The undersigned, SAM'S REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST, hereinafter called ��
<br />the Subdivider, as owner of a tract of land comprising a part of Lot One (1), Retail Subdivisian, in
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />A Replat of Lot Orne (1), 281 Retail Subdivision, to the City of Grand
<br />Island, L,ocated in the Southwest quarter of Section Twelve (12),
<br />� ��.1 Q s� 5 7 Town.ship Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) We�t of the 6�`
<br />Principal Meridiau, Hall County, Nebraska amd being more
<br />,,,�
<br />pazticularly described as follows:; '
<br />Beginning at the Northwest oorner of the Southwest Quaster of the
<br />soutne� (�uazr�r (swi4sEli4 of said Section Twelve (12), a Three-
<br />Fourths inch ( pipe found for corner; thence northerly on an
<br />assumed bearing of N Ol°3$'34" W, on the westerly line of said Lot
<br />4ne (1), One Hundred Ninety-Nine and Eighty-Nine Hundredths
<br />(199.89) feet; thence easterly N$8°56'20" E, on the southerly line of
<br />Lots Three (3), Four (4), �nd Five (5), Kaaar Subdivision, Si�c
<br />Hundred Fifly-5even and Seventeen Hundr�ths (657.1'T� feet; thence
<br />southerly S Ol°30'49"E, on the westerly line of Lots Two (2) and
<br />Three (3}, Toukan 4'� Addition, Two Hundred and Five:Hundre,dths
<br />�.
<br />, (200.05) feet; thence easterly N 88°5?'11" E, on the southerly line of
<br />`' Lot Thre� (3), Toukan 4�' Subciivision, Four Hundred> Ninety-T�vo
<br />and Seven Heindredths (492.97} feet, to a point of inters�tion on the
<br />westerly right-of-way line of Diers Av�ue; thence `Isautherly S
<br />Ol °35'33 "E, on the westerly right-of-way line of Diers A�enue, Seven
<br />Hundred Twenty and Twenty-Two Hundrexlths (720.22j �ee� thence
<br />westerly S 89°03'42" W, on the mortherly line of Lot One (1), Wal-
<br />� mazt Subdivision, Seven Hundred Eighty-Five and Seventy
<br />Hundredths (785.70) feet, to a point of intersection ou .the easterly
<br />line of Lot Two (2), 281 Rexail Subdivision; thence;;�ortherly N
<br />O1°18'18" W, on said easterly line, Fifty-Eight and Sixty-Six
<br />Hundredths (58.66) feet; thence wester'ly S 88°56'S2"'W, on a line
<br />common to Lots Qne (i) and Two (2), 281 Retail Subdivision, Three
<br />Hundr� Sixty-Two and Eighty-Two Hundredtbs {362.82) fe�; to a
<br />paint of interseetion on the westerly line of Lot One (1�, 281 Retail
<br />Subdivision; thence northerly N Ql °3 8'34" W, Six Htm�i�d Sixty and
<br />Eleven Hundredths (660.11) fcet, to the true Point of, Beginning.
<br />Containing a total calculated area of 955,885 squ�e, or 21.944
<br />acres, more or less. Subject to all easements, restrictions and
<br />reservations of retirord. .
<br />