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' . ...�. � _ <br /> , <br /> . .. -._ :. <br /> . . ..i.. ... . - . .. _ <br /> U._.."_ _..... _.1.. . - ' � <br /> � .. os--99-1996 �— �.�(1`OQi'� �EED OF TRUST ��(J�9�/� �RAr,� .37/ P��e 3 . - <br /> ' I Loeen No 319343 (Continued) <br /> I _ .�.._ —�._._ - - ---- ^� '- <br /> � Rlptel To Ganteet. Trusta may wllhhold payment of any tnx,essassmerst,or clnlm in connecllon with a good falth dlsputa ovr,r Iha obdp�tlan :- <br /> � to pay,sa lonp ai LAndere Intaast In tho Property Is not Jeapardizod. II a Ilen arlses or b filed as a result al nonpayrtwM,Yroator thaN wUhin � ��' <br /> AApen(i6)daya ofter the Ilen arlses a,II Y Ilen Is filed,wllhln 8fleen(16)doya afWrTrusla has no11Ce o1 ltw filinp,socuro tho dlscharpo o!4M '�_ <br /> � Ilen, or II roquestod by Londer, deposll wlih Londer cash or e euf�clent corpwnte eurety bond or other security sausfflctory to L�ndM In �n , <br /> emounl aufflclent to discharpe the lien plus ony cosls nnd ntlornoys'toes or other tharpos lhal could ar.crua as 4 resull o!a forectosuro a sal� <br /> under Iho Ilen. In nny conlest,Trusla shall defend ISSeif nnd Lender and shall stUSy eny adverce JudQment botore enlorcomQnt apolnsl lIN <br /> Property. Trustor shall name Lend�r as on flddltlonnl obligeo under any surety bond lurnlshod In the contest proceadinps. <br /> Evlp�nce ot Paym�nt. Trustor stuN upon damand Nmish to Lond�r wttsfaclory�vldonc� of paymenl of the taxes a assessnwnta�nd shoN - <br /> � athorin�the approprlata OcvKnrtwntat otflclN to dsNvK to Londe d�ny HrtN a wrtltan stat�msnt of th�taxe�and assossrtNnn�pdrut tM � . <br /> �rpperly. <br /> Notice of Conuructiw�. Trusta shall noUty Lender at leasi fiftean(16)days before any waic Is cammenced,any sonlces are furnfshad,or any • - <br /> � matwlais are supplied to the Properly,It�ny mechantC's Ilen,matedatmen's Ilen,or olher Ilen could ba asseried on account o1 th�wah, <br /> I serv{ces,or materiats. Trusta wIH upon request of Lender(umish to Lwtdar QdvanCe assurances satisfactory to Lander that Trustor can�nd w(M � <br /> pny the cost of such imptovements. <br /> PROPER4Y DAINAti�IHSUR�ttCE. The foAOwlnp provisions relatlny to Irawlnp the Property nre a part of thh Desd ot Trust. � _ <br /> MMnt�nanc�of Insunncs. Trusta ah�H procure and maintain poik�es of tke Insunnco w(th standard axt9nd�d covw�W ondaa�m�+ib on a •• <br /> replwcement basis tor the tull Insurable value coverinq ail improvements on tt►e Real Property In an amount suMcNnt to avdd tppNcatbn ai eny <br /> . � cdnsuranco clause,eod w{th a�iandard mortpapea ctause In favor ot Lende�,topether with auch othsr huard�nd WabHi Insurona a I.�nd�► <br /> �Y `.,..�,'�r`-', <br /> may reasonabty roquire. Pdk�es shn'I b�writton in torm,amaunts,cowrepes and ba�is re4sonabry�cceptabk to Londer and Isswd by� � <br /> � company or compantss rensonabry s:..'eptnbte to Lender. Trustrx;up�n roquest ot Lander,wiN de:tver tu Lender from 8me!o dme tM policke --_- �• <br /> or ceNfica4es of Irdurnnce In form satfstactory to Lender,Includlrp sHAulations tt�l coverapes wW not be cancelled or c�iminlshed wifhout at i�� <br /> least ten(10)days'prior wrltten noUce io Lender. Each Insurance poUcy afso ahal lncludo an endasemant providlnp that coveraq�ln f�vor of <br /> I.ondw wNl not be imp4knd In any way by Qny�ct,omisslon or defauH of Trusta a any oQNer peroon. Sflouid tha Re�l Prop:rty ot ony�rra *._-� <br /> b�cprtN{ocaterl in an uea desipnated by ifis DUeCtor ot the Federel Emerpency M�napement Aqency as ospeclal tlood haiard ars�,Tnnta , <br /> epree�to obtain nnd ma1nS��n Federal Flood Insursnoe to Iha exlent such Insurana Is rpuked by Lendar and ts a becom�s avaf4bN,fa thY ,, ,,..�•�����„ <br /> lerm of the loan and irx the tull unpdd prindpal batance of the loan,a the ma�dmum Ilmlt of coverepe that h avaNabw,whl�l�vK b Ms�. � `�a�. <br /> ' .' � a '`` � -- <br /> Applic�tlon of Procesds. Tn�stor shall prompNy noUy Lender ol any loss a dam�po to the Proporty. Londw rtwy make prooi o1 loas BTrusta �� <br /> �''�s`�:,'' lails to do so within firtoan(15)days of iha casualry. Whether or not lendors seculy Fs Impaired,Lender may,at ib electlon,rocNw and�� ;.�� �s <br /> lhe proceods of any Insur�nca and appiy the procseds to Ihe reducUon of the Indebtedness,payment ol any Nen affectirp tlw Prop�ty . �; <br /> �. reetontlon and ropak of Ihe Property. If Lsndet eiecb to appiy the proceeds to reatoraHOn and rop�k,Tnntor shaN reptk or r�p11o� fM <br />_ • damtiQed or destroyed Improvements In e manner satisfectory to Lender. Lendar sha1,upon satisfactory proof of such e�ersdiiun,pay or ' , <br /> m <br /> ,` "� � rolmburse Trustor trom the proceeds fa the reasonable cost of repalr or restoreUon if Trusta fs not in de!auft undor thb Dead of Trwt. My - _ <br /> proce9ds which have not 6een disbursed within 180 days after thek receipt and wNch Lender hes not commilted to tha reptk or rottontlon W .. <br /> • the Proporiy shell b9 used first to pay any amount owlnp to Lender under ihis Deed of Trust.then to pay axrued intorost,and tl»nmdr►dK,R �- <br /> � ti �< any.shal!bo applied to the principal belance of the Indebtedness. If Lender holdeeny proceeds eller payment In(ult of the Indebtodn�ss,such �,ti�,� <br /> proceeds shaM be p�ld to Trustor as Trusto�s Interesb may nppeor. �. <br />_- _ _ = IJnsxpked ltutK�na at SaN. Any une�y�ksd i�nunnce shaN inun to the benefit d�and pasa to.ttw purcnas�r ot tt��oputy co�nd'oy i►�s .- <br /> n <br /> � D�ed W T►ust at eny Mnbv'e eW�or othsr sals hNd undu It�prot/alons d Mls DNd d Tnnt,or at any forodosun e�N W sixh PtopNly. ��,, <br /> � Coa�iplSpnc�wtlh ddaUn0lnd�btednt�. Durinp the Radod in wMch any Ebstinp indobtedness described bMow fs In�Mect,compNance wkh ' � <br /> ��,��� Ihe Insumrxe provlslom containod in the Instrument aNdendnp suCh F�dstlna Inde�btedness sh�ll consUtut�compli�nc�wAh tl��eturarr� 1,•' <br /> provisions under thb Daed of Tnnt,to the axtont compli�no�with tM terrm of IhN DNd of Trust wodd constliuM a dupNc�tlon of Intut�na +� . <br /> •� requkamen� If any proceeds kom the Inswance becorrN payabto on toss.ih�provislons In thb Daod of Trust ta dhAston ot proc�shU , ; <br /> 4. � �ppiy only lo lhal portlon of tha praeads not payabk to the hddK of ths Fxfstlnp Inda�bNdn�a. ", .,, �,, . <br /> DCPF]iDITURE9 BY LEt�R. M Tnator talb to comphr with any proufslon of thls Desd of Tnnt, Indudlrp�ny ob�fbn to malntdn F�istlnp �E <br /> :� IndeblednKS in�ood stan�np as nquind below,or B any actlon a proc�sdlnD b cammsnad ttrt would rnatsrlaNy afhct l.snder'a inl�r�ecb fn tM <br /> � Prop�rty.Landor on Tnrstor's behaMmay,Dut shaN not bs reqWrod t�.fnka eny¢cY1on 4:�.1t Lrndir desrns�pproprfat�. Any amounf thsl Lendu <br /> e�ends In so da�rq wNi baar Interost at the rate proUded fa in the Note bom tfie d�b Incurcsd or p�Id by L�nd�r to th�dak of ropayme�by <br /> �� �� Trusta. A!i auch eapenses,at Lenders opUon,wIY (a)be payable on demand, (b)be�dded b the betance of ti�Not�and be�ppartbn�d rmaiq , <br /> and be pnynble with any Iristeliment payments to becortw due durirp either (i)tM term of anY apPYCabw Iraunna poNcy or (Y)th�nmalNrp Mrm =� <br /> �• ot th�NoM�a (o)be trwted a�boNOOn p�yrtrnt whiotr wIU W due and P�ynbk tt tM Not�'s maturky. Thls OMd of Tnnt ntso w�wcun ��.^ _ <br /> paym�nt of thesa amounta. TM riphb provld�d(a in tt�is panpnph thaN be in�dditlon to�ny otMr riphb a any n.r�adiK to whlCh Und�r may b� -�`"�'"` <br /> � entlM�d on e�couM of th�dsfault. My:uch acifon by Londsr sheN not bo conai�uod actxinp tM dotQUlt so u to btr LN►9�t trom rny rsrn�dy th�t �a�Y-: <br /> •� t R oth«wfe�wodd haw tyd. -' "'°-' <br /> yyllpAAp�Y;pEFENSE OF TI7�E. Th�tWowinp peovfsions relaUnp to ownerah�p oi tM Propxty�a part of ltds Daad d Trust. � <br /> � Yttte. Trusta warrants thar (a)Trusta holds pood and maAcetable Utle ot recad to the Property fn tes eimpts,trs�and dw of�Iwis anA ���,--- <br /> encumbrancos other than thosa set torlh in the Real P►operty descrlPtlon or in!he Fx}stlnp Indebtednesa ssctlon bMow or In am►Wf�knuran0� 6�;'„-�-�- <br /> �. poNay,tltla flnal tltb opinion hsued In lavor of,and aocepted by,Lender In comocllon with ihis Wb of Tnut,and (b)7n�stor lu�s!h� ,, <br /> u <br /> (uW ripht,powar,and tuthority to execute and deliver thFs Deed of Trust to Lender. ��'?'��� <br /> ,. ��._�.._ <br />- � •+ DNenM of Titl�. SubJect to th�wcaptinn In tha pa�apnph abow,Tn�stor wamnls and wuM lorowr datend tha tlda to ttw Prop�rty�M�st th� �_---_- <br /> '� ��' kMr(ul t�Ims of a1i parso�. In th�ownt any acBon or procoedinp la commenad thd quosUorts Tntstors ri1N or th�intonst of TnrIM a °��,�,,`�r;. <br /> ��' l sn�r under thfs Deed oi Tnnt,Trusta shaVJ defend the acNon nt Trustor'a expera�. Trustor may be the norranel a In such roo»dirg.but -����r:.^'�• .���� <br /> n �f/ P l-..:?::�i��.. <br />^ � • Under ahaN be ontitled Iv partkipste In lt►a proceeding and to ba represonted In Rhe proceadinp by counsel ot Londe�'s Own chdC�, and ;::',.t r:`:;�.;;,4',:rr.,;' . <br /> - Trusta will deAver,or cause to be delivered,to Lender such Instruments as Londer may request kom Hme to dme to permlt such p�rtiClpnHon. ;.,:�+�5• ?';'�::;' �_�• <br /> - ° � compunce wim�.aw,. Tnista wtrranls that the Property and Trustars us�of th� Properly complias with�ll �xlsUnp appNcabt��awr. � _r ��'`�"'{•'� ��� <br /> . adirwn�as.Qnd rspula8ons ot povemmentnl nuthorttles. :-:�;�.`. <br /> DCISTINQ IN�TEDNESB. The idbwlnp provFstona wrw�rMnp wdstlrp ind�btednets (Ih� 'F�dsUnp Indebtedness'�an a put d tht�Daad o� " . ' <br /> Trust. ' . : <br /> E�dstinp Lbn. The Ren of th�s Deed o(Trust securlrg lhe Indebtedness nuy be aecondary nnd inierfor ta an wdsting Nen. Trustor e�rsssy <br /> covertants nnd aprees to pay,or sea to the payment of.ttw F�dslir►y Indebtodness tnd to prevont any defauit an such Indobadnass.tny dohdt <br /> . - � undar the Iruhumenb eNdanclrp such Indebtedness,or�ny de(tutt under any sxurity documents for such Indebtsdr�s. <br /> •� D�isuH. It tha payrtwnt ot rny instatlment of prindp�t or�ny Inkrest on fhe F�dstlry Indeblodnass is not made withln tM Um�nquM�d by th� , <br /> not�wid�ndnp such Indsbtedness,a should a detauiF occur undet th�instrummt �curinp such Indebtedrwss and not b�cund dutirp rnyr <br />- �ppliabl�prao�period Ihenln,tMn,�t the opUOn of Land�r,lh�Indebtednszs wcund by thb Desd of Trust sl�a9 becortN imrt►�dl�Nry du� <br /> �• and pryatrt�,and this O�ed of Trust aheN be In detaWt. • <br />' ,. , No lriodNicstbn. Trustor shall not enter Into any aflreement wlih the hdder of�ny matpaqe,deed of trust,or other Eecurity nprwrnNit wNch „ • <br /> �._� has priaity over thls Deed of Tnnt by w19ch that flpreement Es modilied,amenrJed, extended,or renewed without tM prlor wriflen conssM of , <br /> . .. ... • • - • _------••-�___._.r..Y..r..._ �...tu....r.w�...w....:M....,,,n.�.d nr °-- --� <br /> . ._._-: .....,,._.� ... _ . <br /> � LBf1tl6f. TNStOf Sn811 t�tner request nor a�cept arry nr�u�e awa�w.oa���uw a.q o....��w...�..�.�w.�.�.................��...... .........�..�._.. --_ _ _ <br /> � Lender. f , <br />__ CCNDEMHAT(ON. The falowirp provfsioro relatlnp to CandemnaUon proceed!nps are�ped oi thls Deed of Trust. I , <br />- i Appllcatia�p}1�let proceeds. If all or eny pert of the Rroporty k condemned by emineM domaln proaeedirps or by any proceodirep o� ' <br /> - � purct�ase in Ileu ot condemna8on,Lender may a!Its eiecUOn requke that aN or eny paUon o1 the net procesds of the award ba�ppWd to th� � <br /> Indebtedne�'.,s or the repalr or restoration of thF►Property. The net proceeds ot the eward shaN mean the award after paymont o}tN ntson�tba <br />-_ . I �u,�nses,end adameys'foes Incurted by Trustee a Lender In connectlon with th�condemnaUOn. <br /> � proceedinpa. If any procaedinp In condemnaHOn Is fited,Trustor shaM promptly notHy Lender In writinp,and Trustor ehaM promptly ttke auch <br />` steps as may be ne�ssary to dotertd Ihe acllon and ob�in the award. Tnnto►mey be Ihe nomtnat parly in such proceedinp,bul Len4K strN <br /> � be entltled to parrictpato In the proceediny and to be representad In the proceodh►p by counaet ot Ib own chdce,nnd Tnntor wIN dMiver or ' . <br /> cause to be deNvered to Lender such Irtstruments as may be requested by R kom tlmo to tlme to permit such pnrticipetlon. , <br /> " I IMPOgIT10N OF TAXES,FE�S AND CHARGES�Y GOVERHMENT/1L AUTHOFi1TIHS. Tho toNowing provislons rola0np to povemrtwnW tax�s. <br /> tc�arsd chargcs aro s Rert ot th�Dmd ot Tr�sG <br />: � I ' <br /> i <br />