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<br /> 17.Tr�ster ot the Prop�y or a BeneAda!Interaet In Horrower.if all or any�art of the Property or any intarcst in ft
<br /> � it sold or Iransferrod(or if a ticne�icisl interest!n�orrower fa sold or transferred end Botrower is not a nelur�l person)without
<br /> Lender's pdor wriUen rnnsent, I.ender may. at its option, require immediate payment in full of�il sumc secured by this
<br /> Secudty 1►utrument.However.this option�hull not be cxerciscd by Le n d er i f exerc ise is pro h i bit e d by f e deral Iww os of�he datc
<br /> -.- of this Security Instmment.
<br /> ' If Lender exenises thie optian,L.enJer shall give Borrower notice of accelerution.The notice�hall provide a periad of nat
<br /> - less than 30 deys from the date thc notice ia delivered or mailed wlthin which Borrawer must pay all sumh secured by this
<br /> 3 -_-=`-_ � Secu�ity instrumcnt.If Borrowcr f�ils ta puy thesc sums pdor ro the expirntion of thiq period. Lender mxy invokc any remedfea
<br /> �_-- permitted by this Security Ins�n�ment wlthout further notice or demend on Borrower.
<br /> .;,,i 18. Burrower's Wght to RelnsWte. If Bonower meets certain conditions, Horrower ahall have the right to have
<br /> enforcement of�his Secu�3ty Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier oP: (u)5 days(or such other period as
<br /> applic.:51e law may specify for reinstatemcnq before salo of the Property pursuant to any power of sale contained In this
<br /> Security Instrumenr or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secu�ity instrument.Those conditionF ure that Horcuwer:(a)pays
<br /> ::.�, Lender all aums which then would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleralian had accurred; (b)
<br /> --��-`''''��_-"' -° cures any default of uny uther covenants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument.
<br />— including,but not limited to,reasonable attarne�s' fees: and (d)takes such action as Lender may reasonebly require to assure
<br /> — that the lien of lhis Security Instrument,L,ender s rights in the Propeny and Bunower's obligation to p�y the sums secured by
<br /> - - —=--- this Secudry Instrument shall continue unchAnged. Upon reinstatement by Barrower, this Security Ins�nrment and the
<br /> '-- obligationa secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no acc�leration had aa:uned. However. this right to reinstate shell
<br /> ---- nat apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> - 19. Snle o[ Note; ChanBe ot LoAn Servicer. The Note or a panial interest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> --�---��- Instrument)may be aold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in ihe entity(known
<br /> _ � as the"Loan Servicer")lhat�till�;t�nwndily payments due under the Note and this Secudry Instrument. There also msy be one
<br /> - '.�(b9�,� or more changes af the l.c►an Servicer unrelated to a xale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicer,Borrower will be
<br /> � •�"'�`µ'."�.." given wrinrn notice of the change in accordane�wlth parngrnph 14 above and applicuble law. The nMice will state the name and
<br /> . �_a�.`<_:�.: •��"."" address oi�he new Loan Servicer and t��e address to which payments should be mude. The notice will also contain any other _
<br /> ; ,� • infarmation required by applicablo lav►.
<br /> �r �• � 20. NazArdous Subxtances. Borrower shell not cAUr,e or permit the presence, use, {JIShUSAI, uorage. or release of any
<br /> nVy.;s.,.11�. �. 'j'. .
<br /> _ , . •• Hazardous Subslunces on or in the PropeRy. Borrower shall not do. nor nllow anyone else ta do, any thing affecting the
<br />- ' �`"��':`•"� Propeny that is in vfolation af nny Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not appty to the prescnce,use, ar _
<br /> •,�,,.��,,�, storage on the Property of small qusntities of Hazardous Substnnces that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normel
<br /> r+esidential uses and to muintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy give L.ender written notice af uny lnvestigation,claim,demand, lawsuit or othcr action by nny
<br />""r `.' ;; , " governmetpal or regulatory agency or pdvute pnrty involving the Property and any Hazardous SubstAnce or Environmental Law _
<br />-- • of which Borrow�r hus actual knowledge. If Borcower learns, or is notified by any governmental or regulatory authoriry, that
<br /> , ---: ,+:s,.";t , �-�;� � any removal or ocher remediution ai uny iiucanlou�Sui�.tmn:e uifectiug iha Prope.rty is�c.cessai3., Sorrower sha!!promptly take
<br /> ^ , 8.� � �r`•� all necessury remedial uctions in ucwrdunce with Environmental Law.
<br /> , , , � As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazurdous Substunres" ure those xubstunccs defined u.g toxic or ha�rdaus substances by
<br /> � ,r ' ' • ; I Environmrntal l.aw and the following substnnces: gus��line, kerocene, uther tlammable or taxic petroleum products. toxic
<br />" °• ° pesticides and herbicides,volatilc solvems,materiuls contuining usbextos or formaldehyde,and rudionctive materit►Is. As usecl in
<br /> '�� „=:;=�A,,.._ I this paragroph 20. '�nvironmentul Law" meons federul lows und luws of the juris�iiction where the Property is located that
<br /> � �. . . �,a•,- relate to health,ssafety or environmentu!protection.
<br /> ���.�,. NON-UN(FORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lender furthcr covcnunt und agrec us follows:
<br /> Zl.Aoceleratlon;Remedtes.I.ender shall glve notice to Borrnwer priur to arceleratlon Pollowing Borrower's breuch
<br /> ,�, � � of any covenont ur agreement �n thts Security Instrument (but not prior to ncceleratfon under paragraph 17 unless
<br /> �"' ,`, `"";��,`." . '' • a Ikable law ravldes otherwise). The notice shall s If . (u)thc defuulh. (b) the action utred to cure the default; -
<br /> ! .. � ,�'+ ��,., PP P P� Y' �'e9
<br /> -:�. (c)a date,not I�s than 30 days Prom the date the notice is Kiven to Bnrrower. by which the deFault must be cured;and
<br /> .�� � • �;-�•�, (d)thst foliure to cure the defaWt on ur txfore the date specified In the notice may result in acceleration of the sums
<br /> 1 .';,�rq;` "�� , secured by this Security Instrument and salr of the Property. The notice shall further inParm Borrower of the right to
<br /> �„ , �,,.s,,,,;,_.._ . s reinslate after acceleration and the rlght to brin� u court actlon to ussert the non-existence of a default or any ather
<br /> ' defense of Borrower to acrcleration and sale. IP the dePault is not curcd �►n or before the date specitied in the notice,
<br /> /4� �� '� ° .. � I.ender, at its optlnn, may require immediate payment in full of u11 sums s�rured by tNis Security Instrument without
<br /> � iurther demand and may invoke the powcr of wle and any other remedi�s permltted by appli��eble lew.Lender shell be
<br />��"; � -".'4i%''� ' ���� entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuinR the remedi�provided in this parugruph 2l�including,but not limited
<br /> ' . `� to,reasonable attorneys'Pecs and costs nP tillc cvidence.
<br /> ' � . If the power of sale is involced.Trustee xhall r�tiurd u nuticc uf dcfault in wch county in �vhkh any part of the
<br /> �• • ' ' ' ° Property Is lacated and shull muil coptes of'sucl�notice In the munner presrriix�d by upplicable laa•h� Borrower and to
<br /> - �`��=--•���� the other pet�sons pr�cribed by upplicuble law.After the time requfred by applicahle laK•.Trustee shall glve publk notice
<br /> �y`��'+ a � � of sale to the personss and In thc munncr pr�yrribed by upplicubk law. Trustec. ��ith.out demund on&�rrower, shall sell _
<br /> . •;. � .�° ':-".`
<br /> • > ..,;�-"-.''-�- ' ` the Property at public aucNon tu the hi{�h�wt bidder ut the time und place ond under the terms desiRnated in the nutice of -
<br /> � � sale in one or more parccls and in an�� order 7'rustce detcnnineti. Trust�w muy p��stpime wlc of all ur any pnrccl of tbe
<br /> 3•,•�~ . .�� Property by public announccment at the time und pluce of un�• prrviously +cheduled !sule. l.rnder or itx designee may �
<br /> . , .T`�° � �•"�`�;;.�.� � purchase 16e 1'roperty at any xale.
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