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<br /> _ 1-4 FAMILY RIDER -
<br /> -� Asslgnment of Rents
<br /> ;�..
<br /> , THIS i-4 FAMILY RIDIBR ie made this 19th day of August . 1992 .
<br /> :F� and ia incorporAted inw and af,�����to emend end aupplcment the MortgaQe. Dced of Tn�st or Secur�ty
<br /> •''- Deed (the "Secudty Instrunp.�nt") of the �amo date given by the undcrsigned (the "tiorrower") co secure
<br /> ------- Borrower's Note to The Equitable Bui iding and Loan Assoeiation of Grand
<br /> __— Island, Nebraska, A Federal Savings Bank .
<br /> _ _ ___---.-- (th�"1�nA�r•')
<br /> � of the same date and covering the Property desceibed i�the Securlry Inauvment aad located at: 209 East
<br />'�� Charles Street, Grand Island, Nebraeka b8801
<br /> --—��1_ :iv�4rxwa,�=
<br /> �,�o��
<br /> -- -- �ProPam Addrcul
<br />_ •uc ' � - _.�,: Hk�!..
<br /> 4�+y" �� t-. 1-4 FAMI[.Y COVENANTS.In addition w the oovenants and agreements mede in the Security Inatrument,
<br /> ��,;,_.,�,_" " _ Borrower and I.ender fu�ther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> r` -�-` Pro descnbed m the�ecun lnsmiment,the foiiowin uems are added to[he Pro descri non.arai xhait
<br /> u:•... ��" , , P�►'�Y �Y 8 Pert3' P.
<br /> - .. �.•>; �'• ; also constiwte 1he Proparty covered by the Se�udty lnstrument:building materiels.appliances and goods of every
<br /> ' .��;� aature whatsoever now or hereafter located in, on, or used, or intended to be used in connection wlth the
<br /> �C�r,��d;5�.�.�:r,�;�1. Property, including, but not limited w. those for the purposes of supplying ar distributing headng. cooling,
<br />�a:�. . , - elechicity. gas, water, air and light, Bre prevention and extinguishing apparatus. secur�ty end aocc�s control
<br /> '•�"1�'� a aratus, plumbin 8 8
<br /> :� y« ,.,�.�:.r;�.,...,:�;. '' PP B, bath tubs. watcr heaters. water closets. sinks. ran es. stoves. refri eretors, dishwashers,
<br /> - -�:-
<br /> i,�;� 3 disp�als,washers, dryers, awninge. SlOffil WjI1dOW8, atorm doors, screens, blinds. shades, cu�tains and curtain
<br /> _ _�-�- -
<br /> `� - �- - ;,�r=- rods,attached mirrors,cabinets.panelling u�d sttached fioor wverings now or hereafter att�ched to the Property,
<br /> � .. all of which. inciuding replacements and additions thereto, shall be deeme�l w be and remeln a part of the
<br /> : ' � Property cuverod by the Secudty Instrument. All of the foregoing together with the Property described in the
<br /> - Securlty Instrument(or the leasehold e.wate if the Secudry Instni�nt is on a leas�:hold)a�e refemad to in this 1-4
<br /> • ��.; � • •�-„ Family Rider and the Security Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> '`�;, � ' � - B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agree to or make a
<br /> -,:,,�.-..-..,.. -_.• • change in the use of the Property or its zoning classification,unless Lender has agrced in wrlt�ng to the change.
<br />.?�.. , •� :. .�:,.% Borrower shall wmply with all lawa, adinances, regulations and requirements of any governmental body
<br /> � . � " . ... t, ' oPPlicable to the Property.
<br /> --- C.SUBORDINATE LIENS.Except us ptrcnitted by federal Isw,Borrow�r shell not nllow eny lien inferior
<br /> �.., �' . to the Security Instrument to be perfected against the Property without I.ender's pdor written permission.
<br /> ' "*�- � ' D.RENT LOSS INSURANCE.Borrower ahall maintain insurance against rent loss in addit�oa to the other
<br /> � ;�°'�°' ' . -, Iwza�ds for which insurance is required by Uniform Covenant 5.
<br /> �"+ ° ,•���'-•�" ' E."BORROWER'S WGHT TO REINSTATE"DELETED.Uniform Covenent 18 is deleted.
<br /> � � F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, the first
<br /> �:' , '�^°' sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property ia deleted. AU remai�ing
<br /> d��..:_•.
<br /> � ° !•�••�'?'�" "'"'��' '� covenants and agreements set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall remain in effect.
<br /> • .� � . , G.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES.Upon Lender's request, Borrower shall assign to l.e:xier all lease,4 of the
<br /> � Property and all secudry deposits made in connection with leases of the Propeny. Upon the assignment, Lender
<br /> '�!. .Y .�-- - � -`� shall have the dght to modify,extend or terminate the existing leases and to execute new leases,in[.ender's sole
<br /> '�'° �� , .. ��• � discretion.As used in this paragr�ph G,the word "leasc"shall mean"sublease"if the Security Instrument is on
<br /> �NI�wL•
<br /> �;�� . ��J.S`�ifer' ° . a leaschold.
<br /> �� •'�`��`'° MU�TI8TATE 1�4 FAMILY RIDER•F�nnl�M��/Fnddl�M�o Unitorm Instiwn�nt Form 9170 9/80
<br /> � ., ._ � .
<br /> -� ' �•67 IY1031 VMPMORT(iAOEFORMB•1�131283•8100 IBOOIBZt-7ZY1
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