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<br /> PiXHI9IT A
<br /> - - — Part of the Northwest Quarter (NW�) of Section Twenty Two (22), Tow�-
<br /> _ --�-- ----F� ship E:even (ii) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M. , Hall
<br /> • County, Nebraska being a part of a rectanqular piece of ground One
<br /> -"�� Hundred Eight (108) Feet by Four Hundred Forty Nine (449) Feet long,
<br /> aituated immediately North of Lota One (i) , Twenty Six (26) and �ven�y
<br /> — Seven (27) of [iawthorne Place, (eaid Hawthorne Piace being a Subdivision
<br /> of part of the Northwest Quarter (NW�) of Section �renty Two (22) ,
<br /> Township Eleven (il) Range Nine (9) Weat of the 6th P.M.) , said tract
<br /> ' '� - " -`- ° herein being more particularly described as folZows, to-wit: Commencing
<br /> at the Northwest corner af above described �ract and running thence
<br /> �---= ��� 8outh on the West line of said tract, a distance of Fifty Four (54) Fee�t
<br /> . - - -""''' thence East parallel wi�h the Nor�h line of said tract, a distance of
<br /> ��--� Eighty Nir.e (89) Feett thence North Fifty Four (�4) Feet= thence West
<br /> - =-�y����'-��� along the North line of said traat Eighty Nine (89) Feet to the plaae of
<br /> - - beginninq,
<br /> " -- and
<br /> -
<br /> � _�°'�''���!� A rectangular tzact of land located in a part of the Northwe�st Quarter
<br /> =�_"�___ (NW�y) of Seation Twenty-Two (22) , mownehip Eleven (li) North, Range
<br /> _._�.,�� Nine (93 West, I3a11 County, Nehraska, mare particularly described as
<br />-_ followa: Heginning at the Northeast corner of Lot One (1) in Hawthorne
<br /> ,�� I`,�., �r. Place, an Addition to the city of Grand Island, Nebraska, running
<br /> .�; Westerly along the North line o£ Lot One (i) Thirty-Six Feet (36') =
<br /> __:k:._� � '�„�;,�.,' , thence running Northerly One Hundred Eight Feet (108') to the South
<br /> '�`f ° � line of Phoenix Streett thence running Easterly along the South line
<br /> _ - 'n'` •;'. H
<br /> -�;; . '��'"�� of Phoenix Street Thirty-Six Feet (36') = thence running Southerly One
<br /> � ''�'���?: Hundred Light Feet (108') to the place of beginning,
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