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<br /> ' 16.Borrower's C�py� Borrowcr shall bc given onc conformed capy of tha Natc And of this Sccurity Instrument. -
<br /> 17.Transfer ot the Froperty or a Dertefictal Inteeest In C�orroever. If all or uny purt of the Propercy or any intcrest In it is -
<br /> sold or transfcrrcd (ar if a beneficlal Interest in Borrowcs is sold or transfcrrcd und Dorrower is not�s nuturalperson) without .
<br /> Lcndcr's prlor writtcn consr.nt,I.cnder may,at its o�sdon, reyuirc immediat�pnymcnt in full of ull sums securcd by thls Securlty .
<br /> lnstrument Hn���ever,this npdon sh�ll aot be exercisecl by I.ender!f exercise is prohtbited by federnl luw as of ihe dnte of this
<br /> � Sccurity Instrumen� � � .
<br /> if Lcndcr cxercises this opdon,Lcnder sl�all giee Borrowe.*nnrlcn nf acccicfnUon.The nodcc shall provide a pericxl of nnt le.�v
<br /> '" U�nn 3Q days trom the clfite the nodce!s dc:Hvered or mailed withln which BorroweP must pay all sums secured by this Security .
<br /> � Instrument If Borrowcr feils to pay these sums pri�r to thc expiradon af this pedod.Lcnder may invokc any remcdics permittcd
<br /> ' by this Securiry Tnstrument wlthout fiuther no�ce or demand on Borrowe�.
<br /> 18.Berrower's Right to ReinstAte. If Borrower mectq certnin condidons, Boreower shtill have the right to hnve
<br /> enforcemeni of this Secudty Insuument discontinued nt any time prior to the earlicr of:(a) 5 days (or such ather perial ns .
<br /> applicable law may specify for remstatement)before sale of thc Property pursuant to sufy power of salc contnined in this Secutll
<br /> su
<br /> Inslrunnent;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Socuriry InsuumenG'Ittose conditions are that Borrower.(a)pays Lender al : . ,
<br /> urred• (b) cures any
<br /> susns which then would t►e due under this Securiry Ins�ument and the Note as if no acceleradon had acc , . ;.�,
<br /> � , def3ult of any other covenants or egreements;(c)pays ell eaper�ses incuxred in enforcing this Security Instrument,lncluding,but • , ,,..fr�'�-'
<br /> not limited to,reasonuble attomeys' fees;and(d)takes such acaon es Lender maX reasonably require to assure that the lien of this ���a:�i- ,
<br /> Sxurity Instrument, Lender's nght� in the Property and Borrower's obligaaon to pay the sums secured by this Security �:;,�.L�;:;:s
<br /> Inswment shall condnue un�hanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. thls Securicy Insuument and the obllgadons secured _
<br /> h�eby sh?.11 remain fully effecHve as if no acceleradan had occurred.Howeve�,thls right tn reinstate shall not apply in the c�.se of --
<br /> acGeleradom under paregraph 17. [ _-_.�_-
<br /> 19.Sale of Note;CUan��of LoAU Sen�icer. The Note or a partial interest in the No�e (toAether with this Scxurity i ., ��
<br /> Instrument)rnay be sold one or mom times without pdor noace to Bonower.A sale ma result in a change in the endty(luiown -
<br /> ag the"Loan Servicer")that collects montt��y payments due under the Note and this Sec�ity InstrumenG There also may be one or .�� �"`:e.�"�
<br /> more chang�es of the Loan Servicer unr�lated to a sale of the Not�.If there i�a change of the Loan Servicer,Bonower will be �_�
<br /> , given wriaen notice of the chac�ge in accorrlance with ParagraPh 14 above and appUcable law.'Il�e�odce wlll state the name nnd . .�:� _
<br /> address of the new Loan Seivicer and the address to which payments should be made. 71ie naace will also contain any orh�r ,�f..�-�-`
<br /> information requircd by applic.abie law. •
<br /> � Z0.Naznrdous Su6sWnces. Borrower shall not cause or pernut the presence, use,disposal, swrage. or releaSe of any � °Y_�
<br /> Iiazerdoua 5t►bstence,s on or in the Property.Bonower shaU not do,nor allow anyone aLse to do,anyihing effecting the Prop�rny -
<br /> • ' thac is iu viol�don of an�r Environmental I.aw.'The pra.eding cwo sentences shall noi apply to the prescnce,use,or storage un ohe �
<br /> �;. Property of small quanuues of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be epProPriate to normal residendal uszs .�:
<br /> nad to mau►tenance of the Propercy. � �„ o• ,�p Qn � a�.. ',.,`'..
<br /> -- ve I.ender wriiicu ■-,or� of a�i inr� ..�cn, cLsrn...,,m....sl, .a.._! ►�r n�he.r xdnn bv env
<br /> " Borrowu shall prompuy g► .
<br /> „ � ' govemmental or negulatory agency or private party invoiving the Property a�d any Hazardous SuUstance or Environmental Ti..aw ;��
<br /> of whkh Rorrov+er has accual ia►owled��.xf Boirower leams,or is notified by eny govemmental or reguluWry authodty,that any
<br /> removal ar othes remediadon of eny H�Ardous S�ubstac►ce��WpnB th�ProPertY is n�essery,Bc�nower shall promptly u�Ce all ,j�' -
<br /> nece,ss�r remedial actions in accordance wiW En
<br /> • qg u� in this paragraph Zp� °Ha7ardous Substances" are those substsnces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by '1
<br /> ' Envimnmecital Law and the fallowing substences: gasolir►e, kerosene. other flammablo or taxic petrolaum products. toxic ,._
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatIle solvents,materials cantaining asbesws or fom�aldehyda,and radioacdve materials.As used In r ;.;_�.
<br /> _ this paragraph 20."Enviromneatal Law"means federel laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Propaty is lacatcd that relato _
<br /> , w health,safety or cnvimnmental protect�on.
<br />� �' NON-UNIFORM C01►E�TANTS.Bomower et►d Lender further coveaant and agree as fallows: �'
<br />-• � 21.Ac�tion; Itunetlies.I.ender sball give notfce to Borrower prbr to aenkrntbn tollowing IIorrower's breach of �; �;�.-
<br />-. - any oovenaut os agrament in t6tv Security Inotrument (b�ut not prbr to accekration under paragraph 17 unlese o,_
<br />�• applicAbk lae provides otherwlse).Tha maNce sh�ll s�ecify:(m)the default;(b) the actbn r�guired to cure the defaulN,(c) ��•.-
<br /> '� '" ' p date�not less tl�n 30 dayd ttom the date the notke i�given to Borrower,by w6k6 the elei'oult must be cured;and 2a1) �'-
<br /> t6aE fAilwre to cun the det�tWt oa or before the date speciried in tde notke may result in te�ekratbn oi the sums secured �
<br /> � „ by t6i�Security Instrument and sak ot the Property.The nMioe s6all furthee intarm 9orr�wer ot the��ght to rcinstate
<br /> aner aca.leration and the right tu bring w court oction to assert the non-existence of a detanit or any other defenx ot � �__
<br /> , go�rro�ver to noceleration and sak.U the deteWt i�not cured on or be[ore the dete speciflet!in the notice,Lentkr.at its �---- -�-
<br /> � '" uption�ma��requ've immediate ps�yment in full of all sums secured by t6k Secur[ty Iostn�ment mtmout furt6er dems►nd _- __ _
<br /> r,', •9 '. � and mAy invoice the power ot sak and any oiher remedies permitted by�pplicabk I�w.Lender shptl be entEtkd to colDect -__-___
<br />"•' oll expeases i8curred in pursuin8 th�remMks provided in t6iv pAragrapl�21,including,but not limited to�reasonahk W� -
<br />� attorneys'fces and oosts�t titic evidence. '�t�"--��m"`—'�!'`.
<br /> ; ��..:�
<br /> � U the power of sak 6s invoked, Trustee shall record a n�tice of detaWt ie eac6 county in whTich any part of the � t��-_
<br /> property t9 located and sUAll m$i➢copks of such notoce in tha manner prescribed by appUtabk law tn Borrower and to t3�e •r,i�� ,;
<br /> .�c�c::x� -
<br /> •� -� other persoag pressribed by applicabk law.Aner the time requEred by applicabk law,Tr»stee shall give publie eotice ot ^,,�L`�_�.�j.
<br /> K sak to the persons and in Qhe ms�nner prescribed by opplicnble I�vy.Tr�estce,w[thovt dtmand on Bormwer�shall seU the ' •�-�-;±�-;�„.,.
<br />- . '�.��:k»� '�``:.:
<br />= Praperty at publk aucHon to the highes4 bidder at the time und place and under the terms dxstgnated in the notice of sak , _„_,.�._
<br /> ._-s�:;t:.•sx •.L
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