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<br /> : , . �� �. . �wtt to said improvement. If the�.toenwr� in its sole discreNon, determiaea that any port or
<br /> ' aU of tbe improvement must be reawved or Is dan�ed by tha I.ic�ensor, it�emplayas. agaits�
<br /> >...: or ind�endp�t contracWrs woridn� for t6e Licensor durin�the course of their �apbyma�t ac
<br /> -� .:�. .
<br /> y duties with tha �.ic�asor, the I3oensee agrees to �ssume and pay �11 coats � 10 iha
<br /> ��`.� °`i�:..•� upla�+n�r►t ar r�epair of tha improvement.
<br /> °. �T�.:;�,;:`,�i�
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<br /> r: >�...��.���.��T 4. SPFFCITVE DA'TB. This lic�nse agreement shall talca effeet oa the data it ia
<br /> — ,;.. � . n,.: executed by tha Mayor of the City of Grand Ysland as dated below. It shall c�ntinue for au
<br /> -"�-�":`-�-�` �e fl n i Q a t e�n u n t i l �u c h d m e a a i t i s t e r m i n a t e d a s p m v k b c t h e m a f k r.
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<br /> _ :-� - - :-'.�_ S. TP.RMINATION. T'hi� license a�r�ement shall terminate upon one or mora of
<br /> _ —:�:>. tlfe fo2lowL�oCCUrrelices: � .-
<br /> . . . �.. :.:;, a. The servtce of sixty days written notice of intent[on w tGrminats by stny
<br /> . '�'�,.,": � �.... party upon the other party.
<br /> ''� b. The Licensee's application for a permit W alter said improvement or any ---
<br /> . '. ,. ;.� part thereof, unless said permit is for work due to an occunence av de,scribed in
<br /> ° . ? Para�raph 3 above and said work has the prlor writt�n approval of tha Licensor.
<br /> ,` � -� c. The Licensee's construc6on or installation of any structure or improvement
<br /> .. , ;� ,
<br /> .__ `.�'_ -4' -�-_== af any riature ug� tl� rcat � owsied by she I.ia�s excegt that d�rllx�d in
<br /> ° ParaSrePh 1 above.
<br /> �.._�..,. _.,
<br /> � ` Upon the terminadon of this License Agreement, the I.�censee shall be r+equired, and
<br /> hereby agc+ees, W remove said irnprnvement from the Licensor's real estate at its own expense
<br /> 'Y�'�., '" and wlthout cost to the Licensor. Said removal to occur no later than sixty days after t+xeipt
<br /> �� .° of the aotioe of intenbon w terminate or any of the other occurrences set forth in Paragraph S
<br /> � above. Should the Licensee fail w do so,the Licensor may remove or cause the removal of said �-
<br /> �= . _ -� -��-. .W�4, improvement from the Licensor's real estate and the Lioensee agrees w reimburse th�Lioeasor +�:,^.
<br /> �t 4, _____ _.,: .= for all its casts.
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<br /> � ,+�-:...:..,�':. . '
<br /> . 6. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This agre�ment shall be binding upon the parties �
<br />! n;'tµ �',' hereto,tl�eir succcssor and assi�ns. =-...
<br /> ' ;.oa • " 7. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This license agreement constitutes the entire agreement
<br /> , `. . - betweae the parties notwithstanding any other oral or written agreements to the conhaiy. This � `�`
<br /> .,� lioense a�reement shall be arnended only in writing executed by all parties Meneto. �
<br /> .�,� �
<br /> �h�'�`' ' ��__
<br /> 0
<br /> ' 8. CHOICE OF LAWS. This license agreement shall be canstrued in accordance '
<br /> � " , with the laws of the State of Nebraslca and the City of Grand Island,Nebrasl�. t:-,,._
<br /> �� � . t•
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