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� , � _.i <br /> .. • • <br /> .:"'c_' , . .. .. _ <br /> ' _""_ "'....__ ._.._. . , . . _ �� . <br /> .. %` . , �,�, <br /> y ii� <br /> � <br /> � .. • 09-�19-9986 � � �1'4��g� DEED QF TRU�T �(�t)��' '�j�(�� �'/� Pa�e 6 " .� <br /> ' Loa� IVo 31 J349 (CAntlnued) �I� <br /> . T - -- --.____ . — _ --� _ <br /> � of iho Proportyr or Intoro;,t In Iho Proporty;Increasr�the Incomo hom tho Property a prolect Iho s�curity ot the Properiy;and,wlth a wilh0ut <br /> � taklr�possesslon of the Property,sue for a olhenvlse calocl the rents,I�suos and proflts of Itw Pro�e�ty,Includlnp fhos�peet dui and <br /> unpAld,and appry th�eame,less cost�and exnsnsas ol oporeHon�nd cdfacban,Includinp ottaneya fea�,to any Ind�btadr�as�Wcurad r� <br /> by Ikl9 Deod of Trust,nll In auch orda os Lender may detamine. Ths enlerinq upon ind tnkinp possesslon of the Prop�rfy,lY�coN�cdon • <br /> oi su�h nnb,lssws and proftt�,and th��ppl�atlon iheroof shoN nol cura a w�lve any dolault or nat�o of dotau!1 undw thl�DMd of Trust _ <br /> a Invalld�te any act done In responss to such delauH a purauant to auch nollu of d�(�ult;and, notw:thstandlny th�con8nwryo�In <br /> . possasslon ot lho Property or Ihe cWleciion, recelpi nnd epplicaUon of rents,Issues ar proflt9, Tru3toe w Lender ehall he �ntfried to _ <br /> , � exerCiso overy dpht provtded Cor In ths Noto a the Retated UocumenW a by law upon U►e occurrence Q1 ony evenl of detaull,irxludinq I'r� <br /> ripht tu exerc�se the power of wia; <br /> (b) Commenc�an action to foreclosa thls Daed of Trust as�mortQape,�ppdnt�uce�wr or speclNCatlty onfacs any ot tt►e cownenb <br /> . Mraot;and - <br /> � (c) Dellver to Trusteo a written declaratlon ot detuWt and demand(or saN and a wrltlen notice of defauit tnd electlon to ceusa Trustors <br /> interest in ti�e Properly to be sdd,whlch notice Trustae shall cause to bo duiy filed la record In the approp�lata oMces of tha County In <br /> whtch tha Propertyr fs located;end <br /> (d) With respecl to all or any part oi the Personal Property,Lensfer shall have all the rlphb nrd remedivs of a secured ptrty unWr tho _ <br /> Nebraska Uniform Comrt�clal Code. • <br /> Forocbwn by RawK of SM�. If Lender aecb Fo toreclose by�kse of the Power oi Sale herdn cont�ined,L��du shaM noHry Tnnte�md ; <br /> sh�N d�posit wilh T►usteo thfs Doad of Trusl and lhs NoW and euch r�Celpb and eNdenco o?e:�endituns mado and aecund by thfl DMd of ,-_F;:y«., <br /> Trust es Trustee may requ:�e. , <br /> � (a) Upon reCelpt of such notice hcm Lender,Trustee shan cause to be recordod,pubushed and dellvered to Truslor suCh Nolk�M DMtuN - "��� <br /> � and Notice of Sale as then requlred by law and by this Deed of Trust. Trustee shall,wRhout demnnd on Trusta,attOr such tlrn�as m�y <br /> then be requtrod by lnvr und nflcr rccordntlon of such kotice o►Deffiuit and etta Notbe of Snta having been gl�en ns requlred by law,�MI --_--__ <br /> I ttre Property at the Qme and plflco of sate fixod by It fn such Not(ce of Sals, either as a whole,a In separate lols or parcets u It�mf�s �.�.�-- - <br /> � Trustee ahell deem expe�ient,�nd In such order as It rr�y determine,at pubib nuciton to the hlphest bidder for cash In lawful money of . 5�;..-�� <br /> � the United Statas payabb et the Hme ot sale. Trustee shall deilver to such purchaser a purcht�sers thereof Iis pood and suMclent de�d or �� ^.-- <br /> deeds canvoyirp ihe prvperty so sdd,but without any covanant or warrflnry,e�ress a Impilod. The recitals in suCh deed of eny maHars � �� <br /> or facts slwN be conctusiva proof of fhe truthfulness tharoof. Any porson, indudinp without umitatlon 7rustor,Trustee,a L.onda,m�y , __ <br /> � . purChase at suCh sale. '.�- _ <br /> � �!,� (b) As rtwy be penniHed by law,aRer deducting all cosb,fees and e�nses of Trustee and oi this Trust,Inctudinp costs of svld�nol 01 ;. <br /> � ;u'�•; title in cannocUon with sale,Trustee shaH epply tha proceeds of sate to poyment of p)all sums e�ended undar the term�of thb Dwd of �, <br /> Trust or under thn terms of tha Nota nol then ropald,{nctudinp but not IlrNlod to accnwd inlcrost and lata cl�any�s, pq aq othqr tums than __ <br /> '�� securod hareby,antl pfl)the romalnder,N any,to tha parson a persons fepaily�nUtl�d theroto. ___ _ <br /> (o) Trustee may In the manner provided by Inw postp�ne sab of eN a any patlon of the Property. _ ' ` <br /> •�' ; Remedl2s Not FxUutiv�. Trustea and Lender,and each ot them,shaN be entltled to en(arca�p¢yrtwnt and p�rfwmancs of Qny Ind�bMdn�ss 1 � <br />__. -__ _._ _°T::� or oblinattnns secured by thls Deed of Trust and to exerclse ail riphts and powxB under Ihis Desd of Trust,und9r th�NoN,undM�ny d fhr '- .r __ ° <br /> Related Docurtwnts,or under nny othar�yreament ar any lawa now or harealler in forq;nolwithsinndlne,sorrN or�of wch IrW�bMtlnMS , ,�;.., , <br /> and obltpatlora sacurod by thb Dead of Ttust muy now a heroatlar bo ottwawls�s�curod�whNM►by mortWO�.dwd of trutt.PMd7��Y�n. ..�'��:�p �?•-; . ' <br /> rtss(pnment or oHiawfso. Nefther ttN�oceptarta of thb Oeed of Trust nor ib entorcemsnt,whelhw by court nctlon a pursutM to tM povwt ot �Y � " <br /> � sab ar dMr powan conWned In thls DeW of Tnut,shall pro)udba a In�ny r►wnner�ttect Tnntae'�er L.�eder'�ripht fo rMlib upon tx � <br /> •�' anfora any o!h!�r sacir:`�r now a I�aQtter hNd by Trustee a Lendor,ft beinp apreee�Ihat Trustae and Lender, 4nd each of thom,�h�l b� ��� ••� <br /> '��' entNkd to sntoros tNs Deed ot Trust and any other sacuriiy now a hereerter hetd by Lender a Trustee In such order and manner a th�y o► !�`��+`` "� <br /> � ��'�' ather of therm m�y In thek abscJute discroflon daterMne. No ra,nedy oonlcrceti upon a rr.,wwd to Trustee or Lentler,b Intended to b� �'��x� { <br /> a�,yr.3•.° .��', <br /> exduslw of any other remedy In thfs Dued of Trust ar by law provlded or pvmitted,4ut�ach shap be aumulativs�nd shaM b�In�d01Uon to ,.�- � , <br /> � wery olh�r nrt�iy pivan in thb De�d of Tnist a now or hsnaftar�Fstinp rt kw or In pulry ar by a4tuta. Ewry pDwer or rortwdy piwn by ih�� <br /> . Not� a any ol th�Rea1Qd Docurtwnb ta Truste� or Lend�r or to which atMr of lhem may b� otherwiao �nlilled, may bw a�rck�d. 1 a <br /> {_ rxncu�rsnty a indapon�snuy,hom @rt�to tirtw t►nd as oAOn r.�rtwy bo 3�eT.od o�idl�nt�y Trusteo cr L�nder,and�(ttwr of tn�m nxy " <br /> puraun Incomistent romedles. Nothinp in thb Deed of Tnnt eh�A bo conatrued u prohibiUnp Lsnder tiom ses6clnp a deAcNncy Judpm�nt � <br /> ,� �pninst the Trustor to ttw udYnt such�cHon b p�rrMHed by kw. .' ` <br /> �. Requeu For Mofk:e. Trusta,on beheB of Tnntu snd Lender,hereby res�uesls th�l a copy ot�ny Notice of Daault And a copy of any Notic� ,�� �"• <br /> e <br /> • of Sak under tNS Deed of Trust be maNed to them at the addresses sot fath In Ihe flrnt panpraph of Ihis Daed of Tnul +�" - <br /> � Waiv�r;ElecUOn ot Aemedks. A waiver b an of a braeah ol a provision of fhis Oaod of Ttust shYA not constltuta a w�IvM W or t� <br /> Y Y Pefh� ,-<___-•. <br />- - �' prejudloi tM ptrt�/s riphb oihwwisa to demand shict compli�nce with that provfslon or any other provfslon. EfecUon by LendK to purau�tr�yl �;_'t�'�tr.;:���— <br /> r�wdy provlded In this Deed of Tnist,the Note,in any Relaled Document,a provlded by Inw ahal no!�xdude pursuft o(any ottwr rernedy. ���,.-.�,.s_,_,_. <br /> and nn MocNon to m�ke�endituraa a to taks�cHon to pertorm an obOQatbn d Trusta under thls Oeed of Trust�rter(aNure of Tntsta to �ove��ar�_� <br /> �'. parfam sh�il nd afNct Under'�rfpht to deciars a deiault and to e�wcis�any of Hs rert�edi�. �.:;�'�"—�-__ - <br /> �c:ri�l5.^s:'_ <br /> Atta�tNys'Fee�;Dcpen�es. If Lender inslitutes eny sult qr ecGon to enforce tny of Iha terrtts of ifiis Deed of Tntst,lander 6haq ba�n@tl1d tn �::�;�.a.�..:_ <br /> � recover such sum as the couA may adJudge roasonabte es attqmeys'fees�t Mal and on ony eppeai. Wtwihrx a no!any couA�ctlon b �.�;`�r�n�,1,��°" <br /> Involvad,oll reuortabN wq�nses incurred by Lender wl�lch in Lendars opinion ane ner�.essery at any tlme fa ttw protacHon of fb InNn�t a ttN �.`�?u:.�.�-- <br /> � antproortwnt d i4�Aphts char bpCOm��part of th�Indobtodness payabb on domind and shaY bear Interest at Ih�Not�nb hom ih�da11 of ��'.Y ='==-_—_ <br />_' � u�anditun unld repald. Er{�ns�s corered by lhb puepnph Indude,withaut NmHaBon,howover subJe�t to any Nmib undar�pNCtbN I�w, + `� °•';` -_ <br /> , � � Lertder'a attarNys'hes wMth�r or not tMro ft�I�wauH.Indudirp attorrwYs�Is�o tor btdcruPlaY Proce�Wnps pndudnp effats to modiN a ``.��".��!�,;:"". <br /> vacaM any Rutomatb atay o►MJuncUon)��pPMis and any�nuc�p�t�d pa1-ludpmont colMCBo�ewvlas,th�cost ot ssauchlnp ncord�.mt►tydrp '•'";�.w,d",;. . <br /> . : j tliN reports pndudirq foredosun nPatsL surwyae'nports�+�PPnisal loss.UlM tnsura�a�and fovs fa th�Trustae�to tl►�axtsnt p�rrt�tNd bY : :'�i+ <br /> . eppOCable law.Trusta ako will pay any cou�t easb,In addfBon tc NI othar sums proNded by taw. <br /> Riphb of Tru�tee. Tnrstee shell have aM W lhe rights and dutles af Lender u ast tath In tNS sectlon. � <br /> POWEAS AMD 061.1GATfONS OF TRUBTEE. Ths idlowlrp proNslom relaUnp to ftw powero and obNpaHOns of Ttustee�n pnrt o►th[s D01E M <br /> Trust. • <br /> Pow�n of Tru�. In additbn to�11 Pm�s of Tnnfee�risirp as�rtwthr d kw�Trus1N shW tww th�power to Wn ths toNowlnp�ctlons ' � <br /> w1M nepe�,�t to the Property upon th�wrtiten reqwst d I.�nd�and Tnntor. (a)Jdn In preparinp and fllinp a rtwp or pkt of ttw Real K'rropKty, <br /> InCludinp tha didlC.�dprl Of 6treets or other riphb t0 the pubNC; (bl Jdn In Brantlrp any ensement a creaUng�ny reatrlcBOn en tM R�I Ptopxfy; <br /> i and (c)Joln In any subordinaUOn w other epreement eNeCUnp thls Deed of Trust or lhe intaest ot Lander under thfs Oeed of Trust. <br /> s Tnute�. Trustaa shaM rtwet rll qualificatlons requGE�tor Trustea un�er appNrxbla aw. In addilfon to ttw riphb Ynd romadies wt forth abo��, � <br /> with rospect to�ll or any par!of ths Properly,th�T�w�shau harro the ripht to torodoss by noUce ond sale,and Lende�sheH hav�e ths ripM to , ' <br /> ' toracloso by Judicial forodosun,In oither case In axordance wfth and to tha tul wctont;,roNded by oppNcable law. <br /> Stxxtasor TnutN. L�nda►,al Laui�r'e optlon,msy kom dmr to tlrtN tppolnt Y successa Tnntee to any Trustee�ppdntal henundor by an , <br />' ' Instrument sxeculed ar►��cicnowledped by Lender nnd recorded In the offbo W the reead�r W FiAll.AND MERRICK wunty,Nebnslc�.Th� <br />'' _ .� . . . . _ . . . •-- • - •• .. . ._ _._..._... .�- ------•�---�-�--••--�--�--�-- --.._._._...._�,. ., <br /> _ _ � -- �rtsvumem snat aoaraon co an o�rror ma�e requreo or aww�aw�ms�wn�w�s.�o w.y��w��o.�w..�...��o.�.��.�w....��...w.... .- __-_ <br /> end paya(or compuier system reference)whore ihis Oeod of Tnut ts record�d,and tt�o name nnd address ot the successor trustee,Qrid tM <br />_ Instrument shall bo executod end acknowtecfped by ell the boneHclarl�s under tho Deed of T►ust or thek succesaors In Interest. The suocessar <br />- trustee,without conveyance o}tha Property,shall suCCaed to aN Ilw tido,pawar,and Qutles confarted upon the Trustes In thla De�d of Tnnt <br /> ' and by appNC�bk taw. TNs procedurs lor aubsUtuUnn of Mcstee s1yN povem to the excluslon of aN other provistons fa subsUtutlon. <br /> - NOTIC�S TO 7fiUSTOR AMD QitEti PARTIES. My notke under thl8 Qead of Trust sheN be In writlr�,mey be be sent by tele►acslm!!M,and fhaN � — <br />� ' be eNacUw wP,�n�cluaNy dellvorod,or when deposlled wifh�natbnary recapn�zaed ovaNgM cowk►,or,it mait�d,shall bp daomed�fhctlw whan ' ' <br />= i deposlted in the Uniled Slates maN Ifrst dass,cwtiflod or reyistered mail,ptrtapn prep�ld, directed lo fhe addressos shown raar the bepinNnp of � <br /> th�s Doed at Trust. My parly may chenpe Its eddross tor notioas under iMs Deed of Trusl by piviny lormal w�itlen notice to tta oiher putNes, , <br /> spociryfnp that tho purpose of the noUce is to chtnge the perq/a ad�7ress. All coples of noticas of faeclosure from tho hdder of any Nan wh{ch has � <br /> . ip�lority over thts Oeed of Ttusl shaN be 5ent to lenders address,as 6hown near the GepinnlnQ of this Deod of Trus►. For nottca purposel,Tnntor � <br /> , aprees to keep LonQer end Trustee Informed at�N Hmes o}Trustor's curcent edd�ess. � <br /> i <br /> -_ . I ' <br /> I MISCEILANEOU3 PROYiSlONB. TM foNowlnp miscellaneous�rovfslons�n a P��tMS De�d of Trust: f <br /> � � <br /> • � <br /> � � _ _ _ <br />