:_�`.:.;."� _ -- ------
<br /> " __ ...__ "_'._ __ .. .i=
<br /> - 4. � t . w�r. ���jyy"'y'� - !N':
<br /> ' .. �' , � 'Y� �I� 1 I I •" .r.:-.�_y e.
<br /> � �r� �1fil• _�_.�
<br /> ""_T�.
<br /> ����� • � " 92--• io�s
<br /> 1, tle 8e�eticitr�, or it� ��e�t�, �re ntlorise! to e�ter �t R�� reuouble ti���po� o� i� u�pul af tle �top�rt� tor tN qr�ow ot
<br /> - ln�ecti�{ tl��u� d (or 11� ��rpa�� �f p�rfeni�f u�ot tic tct�11�� u� utiori��d to}�erton ud�r tle tea ol u� lou i��InN�N es�crlel
<br /> b�truton,
<br /> — !, il �Il or�a���tt ot tl�pre�ert�or u� i�tete�t of Tn�ton i��old, tru�breed or I�rtler eace�bered rltlo�t t�e�rittn con��t of t��
<br /> � '-� .--- 8eeettclnry, tse 9enelicier��al deelnre e!1 ee�e eeeared 6� ttii� trut ked te he inedi�tel�d�e ad p��ble nd �roeed to tle r�liw adl�Yle
<br /> - -- to il uder tYe d�f�olt pro�ldou co�tsiud lerei�. -
<br /> 11. Ny ol tla[ollori�{ere�h �I�11 6e deeud u eve�l oi det�ult Mtreoder .
<br />' ,� s. troton�Itll M��e t�iled to�at�py�e�t ot�q int�ll�ent of p�ioeiptl or iuere�t ar u►otler�o�r�tcued �ereb��►e�d�e;
<br /> v 1, f�ero Mu occorred �hre�ch of or def�ylt uder �q ten, co►eu�t, �gree�eet, co�ditio�, oro�i�io�� r��reu�t�tie� or�ututf����i�ei f�
<br /> �`°1—°°�`�� thi�U�ed ot Trut� I�e �ote or u�otler lou intrue�t �ecued►eteb�;
<br /> ��,� e. tAere lu b�N� defnit b�t1e Trutor� t�tMe pq�eet ot �q yrior or�Nb�el�e�t lie�or e�cuYruce [� re�pect to dl or ut��rt of th
<br /> peoperty;
<br /> � '��.�:� 1� Ttoton tl�ll file�vol��t��y petitio� i�b�aknptc� or �ltlt be td3�dic�te0 b�etr�pt or inohe�t, or d�ll ute�d ud��re�t fot t1e
<br /> ��i�::•'' Oe�etit of cr�ditan i� re��ect to tle propett�; or u�ctlo�to edorce�q lie� or e�c��btr�ce ot Jrlle�ed� yd��t t1e�ropert� i�
<br /> � cone�ced�
<br /> �-���z�
<br /> — il. I� tIQ QIlAt OI lp�IlI�IJC� the Be�eftci�r�u�kcl�re �ll I�debted�e�o ueared le�eby to be die e�d p�y�ble ud tk�ue�Y�II tAetapo�
<br /> ���`�'�_��`` 6�co�e dae ud oy�ble iitAau ur preeahe�t, denod, Prote�t or �otice ot ny ki�d. t6ere�lter, tle Be�ef iciur�q:
<br /> .���: .
<br /> -��r,;�.,,�.a�:.� a eitMer ti penoa or br qe�t, rilh or rillorl bri�si�g n�r ectlo�or proceedi�Q� or b> receiver�ppoi�ted by t wart tad rithoat roQatd to —
<br /> —����.�,, tAe �dep�cy�f ur�ec�ri t�, eder�po� ud t�te poueo�ia�ot t1e proKrt�, or �q p�tt lkereot, 1� iu o��aue oe l�t1e�ut o1 tle
<br /> �-�?'� �:' � '�`"°�"� trutee, �od do eoy�ct�vlicl it dee�r necee��ry��d de�i��61e to pre�er�e tle val�e, ��rket�billt�or re�hbilit� of the ptopert�, ot ptrt
<br /> "� '' �a ' lhereot, or i�tered ttrorei�, i�cren�e the i�co�e therefro�or protect tMe oecurity leteof ud, ritho�t l�ting Doruoion ot t�e propertq,
<br /> -_"�i: ,°. u,,, .,, , ��..._,:
<br /> �ae for or otkrri�e collect tAe re�t�, i�neo �nd profit� tlereot, i�el�die�tho�e pat d�e e�d u�p�i/� ud ap�l� t1e�ue, len co�t� ��d
<br /> -- = ���""' J �� ;:, expe�oeo ot oper�tio�a�d collectioG, ieclydi�� �►tornep feee, opon �ey i�debtedoeir�ecnred le�eb�, all ie iocl order u the Be�elici�r�u1
<br /> — . ��'�"�'�` '� deter�iee. Tie e�terinQ�pu nd t�kieg pouesoion of the tnat e�t�te, the coUecNoa of�ucA r�nto, imet u+d proFitl nd tpplic�tioA
<br /> ' :�'.!, '" tMereo! u �toreodid t1eU �ot cue or r�ire wy defaolt or �etice ol del�ult lereuder or tev�lidate u� �ct�nd i� rt�poue to o�cl detaolt
<br /> =�t .� - .. ..,. .,
<br /> �'-� '.1�����• . or pero�ut to rucA aotice of det�ult �tod aot�itMrtaadi�g tle conti�u�ote [a ponee�io�ot the propertqor tk collPCtio�, receipt ud
<br /> �� � ��-;�� " � �'• applicttio� of reoto, iia�e�ot Orofit9, fr�etee or tle Beuficiarp uy be e��itled to exerciu eoer� riglt prodded for i�tn�of t1e loa
<br /> J,� �.,......_ .
<br /> - _ 1,�,'.�y��;.r: ' in�tra�ed� or by !a�opo� oecurreoce�t eoy ereet ot default, i�cludl�Q tMe ri`1t to exerci�e tle porer oF ole;
<br /> �. y::�;c.r...�'--�'_ �.__ �.. i i r �; �.L. r
<br /> —_-- --��— �� G8ii2nee ii� iitii"v6 L'v t6i2i:�urr i�ii ure� ut SFuil 'ai i ivil6fi�e� d(�p'vi6i i iEtclici, GT L"ycG��iti�.��R�Citt SRj C� t LOlZRS�....lM.;
<br /> ' � e, dell�er to iraetee� rritten decl�r�tioa o[defialt ead deund fot oale, e�d rritteo nolic� ot Jefautt a�d election to c�ute 4raotore' —
<br /> intere�t ia tle propert> to be �old, �►icl aotice 9'nitet tl►ll c�ooe to be doll filed for record i� tAe atfici�l record�ot t!e cout� i�
<br /> �'-�� -V �U � " vhicl t1e property i� lac�ted.
<br /> �'" � 12. Sdu�ld tle Beuficiarp elect to toreclooe b�pterci�e ot the povet of ule ►erein contaiaed, tti?Beoeficierp �Mell aotif�inetee�ad ihall
<br />- '��" -w�. .
<br /> -- � �+`�='+�•� depodl rit6 Sn�tee tlir Deed of tn�t aoe th� �ute�ad�acb receipu and eride�cr of PYpe�d[tare� ��de�nd uc�t�d 6ereb' u 1'ro�tee �y readre,
<br /> .:�` .'''�,":�.,: ' a�d �pon re�
<br /> _ _ :,�;, �;�_.:_::.. q e�t ot th!Be��tl�iuy, t�e iruotee el�ll c��oe to bP r�rorded, publiehed and�elt�ere0 to Ttu�tor aul Yotice of De(ull �od lotice ot
<br /> � • �`i'Y�"' Sele u tA�e req�ired by I�r ud by thie DeeA of T'rc�t. fraoter ehall ritho�t de�ead on tr�etnr, dt�r e�cl tl�e u��y IAen be req�ired b� lw �od
<br /> �°• A� " "`' �fter record�tioe oi nch Natice of Drfealt ead after Notice uf S�le ��ri�q bee� Rnen�a r�q�ire! bp I��, sell the �ropertr �t the ti�e e�d plue ot
<br /> � , �.
<br /> , . ' �• ule ti:�d 61 it i� nrl potfce ot Sd�, etther u t r6ole, or ie rep�nt� lot� or parcel� or ite�e u 1n�tee�1�I1 dee� e�pedfe�t, ��d i�ncE ord�r
<br /> • " � at it u�deteru��, nt p�blic i•ictio� to Ue hiql��ft hiddP� tur ca�h md �lill dellver to �uch p�rch��?r ur patclaren thereof t derd to t1e propert�
<br /> � �...,�� � � rold, coui�te�t vftl tb� lu tle�in efter.t. Recitalr i� tle Tru�eP'r dred eA�ll b�priu f�cie eride�ce of tl! tr��h ot t�e �ttte�eeto��de
<br /> �'. "`"` ' ' L�erei�� fro�tee e1�1 I apply the,roc�edo of tae eele in tMe taUari�R ocder: (�I to all rP�oon�0le to�t� sed ezpe��ai of the ule, incl�dfn` 6at aot
<br /> N �.. .� . .
<br />_iti ,,.;,,... � lidted to Trule�'� he� ot�ot�ore lhn�YI nt the Rroe��nle pnce, �elror�ble�t torn�y ieee �nd co�b �f title e�ideuh (1) to �I1 ean �ecuM
<br /> _ , ,:,'` , �Z� by th[�Deed of trnrt; �nd �e) tEe �iceer, if aoy, to tle Ferio�or perru�e leqall�e�t�tled lhereto. An� penon, iecl�din` the Beuticiie�, u�
<br /> _'" ' ,� . �•� � p�rcEue e�id property�t raid�.le. frurtee ��y io t�e uoner pro�ided br Itr, po�tpoee aele of�l! or an� portio�aF t!e pro�erq.
<br />��' �'• 17. Tr��tee ud LEe Beaeticiuy, s�d PbL'Y Ol �II?I� P�ell be entiUM tn enfnrce pay�ent tnd periunaece of aoy isdebtedneu or obligatioo tecered -
<br /> ' • herebr aod ta atre���all rlghtt ar.d po�ere uader thio 6eed ol fru�t or ueder aoq la�n ioetru�cnt or other ag�eeirnt or +�e�Inn nor or hereefter
<br /> � , edorced notoith�taodlog so�e or sll of the lndebtednerr aod uEliRtt►o�s aecered lerPhp �:ich uv nar or lereafter Ee othervue aecued, rletAer 6�
<br /> • �-°'�� �' " �ortatae. deed ol tr��t, pledge, lfeo, e�eianent or otherwue. Neither t6e acceptiere ot tAia Ueed o► trn�t eor ih en(orcneat, vsetMer by eorrt
<br />- � act[o�or pattu�et to tle po�er of a�►le or otEer powera hereiG con[tioed. ahall prejudue or tn aey�an�er af[ect Truitee'e or tle eetefieiur't rislt _
<br /> '"'''"' � to re�ltse�poi ur erlorce ur otMer e�nrity nn� or lerPetter held 6y i�astee or tha Beneticiar�, it belnq agreed t►tt T�a9tee �od the Be�ePiciur. °
<br /> ,. . :�'r.,:,�. x
<br /> ; ,�.r,y;. . tad eacA of lde�, sl�ll be enlitled to eniorce lhia Ueed of lrurt aed aoy oiher eecurity r.uv or h?ree[ter h?I� by t�e Benefi�iary or Trotee i�nch _
<br /> d"1'' � otder iod ue�er �o tlep u� io t6�ir �beolete diocretioe deteni�e. No re�edy heteiu ronferr�d ap�n or reoened to fradee or 6eeeficluy i� -
<br /> ° , ioteeded to he etclu�ire of top uther re�edy herei�or by la� pr,vided ��r penitted. 6ut eacE ahsll be �•a�alative md e��li be in �ddition to ever� _,
<br /> • •- otAer re�edr givm �ereo�der or enW�r hrreatter Ptfettng al lar or epatty ar by etatute. Bver>{•o�er �r rP�edy g�veo bf�ny af the loen fr.�trueeti �
<br /> � to itartee ar the Beaeticiary or to �Yich eitAar of tEe� �a� �e utherrii�retitl?d�aP oP ��xerciaed, �oncurrPr.tl� or i�depende�tly� fro� ti�e to tt�e _
<br /> • � , ud �o ofte� a��a� pe dee�ed Pcp��dient b� Truet.�r or 6e�rh�iery. n�d �it�Pr ��F lh�� �ay pareuP inco�aietP�t r��edi�e. �othinR hereie elell be =
<br /> •• �- coa�troed u proEibitiaq the Beee(ici�ry fro� eeetiaa a deficieo;l �u�ae�Pnt �gainet Treetnre ro thP rzt��t ecr� trtiae i�perutl�d by ltr. �
<br /> , �__
<br /> °- ��••-�• ° - li. frunore hereE� reque�t � copy of sny nntiee ni aetdu�t ena thal say �ouce ol asle Arreundrr be�a��eJ to �ruut�ire al Lhe aJJrra rel torll
<br /> i1 t6e tlr�t paraRrapA of t6ie Deed ��f irual. -
<br /> i• 15. t1e Beneticiar�uy, b► n written icstru�enl pxPruted aad acKOOVlrlkre Dv henPfi�itn, etilPd �a iraetnra end r�corded io the���unt� ie vhic�
<br /> ' the ptoperty ie loc�ttd tnd hy otherriee ro�plyir�� r�th t�e pr��iaiime oi ��� ap��li�alle lar o( th�Slate of NeErasF1, eaFetit�tP a eacce�eor to t!e �
<br /> •c�, .., o —
<br /> Trastee na�ed her�ia or sct.ing tereaadzr.
<br /> .�_llJ_c..:_..____ ' _ 1[ �LL II..A..f 0...� ..1:.. •,.�a: .a�:.a.. .�� . �...... �..... le... .,.�.��.e. axrr�ounr� ud
<br /> _. ' .' .- . .-..... �. .a. ....:.a .� ... .......- _
<br /> . �..
<br />� ... .... ....... ...�. u�.0..n..a " " -_
<br /> -� .��...o .. ... �:,� .�.���.� .�-....�•.o ,.. �•..�..o ,.•..�.,, ,,, .. �-�,... Y........ .`,�._ ..._...," ----•--••- "-
<br /> � , e�oigae. 16t ten 'BeeeF�ciary° BIIdII �PAA �IP CYq.�r �ua holder�,I i�� r��i��, v����rr ��r n��t ni�P9 14 NP�P�ICIA�y FP«I�• �
<br /> J' .
<br /> .. , ��
<br /> " +
<br /> , `.. .
<br /> � .. —
<br /> .. � ,
<br /> • l.tir
<br /> S
<br /> .,�
<br />