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<br /> Unless odierwise ngreed in writing,oll insurance pror,eeds shall be applled to the restoration or repuir of the Property or to .��
<br /> the Secured Debt, wiiethcr or not tlien due, at IIeneficlary's option. Any applicatiun of proceeds to principal shall not
<br /> � extend�r postpone die due date af the scheduled payment nor chAnge the nniount of any paymene.Any er.cess will be puid
<br /> n
<br /> to the drantor. If the Property te acqu�ired by Beneticiery,Trustos's rlght to any insurancepoticies and roceeds resuiting
<br /> . ••• R from demage to the Property bzfore the acquisition ehall pass to Bene�ciary co tlie eatent of�he Secured�ebt immcdiutely
<br /> ^ before die acquisitton.
<br /> '.��� 20' cqu��tWo p yR BeAn�c!�ds fo Rta Nes andUn�suiance ia�r,scroviovided In a separate egrecment, Trustor will not hc
<br /> �
<br /> � 21. FINANCIAI. REPORTS AND ADDITi(3NAI. DOCU1ViENPS• Trustor will provide to lieneficiary upon request. any
<br /> ,..°Y°""�,t d ver.and file an
<br /> financlal etatement or iafomnadon Beneficiary may deem reasonably necessary.'I rusror agrees to sisn, e1i �'
<br /> • ; addittonal doeuments or certiScatlons that Beneficlary ma�consider aecessary tU perfect, eontinue, and preserve Gxaator e
<br /> ` - obligations uad�r this Security Ittsmunent and Beneficlary s 1€en status om the Property. ::
<br /> � �:_ thia Secudty Instrument are jolnt and indlvidual. If Trustor sig►s this Seciuity Instntment but 3ces not sign an evidence of �-_
<br /> debt, 'Trusror does so only to mortgage Trustor's interest in the Prope�rty to securc payment of the Secured Debt and
<br /> �• • Tiustor dces not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debt.If ttus 3FCUdty dnstrumeat secures a�uaranty between ����-,
<br /> .��
<br /> Beneficiary and'fYustor,�'rustor agrees to waive any ri ts that tnay prevent Beneficiary from bringing anY actioa or claim ,,�%,
<br /> agaiast Trustor or any Qarty indebted under the ob�ation. These rights ma���Sde�, bl�ut �sn��n��exiend, _
<br />.�'. -7� , aud-deficiency or one-actton laws. Trustor agrees chat Hene�iciary and any party �Y —_
<br /> �odlfy or make any change ln the term.9 of this Secun Instrument or any evldence of dci�t wichout Trustor's cansent. _
<br /> � , I�nstrument shall bilnd and benefit�the sufcc�,essors and ss gns�of Trustoi and B�neflcia�c dudes aad benefiu of this Sacurity �'
<br /> �_
<br /> 23. APPLICABLE LAW SEWERABILITY+IIVTCRI'RETATIUN.'Ihis Security Instrument is govemed by the laws�f the _
<br />,rj�-'••'.� * ..� jluisdlstloA W whloh�eneficiary is located, except to the eRtent ot�erwise mquired b�y�ihe laws of die jurlsdiction where _
<br /> .•., the Property ie located.Thla Secudty Ynstrument is complete and tlilly integrat�d. This Security Instrumeat may not be
<br /> amended or uwdlfied by oral agreement.Any secdon in tfile Security Iasm;ment attachments,or any agreement re�lai��te _
<br /> m unless t�at law expressly or impliedly pe
<br /> �•'�� the Secured Debt that confllcts with appltcable law wUl not be effective, _
<br /> vtuiations by wrieten agtcement. If eny section of ttiis Securi Insttument cannot be enfocced accordtng to its cerms,that r
<br /> " • section will be severed and will not affect the enforceability o�the remainder of this Secudty Instivment.Whenever used, -
<br /> . : the singular shall include the pltual end the plural the singular. The capdons and headinge of tLe sections of this Secutiry
<br /> s'��...':. �,_� . Insuunnent aze for coavenience only and aze not to be used to interpret or define the tem�s of this Secur[ty Instrun�ent.
<br />''`�.�� '1'i m e ie o f t he essen c e i n t h i s S e c u r i ry I u s t r u m e u t.
<br /> ..,�t... . ':���.
<br /> ;�;,t�<t. .,._ � 24. �u�:�r:�vic ixuain�. Beuefzc;aar. ai B;.neficl�.^�'�og»��n, mAy from dme to rirne remove Trustee and appoint a
<br /> �+� n•, , s�ccessor uustee without any other fot�mality than the c�esi tion ia writing.Ttie successor trustee without conveyance oi
<br />_ ��°•`�}:��-'�''•� • the Property. shaU succeed to all the tide, power and uties waferned upon Tcustee by thi� Ss+xurity Insnuinent and
<br />- �� applicable law.
<br /> "�'ti�;,�.,�,:�i',
<br />:-;F-�•.; 25. NOrPICE.Unless otherwEse requircd hy law aiy notice shall be given by delivering it or by mailin it by flrst cless mail -
<br /> n
<br /> =��, �•, � to che appropriate p�ty's address on pa�e �of this Security dnshiunent, or to any ot2ier ad&ess esignated ln wrlting•
<br /> ==�•`=v!� Notice to one trustor wlll be deemed to be aotice to all uu��to�s.
<br /> ='�:�.��_
<br /> -_ �"�`"'``k 26, WAIVERS. Except to the eatent probibited by law, Trustor waives all apprai�sement end homcstead eaemption rlghts
<br /> .:=��z'�"�. nlating to tt�e Property.
<br /> --_�r`-...�:�!'.?.L.
<br /> �=-���`�'?�'-� 27. OT�R TERMS.If checked,the following are applicable to this Securlty Instrument:
<br /> �� ❑ Line of CraIIt.'Ihe Secured Debt includes a revolving line of credit provision. Al�hough the Secured Debt may be
<br /> �'-� reduc�ed to a zem balance,this Secnrity Inscwnent will remain in effect until released.
<br /> --=��..Q�.� 0 ConstrueHon Loan.'T�►is Security Instcument secures ea obligadon iacurncl for tl�econscruetion of an improvemeat
<br /> on the Property
<br /> -_�_` ���,� p Flxture FIIIng.Trustor grants to BeneSciary a security interest in all goals that Grantor owas now or in thc future _
<br /> � -- and that are or will become fixpues related to the Property. Zhis Securlty Instivanent suffices as a finaucing
<br /> ��:�_�r����
<br /> --=i� statemeat and any curbon,photographic or other repraiucdon may be filed of recocd for purposes of Art[cle 9 of the
<br /> __�,� Uniform Commcrcial Code.
<br /> _--✓��:._ lement and
<br /> -- �,-�'���� ❑ Riders.The covenants and agceements of each of the riders che�ked below are incurporated into and supp
<br /> ��:.' amend the tern�s of this Security Instn�ment.[Check all applicable boxes]
<br /> ='-`"�r'��` 0 Condom�►ium Rider ❑ Planned Unit Uevelogment Rider ❑ Other......_...........................................
<br /> ��'-���`�- ❑ Addition�►9 Tcrms.
<br /> • =-;�:�,,,�!,�i
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<br /> �'" .�:�;.. � SIGNATIJRF.S:By signing bclow,Trustor ugees to the terms:uid mvenants contained in this Security Instrument and in any
<br /> actachments.'I"rustar also acl�owledges receipt of a copy of this Security Instrumeat on the date state8 ou page 1.
<br /> • ; . . ..��1./l.?��.....1rUr�.���0 _
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<br /> ' `F' - - rsi�mre) M. E:..
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<br /> --f . ,�
<br /> --_ � ACKNOWLEDGMCIV'P:
<br /> : S'I'ATB OF�1��}r�.................................COUNTY OF�T,�.......,,. . . .... .}ss. �
<br /> ..... .. ... .. .. .
<br /> .....
<br /> , o�m.�e�� This instrument was acknowledged before me this ......?4�......day of......,...A���,..�9��.............
<br /> " by �.�'!�.ti.�..�.�i.�.r�. ............. . t
<br /> � ° " My commission expires:
<br /> • �tc..� �... ' . .......... �
<br /> . ... . .�:...... .. .... .. ... . .
<br /> GENERAL MOTIIR�•St�te ol NeMuM� �n«uy� eit�> .
<br /> „ ., �lOSEOFi ii.DOBROVOINY R. DOBRC7�R�I3V1( fP 9B 4 nl 41 !
<br /> m189G �`���7�!�RI��/.�•�9 2��� FumR6DT-N°_8/13/98 -
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