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. �1 <br /> . _ . L: <br /> . r��1 ' - ^7` <br /> _ .^•.��1� . i . .• , ' . ', . .—. . ... '— . . <br /> nti • . . . e,�.� . . . . <br /> ' � .. .�hy'it'�,t..wl._ ' .. . . .!i . <br /> , � <br /> , .. . .. .. . ' ,. . ; , a .��, - <br /> � • • - � ,. ..�� , ' � . _ . <br /> � . - . -- .. � . . . � .. _ . <br /> ,.� �. <br /> � i�V��� <br /> � � TOGfiTH�R WITH all thc improvcmcnts now ar hemaftcr crcctcd on thc property,ond ttll Ci►scmcnis,appurtcnanccs,und � <br /> ,� Cxtures now on c�rcatucr a part of thc property.All rcplaccmcnts nnd additions shall nlso bo covcrcct by this Sccunry Insuument. ., <br /> t All of thc forcgoing is refcnrd to in this Sccurtty Inswmcnt ns thc"Propcary." � �� <br /> � BORRO:'V�R COVENAN"E'S�hat 1�arrowcr is Inwf��ily sciscd of the cstatc hcrcby wnvcycd nnd has thc right ta grant nnd � <br /> . � convcy thc Property nnd that thc Property is uncncumbcrcd.cxccpt for cncumbrancr..s of rccord. Horrowcr wurmn�v und wiU <br /> defend genernlly the dtle to the Property egeinst all claims and dams�nds,subjixt ro nny cncumbrances of record. <br /> n <br /> .•• �•� THIS SECIJRITY INSTRUMEN'f cambines unUonn covcaants for nation�l usc and no�-uniform covcnunts with limitcd <br /> � '� veriutions by Ju;isdicdon to consdtute a unifonn security inswment covering real propeny. ., <br /> f L��p�i�pVFS1ANTS.Borrower and Lender covennnt und agree av follows: whcn due the ' <br /> � 1.Payment o!Princ[�.+�1 and Interest;Prep�yment ond Late Cc a Rm nt nnd 1�cherscs duc undcr�thc Nnt�. ' <br /> �rincipal of snd interest on the debt evidenced by the N�tc and uny p p y B �, ��,, � <br /> ?..�unds for Tiuces and Insuranee. Subjcct to applicublc law or w a wriucn wtuvcr by I.cndcr, IIocrowcr shall pay co ti., ' �,!' ' <br /> � L.endu on �he day monthAy payments ara du�under the Notc.un�il the Note is paid in fuU,a sum("Fundg")for:(n)ycnrly twces . , ;.;.i�}A=_ <br /> �; and asscssmcnts which m�y susin priority over this Sccurity Instrument�a licn on thc Property;(b)YcurlY leasehold payments :��.�_ � <br /> + or ground cents on the PropenY.if anY�(�)Y��Y ha7ard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insuxatu:e pretniums,if f -:�.�— ' <br /> '� nny;(e)yeariy mongage insuran�p�miums,if nny;and(�tu►y sums payable by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with the ..:<;`:'T"� <br /> provisions of paragruph 8,in lfeu of ihe paymcne of mortgage insurance premiums. 'lt�ese items ore c�l led "Escrow Items." . _ _ ___ - <br /> r., . Lender any tune,c:ollect end hold Funds in an amount not to excced the manimum amount a lerder for a federally relauxl ' � <br /> •�`--- <br /> mongage loan may require for Boirowec's escrow account under the federal Real Estate Seqlement Ptocedures Act of 1974 as . ,�� ��� <br /> amcnded from dme W cimc,l2 U.S.C.Secdoa 2601 er seq. ("kESPA").unless anothcr law t�at epplics co thc Fn►►ds sets a lesser =__ <br /> emoun� If so, Lendcr may,at eny time, wllect end hald Funds in an amouat not to caceed the lesser emoun� I.endu may •:.;��,; `� <br /> �, c:�,dmate the iunount of Funds due on the basls of currcnt data und reasonahle estimates of capcnditures of fuu�re Escaow Items or :;ti•.. : �,�_ <br /> r� othenvise in accordance with appllcable law. `'t`. :� <br /> 1fie Funds shall be held in an insdtudon whose deposits are insumd by a federal ogency,insuumentaliry,or entiry(including �.� �. u— . <br /> �' Lender.if Lender is such an insdtudon)or in any Federal Home Loan Benk.Lender shall apply the Funds to pay Ihe Escrow •�� _ <br /> �'�' Items.L.ender may not charge Borrower for ho l d i ng an d npp lying t he F u n d s,a nnuall y enal y z i n g the escrow acoount,or verifying <br /> ' � �ttae Es�ow Items,unless Lender pays Barrower uiterest on the F'unds and applicable law petmits Lender to��ike such a charge. y <br /> , � �.,r�," rio�v��.s.cnuu «,�r r�ulrr E�zra�er sa gs;a ane_r��,.� r_.harYe.for an indeQendent tCal Csietc[ax tep0[4nS SzNiCe used Fiy <br /> f' Len�ra n�n cannecHon witl�this loan,unless epplicable !aw provades otheawise. Unless en agrr.ement is made or applicab3e Ana� <br /> ���ires in�erest W be pa�id,U:nder shall not be requlred to pay Borrowec any intea�est or earnings on the Fun�s. BorrowGr and i' <br /> • I.ender may agree in writing,however.that interest shall be paid on the Funcis.I.ender shall give to Borrower. withaut charge,en � . <br /> annuai accounting of the Funds,showin�r credits and debits to the Funds and the p�upose for which eacl�debit to tha Funds wes <br /> made.'Itre Funds are pledged as addidonal securicy for all sums secured by this Securlty Instrumenx <br /> If the Funds held by I.ender excecd 1he amounts pem�itted to be held by applicable law,Lencler shall account to Borrower for <br /> the excess Funds u►eccordance with th°�4�ments of npplicable law.If the smount of thG Funds t�eld by Lender ac eny dme is _ <br /> not suff'kicnt w pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so nodfy Bo�rower in writing.and,in such case 8amwu shall pay - <br /> to I.ender the amount nocessary w make dp the deficic�cy. Borrower siwll enake up the deficiency in no more ihan twelve _ <br /> . monthlY Lcnder's sole dLscretion. ___ <br />- Upon payment in full of afl sums secured by this Socuriry Instrument,Lcnder shall prompdy refund w Bo�rower any 1Fa�ds ^ �:- <br /> �� � .. '_ held by Lender.If,under pazagraph 21,IRnder sfiall arquire or selt tha Property,Lender,prior u� the acquisidon or sale of the � <br /> �_ <br />_,�;.,;. _ p�operty� sha11 apply ar�y Punds hcld by Lender at the dme of acquisidon or snle as a credit against tho sums socured bY this 4_;,__ <br /> s �..= Security Insni�mcn� �- <br />�� � . 3.Appiicatbn of Ps�yments. Unless applicable law provides otheiwisc,all puyments recelved by�c under�paragraph 2S = <br />' 1 and 2 shall be applicd:C►rst,to anY P�Paymcnt charges dua under the Note: R�ounts payab __— - <br />�, third,W interest duc:fourth,w principal d�e;and last,eo any late charges due under�he Note. __- - - -- _- <br />---,� 4.Ciurgesi Lkns. Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessrt�ents,chuges,flnes and imposidons euribu�bk to the Prope�ty _.— <br /> ' : r , which may atiain pdority over this Security Insuument,and leasehold payme�its or gcnund cents,if any. Bor�awer shall pay these `__ <br />-r��'•'�_.. ,- obligutions in the manncr provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay ihem on �me directly to the <br /> persnn owed paymenG Borcower shall promgtly fwnish w Lender all notice.� of aimounts W Ue p�id under this pacagraph.If �F;,_�•-�-- <br /> - Borcowu malces thesa payments ctirecdy.Berrower shall prompt]y famish to Lender receipts evidencing tt�s payments. :-_; <br /> �.� �`' Homowcr shall pmmptly discharge eny lien which has priority ovcr this 5ecurity Instrument unfess Borrower:(a) agrccs in __ _ _ __-_ <br /> wri�ing to the payment of the obli3ation secured by the lien in a manner accept,nble to Lender,@) cor►tests in good faith the lien ""_�;, , � -� � <br /> � by. or defends agaij►st enforce�:ent of the lien in, legal procecd'sn8s which in die I.ender's opinion operate to prevent ihe .;? <br /> enforcemcnt of the Hen; or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfxtory to I.ender suUordinating the licn to �.. �;,�- <br /> • this Security Instrumeat If Lender deucmines chat any pan of the Prope�ty is subject to a lien which may attain priority aver ihis , = �;�•��y���;;': <br /> Security Instrument,Lender may give Born�wcr a nodce idcntifying she lien.Borrower shall satisfy�h�e lien or takc one or morc . '` '��:.,::;,�__,•__ <br /> . .�.lu�::�:,T,.:: • <br /> of the ections set foRh a�ove within 10 days of the giving of notice. . � � •.' <br /> I Form 302a 9/�0 :.^r4•4•�. . <br /> ••:.�:� <br /> ��6R jNE)toz�2►.n� Pa9e 2 oi o inu�au: . <br /> � <br /> _- -_ _1 - - — - _ _ —. _— ____: - <br /> __.— --•• . . .. . -_--.,:...�.�.� <br /> .... . , y: .�....� <br /> � --�-- - —---�— •-- .. � . .t....x.a.�.sair+re. . "� . <br /> �r+ry.—...wK;.y;..�..M..,a...... „ ._, _..... ._ . .. . . <br /> . - ' �. . . .. -. . � . <br />