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<br /> r� 17.Trierotter of tlie PropeKy or a Beneticipl Inlerest in Borrower.If ell or any part af the Property or eny interest in It
<br /> iR sold or transf�rred(or if a beneticial imerest in Borcower i�sald or trunsferrc;d and Borrower ix not a natural person)without
<br /> - -- I,encier'y Nriu� wiiii��� w.��.��:, 1-ct'�'�r "w.�, at f:° =TF!!att• '+�'��iirw immrdietP �yment in f�dl nf all r:umx sccured bY this
<br /> F� Security Instrument.However. this�option shall not bc exercibed by Lender if excrci�c is pruhibited by f«ierul law ac of the date
<br /> `, �� � of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ��""'�� If Lender exerefses�his aption. I..ender shall gfve Barrower ncitice af ucceleruticx►. The notice xhall provide u p:�iad ot' nw
<br /> �_ � �"':,_;�,,;;,,,,,,,,;;• less than 30 days from the date the natice is delivered or mailed wilhin which Borrciwer munl pay ull sums sccured by thix
<br /> - Secur�ty I�strument.IP &�rruwer fuile w pay thcsc hwnh priur to the cxpir.�tion of thls periud, L..ender may invnke any rcmedia� __
<br /> � permitted by this Sccurit•Instrument withaut further nntice ar demand on Borrawer.
<br /> � -,• �.'� '.��•` 18. Bormwer's �ght ta Reinstnte. if Barrowcr mcc�a certuin rnnclitians, Harcowcr shull huve the rlght to have
<br /> enforcement of this Security instrument discontinued at uny time prior to the eurlier uf: (a) S dayx lor such other periaci us
<br /> H,-��:��:,T�^� applicable Inw mny spccity for reinstatement} i�fu�c �+,Iz of thc Property punu:un to eny �wrr „f .ule cuntuined in this
<br /> .�.r�.;�;��;:;�,r . Security Enstrumenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.'1M�se conditions are that Borrower:(a)puys
<br /> —'�' ����'�.=�.��•�� Lender all sums whkh then would 6e due under this Securlty Instrument ancl the Note as if no ucceleration had accurred; (b)
<br /> "-°�� -�- cures any default of uny od�er covenants ar agrcements; (c) puys ull expei�.5es incurred in enforcing thi� Security Instrumem.
<br /> ��f-�____— including, but nat limited ro, rensonable attorneys'fees;a�xi(d)takes such action as Lender mny reASanubly require ta assure
<br /> �_ -----=—�-y������� U�ul[hc lic:u uf[Li�Se�uiity G�si�tyi�:t�i. Lcttder's rights iss the Property and BnITnwrr'c nhligadan ta pay the sums secured by -
<br /> �- 't_;_'=. �,r.`w this Securlty Instrument shall continuc unchnnged. U�wn rcinsu+tement by Bc�rrowcr, this Secunty Instrumcnt and the
<br /> �AU_��y�t�
<br /> . k,;..-�;;„ ,. o6ligations secured hereby shall remuin fully effeclive as if no accelerution had occurreii.However. �his right t�reinstate sha
<br /> —�-�",�-a-�'r'��. . nat apply in tl�e case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> p'� . 19. Sale of Nate;ClwnQc oP l.oan Servker. Thc Note or a partial intcres� in�he Notc (together with this Securily
<br />��• ;•
<br />..__ _W �.�:.•.�_-���!��i�,-r_ Instrumenq may be sotd one nr mare times without prlor notice to Borrower. A sale may result in u changc in the entity(known
<br /> �. . . •� as the"Loun Servicer")that collects manthly puyment,Jue wxler tl�e Note and this Security In�trument. There Also may be one
<br /> �+' , .._t � or more changes of�he Lonn Servicer unrclatcd to n sule af the Notc. If there is u change of the l.oun Serviccr,Borrowcr wil l be
<br /> ;�' ,�,� given written natice of�he chunge in accardance wilh pArngruph 14 above and applicable Isw.The notice will state the name and
<br /> � addretis af the new I.c�on Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also conwin any other
<br /> -,-_.�. •-
<br /> � ' . t���, •. �• information required by applicable law.
<br /> :�---------T- 20. iiasa�aiuu, �uLsisrccts. Qarrotircr shs!! nc�t causc or �crmit the preser.ct, e��e, �i���nl ���rno� �r release of any
<br /> " •��:➢^2*,' p Hara►rdaus Substu�ces on ar in the Property. Borrower sh�ll not da, nor allow anyone elsc to do, unything affecting the -
<br /> , Propeny that is in violadon of uny Enviranmental l.uw. The preceding two sentences shull not upply to the presence, use,or
<br /> _'�� o ". storAge on the Prc�perty of small quuntitics of Haxardous Substunce�that ure generally recogni�ec! to bc upprop�u�e to nornwl -
<br /> Z residemial uses nnJ to muintenAnce of the Property.
<br /> -'-� • Borcower shall pramptly give I.ender written notice of any investigation.clUfm, demund, luwsuit ar other actiun by any
<br /> ---_ � • � b govcrnmentAl a�regulatory agency or privute pany invalving the Property and any Hazurdous Substancc or Environmental l.uw
<br /> -��.—_ '
<br /> "`�� ��.�,.�•.,:,•._��E..x of which Borrower has uctual knowledge. If Borrower Iearns,or is notified by any governmental or regulutory uuthcxit , that
<br /> _ _. - �- _
<br /> . nny removol nr other remediution ot any Hawrdous Substance affecting Ihe Prop�:riy i� �ntie�wry.f3on'awer shal!prumpt y take
<br /> �" " � all necessary remedial actions in uccordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> ' Ax used in this parngruph 20, "Hazurdous Substunce+" are those substunces dcfined as toxic or huzurdous subswnces by
<br /> � Envirunmentvl Law and the following tiubstanccs: gASnline, kerosenc, other flummuble ur toxic petroleum prociuctti, tuxic
<br /> . pestirides nnd herbicides, volatile solvenls, mu�erial�rontaining us6estos or formaldehyde, and rudiouctive nwterials. As used in
<br /> :;�,, • " this paragruph 20, "Envir�mmenwl Law' mcans fcdcrul IAws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br /> _ - :r+.. �� relate to heuUh.�fe�y or environmcntal protecti��n.
<br /> "y : � . NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &�rruwcr und I.endcr furthcr ravenunt und agree us follawti:
<br /> 21. Accelerati�n;R�tinedics. I.ender xnall pive nutice tn Borrower prlor to acceleration Pollowing Borroe�er'K breach
<br /> � . ,, i oi'any covenaM or ugreement in this S��curity Instrument (but not prlor to acceleration under peragraph 17 unless
<br /> -' " I uppliceble law provid� uthorwise).The notice shall Kpecify: (a)thc default; (A) the action required to cure the default;
<br /> , .,��_ ,
<br /> - - -_=-- -- -. ; (c)u Jate. uut �ra,t{�au JO days from thc d�tc the ntrtice i��ivpn t.• Rorrnwer.by which the dci'uult must be cured; and
<br /> �f; ° (d) that fuilure to cure the defuuU un nr Ixfore the date xpecifled in the nutice may result in acceleratiun of the sums
<br />- • � �• r;ecured by Ihis Secudty Intitrument und wle oi'the Property. The notice shall PuMher ini'orm Born�wer of the right tu
<br /> �.;, ' reinstate atYer accelerution und thc rlght to brina u court action tn asscrt thc non�exlstcnce uf a default or unS• other
<br /> •.. dei'ensc oP Bnrrowcr tu acccicrutiun und sule. If thc defuult is not cured on ar bciorc the datc specified in the notice.
<br />-,,,; ,�,,��� . Ixnder, at its nption,moy requ{re immediwte puyment in full of ull sum�se�cured by this Security instrument without
<br /> �� -- • furthcr demend and muy invoke the power uf sulc and uny other remedi�s permittcd by applicable law. I.ender 4ha11 be
<br /> � ' � ' entitled to collect all erpens��incurred In pursuinR thc rem��dies provided in thi�puru�raph 21.including,but not limited
<br /> to.reasonable attorneys'fer�and co�ts of title evidence.
<br /> �� � IP the q�wer nf wle is invoked.Trustee shull r�rard u notice oP default in �vch county in w•hlch any part nf the
<br /> . .. Property Is liKated and shull muil cople+of tiuch uotirc in the munner prescrilKd by uppllcablc law to Borrower and to
<br />.�t� ! . . . the other prrsons prescrihed by s�ppNcuble lu«•.After the timc reyuin�d bv uppllcaNle IuH•.Truxtee shall give public notke
<br /> _ , � • of sale to the persons pnd in the monner pr�hcrlBed by applicaMe law. Truxtec, ��ithout demund on Borrower.sholl sell
<br /> • � thc Pro�erty at public uuction to thc hlghcst biddcr at thc timc und placc und undcr the terms desi�nated in thc notice of
<br /> Y�.a#•=. „__ �nle in one or mnrn purc��lz und in u��•ordcr Trustec detcrmfn�w. Trust�r mu} postpime sale oi ull or anv parcel ot'Ihc
<br /> a
<br /> , �>., : Property by public aim�auncement ut Ihe time und plure nf un} pre��inusl� �cheduled sule. l.ender ur il�designee maS.
<br /> ' purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> „
<br /> � Form 3026 8180
<br /> t Papo 6 of 8
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