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`___.: _ <br /> � ,s. 3,,.�.,-°- ` ' f:�r�,.., <br /> :�- <br /> � �� �.3�: Y f .. . ;+r-s.�— <br /> - -�, �.MJ��� � 1`�Y . `Y4�11�fa—_` : <br /> . '�..Y' .. .. .__-____-- ...""_ _ <br /> -='� �� <br /> �.� -- - A{tI1�NMRNT OF lt�MT3 RIO�R �� 10� <br /> - 7HI8 ASSIQNMENT OF RHNTS RIDER le mad�ond ax�cut�d thle�� d�y.. A�� ,�� 92 ����� <br /> • Incaporat�d Into�nd ahall b�ds�m�d to amsnd a�d euppl�m�nt 1M Mort�aps or poed of Tru�t,h�r�ln�ft�r nhrnd to u tM <br /> , '•S�curlty Instrum�nt", ol tha s�m�d�t� piv�n by Ilw und�rsipn�d� h���tnaft�r r�f�md to�s th�'�6a�ow�r", to Mcurs <br /> Barrow�r'�i�bt�dM�s,MninaR��r�t�rnd to�s th�"Nota".to HOME FE�ERAL SAVINt�B AND LOAN A380CIATION OF <br /> Gf1AND 18LAND,f+KSlnaka nfWnd to ss th�"L�nd�r",of th��arn�dat�and cowrinp ths prop�rty d�sa►Ib�d In th�S�ourity <br /> ;;r� . IMtrumM�t and looat�d��: <br /> ��� 611 W. 13th Street Grar�d Islar�d, NE 6$801 <br /> r�. (P��nY Atlqraq �s� <br /> .�:= <br /> WITNE88ETH: <br /> ----- WHEREl13,Borrowar and L�nd�r I�av� apr�d that any r�nts and profit� attrlbuW�N to tha p�op�rty ahould aomtltut� <br /> M �ddltfonal a�ou►tty to th�I.�nd�r for tM paym�nt of th�Nota; <br /> ��u='y'�`�=�'�' NOW,TH@REFORE,It la apre�d that tlw S�aurlty Insirum�nt shall ba artwnd�d twroby and dqomod to Includ�tha fcllowinp <br /> _«,--- -��.�R� <br /> �. proviWau: <br /> � �y_:�'�s.."r�! <br /> -_�� 1. �slanment of Rente end Lender Ran al Colleotlon Rtahts.Borrower hereby abeolutaly and unconditionally aesipns all <br />���-�;�.� r�nts, Ueue4 and profits of th�prop�rty to B�nefloluy. i�nder ehall have the rlpht, pcwer and aythority durinp the <br /> aontinuanc�of ths S�ourlty Instrummt to colloot tha ranta, sauee and profit�of the property and of an porsonol property <br /> looatod ther� with or without taklnp po�soialon of tha proporty affeatad hereby. l.endar, however,henby consants to <br /> . —�--- 8orrow�r's aoll�ctlon and r�tentfon of wch nMe,Iseues end profits ae th�y acaroa and baaoma payable,so lon�as Bonow�r <br /> a�::.'«-: �.�;•���•.. Is not,at euch titne,In default wlth ntp�ot to paymant of any Indobt�drwis soaur�d iwroby,w in the pa�formanc�of any �-- - <br /> .�—�e;•:;�. ��•�r. .t;::,y��r, �prNm�nt fuinundor. <br /> _ ,•. ,: ��:_: . . <br /> �' �'�'��� 2. eouolntment of Recelver. If any evant of defau{t In r�spect to the 8aourlty Instrument ahall have xcurred and ba <br /> �' �y2:1��1- . " i i' aontinulnp� L�ndar, as a mattor of �Ipht and wlthout rAtloe to Borrower or anyone clalmUp under 8orrowsr, aad without <br /> "�:.l•� • npard to tlw valu�of the truet�atote a tho Interast of th�BorrowK th�rdn,ahall havo tlw r�pht to apply to a�y court havinp <br /> - � .��.. *� jurl�dlatlon to appoUt a recaivar of tlw proporly. <br /> �"•� �''"�' 3. 91aht to Poeseaelon.ln ease of default In the paymont of the said princlpal Note or intereat,or any patt thereof,ae It <br /> - �'� � shall matun�or In the oose of fallure to keoP or penorm any of the aovanante or ap�eomonts contalned in ttw 8ecu�lty Instru- <br /> .�� ...,.:�,'°: .::� . <br /> -- r�, rtNnt, th�n the Londor, Ite suec�esors or oasipns,ahall be ond Is hereby authorized and empowared to take Immediato <br /> -_� �''k�����_ ' ' `�, poeeoselon of the�ald p►emlaas th��dn dacNMd and to Colleat tho rent4 tlwrafrom,and to apply the proaeeds tlw►oof to tha <br /> -- �,:.:" paymont of tIN Note. <br /> -_—��=;,,;,��:-_�— q, Aooiiootion of Renta.isnudn e�nd t�atlts.A i i r8n is c a l l�c l s s d by l.e s n d e r o r t l�e r e c s l s e r s h e!!b e e p p!!a t!t l r�!!o p a y m e n t <br /> � ' � of the coeta ot manayamant of tho property and collectlon of ronte,Includiny,but not Ifmited to,rscalver's fees,premlums on �-== <br /> " `"�'"�` '� � recelver'a bonds and�easonabte attornoy's feea,end then to the sums aeourad by the S�curity Instrumant.Londar and th� <br /> +���- <br /> ' 'Cti... <br /> z�,` ,:�. ,: , , . r��s. r�Calver ehall be Ilebla to account only for those rents actually recelved. <br /> . � _. <br /> _..�: _,,.`�• B. �struotlon of Provislona.Each of the provialona contalned In thls Aaslpnment of Rente Rider and the Seaurity Instru• <br /> `� .. ment ehall, unlesa otherwise speciflcolly roqulred,be construed fn accordence with Ne b resko law, and in the avant any �w� <br /> � • provieion heroln or thereln contalned ehal l be determfned by a cou�t of compatent jurindlatlon to bo unonforeaobia,tha wma -"'� <br />— �^"k� shall be conatrued as thouph auch unenforceable provlelon woro not a part hereof or theraof. <br /> - = ,,,,�. ��; ° 8. Effect of Rider.Except as epeclfMally modlffed by or Inconsistent wlth thls Asaipnment of Renta Rider or by anyotfwr <br /> � d �ppOcabla ridar.�II of tha terms ond provlslone contafnod{n the 8aauNty Instr ment ahall Contlnua In fu0 torco and�ff�ot. <br /> �+" ,��_._.. .. ��. <br /> • IN WITNES8 WHEREOF,Borrowor h�s executed thia A Ipnmont ts der the dote first notad abovo. � <br />_— o`�y'a ' �.• <br /> i.� ,w .. <br />;��'J:" . .-�;,,a;_. K. J ow i . <br />:_�;.' '^'�'� ,.�_ 7 � <br /> Sel'!dL'd L. J rrower <br /> � �� 8TATE OF NEBHASKIU - <br />�„�>� ,.. � (as: <br /> �: �'--= ' COUNTY OF HALL ) —_ <br /> . -.s� - <br />�"' �`' 12th Auqust �g 92 betore me,the undersl ned,a Notary Public duly commisalon�d and �` <br />• ,�•�jr:=�,' On thle day of . � O —: <br /> ' , � . ,� qualified for oald county,personally owne las K Jacobs anci Sar��L Ja�robs ��'`` � <br /> .. N, o (Husband and Wife) ,to be the Idendcal peroon�s)whose name(s)le/are subecribod I . <br /> to th�foropolnq Inatrum4nt,and hol�he/they acknowledpa the oxeautlon theraof to bo hlelha�ftlwir voluntory aot and doed. ! __ <br /> + Witnoea my hand and NotaNal Seal at Grand Island. Nebraska y� <br /> ..� • ;�`-�=- <br /> ` ,, . � In enld county,the date aforesaid. ' <br /> � . .. ' �91A1 IOTAA�-Stan al Meb►�sr� _��/r�` � . �� <br /> CHRIS L KASRIE `� '`�'-' -— � . <br /> .`� MY Cnmm F.xp iNt.29.1992 Notary Publlc • <br /> � . My Commiaelon oxplres: !/L'�-• Z 5. 1 �t ti L <br /> . <br /> - �_ .�..�._��. <br /> �- :m:�.�,.:.� <br /> :t.- <br /> _ y .. �. <br /> . J `- � <br /> �1 . <br /> •„ ����r � <br /> .. r . <br /> 't � � <br /> � . „ <br />