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;r �' " `'�"`T .L -� i: <br /> ��� .. - - q..�� . . ., —r��:�_�...._.__ <br />. - �.i.. . _ — <br /> . .^t -� � . ___,•'_—_>'_'. <br /> . i � . _ .W. _.._ ; : <br />,.• ,� ._� 4 <br /> _. �y.�., �� _ g2_lo�s� <br /> canclemnation or othBr taicing of any part of the Property,or for convayance in lieu af condemnation,are hercby esaiQned aml � <br /> siwll be paid to Lender. � <br /> - In the event of u total teking of thc Property, the proceeds shall be applicd to the sums hecurcd by this Security <br /> inshument.whethcr or nat then due,with any excess pafd to Bo�rower. in Ihe event of a partlnl taking of�he Properry in <br /> which the fair market value af thc Property immediatcly before the taking is equul to or greater than the amount of tha suma <br /> -.z: --=--:� secured by this Security Instrument immediately before the toking, unless Borrower und Lcndcr atherwfse ngree in writing, _ <br /> -. the sums secw+ed by thi�s Security Instrument shall be reduced by the umount of the praceeds multiplied by the following <br /> �-�� frnctian: (a)ihe total amaunt af the sums secured immediately before the takir�g,divided by(b)the fair market valuc of the <br /> Property immediutely before thc taking. Any balance shull be pAid to Bnrrawer. In Ihe event af u partial taking of the <br /> Property in which the fair msuket value of the Property immedintely befare the tukfng iR thun the omaunt of the sums <br /> xecurcd immediotely before the taking. unless Borrower und Lender o�henvisse ugree in writing or unlegs upplicuble law <br /> olherwise provides,tho proceeds shall be opplied to the xumx scxu�d by IhiK Security lox�rument whether or not thc xums ane <br /> then duc. <br /> ' — If thc PropeAy is ubandoned by Borrowcr,ar iF,uf�cr notice by L.cnder tn Bormwer thut thc candemnc�r offcrx to make <br /> ---— an uward ar=+etde a cloim for dumugex, Borcower failK ta re.r•�md w Lender within 30 duyx uper the date�he natice is given, <br /> Lender ik nuthorized t�callect and apply the pruc��eds,at its aption,either�o rextoru�ion or repui�of the Pr�ny or to the <br /> KumK xc�:ur+ed by thiK&ecurf�y lustrumen�,whethcr or not thcn Juc. <br /> Unlcay Lcnckr ond Burr��wer Whcrwf� agrcc in wriling,uny upplirutian af pnxccdx u�priacipul shull not cxtcnd ar <br /> pnxtpc►no�hc duc dptc of thc mumhly puymeu�n rcfemcd�o in puru�rnph�I und 2 ur chan��thc umuunt of xuch puymenl�. <br /> — ll. Borrower Not Relewsedi FQrbeArance By I.ender Not a WAlver. Ex[cnxion af Ihc timc for puyment or <br /> —`-�+�:���•��� madiliculiun of umattizu�ion af�he suma r,ecured by thix Sccurily Inal��ument grnnted by L.ender to�ny 9uceessor in interesl - <br /> — '�''`�'�� of Bormwer Khull not operalc to rekuxc Ihe liubilily of Ihc originul Rorrowcr or BorrowcrK�uccexxorx in interes�. L.ender <br /> �� ��� xhall nat t+e reNulred to commence proceedingx aguinxt ony xuccesxor in interest or refuxe to extend lime fur puyment or <br /> ��nY��'�r�'�=`:;,,";�;, athcrwisc modiiy umoAi�ution of the�:ums secured by Ihi�Sccurity Imt�ument by reu+on of any demund mude by the original <br /> ��"� B�rrawer or Borrower's successors in in�ereat. Any farbeurnnce by Lendcr in exercising s�ny right or rcmedy shull not be n <br /> _-�..-�,,, waiver uf or preclude�he oxercise of Any right or remcdy. <br /> ---��4��44� lE. Successors and Assigns Bound;Jdnt and SeverAl l.lability;Co-signera. The cavenunts und agreementx of this <br /> �� ^F•�~•�''" Securiry Inxtrument shall bind and 6ene8t the successor:ti and assigns of Lender und Borcower.subject ta the provisians af <br />����A'�:T. paragrnph 17. Bnrrawer�covenants and agreemenl.r• shull be joint und several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security - <br />-_?�"'�°�'�"' •°'��'' Instrument but dces nat execute the Note: (n)is co-signing tbis Security Instrument only to mong�ge, grant and convey thut _ <br /> --.��''��'y Borrower g interest in�he Properiy under the termx of this Security Iostrumenr, (b)Is not personelly obt iguted to puy the sums _ <br /> �„=••:,.. �`� secw+ed by thfa Security Instrument;and(c)ugrees Ihut Lender und any other Borrower may agree to extend,madiiy,forbeur <br /> — or make smv accommodetians with r+egerd to Ihe termx of tbis Secu�ity In4tNment or the Note without thut Borrower's <br /> _ �_'�n•.w�.t'�iF ,---� CO11f.COt. <br /> —.Y�r�__ .. Q.._.__..._• - <br /> - 13. Loan Chatg�. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject �o u Inw which sets muximum uun <br /> °`�� �� � charges,and thut law is�nully interpreted so thut the interetit or olher loan chargeti collected or ta he cdle�ted in connectian <br /> �;;_� ��?A'��w��•--��• - •�'� with the lonn exceed the pennitted limits,then: (u)any xuch loan churge shall 6e reduced by the umount necexsnry ro reduce <br /> •:,;� '�°' • ' the charge to the permitted limir And(b)any sums alreudy collected from Borrawer which exceeded pertnitted limi�s will be <br /> �'`• � refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make thix refund by reducin�the princfpul owed uader the Note or by muking n <br /> -`� �•'� " direct payment to Borrower. If u refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated us u partiul prepuyment without any <br />`'� ���}��^•�� ���• prepaymentcharge underthc Notc. <br /> . � :.�.:a:u:% F:,....ti,�s�►r 14. Notices, Any notice to Borrowcr provided for in this Securiry Instrument shall 6e givcn by deliverin�{ it or by <br /> - •�:w� �+1 ^ � mailing it by firxt cluss mail unless upplicablc luw reyuires use of unother method.The notice shall be directed to the Property <br /> '•��� ' Addresx or Any other ucldress Borrower designn�es by notire lo l.endec Any notice to Lender shull tx given by first class <br />.. � �.L -.. . ��tl'' <br /> ;e�g .� muil to I.ender s address stated hercin or uny other uddre,+Lendcr desi�nutex by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for <br /> '_�' � ' ' in this Seauriry Instrument shall bc decmcd 10 huve hecn given w Borrower or Lender when given ns pmvided in thix <br /> `J..`. .. ..;... <br /> . � purngruph. <br /> - ��'•"^+"��'-�• �� . ' 13. (ioveraing; Severab8ity. This Securiry Imtrument zhnll be govemed by federul luw und the law of the <br /> - 'a"'"°� jurisdiction in which the Propeny ix la:ated. In Ihe event thut any provixion ar cluuu uf thix Securiry Inxtrument or the Note <br /> _T� �•.^3�°F�- °•�. � conflicts with applicuble luw,zuch contlict shall not uffect other provisions of this Securiry Inxtrument or the Note which can <br />_ .,��&�• Jti ' � be given effect wilhout the conllic�ing provision. 7b thix end thc provisions of thix Security Intitrument und the Note are <br />.H° �' "� ' •• declored to be severuble. <br /> ��° • ' 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrau�er shull bc given onc confurn�cJ rupy of tlx Nar :md of thix Securi�y Inurument. <br /> ' .rad,:�:,, °. 17. 71rs�ns!er of lhe Property or s�Seneflcial Interest in Borrnwer. If aU or uny p•rn of thc Property or any interest in <br /> it is�old or trunsfeRed (or if a hcneticiul intercst in Borruwcr i, ,uld nr tranxferrtd und Bormwcr iti not u nutural person) <br /> �;;.�x'�" without Lender's prior wrftten cnnsent. Lendcr muy.ut i�.option. reyuire immedia�e paymcnt in full of all sums serured by _ <br /> ,�_ e� this Security Instrumcnt. Nowcvrr,this nption�hull not tk cxerciseJ by Lendcr if exerci.e is prohibited by federal luw a�of -- <br /> . ��� • - the dute of�his Security Inxtrumern. <br /> � �; • If Lender excrcises this optiim.Lcn�icr shuU givc Borrowcr ncnicr ol'ucccicrutiun. Thr noticc shall providc u period of <br /> :,� ''�"'"`�` � , not less thun 30 day+from ihe datc�hc notirc i�drliven�d or mailed within which Rarrowcr must p.iy ull�um�xecurcd by this <br /> . � Sccurily Instrument. If Borrowcr failx to p•ry thrsc sum� priur to .hc expiruiion�►t'�hi� �xriod, Lendcr muy invake uny <br /> - „ remediex permiued by thi.Securiry Instrmnent witiiou�t'unhrr noiicc ur drmand on Borrnwcr. <br /> � I8. Borrower's Right to ReinsWte. If Burn►wrr mcets crnnin runJitiun+. Born�Wer shvll h�ve �he right to huve <br /> : .; ' enforcement ut'this Securiry Inxtrument di�continucd u�any timr prior tu Ihr rarlicr��t`. 1a15 d.�y.lur.uch ixher�xriad ns <br /> � ,��3._tii� <br /> . �.:,.,'� ; �.. ,. <br /> Sin�le Fumdy•-Fannle Mae/Freddfe�fur UNIM'OR�11Nti'fRl�\fFNT--UniGxm Cov�nont� 9/90 �puge J u�e�ues� <br /> `, _ <br /> ��. : ' :. <br /> �(, �.�' -- - <br /> `�.�----------�_ _ _ .. , _ __ <br /> . . y., y` . �. •. _ � _. . _ .. . ., . . . . �. . •� .. � . ' ..,s. .ti:t M. . • � w..4 A . .—_..--... <br /> � <br /> .,s_. �t►� 4r[.�@�A►IV,.akL:h:�s_ � .• r <br /> _ .._ ._ <br /> _ :�,p�+; -. � �. :•.�. ... .fk«��i* vaM"6iw� <br /> - --=° _-='--- __�_+..._ . . ; - ----- <br /> — —— -- -- --- — - - — ----—� <br /> f—- .. - -- -- • <br /> ' � � .. , <br /> � .�,... . . ' � . . <br /> . ` ., . <br /> o �r .. <br /> � ... ..�;i' ` � . „ . , <br /> . : • �;s*. y ' <br /> � . ` t.. . <br /> � <br /> r• „ <br /> Z <br /> � ,4 <br />