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Certain rules regarding the usage of words used ia this dacument are also provided in Section 16. <br />(A) "Securlty Inatrument" meaas this document, which is dated Saptembar 02 2011 ...................................... together <br />with all Riders to this dacument. <br />(B) "Borrower" ls .Deanna Neubauer.. Pes:so.11 ........................................................�.......... <br />....................................................................................................................................................... . <br />Borrower is the austor under �is Securiry InstrumenG <br />((,7 "Lender" is .. EQuftable Savin�a and Loen Aesocfation ...........................................................................:..:. . <br />Lender is a... Corporetion .............................................................................................. organized and extsnng <br />under the laws of .... The United States ofAmericx+ and the State of Colorado ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,�nder�s <br />....................................................... .... <br />�� � ...120 CEDAR 80737 <br />......... ........................................................... <br />Lender is the beneficiarv under this Securicv Inse�unen� <br />{D) ^Tn�cee° is Gary D Byrne, a member of t e N Stat Bar Assc <br />e tem�er'd2� 2�1� � <br />(E) "Note" means the promissory nore signed b Borrower a� dated ......P .............�...........................................,, . <br />The Note states that Borrower owes Lender ..F��. EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED TWENTY FIVE,AND N0/100 <br />..... ............. .....,..... <br />.................................................................. <br />. Dollars (U.S. $ 58 : 425 : 00 ..................) plus interest. Borrower has <br />promised tapay this debt in regtilar Perialic Payments and w pay the debt in full not later than .................................... <br />October01, 2�41 ................................................................................ . <br />........................................................ <br />(F') "Property" means the property that is d�cribed below under the head'mg "Transfer of Rights in the Property. ° <br />(G) "Loan" means the debt evidenced ythe Note, plus interest, azry prepayment charges aad late charges due under the <br />Note, and all sums due under this Security plus mterest. <br />(H) "Riders" means all Riders to this Security Instrument that are exewted by Borrower. The followiag Riders are to he <br />executed by Borrower [check box as applicablej: <br />❑ Adjustable Rate Rider � Condominium Rlder 0 Second Home Rider <br />O Balloon Rider ❑ Planned Uait Development Rider ❑ Other(s) [specify] .......................... <br />❑ 1-4 Pamily Rider ❑ Biweekly Payment Rlder <br />(n "Applicable Law" means all conprolling applicable federal, state and local statutes, regulaaons, ordinances and <br />administradve rules aad orders (that have the effect of law) as well as all applicable final, noa-appealable judicial opinions. <br />(J) "Community Associetfon IAia, Fe�, and A�s�nenta" meaas all dues, fees, assessments end other charges that are <br />imposed on Borrower or the Properry by a condominium association, homeowners association or similar organizadon. <br />(I� "Electroaic Funds Trenefer" means any transfer of funds, other thaa a trensaction originated by check, draft, or similar <br />paper instrument, which is initiated thrwgh an electronic tecminal, telephonic insavment, computer, or magnedc tape so as to <br />order, instruct, or authorize a financial insritution to debit or credit an account. 5uch term includes, but is not limited w, <br />point-of-sale uansfers, automated teller machme uansactious, u'ansfers mitiated by telephone, wire trancfers, and automated <br />cleariaghouset[ansfers. <br />(L) "Fscrow Items" means those items Yhat are described ia Sectlon 3. <br />(N�I) "Miscellaneous Proceeds" means any compeasation, settlement, award of damages: or proce.eds paid by any third parry <br />(other than insurance proceeds paid w�der the coverages described in Section 5) for: (i) damage ro, or destrucdon of, the <br />Progerty; (ii) wndemnadon or other taldng of all or any part of the Property; (lli} conveyance in lieu of condemnation; or <br />(iv) misrepresentations of, or omissions as to, the value and/or condition of the Properry. <br />(1� "Mortgage Insurance" means iasuraace protecting Lender agarost the nonpayment of, or default an, the Laan. <br />(0) "Petiodic Payment" means the regularly scheduled amount due for (i) principal and interesc under the Note, plus (ri) azry <br />amounu under Sectioa 3 of this Security lnsuument. <br />(P) "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (12 U.S.C. §2601 et seq.) and its implemeating reguladon, <br />Regulaaon X(24 C.F.R. Part 3500), as they might be amended from time to time, or any additional or successor legislation <br />or regularian that govems the same subj�t matter. As used in this Security Instrument, "RESPA" refers m all requirements <br />and restricrions tLat are imposed in regard m a"federally. relat� mortgage loan" even if the Loan does not qualiCy as a <br />°federally related mortgage loan" under RESPA. <br />(Q� "Succ�eor in Interest of Borrower" means azry party that has taken title to the PropertY, whether or not that party hes <br />assumed Borrower'a ohligadons under the Note andlor this Securiry Insrivment. <br />TRANSFER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY <br />This Security Insm�ment s�ures to Lender: (I) the repayment of the Loan, and all renewals, exteasions and modificatioas of <br />the Note; and (ii) We performance of Borrower's wvenants affi agreements under this S�rity Instrumen� and Ure Noce. For <br />this purpose, Borrower, m consideradon of the debt and the mut herein created, irrevocably grants and conveys to Trustee, <br />m mist, w{th power of sale, the followin$ descn'bed property located in the ... County ............................................. of <br />IType oi Reeording Ju�ietfonl <br />Hell • <br />. ............................................................. . ............................. <br />Lot One (1), in Block F�n t� Yn �1a��c�� d�un � the City of Orarnl island, Hall CouiHy, Nabraska. <br />which currendy hes the address of .622 Washfn$ton ............................. .... .................................................. <br />�i8aaecl � <br />Grand Island . Colorado ..68801 .. ... ...... ............. (°Properry Addnres°): <br />............................................. ... . .. <br />•••••• . I�YI � •• fZip Codel Fmm3U06 1/Ol <br />COLORA00—Single Fempy—Fentde MaelFreddte Mao UNIFORM INS7AUMENT I������� <br />eaw�. sw+.m.. me.. es. em�a. �a r� Mo-�.co sn�ra�o � uu <br />M: 7fZaot �. {po8e 1 oj7pnBn1 K 6 0 A 0 <br />� ooss <br />