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<br /> _ 1-4 FAMILY RIDER -
<br /> �-� — - Asat�ameat oi Renta
<br /> �=� ___ - - - __ ,_
<br /> �=�— THIS 1-4 FAMILY RIDER is made this 18th �Y o� AugBt . 1992 .
<br />' „�'�_ and is inoorporated fnw u�d ahali be damed to e�ncnd and supplemnt thd Mort�a�e, Dood of Trust or Sncurity
<br /> _ _ �'"`=-- D e e d ([h o ••S e c u r i ry I n s t r v r n e n t") o f t h e s a m e d a t� given b y ehe u�darsi g n o d (the ••Borrower") to �avre
<br /> - Borrower'�Nato co The Equitable Bui idinq and Loan Association of Grand
<br /> �:�:::��.:?:�.�.°�� Ia land, Nebraeka, A �ederal Savings Bank
<br /> - -.,:.;�.;��
<br /> �'��''�"'�� (1he•'L.ender")
<br /> ._ •�,�
<br /> _-`�_;�� of the same date and cove�t�the Property desc�ibod in the Secu�ity lnstrument and located at: 410 Ess t
<br /> _ _ _ — Division Street, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br /> ��'���
<br /> --- I��ri��1
<br /> - --- ��;;-,r..},:°z:..*:=w, -
<br /> '-�.�..:•`;:r;: �' 1-4 FANIILY COVENAIVTS.In addition to the covenants and agraments made in the Securiry lnctrument,
<br /> �,�,5''"`'w�"��`'�' Borrower artd I.ender fudher oovenant and agree as follows:
<br /> ` '�'� . A. ADDITInNAI.PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURTTY IIVSTRU11�iVT. In additlon to the -
<br /> ��`- • . . Propertyr descdbod in the Secu�ty instn�ment.the following items arc added to tlu Property description.and sh�ll
<br /> �h ,
<br /> a,�� , �� �t4. also constitute the Property covered by the Security Instniment:building materials.appliances end goods of every
<br /> '� �b� •��'' '" nature whauscever nuw or hereafter located in, on. or used, or intended to be used in connection with the —
<br /> — �. '
<br /> . ,%��a.�, property. including, but not limjtod to. those for the purposes of Bupplying or diat�ibuting heati�g, cooling,
<br /> :�"� .° ' ° '' ' "' " electrfcity. ges. water. �ir and light, fire prevention and ealinguiahing apparatus. recurity and uccess control
<br /> .;; '.� .;���, a s. lumbin
<br /> _�°�,,������ pparatu p a, bath tubs, water heaters, water closets,sinfn,ranges, stoves, refr�geretora, dishwashers, -
<br /> _�,�� ;:�.� dispoaals. weahers.drycrs. awnings, storm windows.storm doors,screens. blinds, shedes.curteins and curtain
<br /> T..-�hry_�--__.-;��t..� rod�.attQChed mirrnrc, mbinetc,panelling end attached floor coveringe now or he�caRer attxhed to the P�uperty. _
<br />- � ':,,,,_, all of which. including replacements and additions thereto. shull be deemed to be and remain a part of the _
<br /> • �� property covered by thc Security lnstrument. All of the foregoing together with the Property descri6od in the
<br /> �►i3�a�;.� Secutity Inswment(or the leasehold estate if the Securiry Instrument is on a leasehold)are rcferred to in this 1-4
<br /> .,,,'� ,�, Family Rider and the Security Instrument es the"Property."
<br /> � B. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPI.iANCE WITH LAW. Borrower shall not seek, agree to or make a
<br />.,� „�. , . .
<br /> � change in the use af the Propeny or its zoning classification.unless I.ender has agreed in writing to the eh�nge.
<br /> _.��' • ' Borrower shall comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations and requirementa of any governrt►entel body
<br /> -- . �; appliatble to the Properry. _
<br /> _ C.SUBORDIIYATE LIENS.Except as permitted by federiil law, Borrower shall not allow any lien inferior
<br /> : ; .� ro the Securlty Inst�ument to be perfected against the Prop��rry withoul l..ender's prior w�itten pertnission. _
<br /> .. ... D.RENT LOS3INSURANCE.Borrower shall maintain insunnce aga�nst rent loss in addition to the other __
<br /> ��- ' �'�' hwzards:or whkh insurance is rcquired by Uniform Covenant 3. _
<br /> �'' � E."BORROWER'S RIGH7'TO REINSTATE"D�LETED.Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted.
<br /> ' ,;� "'�� , � �. BORItOWER'S OCCUPANCY. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, thc tirst _
<br /> _— ', sentence in Uniform Covenant 6 wncerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property ia deletod. All remeining -
<br /> — ;_ covenants and agreemems set forth in Uniform Covenant 6 shall rernain in effect.
<br /> '= G. ASSIGNMENT OF LEASES. Upon l.ender's requeu, Bortower shall assign to Lender all lenses of the _
<br /> W property and all security deposits made in connection with leuses o(�he Property. Upon the assignment, L.ender �-
<br /> "'"�, ,�•., .. shall have the right to modify,extend or tertninate the existing leases and to execute new lea+es, in Lender's sole
<br /> -'_`"�`�"�'�"`"`� ` discretion. As used in this paragmph(l,the word"lease"sh�ll mean"sublease" if the Security Instrume�t is on �
<br /> --'` - a leasehold.
<br /> _- , '�`'tc'�'� '• -
<br /> �- „ � MULTISTATE 1�4 FAMILY RID�R•F�enb M��IFnddN Mac Unlform Imtrummt Form 3770 9/80
<br /> rF- , �•B7 181031 VMP MORT6AGE fORMS 1713R93�tl100 18001bZ1�7291 �—
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