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<br /> on� or �or�, •rsin aallad th� oct�agor. an iv� oint� aak o! Gr�nd I• nd, l�lY
<br /> Couaey, lt�br��ka tNr�in cali�d eh� tloxt���e�. t�arsby +�gre� �r foiloW�s
<br /> �`� l. Mort�agor haa executed nnd deliv�s�d to Hortgaga� a RaA1 E�tata Mortgage dated
<br /> .• J�ly 15, �991 snd racord�d . u�v 19,j, i99� a� Docuaint No. _ .
<br /> ia th� oific��hs R�gi�ter ot Ossd� of �,al,l ,__ County� • rarics on tbi
<br /> r' tolloWin� d��cribed property:
<br /> � �, Lot Rt� Hundred Forty-Eight (248), in Weat Lawn, an Addition to the 4ity of Grand
<br /> --- ���''-'"�� Islar�d, Hall County, Nebraalca.
<br /> -o��--�- �:'
<br /> ---- .B- .•1��..,i��„ ..:
<br /> �t' � -
<br /> �� :.];:�s
<br /> : .y..r: ✓c..r�r:� �
<br /> �� 2. In con�id4ration of tha MorLgagaa a c�rtaln PramiAeory Nots far = 14 060.50 ,
<br /> . `=�'_�.,,',.'_ .� which i• a .valid •ubeiatia� obligstion of tha Mortga�or and that paqaant o th�
<br /> ° "��•�•-�• •� •"'x' re�ainder of the priacipal and accrued iaterest thereon will bo duQ according to the _
<br /> � ��'��=a�. " tera�s of th� afore�aantioned Real B�tata Mortgage, aodifi4d snd payablo in th� follovin�
<br /> � ���;'�°�'�. �ann�r: New Note dated August 13, 1992, in the principal amount of 520,041.50, with
<br /> � � • ���: monthly payments du�e the 20th of each month beginning 09/20/92, with a final payment
<br /> ° of rm�ainirig principal and i.nterest due on August 20, 1996.
<br /> o _ � -
<br /> ., - j ti�
<br /> Q � 3. Aii oth�r toraa and conditions contained in tha original R4a1 Eatata Mortgag�
<br /> ; � � ". , , datad ��,�v ?�. shall reaain the eu�e� and the Modification �nd bct�n�ion
<br />" . �Y;�:�;� S,_;;c�:�.:, Agra�man� aia Q a part of the original Reai Eatate MortQa�e by ref�r�nc� and �hall
<br /> _ „����,,.;�,;.,, - inus� to all succei�oro and assigne and the heir�.
<br /> _ ,...,. =�= _�=_-_=-_=-�
<br /> . . �,�. .x, _. „ Dated tbls 13th d8y of August . 19 92 .
<br /> 0
<br /> �-'�.,: ' „G��-
<br /> . .��; ��i;.� e Bi y . sw�e • sw�e
<br /> ' �+4�w�• . Y,r""��~. . . �
<br /> r. ' ° :�. 8iv� Point� Sank by: Q a� _
<br /> �- . _h.°'`�:�, .,� _--- an Zy , Loan U r
<br /> ��c ' 'n•�� STATE OF NBB�ASKA ) _
<br /> �. �;x`� .. ° ' . • • � .
<br /> �� `.�'':��. `, _ �3UUNTY OF liALL )
<br /> ,� :: •• o. u,�:. .
<br /> 8afor� ms. a aotary public qualified for eaid couaty, perton�lly cama
<br /> • , . � � Bill M. Bosw�ell and Mar Boswell, husband and wife . _
<br /> ' • � nown to ma to e the identical persone who eigned a foregoin� in�truNnt and '
<br /> � � acknowledged the execution thereof to be their voluatary act �nd deed.
<br /> � ::. °�: liitnas4 my hand and aotarial �eal on Aucaust 13� 1992 -.
<br /> ,. . ;*' „ . '
<br /> . . � . ' �AL�iAA11•Sf�ol INbdn I ',
<br /> ��• DEViiA MaElROY � (l ( ,y � � �
<br /> ° . - . � 1hCoa�f�Pw�� Notary Pu 1 c -
<br /> � � STATE OF NEBRASKA )
<br /> ' � . )
<br /> - CWNTY OF HALL )
<br /> • Yy..,, :
<br /> � � - Beture w�� +. notaay puLiic qualiEied tor satd couaty, pereoually cerae
<br /> r`��� ` % Richard Van `L 1 Loan Officer of Five Pointa Ben�C,Grand
<br /> � - •� " Ieland� Nebraska� known to me �o e the identical pereoin who eigned the foregoing
<br /> . insirument and acknowledged the exPcction thereof to be hio or hor voluntary nct and �
<br /> � deed on behalf of the Corporation. ;
<br /> •., �_ ---- ' u....�e. �.. w...a e.,a �,.ro*i.� QAA� �„ Auaust 13, 1992
<br /> � - � w��.«�vr �y '....._ ___ .________ '_-_ "' _
<br /> .. . GEMERAI N9T�1�Y g:ate ot Neatlta
<br /> DE��. ^ •• . i.ROY �" l � � �� ?G( �
<br /> .. � lAyComn�4•,.•,��[S.l� Notary Pub ic
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