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' , � � fixpues aaw or heieaftea a gart of the pmpectY.All repla�m�ts aad additians sdall also be oavered by this SecurBy Ins�meat , . . <br /> y All af the foregoing is refeare8 m in thi4 Sec�ity?��„m rt as the"P�ope�ty.° . . . <br /> 1 BORROWFdt COVENANTS thai Bmmwer is lawfully scised of the estate hereby oonveye�and has the right to g�aat and �. . �, <br /> � �. - -� � convey ihe Piopeity and that ths Propesty is�aeacumbered.eacept for e,ncumbrances of rerord. Borrawec wairants and will ....--.. _. <br /> all ctaims and demands.subjett tn an eaaunbmnces of record. . } - <br /> - --- - -= -� def�gene�atly ttie 6ite to the Progeaty agamst Y -z--,-, --- _. <br /> Tf�S SECURITY INSTRUMENT combiaes unifomi coveaauts far narional use and non-unifomn oovenanu widi limited '` 't, • .. -` <br /> ' �� variations by�isdiqion to oons6tute a uniform seGUity ins�trume�i covering rzal propeay. . . ', .: <br /> ` ``; U1�IDapRM COVE[VAM�.Bormwer and I.euder cav�ant and a�ee a4 fofIows: .`.'� <br /> :' � : ; L Paym�t of Principal and Intere�P�rePaym�t and Late C6ar�gc9. Boaower shall promP�Y PaY whea dne the ' .'._,.-; <br /> � � i Priacipal of and ino�est on the deht evideaced by the Note�d any pregayment and late chatges due ander the Notc. `'':, ._ °•. <br /> . _.�.- <br /> . `y ` .. ; L Frmds for Taaes and Insarauce. Sabject tn applicahle taw ar to a written waiver by Lender,Boaower shall pay w . °;�'`. .+.:�•__. <br /> IPadea on the day monililY PaYmeats are dne nnder the Note.anW�he No�e is paid in fo11,a sam("F�mds'�for.(a)Y�Y� '`: ';��.y�•.:�s_- <br /> � • ,,.':.`� h ,� -_ <br /> and a�ssments wbich may attain priority oved this Security Instrumeat as a liea on the P�aP�Y:N)Yeariy leasehold paymeut� _ <br /> or gtaund reitss on the Pioperty,if anY:f�)Y�Y�d�P�P�S+��P�(�Y�Y IIood insutance premiums,if � �. -� .,._Y <br /> s <br /> • . �►Y;(e)Y�Y m�8���mi°ms,if aay;aad(�anY soms PaYabte by Bormwea w L�e n d e a c c o r d a nce w i t h t he � . - <br /> . � provisions of puag�ap5 $,in liw of the payment of mortgage insurance premi�uns.These items are cxlled �scrow Items." ' _- <br /> . , - LQadea may,at any wne,colte�t and hold Fands in an amount not to exceed t6e maaimmn amonnt a 1ead�for a federalty relared _ . _-- <br /> . martgage loan may requue for Borrow�'s escrow account�mda the fed�al Real Esrete SeWement Procedures Act of 1974 as �;�-_. <br /> ;,;.,.:,.;� ::-z �emded fmsn tisme tn tune.I2 US.C.Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"),anles4 aaotlter law that applies w the Fnnds s�ts alesser `. ;v_ _ <br /> e <br /> . .. �, - . aa�mt If so,Lea�der any time,co]lert and hold FSmds�an amomu aot tn exceed the lessa amom�t I.end�may _ <br /> .N _ <br /> ._ ..r.. - <br /> � ;::..:; esd�nate tue amoant of Fnnds dt�e on the bagis of c�um,nt data and reasonab2e esnmates of eapendibnre,s of fuuue Ess�ow Ite�s or , .�__ <br /> � - � othcawise in arc�rdance wItf�applicable 1aa+. . "'�'`z= <br /> ,x,; � T <br />-: •� 'llie Funds s6all be heW un an institation whose deposits ace msured by a fedesal agency.insbcumentatity.or e,n6ty Cmclucl"mg .. '"_��- _� <br /> .�_ . � - Lender,if Lende+r is sncb an msdtntion)or in any Fede:al Home Loan Bantc.I,ender shall apyly the Fands w pay the Sscmw _ "-;��;. <br /> . � Items.I.eAder may not charge Borrower for holdiag and applying the Funds.annnalty analyzirsg die esarow aceount,or v�ifying .. .�'�"-. <br /> ' the Escrow Item4.untess I.eudr�pays Boaowea int�st on the Funds aad applicable law pamits I.endea w make sucb a charge. � ' ' ;;-- _: <br /> . �' 'r Howevea.Leader may requ�c B�mwea w pay a one�time cdarge for aa independent real espte ta�c repordng se�vice�sed by `; "t:�. <br /> ,�•- <br /> .. . I.e.nder in comiection with this loan,unless applicab2e law provides otherarise.Unless an a�eement is made or applicable 1aw =—.- <br /> .' requa�es int�est ro be paid,I.e�dea sLall noi be required w pay Bo:mwer any intecest os eamings on the Fands.Borrowar and . �°°a..�. <br /> ` � ` Lender may agree in wri6mg,hawever.that intrrest sdall be paid on the Funds.Leuder shall give w Bomnwer.arithout charge,aa � .';��` <br /> r� ` � annnal acco�g of the Funds,showu►g credits and debits tn the Funds and the pmrpose for whicb each debit to the Fund4 was . �; :;;�'`_ <br /> _ .,.. . - made.l�e Fands are ptedged as addirional saaaity for all swns secuned by this Sec�aity Instrument - :. :`��`"::, <br /> ' If the Funds held by Leader exceed the amounts peamiued to be he2d bY 8PPlicable 1aw,Leader shaU account w Borrowes foz ,`;:::��.`'�'!? <br />�• ' the excess Fands m aabrdan¢e wi�the req�ements of apDlicabte law.If the amount of the F1mds held by I.eader at any dwe is ..-u"":: <br /> • :�:.��;-, <br /> . . � not sufficient w pay the Fsccow Items when due.I.ende,r may so notify Brnmwer in writing,aud,in sach case Borrowea shall pay �`.=5': . .,' l'r-�= <br /> ;.,:,�.F n�-. <br /> � w I�der the amount neces4ary co make u� the deTicica�cy.Borrowe�shall malce up the deficieucy nn no more than twelve . �:;�:- <br /> . . i.r a:.�. <br /> � . , mo�tL1Y PaYments,at Lc.nder's sole discxe6on. � � '��a�; <br /> ';'. � . Ugon payment�fiill of all sun�s secured by this Secarity Insunment,Lea►de�r sGall promptly refand w Bormwer any Fands . _ :- <br /> ,;,�y...: <br /> . . . held by Lendea.If,under paragraph 21,Lend�sha11 acqutre or sell the Propecty,Leader.prior to the acquisinion or sale of the , `..;��:.; <br /> • � � p�perty,shali apply any Funds hetd by Lendea at the time of acquisiuon or sale ag a credit against the sums szcured by thiv • :� ,°�:�y <br /> Security Instrutnenl. � . = <br /> 3.Applica8on ot Paymenta Unless applicabte law provides otherwise,all payments received by L,ender under paragraphs . . - ��� <br /> � � 1 and 2 shaU be applied:frrst,w any prepayment charges due under the Note:second,w amounts payabte under.paragraph 2; � . � <br /> �� t�ird,w inuxest due:fo�ath,w yrincipal due;and tast,to any tate charges due under the Note. . . �� � � <br /> . : : - 4.G�harges:Lieaa Hoaowed shall pay all tanes,assessments,charges.imes and imposi�ons auribulable w the Property --.-_---:-�� <br /> . ,. � which may aitau►priority ovea thls Se.c�ity Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any.Borrower shall pay these . .- <br /> � , obligations in the mannea provided ia paragaph 2,or if not paid in that mannes,Bmrowcx shall pay chem on time direcily to the . , <br /> ' persan oweA payment Bmaower shall promptly fumish tn Lender all notices of amo�ts w be pzid unde�this para�aph.If : <br /> Borrower makes these paym�cs directly.Boaow�shall promytly fumuh to Lende.r receipts evidencing the payments. •: <br /> . Barrower shall promptly discl�arge any lien which has priority oved this Seauity Iaswment unless�onower:(a)agrees in ,. ' , <br /> . . , writing w the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceQtablo to Lender;(6)contests in good faith the lien ,. <br /> • by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the . • . . <br /> . enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agreement satisfacwry w I.ended snbordinaring the lien to . � <br /> � � � tbis Sec�rity Insuumen�If Lender dete�mincs that any part of the Pmperty is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry over lhis . <br /> � • Seauity Instnunent,Lender may givc Borrower a notice idendfying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or t�ke oae or more <br /> of the acaons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> Form 5028 9l90 � <br /> � �-BR�NE��92721.01 Pago2o18 InRlata: . . <br />•v.� _ ' • . <br /> I , . . . <br /> `:.4 ' . , . . . ' . . <br /> � , . . 'f . :. - . . i•. : ' ',:,F-a, .s t'i: <br />.- �i:_ ';S�.�a���` �vw„`C� r s°.t�n ��.�n .;:.. .-��:.r•:�sti -.�',y .�. . {, - �.; ., -i�y��,,i,� � *,yp �� z_S4.t.i� iS., i �ii1,x:�..�. _� ..�i.�au '•; yr <br /> Z�'.. .. ...........�v.�._:s �..:�. ,. . 'V•'.� ..� t. .'r,-_'� . ;'��t•''"•j�,'-. .��y't}�;�:a'�- Y�4 _�±35,4 -�Y.i'�;�1[.,"4--u�.? �. . 'y �'i�''!�i'?"v, 43�} <i' T,�±�� r�i,1.Y�.f.�l.',�'i:;.,�tY-�- <br /> . . .- . . . . . . . .�t . �''l�7�'. _ S_ . .�t"'i. o_ 3 i':+�.. _ . .. <br />