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<br /> I •
<br /> 12-23-199G DEE�OF TRUST , Pege 2 " .
<br /> Loan No 376009 (Contlnued) � �' 11.011.� _ _
<br /> , owned by Trustor, pnd now or horo8�lor attechod or nffixod lo Iho RCaI Prop��y; togoth�r wdh n!I nCCG3e�ons, purt�,and nddillons to,oll ' �
<br /> replacemonts of,¢nd an substllutlons for,any of such properry; end lopethor wHh uil procaeds (Includinp wllhout Ilmltallon all InsurenCe �
<br /> � proceads nnd relunds ol promlums)from eny sate or olhor dl3posillon o}th0 Froperty. '
<br /> I
<br /> ' Property. Tho word"Proporty'means collectivoty fhe Real Property end Ihe Pereonal Proparty. ,
<br /> ' Raal Property. The words"Real Property'meen Ihe property,Inlerosts end riphW described above In the"Conveyence and Orent"eectlon.
<br /> Retated Oocumente. Thu words"Reiatad Documents" mean and indude wlihout Ilmitatlory eli promissory e�otes, credlt �prsemenW,loen "
<br /> � � ey�eemunls,envlronrneNal apiaamanG,puarantic;,,��curif/eQrt9mant9,mp�t�nges,deads of trusl,and all oth9r Instruments,agresmonls and �
<br /> � j documents,v�hether now or hersafler existirp.exlcuted In Connectlon wilh the Indebtednese. ,
<br /> � Reniti Tho word"Rents"means all present snd future rants,revenues,Income,Issuea,royatties,profils,end uther banefits darivod Irom the
<br /> ... I Fropedy.
<br /> • Truttee. The word"Trustee"meens UNITED N[BRASf(A BANK end any eubstituto or successor tNStees.
<br /> I Trutlor. The word'Trustor'means any snd ell persons and enhtles e�9cutlnp lhls Deed ol Trust,InCiudlny wilhout Ilmitfllion au Trustors nflmad _
<br /> I I above.
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERFORMAMCE. Except as olhenrdse provided In thls Deed of Trust,Trostor shall pfly to Lenddr ail amounis secured by thls Deed -, ,.`.. .
<br /> af Trust es they becom9 due,end shflll strictly and In a timely manner portotm ali ct Trustor'S oblipatlons under the Note,th19 Deed ot Trust,end the ; _.,._t,�,_
<br /> Releted Oocuments. •
<br /> � PO$SE881Gii APtD R9AINTEf7AtJCC Or Tfw PFlO°EATY• 7rustor aQrees thflt Trustor's Possesslon and usa of the Property shflll ba 0�v�rned by �
<br /> , the foHowinp provisions: ' , `�.' `"''
<br /> F '{,K,.._
<br /> Poaeesalon snd Use. Untll the occurtence of an Evenl ot Defauft,Trusla may (a)remaln In possesslon and conhd of the Property, (b)use, �•�y
<br /> operate or manago the Property,and (c)coliect any Ronts from the Property. • � +: .:;,,,_ .. '
<br /> Qadyto MMnUIn. Trustor shali malnlaln the Properiy In tenantable conditlon and promptly pariam ail repalrs,replacements,and malntenance . '��_;;,__
<br /> . � naces�ry to preservo Its value. �'�'
<br /> Fiarxdoua Subatancea. The terms'haTardous wciste,""haznrdaus substance""dr�posal;"release,"and"thre�tened release;as usod In this ���;;'T�'-``� � ;'�
<br /> S -::�;�.
<br /> 980,as armend�edl a2VU.S.CSSectiane960gget s q.('CERCtLA�CthepSuperfu d A endmen�alendpR Suet�horiza�on�j oten9d�LlapbUblyL�No. `
<br /> �,� I 99-a99 ("SARA"),the Hnzardous Malerials Transportntlon Act,49 U.S.C.Section 1801,e16eq.,the Resource Conservtllon flnd Recovery Act, . '� ` ,
<br /> ;1 42 U.S.C.Sectlon 8901,et seq.,or other epplioeble state or Federal luws,rules,or repul411ons adopted pursuant to any of the fwopalr►y. The ",r
<br /> terms"herardous waste"and"hnlardous substance"shall also Include,wlthout IimBaHon,petroleum and petroleum by-products a any haclion .�.y,��
<br /> � i I thereof And esbestos. Trustw represents end warranb to lsnder that: (a)Durinp the period of Trustors ownerehtp of the Prope�iy,there has
<br /> •.. , ,. � �.
<br />__-____ ..__�__=1 ►.m��n��u±,npnwrauon,menufacture.storaoe,Ireatment,dtsposel,rekase or threatened retease of any harardoue waste or substancY by any '+��;�'' �
<br /> + �y=,,,,�� � „- ' ,
<br /> . rl perean on,under,about or from the Property; (b)Trusta has no knowNdpe ot,or reason to i�ei'�eva ini�i ii�a:�ws bo:n,..,, ,� r"."•c:�S" ; ,
<br /> j I disdosed to and acknowledged by Lender In wdHng, p)any use,peneratlon,manut�Cturo,storn9e,treatment,disposal,retease,a throatened r,� ,
<br /> ' release of any hazardous waste or substenco on,under,about a kom lhe Propert+j by any prior owrtera or occupants of the Properly or pl)anY
<br /> actu�l or threalened Ilflgation a clalms of any klnd by any person relaHnp to such maNere; and {o)Fxcept es preNously dM3Closed to artd , ��
<br /> � acknowiedqed by Lender in wdting, (i)neithgr Trustor nor eny tenant,contreCtor,ptlent or other authaixed user o!tho PropeAy shall use, �j �`%,:��
<br /> �t generate,mawtacture,store,treat,dlspose o},a release any he�ardous waste or substance on,under,Rbout or Bom ita Properly end (Iq any ,;
<br /> such ectivity shall be canducted In compllence with ali applicable federal,state,end local laws,repulaHons and ordinences,Includinp wlthout
<br /> � �'� limlletion those laws,repulatlons,and ordlnances dascribed nbove. Trustor euthorl�Lender and Ib o�ants to onlK upon th�Property to
<br /> make such inspectlons and tests,at Tru3tors expenso,es Lender may deem approprtete to determine compliance ol the Property with thls �i .�
<br /> � sec�on oi the Deed of Trust. Any inspectlons a t�ts made by Lender shall be for Lenders purposes oniy and shall not be construed to create -
<br /> a��yresponsibllity or Ilabllity on tha part of Lender to Trustor or to any other porson. The iepresentaifons and wartantles contained harein nre
<br /> M baseG on Trustor's due diltpence In Investiqatinp the Properly tor hezBrdous waste and harardous substtnces. Trustor Iwreby (�)rN�asas ard
<br /> waNes 8ny future clalms apslnst Lender(or indamnlry or contdbutlon in Ihe event Trustcr becomes Ilable for cleanup a other cosb und�r nny
<br /> such laws,end (b)ayrees to Indemnlfy and hold harmtess Lender oyalnst any and WI clalms, lo�es,IlabillH�s, demapae. p�nalties�Rnd ��--
<br /> exGynses wh�h Lender may dlrectly a IndlroCUy eusteln ar euifer resuttlnp(rom e bnaCh of this eecifon ot Qhe Desd oi Trust or as a . �'
<br />= In��est In the Propayrty wheeth�wtl not the�snme wFtssor sh�ould Iwvo beae k own to T usta.dTh�e p oNStons oi�thls cectlonr oftt esDeed o Tru L Y --
<br /> -`—=_--
<br />- � • :�!••>,-• ; Includiny the obllgaAon to Indemn(ry,shell suMve the p¢ymant of the Indebtedness end the setisfaoUOn and reconveynnce of the Iien of this t�y=_
<br /> s.,, ; ;;_�,;i�'4 Qeetl of Trust and shflll not be aNected by Lendera acqulsidon o}any Interest In the Property,whethsr by toreciosuro or otherwfso. �::—� --
<br /> •� .��• , . hubince,Wasle. Trustor shan not cause,conduct a permR eny nulsnnce na commit,permil,or su(fer any s4lppinp of or waste on or to the _ �_
<br />- � properly or any poNon of the Property. Without IlmiHnp the�enerality of the taepdr►D,Trustor wili not remove,a qrant to any other ptrty the ;�;�
<br /> � riphl to removo,any limber,minerats pnGudiny o!I end pas),sou,grevel a roClc products withoul the pdor writtan Consent of Lender. ':y�,�,_..�....,.
<br />_ � � Removd of Improvemente. Trustor shall not demo�ish or remove any Improvemenb hom the Real Properry wHhout the pdor wdtt�n consent :;.;,'��'
<br /> of Lendor. As a candltion to the removal of any Improvemenis, Lender may requlre Trustor to make arrflnpertNnb saHsiectay to Lender to _;,�,-.------=
<br /> � replece such Improvemenls with Improvements ot at least equal value. �+��" ,� __
<br /> �: ., � 1;.: — _
<br /> Lender'o Ripht to Enter. Lende�end us sgonts and representa9lvos may enter upon ihe Reat Proporty at all reasonable Hmes to attend to �;;��•�-
<br /> � Lender's Interes�s and to Inspect ihe Property ta purposes ot Trustor's cQmpliance wlth the terms end CondiHorts W tfifs Deed Ot Trust. , f�i
<br /> � .� Comptlance wlth Govemm�ntd RoqWremenb. Trustor shall promptly compy wlth ell I�ws,adinances,4nd reputadons,now or hxeatter in '`°,. �� ,_
<br /> - • ' � attxt, of ati govemmental rulhorlties applicabie to the use a xcupinay ot fio Properly. Ttusta rt�y contost In pood faith any such law, .. yy,�• ,w ;.
<br /> or�nance,or reputatlon and withhotd compfkr�ce dudnp any proceo�inp,induding�pproprlata eppeals,ao iors as Tnntor has noBPsd Lander �:Y���n`+�Y��t+�.;�;�c;:�'.
<br /> + i n writiny prtor io dolrq so and so lonp as,in Lender'd sae opinion,Lender'a interesb In the Properiy are not Jeopardized. Lendor may requlre � . . ... ''"��`�
<br /> ' Truslor to post adaquate secudty or a surety bond,reasonabrysatisfactory to Lendar,to protect Lendere Interest. '`.'M-.�;'����:r`.� '�� .
<br /> ,;a..:�i.�t:}: '.'•.. .
<br /> ' duN tq Protect. Trostor ayrees neilher to abandon nor leave unattended the Prope�ty. Trusta shall do all othx acts,In eddlUon to those acts • .
<br /> sat iorth abo�ro In this section,whlch hom the Charflcter and use of the Property are reasonabty necec,sary to protect and preserve the Propsrty. : „ '�,,. ,.�,,,
<br /> ' DUE ON SALH-CONSENT OY LENDER. Lender may,et its optlon,declere Immedfately due and payeble ell sums seCUrod by this Deed of Trust �. ������':
<br /> upon Ihe sala o+transfer,without tho Lender's prtor writton consent,of all or pny part of tho Roal Properiy,or any interest In the Real Prope�ty. A " � �
<br /> ' p�r I�i�vduntary;whethsr by outrlyht sele,deed,I S e m�ent sale ContrflC 18nd ConlretCt,CO traCt for deo�,d letsehdd ntetest�wi h e erm�gnaa�r tFUn .
<br /> three (3)years,laase-option contract,or by sale,essipnment,or henster of any benoficfal Inlerest In or to any�end trust hotdlnp Htle to the I�I
<br /> prpperty,ar by any other method of conveyance ot Refll Property Intorest. If any Tru3tot Is a cOrporatlon,partnershlp or im(tad�itbAlty Company,
<br /> transter nlso InC�udes any chanye In Owne►ship ol mor0 than Iwenly-flve pBr�Ant(256b)ot the voUnp�tOCk,partMrohip Inlsresb or Iimited Ilebllity
<br /> , _ company Interests,as the case may be,ot Trustor. Howevor,this option shali�ol be exorcisod by Lender If such axor�cSse fs prohibited by tederal
<br /> ---- - 18w or Oy Nebrfl3Kfl IflW. _ - -
<br /> TAXES AMD 61EN3. Tho tollowlny provlslons retalinp to Ihe taxes and Ilens on 4he Proporiy are a pnR of ihls Deod of Tnist.
<br /> P�yment. T�ustor sh6�il pay when due(and In atU ovonts pdor to deHnquency)a►1 lexes,sPeclul fexe9,assess►rwnt3,tharpos(InCiudfnp wator
<br /> and sewer), Anes nnd imposlllons IeWed agalnst ar on account of the Propa�ty, and ohall pey when due all dalms lor wak done on or fm
<br /> - se�Nces rendered or matedal furnls►�ed lo the Proporly. Trustor shall maintaln tho Property tree of ell Ilens havirp pdaity ovrx a oqual to the
<br /> inlerest ct Lender under this Deed of Trust,exCept tor the�len ot texes end assessments not due,oxcept tor the exislinp fndobtodness referred
<br /> ' t0 bo�ow,nnd except fls Otnerwlso provided In lhls Qeed ot TruSt.
<br /> qlpht To Conte�t. Trustor mey wnhhold payment of any tax,essessment,or cieim In connce�on wNh a good faith dispufo over the obllpatlon
<br /> to pay,so long as Lundor's Inloresl in tho Proparty Is not Jeoperdizsd. I}u Ilen arisos w Is filed as e result ot nonpayment,Tntstor ohall withln
<br /> fifleon (15)days niter tho lien ur+sos or,If a lien 1�filod,wfthln Ilfteon(1G)days atter Trustor has notke o}lhe fillnp,secure lhe discharpe ot tha
<br /> I�en,or if rsquestod b�Londer, doposit with lvnder cash or e suNicbnl corporate eurely bond or othet seCUdry salisfactpry to Lender In an
<br /> amount suflic�onl lo discharga Iho I�en plus any costs and atlaneys'Ises or other charpes that Could accrue as a resull of n foreclosure or sale i •
<br /> - , under lhe Ilen. In any contttst,Truslor shall defend Itseil ond Lender and ohall stttisfy any adverse ludGmont betore entorCOment tyflinst the .
<br /> : , ,
<br /> I . . , s. �
<br /> z ° .
<br />