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<br /> Nprl•UMPORM CC�YBNANTS. El�xrowa and L.ender fu�hcr wvaiun ond�a�foUow� .
<br /> 17. �breclowre Procedure. If LenderroquiTes immedi�tc payment in full uiiderp�a�npt�9,l..ender mAy invokc dw
<br /> power of wle md my�dher�lap�q�ined by�pplic�ble law. l.,ender sludl be ent tI led tocollect�II expenecr(ncurted
<br /> in ing the rcrtrodic�povided in tbit Mra�raph I7.lnclwlln�.but nd lirnited to�rea�wn abb�uorncyr'fax and wsu af
<br /> avidenc�.
<br /> It tYe.power ot wle I�i�voi�ed�'�lruaee�Mdl record�oolke oi dePwit�ac6 cuuaty b vPWch�uy pnrt of Ibe
<br /> ProQerty M7ocated aNd shdl niaa capki of acM notice la t4e maairer prac ied b'�p IaM to 8orro�rer�ad
<br /> -_--°- -, a t�e oiber per�oa�pt�scribcd bq !e law. After the tlme eeqnired�A�y �pp� b!e I�w,7lruste�e ehdl gIve .
<br /> ��alke d nle lo t6e per�ons i�la blMe aunaer preacribed b nppllcabfe t�w 7Fu alee. wi!l�out demand on
<br /> wer,rhsll�dl We PropeKy At pwWk.ucHon a�be hl��heac bllder U tlie Itme aud pUa ad u�der tbe lerna
<br /> � dai�aakd in the dotioe of rak Ia oae ar moreps�e 4 sad In any order iFustee detera�es.'i�utee mi9 pat
<br /> - aled s!1 or�ny pa�cel ot the Property by�p�bUS�naauncera�ai�t tMe dme ud pl�ee d a�y prev{oiuly�
<br /> nte. I.enAer oria�rua m�yp�rchme rfie'Property ae sn s�te.
<br /> m
<br /> Upoa recdpt otp�ya�ent of the�rke 61d.'�Fustee�6a1 dellver to 1de purehaeer 7Fustee's dced conveyWg We
<br /> property. Tl�e reciqdi lo the'[lra�da s deed ehall be prlma tack evidteoe ot troth or 16e st�temente rt�ade thenin.
<br /> - - --- -- - 7�urtee�II�pply uk proceeds oi IOe s�le lo the followtn�order: (a) to nll oost�s �nd eacpm.ga of e:erci�n� the
<br /> po�vu ot e�le,aad the sak,WdudlnQ the payment ot tbe 7tuatee's fees aclually i�cuned��ot W e:ceed �
<br /> �v ttor�e��ieee ss
<br /> o�the rlqcip*1�OUWnt o�tlle AOte at the Wne of th�declarAtion of'defaWl, aod re�oawbk p
<br /> per�by��,i�b)to�II wmr�ecured by thb Security fart�vme�t; and(c)any eaca�s b the perwa or persoas -
<br /> NsWy tled
<br /> 1& Beconveyaace. Upon payment of ell suma secured by this Securlty Inatrumen� l.aicier sh�ll roquest 7tuatee to
<br /> rec�nvey tha Prop�rty�nd ahall surrender this Secudty Instrument and ell notes evidencin debt�ecured by this Secudty
<br /> inswment to 7lvrtcc. 7ivstce shall reconvsy the I'rope�ty wilhout warranty and withoul c�c to the pe�son or persons
<br /> _— _ - --- kgally enUUed to it 3uc� h�er�n or persons shaU pay any recordetion cosls.
<br /> 19. Substituk hustea Lender,at its opNon,may from time ro time remove 7ivstee wd a int n successor trustere
<br /> to any'nustee eppointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which thie Sauri�nswment ls recorded.
<br /> Without wnveyance of the Prop6rty.the su�,ce�sor trustee sholi cucceed w�II tt�e dde,power aad du�es conferred upon
<br /> - - 'Dustee herein and by applicable law. _
<br /> -"' - 2p, !lequest for IVMice�. Bortower requeatc that copies of the notices of default aad sab be cent to Bortower's
<br /> ;� Add�s whIch ia the PmpeAy Address.
<br /> .�,
<br /> �-- Ridens W this Saurtty Iretrumenl. If one or morc rWers arc cxecuted by Barower ead recorded together wlth�his
<br /> -_ - Sxurity Instrument, the covenants of each such rider shall be incorporated into end shall amend and supplement 1he
<br /> covenants and agrcementa of thir Security Insuument as�f the rider(s)were in a part of thir Savriiy[nsuumen�
<br /> -- [Check opplicable box(es)J.
<br /> _i — �Condominlum Ntder �t3raduo[ed Pxymeai Riikr �Ctox�in�Lquity Ridcr
<br /> �';�'. �Planned Unit Developrnent Ridcr �Ocher[Specify�
<br />.,�i: -
<br />��' BY SIGNIN(i BELOW. Borrowcr accepts and agrees to the terrns conteined in pages I tiuough 4 of this Security
<br />,- � Instrun►ent and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it.
<br /> - - �"�
<br /> - Wipiesses: �.
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> �� TODD M USREY �«
<br /> �,�.
<br /> '�° i �IA�JI t l_
<br /> J..: ($G1�)
<br /> ' �' KEL R USR Y ���
<br /> = .;��.
<br /> �°.x.. (Seal)
<br /> . r��,
<br /> t. ."; BurroNer
<br /> � �1�( e.��y�
<br />- � ..4�
<br /> "l � 1� Ny� �$CAI)
<br />-•.` Borrower
<br /> ��''"'�'' STA'I'E OF NBBRASKA. ��� County s.: _
<br /> ..,,�, ..'�`,.a
<br /> .'.�?:.�,
<br /> - '�'� ro';3;,�• , ' On Nis 17Ch duy ofAugust� 1992 ,beforc me. Ihe undersigned,a Notory
<br /> �` L `"����""•'•"� � Public dul commissioned and ualified for suid count . nanall cnme
<br /> � s.�;: .;:�• :. Y 9 Y !�� Y
<br /> _ • " • ,to me known to be the
<br /> �;��_�.;x,„;~ idenlicnl person(s)whoee name(�)arc subscritxd to�he foregoing instrument unJ acknowled� l :t�e execution thercof to be
<br /> ° - --� �- � ��-' their voiuntnryuctamidecd.
<br /> � ,. ���_:; -----___-_:
<br />- � ., •�"'°_'�•_ `� Witness my hundand nowriul seul a� GRAND ISLAND in said county,the -
<br /> �' .', . datc aforesaid.
<br /> T
<br /> �� � • I/�/!�`� rl"'���/{///i�I���
<br />__—�—��=_-=--_�=— iviy i.ommissiun capitc�: --
<br />_ s.... ,p,. .,, No�ury Public
<br /> :� ..� s+ .tiL.__' ��Y�01�IbfiS�ti
<br /> ..' Appt ExC�SeD�15.1994
<br /> ' ��.�w�. v •. The undersigncd is the holder of thc notc ar notes scrurrd by Ihi�IkvJ ol"f}ust. Suiei not�ur n�Nrs,Wgrther wilh ull °'
<br /> .� � .
<br /> .. ' � ... � ,,, other indebtedness sccured by this Decd of"livst,huvr bcen puid in tall. You are h�rcby Jirccted w cancrl �aiJ nute ur _
<br /> ,� ..� nutex und this Decd af 7Yus1,which urc dclivcred hcrchy,und to rcconvcy,�i�hout warrunl y.yll th�c�iatr nuw hclJ b��y��u �
<br /> ° „�+►�;:i..Y.�, , under this Deed of 7Yust to lhc p�rson or personx legully cntiU�d theretu. �-
<br /> a � Q „ . .. ...� Date: --�--------
<br /> ir " _
<br /> ..°�=t° 2 ' , I/h�g�•J��f�t/w{�e�l �
<br />._- ,. -rr' . •.�� .�e�.. -
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