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<br /> ' TO(iETHER WITW ell the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property,and all easemonts,�ppurter�,�.acd
<br /> "—! 8sturea now or hereofte� a p�rt of tho propeity. All rcplacement� and additionc shall also be caverod by U� 5ecutity
<br /> - -- - _-- °�� lstst�mcr.t.".!!of l.ke Fas:going 3�roferr�Lo�th.fs S�rI!,��nstn�r!rr•t ra�h•"Pr�erty."
<br /> � BORROWER C6VENANTS that Borrower is Inwfully seised of the estete hereby conveyod and has the right to�rant and
<br /> ' convey the Property ond tFwt the Property is unencumbeeod, exeept for encumbrances of rerord. Borrawer wu�r�ts and wjll
<br /> __..—,a,,,,,�; defead generAlly the dtle w ihe Property ageinst all cleims end demand�.subject to any encumbrancea of record.
<br /> '• __ ..___ __ � THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMENT wmbinea uniform covenants for natbnal use and non-uniform cove�nts w1W liwited
<br /> � variations by ju�sdiction w constitute a uniform security instrument covering n�al property.
<br /> �{�: ; UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> �•* � 1. Paymeot oP Prlacip�l wid Interest; Preps�yment and Iate CharQes. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> � _---_--_,�i pnncipal of and intereat on the deb[evidenced by�he No�e anci any pre�AymeM and ia[e chargcs due u�alcr Q�c i�uir.
<br /> — 2. Funde for Tpxes and Insura�x�e.Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay to
<br /> __ '�____��z______�4! _ _,; Lencler on the day monthly payments are due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly ta�ces
<br /> _ and assessments which may atrain priority over this Secur�q�Instrument as a lien on the Propeny;(b)yearly leasehold payn�ents
<br /> ��v.�
<br /> - --_--- -="°� or growid rent�on ths Propesty,ff any;{c)y�erly hs?arct�r pro��ty incnrAnre J�rPmiums;(d)Yearly floai insurance premiums.
<br /> __��,_��' if any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and(�any sums payable by Borrower to Lender,in accordance with
<br /> �=��;z�; the proviaions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are called"Escrow Items."
<br /> - , Lender may, at eny timc, collett and hdd Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum emount a lender for a federally
<br /> _:___��,.� relatcd mortgagc laan may rcquire for Borrower's escrow uccount under the federul Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act of
<br />-- ----- -� --__�"z =' 1974 as amended from time to titne, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er seg, ("RFSPA'),unle.c.e annther law that appiies to the Funds
<br /> — °-��;� sets a lesser amount. lf so, I.ender may,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser emount.
<br /> �,�:,::t,.�,.=-=-�'° Lender may estimate the amount of'Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable estimetes oF ezpe�ditures of fLture
<br /> ��::'.`��s Escrow Items or otherwise in uccordance with applicable law.
<br /> — The Funda shall be held in an institution whose deposits sue insu�od by a fedcral agency. instrumentaliry, or entity
<br /> ���"�r��" (including Lender,if Lencler is such nn institution)or in Any Federal Hame Loan Bank. Lender shull apply the Nunds to pay the
<br /> _•� �� Bscrow Itemf. l,encler may not charge Bc�rrower for holding and upplying the Funds,annurally analyzing the escrow account,or
<br /> veri f yin g the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicablc Iaw permits Lender to make such
<br /> �_��..;. a charge. However, l.ender may require Bonower to pay a one-time charge for an independent reul eatate tax reporting service
<br /> J •} �+r
<br /> .a�� �`��• ,�����' used by Lender in rnnncction with this loan, unless Applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or
<br /> _ � ,� - ..r...��.
<br /> _ , ,� applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not bc required lo pay Borrower uny interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> _ '�`_ iinrrower and I.ender may ngree in writing, however. that intcrest shall be paid on the Funds. Lendcr shtill Rive to Horrower,
<br /> --�'� y_M. � without charge, an annusi accounting of thc Futxis, shawing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for wiiich exh
<br /> �'' debit to the Funds wxs mode.The Funds are pledged us udditional security for ell sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> '`�� �,.�,�,�";�,,'.,:'• !f the Funds held by Ixnder exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicuble law,L.ender shall accaunt to Borrower
<br /> —��'-'R-, „ , for the excess Funds in ucrnrdance with the requirements of opplic�ble luw. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at any
<br /> �' time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due, L.ender muy so notify Bonower in writing,sind,in such case Borrower
<br /> n
<br /> --a ��"��>•. �`�� shall pay to L.cndcr thc amount ne.�cssary to mnke up the deficiency. &►rnower shall meke up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> _ � � ~�°�+ twelve monthly payments,at l.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> — � ""' • Upon payment in full of�II sums securod by this Security Instrument, L.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> �`'" 'R'�"' I Funds held by L.ender.lf,under paragraph 21, Lender shall ucquire or sell the Property,Lender.prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> +I����
<br />_ - - --. . . - of thc P��op�:riy, shall apply�any ITunds hcld by Lcndcr at thc timc of acquisition or salc as a crcdit against thc sums sccurcd by
<br /> ,� •:,:,;,, �;.•,,,,,�,,;; this Security Instrument.
<br /> �+ai�ria�.+c+�o�,'.E: 3.Applicatton oP Paymentc. Unless upplicable lew provides otherwise,all puymen�s received by Lender under paragruphs
<br />� '°��-'"""'" � 1 end 2 shall be a licd: first, ta urrv re a ment char c�due under the Note; s��cond,tu amounts a able under ra 2;
<br /> _ � PP P P Y B P Y P�8 Ph
<br /> -`;, � �'�` tliitYl.to interest due;fourth,to princip•rl Jue;nnd lust,to uny late charges Jue under the Note.
<br /> �� ��-V���" 4. Charges; Liens. Borrowcr shall pay All tuxcx,ur.k.smenls,chargrs,fincs and impositions auributable to the Property
<br /> _:�� •: , . .. which may attain priority ovcr this Security Inatrum�nt, und Ica+cliold p•rymentti or gr�wnd rents. if�ny. Borcower shall pay
<br /> -_�`T� .:. . _ these obligAtions in the rn+uukr proviJ��i in p:uugruph 2,ur if not paid in that munner. Burrowcr shall p�y them on time direcNy
<br /> ��, • � � , to thc perv�ti owed payment. Borrowcr tihWl prnmpNy fun�i,h tu LcnJcr ull nuticcs of umounts to bc paid under this psuagroph.
<br /> � � - lf Horrower makcs thesc paymcnts Jirectly.Burruwcr�hull prumpdy furnitih w Lcixtcr r�reipts evidenring the payments.
<br />_ ,:�+i�""• ... .::.. ,,..a
<br />__ „i• � Borcuwcr+hall pmmpUy Jixrharge any licn which ha�priority ovcr this Scruriry Instrunxnt unless Borrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> � � writing to the payment of�hc obligution k�ural by thc lirn in a manncr:KCCpluhle w IxnJer;(b)cuntcxts in guixl faith thr lien
<br /> : �
<br /> ��!+�+�.� by. or dcferuis against enl'urcemcrn of thc licn in. Icgal prck��,dine. which in thc Lrndcr'� opinion uperate to prevent the
<br /> �;. ...o :. :
<br />��a •� enfurcemenl of th�licn; ur Ir►utiurc� IYian thc hulJcr i�t�thc licn un agrccmcnt ti•rti,l'•rctory to l.cndcr�ulwrJinating the lien to
<br />_ ��' � this Sc�urity Instrumcnt. If LcnJcr Jctcrminr+that any pan ut'thc Pruperty i� .uhjccl Io a licn which may uttuin priority uv�r
<br /> - � i� �.. this Security Instrument, Lcndcr may givc[iurruwrr a�nnice identiCpin�the licn. Bormwcr shall xutixty the lien or take onc ur �
<br /> a . more of the nctions set forth above within IU duys al'the�iving of n��icc.
<br /> •� � Form 3026 8190
<br />- . '" Pp�2 al 6
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