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�0110666� <br />.:��; <br />A tract of iand camprisir�g a part of the Eas# Half (E1l2), of uection Twenty-Six (26), Township Twelve (12} <br />Narth, Range Nine (9), ifdest of the 6th P.M., Fiall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as <br />follows: <br />Beginning a# the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE914}, ssid po�nt being the ACTUAL, point of <br />beginning; thenc� rttnning Soutf� 00°Q4'�0" West {Assumed Bearing}, on the easf line of the Southeast <br />Quarter (S�1t4), a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred Fourteen and Thiriy-Four Hundredths <br />(1314.34) feet; thence running Norti� 87°35'a3° West, a distance of Faur Htindred �Iinety-Six (496.00) fiee� <br />thence running North OQ°00'04" East on a line parallel with the east Iine of the Southeast Quar�er (SE'f/4) <br />a distance of One Thousand Three Hur�dred Twsnfy-Seven and 'I"hree Tenths (1327.30} feet; #hence <br />running South 87°35'03° East a distance of Four Hundred Ninety-Five and Ninety-One Hundredths <br />{495.91 J feet ta a point on ths east I�ne of the Northeast Quarter (NE114} of Section Twenty-Six (26); <br />thence running South 00°24'46" East, along the east line of the Northeast Quarter {NE1/4} a distance af <br />Twelve and Ninety-Six Hundredths {12.g6) feet fo tr►e point of beginning. <br />File No. GI08725 <br />� � <br />�II <br />