s e d to � _ <br /> - � �� enis as a toss reserve in�eu a1 maRgage insurance. Losa resenre <br /> :'` .. be h►eftecf. Lender w�li accepL use and retain these paym � the amo�mt and tor the periad :. <br /> eta <br /> - . �saymerts may no longer be the aAUon of tender.(t moR ge insurance covera9e M <br /> saym <br /> thffi Lender requfres�pmvided 6y an insurer approved by I.ender agafn hecomes avaffabte and is obtained. Bormwer shall Day ,�: ���:-'.;,_: <br /> frt <br /> ,,�.•� the premiums requVed to matrttain moKgage insuranca tn effect.or tu provide a loss reseNe, u�7 the requiremer►t tor mortgage ,_ <br /> � . .. insurance ends in accordance with enY wrttten agreement between Hortower and Lender or appiiceDte Iaw. __t,, <br /> .�,. • 9. tnspedion.Lender or its agent may make reasonabie ertries upon and inspeetlons of the Pcoperty. Lend�shaD giva - <br /> ' �• reasonabie cause for the inspectIon. �' ' <br />"�� Bortower noUee at the thne ol or pdar m an inspectlon specifyln9 • - <br />�; . . -'•�� 10. COndemttatton.The proceeds of arry award or claim tor damages. dtrect or eonnectlan wdh any ' �-�-`.;�'�__ <br /> .� �,V asst�ed and <br /> �.� � • condemnaUon or other teWn9 of arry PaK of tfie Properly, or for corneyance tn Iteu of condemnaUon,are haeby ,;: ��_ <br /> • ' ;�,-.; shafl be paid to 1.ender. ped to the sums secured tsy this S�cucily . ,,��•-_ <br /> � In the evcmt ot a total mWng of the PmpeAY• the proceeds shall be apP �ng ot the PropertY U whlch � . , <br /> atd to Bormwa In the event o1 a partial � ` '_-_ <br /> ' • insWmen�wheth�or not then d�e,with any wccess P to or er thm�the amount ot the sums ser�ued � T��°- <br />,:,.. �. <br /> _; .._. ..,__ '• <br />: } ' the Tair marke!value of the PropeRy immediateiy betore the takng ts equai � ' , ' - -- <br /> :: � . by this Seairity tnstrument immediatery before the�dng. unteas Borrawa and Lender otherwise agree in writing, the suma <br />`_}�: . � se<aired by this Seeurity Instrument shall be reduced toy the amount ot the proceed�mum��vatue ol�the mProPectY�m`��Y ./��_�' <br /> total amount ot the sums�ecured tmme�atelY before the taldng,divided by(b) � , y._-�., <br /> �•�%� .. . � bdore the t�i�.My 6alance shall be patd to the e4ent ot a P���ng of the Properry in which the tair ma�ket 7.: -- <br /> � • vaius of the Praperty immediately detore the taking is tess than the amourtt of the sums secured immediatelY betore the taT�g. , ; <br /> .��!;�, � , ' unless Bortawer and Len@er otherwise agree in miting or unless aPRpcabte law othervuise provides, the proceeds shaD be � `. .:��' <br />�•�: � _ _ applied to the sums secured by th(s Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due. � "�;;t <br /> `';t:..._ .� H the Properry is abandoned by 8orrower, or�.efter natice by Lender to Baaower that the conQemnor offers to make an � <br /> "- �:;`� :- award or setile a claim tor damages. Borrower ta0s to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date the noUce ts 9Nen. :�.:`.:�,:� <br /> ,�;; -• .� , the its optton, either to restoraUon or repair ot the Pmperty ar to the . . ..- - <br /> Lender is authodzed to ceNect and aPP�Y .'••-i� <br /> ��i • • ,���, sums seeured by this Security Inst�umenb whether or not then due. ,� ;��'-= <br /> � Uniess L¢nder and Bortower otherwise a�ee in wriUng, eny apPflcation o1 proceeds to pdncipal sha0 not extend or . �;.�'�� <br /> � ents re(erred to in para�aphs 1 end 2 or change the emount of such payments. '����r"%��< <br /> � postpone the due date of the monthly paym °- <br /> - 1 1. B o r t o v►er Not Relessed; Fo�bearance By�-end0� Not a Waiver.Extenston ot the time tor payment or . .`..,�„ <br /> ;:;;,� . ' � modiflceGan of amoNmtion of the sums secured by tfiis Securiry Instrument gran t e d by L e n d e r t o a n y s u c c e s s o r i n t n t e r e s t o1 • .. _�T�- <br /> '�` Bortower sha11 not operata to release the 11abiGty o1 the odginai Bonower or Borrower's successors in tnteraat• Lender shali not � <br /> 'V��r ' be required to commenee proceedings agalnst any successor In interest or refuse to extend time fot payme� or othecwise • _.,,,,.. <br /> I •A� <br /> �•'. ' � moddy amoNzation of the sums secured by this Security tnstrumerR by reason of any demand made by the odglnal Borrower or ^ • <br /> � �' Borrowers successors fn interes� /irry forbearance by Lender in exercasing any rtgM or remedy shaD not be a watver of or :�;..- .: <br /> . . �'� <br />- . � prec(ude the mcercise o1 arry d9ht or remedy. Cp-g� nerg,The covenarrts and : ,..�> <br /> 12. Succassors and Asslgns Bound; Joirtt and Soveral Uability; g . <br /> • � �� agreemerrts o1 this Sacurtty Instrument shalt hind and benefd the successora and assigns of Lender and Bortower,subject to the , ; :;�,i�•:,.: <br /> - � • . � provisions o!paragrePh 17• 8osrowers covenants and a�eements shait be joinl and seve�zl. Any 8orrower who co-signs ihi� <br /> � . � Secudty(nstrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securily InsUumertt onty to mortgage.grant aed eomreY ,, <br /> t that 8ortowefs interest in the Property under the terms of this Sewrity Instrument: @) is not personatly obtigated to pay the <br /> � � q sums secured by this Security�nstrumenk and(o)agrees that Lendet end a�ryr other Borrower may syee to extend, modiy. <br /> �+�,� ! tor6ear or make arry accommodatlons wrih �egard to the tertns ot this Security InsUrument or ihe Note wfthout that 8orrower's � <br /> ; � consent. . .•.�' . <br /> 13, Loan Charges. I1 the loan seeured by this Sewdty Instrument is subJect to a Iaw which sets maximum �oan <br /> • charges.and that taw is flneIly Interpreted so that the Interest or other loan charges collected ar to be coilected In connecUon : <br /> „',�• � wfth the loan exceed the pertnttted limtts,lhen: {a) any such loan eharge shall be reduced by the amount neeessary to reduce <br /> ' � the charge to the pertnitted tlm1� and (b) arry sums aheady coltected irom Borrower whteh exceeded pertnitted I(mtts v�l�l be • <br /> � � refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this retund by reducing tAe pdncipal owed under the Note or by makin9 e <br /> , � ' . � direct payment to Bortower. It a retund reduces pdncipal,the redueUon will be treated as a Partial Prepayment without any � . ,. <br /> .' " � prepayment charge under the No:e. << �� <br /> .� . ! 14. NOtiC09.My noUce to Borrower p r ov i d e d t o r i n t h i s S e c u ri t y I n s t r u m e rt s h all be given b y deUvedng ft or by mailing it , . <br />- -- � : b y flsst ctase mz:�unless applicable law requires use ot another melhod. The notice shall be duected to the PropeRy Address . <br /> or eny other address Borrower designates by no t ice to L e n d e r. M y n a u c e t o L e n d e r s h a t i b e g h r en b y tirst clasa mail ta _, _...._. <br /> Lender's addresa stated herein or any other address Lender deslgnatea by noUce to 8ortower. My noUce provtded tor in this .. <br /> ' Securily InsWment shall be deemed to have been given to 8ortovrer or Lender when given as provided in thls paragraPh• <br /> � 15. Governing Lavi; Severability.This Security Inshument shatl be govemed by iederal lew and the taw ot the <br /> �� . . Judsdictlon in which the Property is located. In the event thffi any provlslon or cisuse o1 this Security InsVument or the Note . <br /> .;,'.� . <br /> conflicts with appticable taw.such conitict sha11 not aNect other provislans af this Security Instrument or the Note which can be <br /> • � given etlecl without the cantlicting provlslon.To this end the provlslons of this Security Instrument and the Note are declared to ,. <br /> � be severable. <br /> ;;'.�'_ . • . 16. BOffOwe►'S COpy.8ortower shall be given one contoTmed eopy ot the Note and ot this Security Instrument. <br /> :i'..,� . • .' . <br /> . t <br />• . i Pagc 3 oe S I � <br /> - - Ft31G.LM0�719� L � . <br /> � C . <br /> - • � �.. <br /> i .. _. <br /> - ;. _ : �00000eo � - - .- <br /> ., <br /> __ - _ - .1�. '`i•�. . � �tqv�c���—�,=ti.. <br /> �t . � .. - . �' . <br />- - ---- '--`---- ._ . ..... . . . . _ , i . � ._. . . _. . .\_ . _.*>• . . , .__ . _ _ _ ...�. . ,.--- - --' ---- -- - ----- --_.._�. .. .__. ._ __. __ r_.. ._.. -�--'...�._ <br />