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� `_ ---, _�; ��T:_ �— ___ ; . �� <br /> .. .._ `n»+ . r.f kr ,"_ . . .. 1:�*'-�y.. <br /> '�' .• � :i:i�:? , �v <br /> � ' . 92-- so'�"�3s _ _ � <br /> ' � A=iIONMENT OF RENTB RIDER <br /> THIS A88iG1NMHfVT QF RENTS RIDER le made and oxqaut�d thle 12th �y a} AUGUST ��g 92 �and Is <br /> - Inoorpprdod Into and ahsll W diemed to amend�nd euppl�m�nt th�Mortpaqs or Oeed of Trust,hereinaft�r rqfernd to as the <br /> ---_ ----- ����;.1�1n+tn�nw�nt"; nf th�a�nw d�N piv�n bV ilw urui�ralpn�d. h�rdinaft�r r�hrr�d to u th� "Borrow�r",to t�CUr� <br /> � Borrow�r's indabt�dnes�,h�ralna(tar rshrrod to ps th�"Nots",to hOME FEDERAL SAVIN03 AND LOAN A880CIATION OF <br /> _-x : ,�,._ �„ ORAND ISL,ANO,h�rdn�ftK rN�rnd b as the��I.�nd�►".of tM�am�dat���d aowrinp th�prop�rty dacribad In tM S�curlty <br /> � Instrum�nt and loo�t�d at: <br /> e_�' :°� � 1619 NORTH TAYLOR� GRAND ISI�AND, NESR4SKA 68801 - <br /> � I j (P►op�rty Adda��) - <br /> „' WITNESSETH: <br /> y �'� f; P�„s. I f .; WHERBAB, Bo�rower�nd Lender hwa apreed thot any rents �nd profita attrlbutlibl�to tIN propsrty should comtltub <br /> - •�;�:'����,"�`�"�' additlon�l s�ourity to th�I.�ncNr br th�payment of tbo Nob; <br /> — � r�����:�, <br /> --° -���=�- „ NOW,THERfFORE,It Is aqroed that tho Saou�lty Inatrumont ohall ba amend�d ha�aby and da�mtd ta in4lude the followlnp -- <br /> ,�:_ . <br /> provl/lonr. <br /> --Y. ��� . <br /> �'r�'"� 1, slnnment of Rente and Lander Rental Co leotlon RI ts.Bor�ower hereb abaolutal and unconditionall aest ns�II <br /> �_��:..:_�� A� l oh— Y Y r 9 <br /> a��o°�_�y� ►�nta, lewea and proflts of the propahy to Baneflclary. Lender ahall hava the rlpht, power pnd Authorlty durinp th� <br /> —a=.==;�,v:�----..� contlnuanoo of the 8ecurlty Instrument to oollect the rents,iaeuee and proflts of ths p►operty and of any paroo��l propsrty <br /> _ 5�;. r-; .. ` •��•� looatad thereon wlt�� or wlthout teklnp possesslon of the property aff�ct�d hereby.Lender,how�v�r, haroby consents to <br /> - �-���-"L'':'°��;-. 8onower's cof I�otlo�and ret�ntlon of such�onts,lesues and profits as thsy aaarw and beaom�pay�bla,ao lonp��8or►ower _ <br /> ;� �•'�� " ��` Is not, at eucA time, 1�dafault with ru <br /> d, peat to p�ynwnt of any Indabtednqe s�aund Iwr�br,or in th�p�normanc�of any <br />- .• �• E{F�tOS1Y+'ri'�. r aprNtnant h�roundor. <br /> °°.. " ' ��,: • 2. A000lntrnent of Reoelver. It any event of default In reapect to the Securlty Inetrument shall have ocaurrad ond bs <br /> i�.��.:.rx•'.` ' continulnp, Lender,as a mattar o}rlpht ond without notloe to Borrower or anyone alalminp undor Borrower, and wlthout <br /> r •�'A""'�"�� � rpard to the value of the truet estate or the Interast of tha Borrowor tharsln,ahall haw tho ripht to apply to any aourt havinp �- <br />_ �� jurisdictlon to�ppolnt a rsaelwr of ths property. <br /> 3. �yht to Posaeselon.In oaee of defAUlt in the payment of the apid princlpal Note or Interest,or any part thereof,as It <br /> ehall matur�,or In the oase of fallure to keap or perfam any of tha covsnants or apreemente oontalned In th�Securlty Instru- <br /> ment, then the Londer, Its succeaeora or aael�ns, ahall ba and ie hereby authorized and ampowered to take Imm�dlats <br /> ', � poae�eslon of the eaid promlws th�nin dascribed and to colloot th�rant�tharofrom�end to apply tha proa�ed�th�r�of to th� <br /> .. .�.:. <br /> ���.�:ti�•'L'•�`'' paym�nt of the Nots. <br />_ _ ',.'�a°.-�ati:.�:,�•:.,.;eu. <br /> - -- - -- < -- 4. ADDIIoatWn of Renta.IaeuAS and Profita.All reMe colteote0 by Lentfer or the recelver ehali be Appiied first to paymont <br /> �� of the costa of manaqement of the property and collection of renta,inaludlnq,but not Iimlted to,recelver's feea,premlums on <br /> �� reoelver'e bonds and reaeonable attorney's fees,and then to the auma secured by tlw 8ocurity Instrument.lsnder and tha <br /> " rocoiver ehall be Ilablq to account only for those rents aatually received. <br /> °'� �� 5. Construotlon ot Provlsions.Each of the provlslons contalned In this Assisnment of Rents Rlder a�d tha 3ecurlty Instru• <br /> ,•. <br /> o. • ., ment shpll, unloas otherwlse specifically requlred, be conetrued In accordance with Nebraeka low,and In the avent ony <br /> • ' � provlsion herein or thereln contained shall be determined by a cou�t oi compelent Jurladictlon to bo unenforcepble,tha sama <br /> , shall be conatrued as thouqh auch unenforceable provislon were not e part hereof or thereof. - <br /> { . , : �,::..... �„ 8. Etlect of Rider.Except as apeciflcally modiffed by or Inconalatent wfth thle Aesipnment of Renta Rider or by any pther = <br /> # o .�-:�. appllcoble rider,all of the terms and provlalons aontoined in the 3eourfty Inatrument eholl cootinua f�full forco and Nfact. <br /> J�,, 1rkt:,��•�a-.r�+^ <br /> "�"`:'" IN WITNE86 WHEREOF,8onower has exacutad this A9sly ent of Rent Rida�on the dpte firat notad abovo. <br /> j•.., :"��,, • � „ <br /> ;`� -s� 9 <br /> '�`� '':i�' ��ti ' BILL K. KA SER Borrowar <br />;.' „ .,� � 2e�t.�V r <br /> �. <br /> � KAREN K. KA SE�orrawer � <br /> ` `t. ; ,,,:_ , 3TATE OF NEBRA8KA) <br /> �.:rb��. .:.• (es: <br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) <br /> '"':#', . On thle 12th day of AUGUST ,19 92 � <br /> , beforA me,the underalg ned,A NOta�r Publ�duly commissloned and <br /> ° qualiflod for sald county,pereonally aame BTL•L K KAISER AND KAREN K. KAISER _ � <br /> (HUSBAND AND WIFE) ,to be the Identical persoMs)whoae name(s)Islare subacribad � <br /> to ttw foropoinp Instrument,and he/ahelthey acknowledpe the executlon the►oof to be hlelhedthelr voluntary act and deed. .T <br /> •�1t� A�T ACRDACIlA - � <br /> �� Wltneaa rny hend a�d Notarlal Seal at �,,,����, <br /> � I Id county,the date aforesald. ' <br /> 311EARI L 0'CILLLAGMAN ��`_�'1� -- <br /> , • � �A►0�.E�p•S�.2t,1995 �5.` d .'l� ` : <br /> Notary Publlc �, <br /> �� • My Commlaaion expires: �~` � � ) _ <br /> i. <br /> _ --- ------ n.+wu�,na, — <br /> � <br /> '. <br /> , ., �. <br /> ' • . <br /> ' l <br /> " , ' t�_ <br /> . c . .. <br /> � f <br /> M <br /> � � <br />