�...cr•:..:� , . . ._� _�. � YS.;.", F v..=�...n.id Yr.C2`�.44�
<br /> �.-=�--..—e�:<.. • , .� .:�l — . ` -- - - - =t- _ f�- C`- i rc-i` -�'.
<br /> �_. ' . ` �' . <. � a,
<br /> . . . _ �.. —, '}1 V. ct _��C_.� � ..4.� . . 2.,..�..� ' ..�.+.��,.•.s...��_..�.�.�Gi._ . ' . .�• " ' -� Y} y i...
<br /> .. . - ��...�.��..� CG�a m _....:.�vl'.�+�5�� �.._�.��.�--- � � _ .
<br /> " . . ' ._ry.•
<br />` ` . � garrower may cure such a deffiuit and refnstate. as Provfded in parsgraph 18. by causing the actton or proceeding to de � 4 w'�. ,�:� '
<br /> • � dismissed with a ruling tha�in Lender s good faith detertninatian.p►ecludes torfe�ture of the Bortower s interest in the Roperly or� _ F •
<br /> , other matedal unpa�rtne�t o1 the Ilen created by this Security instrum�t flr Lender's security interest Bvrtower shafl atso be in -._� ;
<br /> defauR if Bortower.duriog the loan apAfication process.gave mate�ialty fa�se or maccurate inlormaGon or statements to Lende►(or �__ . ,rs _. _
<br /> � � . taDed to provide Lender with any matedal infortnation) in connec[ian with �he �aan ev�denced by the Note. incl�ding. but nat � <<r«
<br /> .• !imited to. rEpresentaUoos eonceming Borrower's occupaneY af the Properry as a pdndpal residence. If this Securiry� ; _
<br /> (,+,�� . Instrument is on a leasehold. Bortawer shall eomply with all the provisians at the lease. It Borrower acquires tec Gtle to the �,,. , ,,
<br /> ,. . � . - PropeRy.the leaseho►c1 and the fee C�te shall not m�ge unless Lender agrees to the merger in wriqn9• t-. ; .
<br /> , . Protectton of Leader's Rtghts in the Property.If Bonower fai.s to peRarm ihe covenants and agreements ��►, � ��. .. :.`+, ';
<br /> 7� C
<br /> � • conteir!ed in thls Security Instrumen� or there is a tegal proeeed'mg that may signiflcantly aftect Lender's rights in the ProP�Y� ti }�. `
<br /> (such as a proceedirtg(n banlwptcy.proUate. tor candemnatlon or turtedure or to enforce taws or regulaitonsj.then Lender may� , .,
<br /> do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vaue ot the PropeRy and Lenders rights in the Property. lender s acttons� <: .`
<br /> �f:,....�--�� may inctude paying any sums secured by a Gen whieh has priodty over this Sewrity Instrument, appearing in court, paytn9�
<br /> `—� — reasonable aKomays'tees and eMering on the Proye�ty to make repairs.Althaugh Lender may take adion under this para9►aPh _ 1
<br /> ` , �� 7, Lender does not have to do so. � .
<br /> 11ny amounts dishursed by Lender under paragraph 7 shall 6ecame addNonal debt of Borrower secured by this Securiry � _. , �-
<br /> Instrument. Untess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms o}payment, these amourtts shall 6ear interest from the date ot • '� 4 .; . .
<br /> � ' disbursement at the M1tote rate and shall be payabte,with interesA upon noUce from Lender to 8orrower request:ng payment. ,:•t c:,
<br />. g. ({RO�ggQg IpSOt'dflCe. lf Lender requlred moRgage insurance as a cendRion of making the loan secured by this ( `y `
<br /> ' gecurity�nstrumen�Borrower shali pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in eftect-N.tor any reason, the
<br /> - � martgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in eHecl,Borrower shall pay the premlums required to ` . y._,
<br /> obtain coverage subsiantially equivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in efled, at a �st substantialty equivalert to the ,.•r Y,`:� �f '.,y._o.
<br /> ` ' cast to Bortower of the mortgage insurance previously in eftect. from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. B ,.;; _
<br /> "4' • substantially equaatent mortgage insurance coverage is not availabfe, Bonower shall pay to Lender each montfi a sum equat to `, :.•'�f�_��-
<br /> � , onetwelfth of the yearty mortgage insurai►ce premtum being paid by 8orrower when the insurance savera9e fapsed or ceased to z_
<br /> � _ 'r � be in efled. Lendet will accept use and retain these payments as a loss reserve ln lieu of moRgage insutance. Loss reserve , ��-�_
<br /> � , .. --
<br /> � - payments may no longer be requlred.at the opUon ot Lender. if mortgage insurance coverage(n the amount and for the per(od .,_ N
<br /> . � " � thai Lender requ'rt�es) provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes available and ls obtained. Bortowei shall pay
<br /> • �� the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in eHec1, or to provlde a toss reserve,untit ffie requUement for mortgage '� , —_ --_
<br /> . s i�g�ran�e ends In accardance v+ith any written agreement beMieen Bortower and Lender or app�cable Iaw. ^
<br /> �� , . � •- 9. Inspection.Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspectlons of the Property. Leader shaU giue . . _
<br /> ' ' Borrower noUce at the�me of or pdor to an inspection specitying reasona6le cause tor the Inspection.
<br /> 10. Cond8mtlstioil.The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential, in connecUon with anY _ ..=—
<br /> • . condemnabon or othet taking of any pan oi lhe Property,or tar conveyance in liea of condemnaUon, are hereby assigned and •���.
<br /> ' � sOaU be paid to Lender. ��_�' j'<y`'
<br /> ' - ' In the event of a total taWng ot the Property, the proceeds sfialt be applied to the sums secured by thls Security , �__,�i��
<br /> '' ' InsOumerrt,whether or not then due,wRh any excess Paid to BarrPwer. tn the event of a partlal taking of the PropeRy in wAlch �:^,�:. s.-���.:•
<br /> � •J"', the fair market vatue of the Property immediatey 6efore the taking is equal to or greater than the amount of the sums secured �,
<br /> �• � by this Securiiy Instrument immediatety betore the taking. unless Borrower artd Lender othenvise agree ln writing, the sums ••`,��r
<br /> secured by thls Securily Instrumerrt shall be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the totiowing fiaciion: (a)the . .: s
<br /> ' total amount of the sums secured immediate{y betore the taking, dnided by(D)the tair market value ot tha Properry immediately '.�;_• �
<br /> ln which the fatr market ��i-��''
<br /> � 6efore tfie taking.My 6alance shall be paid to Bortower. In the event of a partia�taldn9 at the Pt'operty ,. . , ;�,�5
<br /> value of the Preperty immediatety betore the taWng is Iess than the amaunt of the sums secured immediatety betore the taking,
<br /> unless Boaower and LenBer othervvl3e agree in w�iting or unless applicable la�v othenvfse provides, the proceeds shafl be .:��
<br /> � • . applied to the sums secured by lhls Security Instrument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> �--�� .-•. - If the Property is abandoned by Bonower.or H, after notice bY�nn eertwh fn 30 days efter the date the�noUce Is�given. , • . �`"'�•�
<br /> award or settle a ctaim for damages, Bortoww fa0s to respond ta Le d :T,-t'�3
<br /> � Lender is author(zed to collect and apply the proceeds, at its aption. eriher to restoration or repatr of the Froperty or to the - ,j 4__
<br /> � ` sums secured by this Securily InsWment,wf�Mher or not then due. •�:�';=_�""�
<br /> � Unless Lender and Bortower othervvise agree in w�ting, any apptlptlon ct proceeds to prineipal shall not extend or ,���y;oj��:
<br /> ' ' postpone the due date of the monthly payments re(erred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such payments. ��--
<br /> ' ° 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearanee By Len�der Not a Watver.Extenston ot me Ume tor payment or ,,;
<br /> " mod'rfication o1 amort¢ation o1 the sums secured by th(s Security tnswment granted by Lender.o any successor in Interest at , ° . s�:;;'_�'-
<br /> 8orrower shall not operate to retease the Ua6iliry o1 the odginal Botrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not • � . ";��;:�:
<br /> '� be required to com:r.artce proceedings agalnst eny successor In Interest or refuse to excend Ume tor payment or othenvlse �" • ��-��•.
<br /> `� � modity amoRizatian a1 the sums secured by t8is Secudty Instrument by reason o`.any demand made by the odglnal Bortower or '.��'" �_„•.____
<br /> _ _ .
<br />:_•.i�•. . .
<br /> ' 8orrowers suecessors In lnterest. Any forbearance by Le�der in exerclsing any hght or remedy shall not be a wafver o1 or
<br /> . . - prectude the exercise of any right or remedy. :
<br /> • 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers.The covenants and
<br /> � agreQmenta ot ihls Securfty�nstniment shatl btnd artd benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Bortower,subJect to the
<br /> `.��' � provtslons of paragr�h 17. 8onowers covenants and agreements shall be jo:r.t and several. Any Bortower who co-stgns ihls
<br /> • � ' Secur(ty Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Secur.".y Instrument onty to mortgage,grant and eonvey
<br /> � that Bortower's interest in the P:�,;..erty under the tertns oi thls Sewriry I�sirumen� (b) ls not personally obligated to pay the .° ; ,.
<br /> sums secured by this Secudty :�.��ment; and(c) agrees that lender end any other BoTC ver may agree to extend, moddy. . :
<br /> ..�, .� torbear or make any accommodat�ons wlth regard to the terms of this Security Instrument w the Note wRhout that Borrower's
<br /> consem.
<br /> '�'� � 13. Loan ChBigee. It the loen secured by thls Security Instrumer.t :s subject to e law whlch sets maxtmum loan .
<br /> •� ' charges, and that taw ts flnalty interpreted so that the Interest or other loan cP��ges collected or to be collected in eonnection :
<br /> � " � � � with the loan exceed the permitted limits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> • the cl-arge to the permitted limit: and (b)eny sums already collected irom Bortower which exceeded permitted limits w�n ta . ,
<br /> reh:r.Ced to Bonower. Lender may choose to make this rotund by reducing the princlpal owed under the Note or by makir.3 a .
<br /> � direct payment to Borrower. B a refund reduces princlpal, tho reduction wi0 be treated as a partlal prepayment wRhout any ,
<br /> � prepayment eharss under tho Note. _' �
<br /> 14. NO2iCe9.Any notice lo Borrower provlded tor In this Securfty Instrument shall be given by delire��g il or by mailing it ,
<br /> by first ctass mail unless applic�'e law requires use o1 another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address
<br /> � or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. My natice to Lender shall be given by frst class mail to - ,
<br /> Lender's address stated hereln or any other addross Lender deslgnates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided tor In thls . ,
<br /> . Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given lo Bortower or Lender when given as provlded In thls paragreph. , .
<br />� • 15. C,overning Law; SeverabiUty. This Security Instrument shall be govemed by tederal law and the law o1 the . .
<br /> •i : jurlsdiction in which tho Property ls located. In the event that any provislon or clause of this Securily Instrument or the Note � �
<br /> � conflicts with appliCable law. such contllct shall not aftect other provisions o1 this Security Instrument or the Note v�hich can bg
<br /> � ; given eHect without the con(ficting provision.To tfiis end Iho provislons ot this Security InsVument and the Note are declared to , '
<br /> � ` � be severable. °•
<br /> '- • � 16. BOffOWB►'s Copy. Bonower shall be g�ven one contormed copy o1 tho Note and ol ihis Secunty Instroment.
<br /> :, � . I . � .
<br /> - �. . ; . , . ��� � ( �
<br /> . ,,: ,. -�
<br /> .
<br /> � °���� �• � �°� � ..- _..,_.
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