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<br /> principal emount af the in�ebtedness secured by thia Deed of Trust,not Inctuding sums advanced to protect the securlry o1 thls Deed of �+`•
<br /> Trust,oxceod ihe orlQhial pdn�ipul umaunt ctc�tod harafn,ar S �14���Q�.�'•�� ,whichovor lo groater. �.
<br /> 18.A9lr�cellaite��E�Ppavl�lano. �
<br /> � (Q) Sorrow�r Plat R�Is�t�ed.Exten�lnn o1 tho timo(or psymorit or madillcntlon ol amortfzatlon o1 the sums secured by thlo
<br /> w� �
<br /> ;.� D�ead ot Trust granted by Lender to any euccossor in Interest of Borrower ehall not operete tn retease, tn any manner,the Ilah!II• _
<br />° ;•�-, ty o1 the origlnal Barrower and Sorrowere eucceseore In Intoreat. Lender ahall nat be roqulred to commence proceRdirr�s -
<br /> agelnst such suc:cossor or retuse to extend time tor payment ar atherwlse mndify amortlzatlon o}tha eums sacured by thls �-
<br />:';,t" • '�� [�eed al Teust by roason of eny demanda mede by the original�orrower end Borrower's si�ccessors In interest. � _
<br /> • (b) Lmcar'o Pow�n.W�thout uHeclinp the Ilabillty ot�ny other person Ilabso(or Ihe payment ol any ob�igatlon hereln men• �`
<br /> tloned,arod without aftecting ti�e Iler�oe charye af ihls Osod ol Tru;,t upan any poRlon ot tho Proparty rto2 than or therotof�re
<br /> released ae secwiry tor the fuU amount of all unpaid oblipations,londer may,trom tfine to time and w�thout not�e(q rolease �:._
<br /> °°'�� any percon so llabfe, (II)o;tond the meturlty or elter any of the te�ms oi any such�bllsationa,(fll)prant olher Indutflencss. (N) -
<br /> :;��.,_..•- retease nr convey,or cauae to 6e r�leased or reconveyed at any time at Lendors optlon any parcet, portlon or all of the
<br /> , Property,(v)teke or retease any other or additlonal secudty or reconveyed at any time at LendePe optlon any p�rcel,portion or
<br /> ' ail ot the Property,(vf)take or relaase any other or additlonal secudty tor any obligAtion hereln mentloned,or(vll)make compa
<br /> �±•s , sitlons ol other arrangemen4e wilh debtors in retation thereto. _
<br /> -' (c)Farba�ransa!sy Len�er Nat a YYaiver.Any tort�earance by Lender In exercising any right ar remedy hereunder,or oth• _
<br />'v_:::, . ' erwise atforded by eppllcabte law,shall nat be a waiver of or preclude the oxercise of any such dpht or remedy.The proaure•
<br /> • • ment ollnsurance or the payment o1 texes or oiher Ilens or cher�es by Lender shall not bo a waiver or Landers rlght to acceter-
<br /> � ete the metudty of the indebtednoss secured by this Deed ot Trust
<br /> (d)Successoro and Aplyns BouRd;Jolnt and Severa�Llabillty;Capilons.The covenants nnd agreements herefn con-
<br />'t. • •` tained shail bind,end the dyhts hereundor shall Inure to. the respective successors and assigns o4 Lender and Trustor.All
<br /> '�� y��_,f� covenants and agreements ot Trustor shall be Joint erM several.The captbns and headings of the paragrephs of thia Deed of
<br />:°;�+`.f;.�+�;•'� TNSt are far convenience oniy and are nnt to be used to Interpret or deMe the provislona hereof.
<br />"a-�°.;"=�,, (a)P.:.;u::t t�r R'att�o.Tha paNss hereby request that a copy of Any notice oi detauit hereunder and a copy of eny notke _
<br />`*"' of eale hareunder be mailed to each party to thls Deed oi Trust at the address sot torth above In the manner presctlbed by __
<br /> :ry����`•''u�'' appl{cabte Iaw.Except tor any other notice required under appllcabte Iaw to be given In a,nother manner,any notko provided for -
<br /> � in this Doed o}Trust shall be given by malling such notiae by ceRlfied niail addressed to the otfier parties,nt the address aet -
<br /> _ ,., foRh above.Any notice provided for In this Deed of Trust shail be�ffective upon mailing in tho manner designated herein,If -
<br /> �..`:;'='•��?}��i� Trustor Is more than one person,notice sent to the eddress set torth above shal�be notice to all such persons.
<br />='�;�' r� (f� Inc�ectlon.Lender may make or cause to be mada reasonablo entrfes upon and Inspections af the Proparty,provWed --
<br /> _;-.��:�.. . that Lender shali give Trustor notice priar to any such inspection specitying reasonable cause theretor reiated to Lenders(nter-
<br /> _•'.3;:�,�� est In the Properly.
<br /> -��=�T�•� (g)ReconvAyance.Upon payment of all sums secured by thls Oead of Trust,Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> -_=
<br />